OS X Mavericks :: How To Disable Hard Disk Write Caching

Jul 1, 2014

How to disable hard disk write caching?

Is there something similar to Windows: [URL] ...

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OS X :: Unable To Write External Hard Disk In Mac / Can Read Write In Windows

Feb 15, 2011

i had a External Harddrive.Currently i can Read//Write on it in Windows PC(Windows7)But when i use the same drive in Mac i can only read...but can't able to write. How to resolve this issue

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OS X Leopard :: Disk Write Cache Corruption On External Hard Disk?

Feb 15, 2011

Recently I purchased an external hard disk, to put all of my pictures of my baby due to space limitations on my internal laptop drive. Since my Canon camera 10 megapixel pictures take up a ton of space this was occurring at an alarming rate. My intention was also to back up to DVD but never got to it. This is both a comment and a question.

Now said baby, is getting really good at pulling cords etc. He managed to do this on the external drive firewire cable. As far as i know the drive was not in the process of actually writing. However, after a few minutes and trying to re-plug the drive the OS crashed with a Grey Screen of Death hardware error that tells you that you need to push the power button..

This apparently corrupted the drive's directory. Upon reboot the drive would not mount. Since there were time machine backups on the drive too Diskwarrior was not able to reconstruct the drive in the built in memory available on the computer. Time machine stores millions of files and Diskwarrior apparently wants to keep it all in memory at once. Since my computer has 2GB you would hope that would be enough but apparently not. So that failed. Other utilities seemed to be able to find the files but not restore the directory. I also took it to the apple store they were not able to recover it.

I have to say this is extremely distressing, and hard to believe that a simple accident like this could cost the loss of thousands of pictures. I did send it to a rescue company but that was expensive but I think apple needs to do something about this situation.

On Windows there is a way to disable the write cache for external drives. This is not available for Mac OS X. This would prevent this rather common occurrence of a plug accidentally becoming disengaged when the drive is not in the process of writing. This reduces the odds but I still think apple, in order to become clearly superior, needs a better solution.

I know Apple has experimented with ZFS would this not eliminate this possibility of this kind of disaster? Is this in Snow Leopard desktop? I know they are thinking this is a business customer focused technology but clearly if it can eliminate this kind of thing then I think it is extremely useful to their non server customers. Perhaps there are other ways of dealing with this issue but ZFS is designed to deal with these issues. HFS+ is extremely fragile to disk corruption.

I know my situation is not that uncommon and this is not the first time this has happened to me with an external drive. You would think I had learned. I hate to think of how many other people have had the same thing happen to them.

MacBook Pro
Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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IMac :: Hard Disk Makes Read And Write Noise

Oct 25, 2010

I have my iMac since August. I use it a lot, and I've noticed that the hard disk makes read and write noise a lot of times, even using Safari, for example. It looks like fragmented. What can I do?

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OS X Mavericks :: Hard Disk Space Is Inaccurate

Jun 5, 2014

I have an external hard disk.  Trying to copy a large file to the disk, the system retuned a message telling that I was missing space.  To me, that was impossible. 

The hard disk folders added to 371GB of data but the info displayed that I was using 445GB.  I emptied the trash, but that didn't do any difference.  After trying to understand, I was left with the idea that there may be invisible files using that space.   

With the Onyx utility, I discovered that the «.Trashes» folder was hidding ±75GB of data.  At first I didn't see it, because the «.Trashes» folder gave me only a write permission (???).  Changing this permission, I then discovered that it was holding the missing 75GB.  Because I now have the read permission, I can see the content ... but can I deleted them ?  Can I delete hidden files in the «.Trashes» folder ? 

How can I clean/empty this «.Trashes» file ? 

iMac Intel - 3,06 GHZ - 21" - 12.0 Go

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OS X Mavericks :: Can't View Or Read External Hard Disk?

Jun 2, 2014

I reinstalled Mavericks 10.9.3 and now I can't view or read my external hard disk.

iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)

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OS X Mavericks :: Can't Erase Hard Drive Because Can't Unmounted Disk

Dec 2, 2014

Cant erase hard drive because cant "unmounted disk"...My hard drive crashed about a month ago, and i used a program called data rescue to clone hard drive. when i put it in mac it will not load. now all i want to do is erase the drive and install Yosemite as new mac. but cant install or erase the hard drive.

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.5)

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OS X Mavericks :: Hard Disk Partition / File System Cannot Be Read

Jun 20, 2014

When I try to partition my hard disk, Disk Utility tells me that the file system cannot be read.

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OS X Mavericks :: 10.9.3 - Kernel Panic On Connecting External Hard Disk

Jun 5, 2014

recently - perhaps after upgrading to 10.9.3 - I am experiencing kernel panics on my 15" MacBook Pro 2,3 GHz Intel Core i7 whenever I connect my external Western Digital My Book Essential hard drive. I have upgraded its firmware to the latest version I could find, v. 1025 - and thought this had fixed it, but it hasn't...

MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.5.5)

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OS X Mavericks :: Unable To Paste Any File On External Hard Disk

Nov 30, 2014

I'm using iMac 2011 model with OS Ver 10.9.5. The sharing and permissions option in the get info in External Hard disk shows "you can only read".

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.5)

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OS X Mavericks :: Finder Cannot Searching For NTFS Formatted External Hard Disk

Jun 19, 2014

MacBookAir,1.8GhZ,Memory 4GB1600 MHz DDR3 osx10.9.3

Finder  can show and open the files from the external hard disk but can not searching for the files.

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OS X :: Safari Not Caching My Website

Mar 8, 2009

I don't know what it is [URL]. For some reason, Safari won't cache any of the images. It works fine in Firefox. Most other sites seem to cache fine. What the heck is going on?

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OS X Mavericks :: Time Machine Failed To Save Certain Data To External Hard Disk

Jun 26, 2014

What can be done if Time Machine failed to save certain data to external hard disk, but I do have the old hard drive? I have a new IMac 10.9.2. The old IMac was hit by lightning/surge. Restored data from external LaCie disk but some information is missing. Apparently Time Machine did not save it to the external disk, or we just can't locate it. We do haves the old hard disk and will put it in a box to be able to access it.

Is partitioning the answer?

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OS X Mavericks :: How To Remove Password Without Losing Data Of Encrypted External Hard Disk

Jun 24, 2014

I forgot the password when i encrypt my external hard disk .

Is there any method i can do to remove my password without lose the data .

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Mac OS X Lion Server :: Set Up With Caching DNS For Local Network?

Jun 16, 2012

Our new Lion Server has a static IP Address pointed to over the internet by our registrar's zone file. Planning the Lion Server installation process with the intent of hosting Web, Mail and Open Directory services to a small number of users who are nearly all located off-site. I do also want Lion Server to be a caching DNS Server and DHCP authority on the local network to replace what dnsmasq does on our current Linux server.

I am looking forward to offloading some of the lower level Linux administration tasks and putting myself in the hands of the Lion Server Setup Assistant and Server App :-) but at the same time don't understand some of  its assumptions and fear having to spend a lot of time experimenting and re-installing.

So, specifically, I want the Server App to know that my Lion Server has a "Host Name for the Internet" but that the DNS it sets up will not be the DNS for my zone - I will be managing that through my registrar's interfaces.

Second problem is my fnot understanding what name space devices on the local network will / should use. e.g.  The Linux server will be available for backups etc  on the local intranet (and optionally have a static ip address on the Internet) but MacBooks, PCs, iPads and iPhones will be served ip addresses by the Lion Server's DHCP. So will / should these dynamic devices have their machine names fully qualified by our domain name with RFC 1918 style ip addresses or something like .local?  How do I tell this to Lion's Server App / Setup Assistant? How easy is it to update these initial settings later?

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OS X :: External Hard Disk Changed From "Read And Write" To "Read Only"

Aug 12, 2010

I have an external Transcend HD, which has been working perfectly fine for around 5 months now. It is NTFS, and I use NTFS-3g and Macfuse. Been running fine. Was able to read and write. Suddenly I am only able to read though. I go into the "Get Info" pane and the option to choose whether I want to read and write, or read only is gone, and all that it says is "You can read only". getting this back to read and write is really appreciated. I really need this disk.

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OS X Mavericks :: Disk Utility Crashed Whilst Creating Partition And Now Missing Hard Drive Space

Jun 3, 2014

Disk Utility Crashed whilst creating a Partition, and I now have ~100GB missing, which was the amount I had allocated to the new partition.

The new partition didn't get created, and I now have 100GB missing from the Hard drive. I have a 1TB hard drive, and when I go to Disk Utility, it says:  Capacity : 999.35 GB (999,345,127,424 Bytes)Available : 586.1 GB (586,103,844,864 Bytes)Used : 310.52 GB (310,524,317,696 Bytes) 

Which adds up to about ~900GB.

I tried Repairing Disk in Disk Utility, booting into Recovery Mode and Repairing Disk there, but neither made a difference. 

MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)

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ITunes :: Locked Disk Or No Write Permissions?

Feb 21, 2012

I need serious help. I've tried just about everything I've read online. When I try to run iTunes, it claims that iTunes is on a locked disk or that I don't have write permissions.  I've went into the secutiry tab and such and gave myself full control, yet it still isn't working. It also won't let me unclick the "Read Only" box. I'm on Windows 7. 

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Macbook Pro Early 2009 Won't Write To Disk

Apr 18, 2012

My Macbook Pro Early 2009 won't write to disk. It has, since I purchased the unit had challenges reading DVD's at times. It will say "Skipping Damages Section" often. It used to write. Now, when using iMovie, and then iDVD, it takes an hour and produces a blank DVD. Other than a lens cleaner, how do I test the drive before my AppleCare runs out?

MacBook Pro (17-inch Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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ITunes :: Locked Disk Or No Write Permissions

Jun 14, 2012

After updating my mac (OS 10.7.4) to iTunes 10.6.3, I get the dreaded "The folder "iTunes" is on a locked disk or you do not have write permissions of this folder.".  I have numerous times unlocked the disk and repaired permissions, restarted, reinstalled, etc., but  to no avail..

iTunes, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X Mavericks :: Write A Simple Bash Command?

Sep 12, 2014

I have a mac mini that has some software that is supposed to start at bootup, but does not always do so.  In order to get the software running I need to open a terminal window and type some commands.  Is it possible to just write a text file and turn it into a .command file that will not require me to write it out every time. 

Here is exactly what I have to write in Terminal to get the program running again. 

sudo su


ignition stop

ignition start


Typing sudo su asks for the password which is filler14.  After entering it I type ignition stop and it takes a second and it responds that it stopped.  I type ignition start and it takes about 3 seconds and responds that it is running.  I type exit to get out of sudo su and then exit again and it says operation complete, and then I close terminal. 

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Mac Pro :: Can't Write To Non OS Hard Drive

May 11, 2010

Starting today, when I try and write anything to my non-OS harddrive (with my music library and data on it), OSX gives me the error: "The data can't be read or written" The permissions seem to be fine. I can open files on the HD fine, but they open a little slow. So basically I only can't write to the drive. What's going on? Is my HD dying?

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Software :: Unable To Write To WorldBook NAS / File Could Not Be Written To The Disk

Apr 7, 2009

I am a Mac convert now two years and was beginning to truly believe Macs are impervious to the hair pulling and teeth gnashing so often associated with PC's but...I have been repeatedly trying to write to my WorldBook NAS which has previously worked beautifully but everytime I try to write anything remotely large, I get the message,

"An unexpected error has occurred the file could not be written to the disk. Error Code 51"

My NAS is 2TB and attached to my D-Link wireless. I have used it exclusively for my iTunes library and it has worked very nicely.I experienced this the first time with one of three movies I am adding to my library. After a couple tries, I decided to let iTunes copy it to the folder in it's process of adding it to the library and it worked fine. The following day I repeated the process and now I get the message through iTunes as well.

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OS X Mavericks :: How To Write Over Deleted Free And Slack Space

Jun 28, 2014

Deleted data is not really gone. How do I write over deleted free space and slack space?

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OS X Mavericks :: SMB Share Unable To Write File To Root

Sep 8, 2014

We are running OSX mavericks 10.9.4 which connects a network windows share on login. 

I have see the share and navigate through its files fine however, if I try drag a file to the root of the share the green plus does not appear and I am unable to copy it. I am however, able to copy it to a sub folder within the same view. 

Permissions are definitely correct and have the same permissions as the sub folders previously mentioned. If I go into a sub folder and back to the root, I am then able to copy the file as intended. It is based in an AD environment so these are all new users viewing the share from the MAC for the very first time. 

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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OS X Mavericks :: Safari Crashes When Write Any Text On Address Bar

Jun 26, 2014

I've tried a few things mention on some other discussions; like removing ad ons and reseting but nothing has worked

this is part o the error that comes up -

OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.9.3 (13D65)

Report Version:  11

Anonymous UUID:  ECC63890-D6A5-245B-DA38-C0C42D0F277D    

Crashed Thread:  17  Safari: URLCompletion  Dispatch queue: com.apple.Safari.GlobalHistory.dateCacheAccess  


Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0000000000000000  


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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Open Files That Worked On In Windows And Be Able To Write Back To The Same Disk?

Feb 20, 2012

I would like to be able to open files that I've worked on in Windows and be able to write back to the same disk. Is this possible? What do I need to do to make this possible?

MacBook Pro 17, Mac OS X (10.6.3)

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OS X :: New External Hard Drive Is Write Protected

Apr 24, 2010

sorry if this is a noob question, but when I try to save things to my new external hard drive a box comes up telling me that the disk is write-protected. Is there a way I can write-enable it? I have tried a bit of searching on Google, but to no avail.

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MacBook Pro :: Write To Usb Hard Drive When It Says That Not Have Permission?

Apr 24, 2012

How do I change permission for writing to my usb harddrive that was previously used on a windows pc. At present it will not let me write and in the top of the window there is a pen which is crossed out.

Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X Mavericks :: How To Change User Profile Picture To Custom Picture From Hard Disk

Sep 4, 2014

I am using MAC OS X 10.9.4 ...

I want to change my user profile picture to a custom picture on my hard disk - but can't seem to figure out how. It only gives me the option to choose from the default pictures ...

MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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