OS X Mavericks :: Sharing A Folder Over Internet For File Transfer
Aug 24, 2014
my internet connection speed is sufficient to handle the largish files I may have to deal with.  I have recently moved house and gone from an area with high speed fibre optic broadband to an area where this isn't available and as such my speeds are significantly lower than before.  Downloading isn't shouldn't be such a problem - I have gone from 30mbs downstream to about 5mbs. In tests I have been able to download fairly large files in an acceptable time.  Uploading finished work is more of a concern as the upstream is severally nobbled. if there is a way to set a folder on my Mac that my client could access and download from without me first having to upload to a server (Dropbox, WeTransfer or FTP)? Is this possible and if so would this make a difference in terms of speed or would the recipient still be restricted by my upload speeds
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9), Mid 2007, 4Gb RAM
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May 26, 2010
I have a Mac Mini and my brother has one also. We live in different cities. Both of us want to be able to connect to each ones computer to swap files back and forth. Is there a way to do this within the OSX or do we need some type of third party software? I know there is Logmein, but the free version doesn't allow file swapping... only the Pro version does. Could you use an FTP client like Filezilla?
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Jun 28, 2014
I am trying to use the Internet Sharing Option on my Macbook Pro. But when I go to System Preferences>>Internet Sharing, I see that the internet sharing option is greyed out and is not editable, I mean I am not able to select it or make any changes to it.
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Dec 24, 2009
Is there anyway to ensure that when two Macs are File Sharing with Firewire that they use that connection rather than the network connection? Anytime I connect I can't tell how I'm connected until I try to transfer a file and it says it'll take fifteen minutes. If I turn off my airport it'll then use the firewire and transfer in seconds. Is there anyway around having to disable wifi to get it to use the wire?
Also, how do I turn on file sharing for just one other Mac? I just want to be able to share the files on the Mini with the MBP, not any other computer on the network.
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Jun 17, 2014
I have a Late 2013 MBP Retnia. I have WiFi access via a captured portal. I have other WiFi and Wired (Ethernet) devices that can not authenticate to a captured portal.Â
1) On the single MBP mentioned can I connect to the captured portal WiFi via one band (say 2.4) and then become a WiFI hotspot with the other band (say 5)?
2) On the single MBP mentioned can I connect to the captured portal WiFi via one band (say 2.4) and then share the Internet connection to the Thunderbolt Ethernet connector?
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Nov 14, 2009
I have shared out a folder on my IMAC called "TV Shows" with several folders underneath this. I did this under System Preferences > Sharing > File Sharing. I am trying to access this from my Windows 7 Media PC. Everyone just has read access because its just to watch TV Episodes. I have also enabled SMB Sharing for Windows. On my Windows 7 PC it connects however doesn't ask for a Username or Password? I thought the whole point of SMB was so that it would ask you for those details? For some reason when I connect I can go into some folders but not others? Is there any reason why I can only access some folders under "TV Shows" and not all the folders?
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Apr 20, 2012
Recently, I Create a some days account for a visiting son on my MacBook Pro, and after erased that account, I noticed his former previous Public Folder appeard on File Sharing, on Sharing panel, but with a finder icon. As I tried to erased it, it said I cannot access to that folder because it doesn't exist or something. I create that account again, and went back to File Sharing -folder icon was as usual- click on the (–) buttom and be asked "Are you sure you want to stop sharing the folder "Son's Public Folder"; answered "yes" but nothing happens. Tried the same with my own folder and happens exactly the same.
notice that I can add some other folder, and erase it too, but not those two. Restore premissions and have the newest Software Update's.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 20, 2014
If I have file sharing turned on on my macbook pro retina (late 2013 model) I cannot put it to sleep at all. The manual sleep option from the apple menu does nothing apart from dimming the display. The computer stays on. This is plainly a bug.
Steps to reproduce:
turn on network file sharing.
have a client connect to your mac (he does not need to stay actively connected and using filesystem at the moment of sleep attempt).
Then choose sleep from the apple menu
result: no sleep.
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Sep 10, 2014
Just bought Mac Mini with OSX Server. Windows 8.1 machine cannot see file sharing. All Mac's on network have no trouble logging in. What do I need to do to see the server for file sharing on the windows machine?
Mac mini, OS X Server
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Aug 21, 2014
I had an end user create a shared folder on a new server. He did this incorrectly, and I had to fix the sharing permissions, folder location, etc. When I moved the shared folder, it seemed to have caused an issue with the list of available shares, and when connecting to the shared folder it now is appended with a -1 (SHARE-1). I believe this is because the preference file for the shared folders still has the legacy folder listed or there is a legacy cache somewhere that I can't find.Â
I've cleared DNS cache, used Onyx to clear out all other caches, I've removed AFPconfig and afp files in etc, I've removed the share and restarted the server and set up the share again, manually unloaded and relaunched com.apple.applefileshare.plist. Probably even more stuff I've done but can't remember. I can't get rid of that pesky -1 on the end of the share name.Â
way to get rid of the cache for AFP file shares?
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Sep 2, 2014
I bought a new iMac and Macbook air today and am trying to link them so I can retrieve files off my iMac when using the MacBook air.
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Apr 28, 2009
Im new to macs and especially networking them. Id like to setup file sharing so the whole machine is accessible from the other in order for me to copy libraries and apps over manually.
for some reason only the top level folder becomes accessible, all sub folders are still protected. In windows there would be a checkbox to allow all subfolders to be shared along with their parent.
Anyway to do this on a mac ?
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Dec 1, 2008
when i do wireless-n transfer of files from imac to macbook, it locks the permission on the file and i have to unlock every folder and file. how can i get rid of this issue?
os 10.5.5
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Aug 1, 2009
just got my 17" MBP today and it's beautiful. Playing a lot learning a lot (my first mac). Having one big headache though.What's up with the wireless speeds? I did some file copying from my Vista machine connected via ethernet and speeds were fine. Now I'm trying to copy some stuff from my girlfriends iMac over wireless (using a linksys wrt54g, both connected at G) and it's just balls slow. I'm talking about a meg a second, the hell?Now, what's really making me upset is the fact that it's also crippling my internet speeds when I'm doing this wireless to wireless file copy. It's like it's pegged so bad at the super fast 1mb/sec that I can't even browse the web without it timing out half the time. Internet is fine when the file copy is not happening.
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Jun 20, 2014
I would like to know how to transfer m4v movies currently on my iMac to my iPad. Seems like I have no luck through iTune.
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Aug 31, 2014
How can I set up an automatic transfer of an email message to a folder? For example, all email messages that arrive from a certain retailer that are automatically moved to a folder for that retailer?Â
iMac (21.5-inch, Late 2013), Mac OS X (10.0.x)
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Nov 30, 2014
How do I transfer video files from one external hard drive to another external hard drive? OS X 10.9.5. I opened up each device in a finder window and tried to drag and drop from one device to the other. No luck. Next, I R-clicked on the file and requested to copy it, then R-clicked on the Finder of the destination drive, hoping to paste but that option did not present. I am able to paste a file onto the desktop from the original location but I cannot move it from there onto the destination drive. Full disclosure: I began this operation using a Windows laptop with no difficulties. Both drives are dual formatted. The destination drive is 2 Tb and has 1.5 Tb remaining space.
iMac (27-inch Late 2009), OS X Mavericks (10.9.5)
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Jun 4, 2014
I have an new external hard disk on which I created 2 partitions. One is for my media files and the other for backing up tu image disks.   I, as a user, have «read and write» privileges to the «media» partition and it's folders. Â
Why modifying a file/folder name still requires authorization ?Â
iMac Intel - 3,06 GHZ - 21" - 12.0
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Dec 5, 2014
Somehow, when installing RealPlayer I managed to get something called RealNetwork (a Folder full of files) installed in my User Library. It was 395.62 GB so must have been some sort of malware. I was able to find it and delete it from my hard drive. BUT I had backed up my hard drive to a non-bootable backup the day before so that file is still in the invisible Library folder on that drive, taking up almost 400 GB there, too. Â
How to delete it from the backup drive since I can't boot that drive?Â
I'm using Mavericks 10.9 on a MacBookPro with a 2T Seagate backup drive.
MacBook Pro, 15.4-inch MacBook Pro 2.7GHz Quad-c
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Sep 10, 2014
am sure this has been asked very often.
I do not want only the file names of a given folder with its subfolder (mark all and copy to Coda or Text Edit) BUT I also want other attributes like creation date e.g.Â
MacBook Air (11-inch Mid 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.2), itunes 11.1.4
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Dec 9, 2014
When I search for a file in my computer (command + f) the results appear in a window. If I click on a FILE among the results, the detailed location of that file is shown at the bottom of the window. If I click on a FOLDER, however, no such location information appears. Before Mavericks, locations of folders was also given. Is this a Mavericks bug? Can it be fixed?
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.5)
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Mar 18, 2008
I have just purchased a new iMac with Leopard. I already own a MBP with Tiger and I am trying to shares files between the two. The MBP connects to iMac and shows files easy as...however I have enabled sharing on iMac when I choose Network it recognises the MBP but always says connecting and after a few minutes shows connection failed.
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Feb 27, 2012
I have two users defined on my macbook (one is New, and the other one, the Old one, is what I've always had).I was re-configuring File Sharing on the Old user.I turned files sahring off in the Old User, but when I log into the New, I can still acess to some folders that I have never set to be shared; only few folders have the red restricted access on it. The New User does have file sharing disabled, and non of its folder can be accessed; so, it's working Ok for this New User.Â
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 22, 2012
For specific reasons, I needed to connect my Synology DS211 NAS to my iMac directly via its ethernet port. I discovered that if I share my wireless internet connection (coming from my cable modem/wireless router) from wireless to ethernet, then the NAS would get the IP stuff it needed to show up. did that, voila, NAS is acting like a glorified external hard drive. BUT, when I did that, I lost all internet connectivity on my iMac. Still have full wireless signal. preferences pane says I'm fully connected to my network with an IP address, but safari always fails to pull up any webpages, saying I'm not connected to the internet.As soon as turn off the ethernet PORT, it all starts working again. And to make it even crazier, I discovered that if I leave sharing my wireless internet via my ethernet port ON, but turn off the ethernet port (in pref pane), I can STILL access the NAS just like before. That makes no sense - I'm sharing my internet via a port I have turned off, but it works? Anyway, why would Iose my airport wireless internet connection when the ethernet port is on - configured manually?
eMac 1.25GHz & iMac Intel 2.0GHz Intel, Mac OS X (10.5.8), 80GB external FW, 1GB RAM, Superdrive(DL)
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Dec 8, 2009
I'm am currently sharing my Internet via Airport to my MacBook and PC. The only problem is that the PC won't connect unless there is no password protecting the network. Why is this? What am I doing wrong?
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Dec 10, 2010
So far I haven't been able to get an airport connected computer to share its connection via ethernet with another. Am I doing something wrong or is this not possible?
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Jun 27, 2008
My macpro for some reason doesnt have the signal catching strength of my macbook. I want to temporarily use my macbooks internet on my mac pro. I went to sharing and clicked share internet and plugged them into eachother via ethernet, but it didnt work...or i just did it wrong. Is there an easy way to do this?
One weird thing, I clicked on the wireless icon nd clicked create network. i created a network and enabled data sharing...i was able to access all the file on each computer respectively without plugging them into each other....how does this work? If they can share data without being plugged in why cant they share internet!?
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May 17, 2009
Ok... So I set up my MacBook a day or two ago to share my Ethernet internet connection via WiFi for my iPhone. All and dandy. Cue about an hour ago. It just stopped working.
I can access the internet via my Ethernet connection when Internet Sharing is un-ticked. I then proceed to tick it and the Internet connection drops. So I un-tick again and internet is working again. My Airport creates and connects to my iPhone all ok. But, I cannot access the internet.
Also, when Internet Sharing is ticked, Little Snitch tells me that "natd" is trying to talk to via Labrat (DIVERT port 2560).
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Jun 8, 2009
I tried searching but wasn't able to find anything extremely helpful. But I want to share files to a PC over the web. I have a TC and mobile me as well and not sure if the PC can get to the shared disk. I know my mac can connect to server in finder. I've read things about hamachi and that seems like a viable option. Sharing iTunes would be nice as well. But I imagine my computer would have to be awake for it to work. Would it be best to setup an FTP client or SSH?
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Jul 21, 2009
I can't seem to get internet sharing working on my mac after installing a new router. I want to share my airport connection with my ethernet port so I can get on the internet with my Windows 7 test desktop that doesn't have wireless capabilities.
I used to have a DLink DI-614+ router and it just broke on me last week. Now I have the Belkin N+ Router model F5D8235-4.
Before, when I turned on internet sharing with the DLink router, everything went smooth and I could automatically connect via ethernet to the internet, but now when I attempt to connect it says that there is no internet access on the Win7 box. I assume this has something to do with the new router that I installed.
One thing to note is that My Ethernet in Network preferences says that it "has a self assigned IP and may not be able to connect." Is a self assigned IP the problem and is there a way to fix it by modifying the network preferences or is there something I have to do to my router to get this to work.
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