OS X Mavericks :: Downloaded 10.9.4 - install Not Allowed On Mac HD To Start Up

Sep 5, 2014

I've downloaded Maverick 10.9.4 to upgrade from Snow Leopard 10.6.8.  Download is OK, but when asked which drive I wanted to install the upgrade on, and I choose the internal Mac HD, it tells me I can't use that drive for startup, and won't let me continue.  Why not?  Been doing it for years with Snow Leopard 10.6.8 on MackBook Pro 17". What now?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Mac Mini :: Allowed Permission But Downloaded Files Won't Install

Feb 10, 2012

I don't think its mac mini-specific but that happens to be the machine I'm using: Some files downloaded from the internet won't install, even after I click to allow permission on the warning screen.

Mac mini

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OS X Mavericks :: Apple Script Not Allowed To Control Mac

Jun 6, 2014

I'm currently on Snow Leopard but I'm running Mavericks on an external hard disk as a test. Most things seem to be working OK; but I have some complex automation set up using QuicKeys and Applescripts. I've given QuicKeys permission in System Preferences>Security to control the Mac, and all its shortcuts work OK; but where it hands off to an Applescript the process hangs with an error message saying the script is not allowed to control my Mac. 

In the Security pane two 'Applets' appear (no further title) and I've allowed these permission; but still the same error and no apparent way of enabling the script. 

I've set the General tab to allow any application to run, but I can't see any way of proceeding. Is there a way of getting this to work? - I have several vital pieces of automation which work fine on Snow Leopard and I will need them to work on Mavericks when I eventually get a new Mac.

24 inch iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 13 inch Macbook Pro (10.6.8)

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OS X Mavericks :: Allowed Updates Now Screen Is Black With A Cursor?

Jun 6, 2014

My imac has a black screen with cursor after i allowed maverick updates. I tried holding shift key during start up and at first it looked like it was going to work, then it turned black again. What do i do??

iMac (21.5-inch, Late 2013), iOS 7.0.1

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OS X Mavericks :: After Install Takes Longer Time To Start Up Mac

Jun 23, 2014

Two days ago i installed Mavericks on my MacBook Pro and since i did it, my mac runs very slowly. The pointer goes slowly and it takes a lot of time to load the programs (safari, word, etc.). It takes also longer time to start up my mac. I've checked on the activity monitor and the system activity amount is so high, around 80%. But what i've discovered is that when i plug in the charger, my mac suddenly runs faster and i've checked again the system activity is only around 1-2%. How can i make my mac runs faster even when i don't plug in the charger? 

MacBook Specification:

MacBook Pro 13-inch, Late 2011
Processor     2.4 GHz Intel Core i5
Memory        4 GB 1333 MHz DDR3
Graphics      Intel HD Graphics 3000 384 MB
Software      OS X 10.9.2

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Allowed To Install Lion On A Vmware Workstation?

Mar 14, 2012

Are you allowed to install Lion on a vmware workstation?I know earlier version you were not allowed via licensing issues.

Mac OS X (10.7)

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FaceTime :: Can't Start It I Just Downloaded

Mar 25, 2012

Can't start my faceTime I just downloaded.

Info:Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Downloaded Mac But Can't Install It

Jun 27, 2012

i just downloaded Mac OS X Lion but i can't install it. I click on the install Mac OS X image and it opens but then it hangs and finder says it's not responding. I'm currently running 10.6.8?

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OS X Mavericks :: How To Delete Downloaded Application From 10.9.4

Sep 2, 2014

I downloaded an application called Toolbox for pages but as I opened it I realized it is of no use for me.  How can I delete this application?

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.2)

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OS X Mavericks :: Can't Allow Apps To Be Downloaded From Different Sources

Aug 20, 2014

I have a Macbook Pro (recently purchased, used) and it's running OS X Mavericks 10.9.4. I downloaded Java to use for a specific program. When I run the program, my computer shows this message:

I then have to go over to Settings < Security & Privacy and select "open anyway"

I know the reason my Mac is blocking it is because it's from an unidentified developer. I'd like to change the preferences to "allow apps downloaded from anywhere" but as you can see in the screenshot, the area is gray. How can I do this?

Also while I'm on this topic, Java is not recognized on my computer. It doesn't show up in Finder. When I finally bypass all the stuff above to open my program, Java finally opens, but disappears completely again when I close the program.

If I try keeping it on the dock and opening it again, Terminal shows up.

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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OS X Mavericks :: Cannot Open A Downloaded Pdf File

Aug 31, 2014

I cannot open a downloaded pdf file. The error message reads: "The file couldn't be opened because it isn't in the correct format." But, of course, it is a pdf file.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.3.7)

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Applications :: Can't Install Downloaded Software

Apr 19, 2009

I hope that someone has the answer to this. I have a ibook clamshell running 10.3.9 panther. I can download files dmg then it mounts, cleans up and is on my desktop. but, when I go to install it does not open. says no application and then choose application. I think I am missing quicktime and adobe reader. but, I can't download and open these applications to solve problem.

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OS X :: Downloaded 10.5.7 Via Software But Fail To Install

May 19, 2009

I reinstalled my OSX a few days ago and it's back to 10.5.2. After running software update, it has Mac OSX Update Combine (737MB in size). So I clicked install per usual. However, after I finished downloading the file and it offered to restart and install, the installation failed. Meaning during installation, it stops 1/8 of the whole "installation bar" for 8 hours or so and it didn't budge a bit ever since. I'm not sure what to do now. Should I try to download the combo update from Apple website (729MB in size, not sure why the one in software update version is bigger in size) instead? And try to install that one instead?

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OS X :: Downloaded Firefox But Can't Find Now To Install

Jun 12, 2009

I am a new Mac user (well, came back after an 8 year absence) and am trying to install Firefox but I can't find the download anywhere so I can actually install it! This is what I did.

1) I clicked the download Firefox for Mac button at the Mozilla website.
2) I saw the little grey box at the top of my Safari browser telling me that the download was complete, but now I can't find what I downloaded from Firefox anywhere!
3) Of course I checked the Download folder, the Desktop, Applications, and did a search in the Finder for it and it seems to have disappeared. And of course I have tried downloading it several times.
4) Last night when I first attempted to download Firefox, there was a little window somewhere with what appeared to be the download, but it said something about it not being there because I moved it. Well, I didn't move anything anywhere.

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OS X Mavericks :: Recently Downloaded A Program ScanFont 5

Jun 1, 2014

I recently downloaded a program ScanFont 5, When I try to open the installer I get the following message: "You can't open the application "(null)" because it may be damaged or incomplete. Is there any way I can get the installer to open anyway?

MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.2)

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OS X Mavericks :: (10.9.4) Cannot Open Downloaded Documents Anymore

Sep 6, 2014

I had no problems with leopard, but since I installed snow leopard (and also afterwards mavericks) I can´t open most files I download from my firefox gmail or hotmail. I want to open a word or pages file with pages and it is the standard program for opening the file but everytime I get the message that I cannot open it. 

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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OS X Mavericks :: Can Set Preference So That Files Don't Open When Downloaded?

Sep 9, 2014

I'm downloading a series of video files.  I click on each link and they start downloading.  I might have several that are all downloading at once.  While they download I go on to work on something else.  However, when each file finishes downloading, the program I use to view the video opens and I have to take time to close it and go back to work. 

Mac Pro, iOS 7.1.2

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OS X Technologies :: How To Install Downloaded MS Office On IMac

Apr 11, 2012

I am new to mac. I download microsoft office and I would like to install it. I do not know how to do this. Do need the bootcamp thing?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: 10.6.8 Downloaded, But Unable To Install?

May 18, 2012

I have downloaded 10.6.8, as the software update page stated. When I click "install" it prompted me to restart, however after restarting I'm still on 10.6.2.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.2)

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Windows On Mac :: Downloaded Parallels And Iso Image / Unable To Install

Mar 17, 2009

trying to install windows xp using parallels 5. i downloaded and iso file for windows and i double clicked it and it showed on the mac desktop, BUT parallels wont install windows from that. i am sorry if there is a thread already on this matter. i know i am doing something wrong but cant figure it out since i am new to all this.

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Applications :: Downloaded DMG File But Cannot Install ITunes Beta

Apr 30, 2009

I downloaded the .dmg file to update my itunes and it doesn't allow me to update my itunes. It just returns with an error message.

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Applications :: Install Downloaded Games In .toast.sit Format?

May 23, 2010

Aloha, I just downloaded a game, and it's extension is .toast.sit ? What am I supposed to do with that?

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OS X Mavericks :: AdMedic Downloaded - Safari Won't Load Some Websites Or It Just Freezes

Sep 9, 2014

I downloaded AdMedic yesterday and now my Safari won't load some websites or it just freezes.

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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OS X Mavericks :: Can't See Any Folders / Files For Games Downloaded Via Steam In Finder

Sep 6, 2014

I am operating an iMac with OS X 10.9.4. I have a glitch common to other Mac users in the game "War Thunder" as a result of a game update. The game maker has suggested a fix which requires going into the game folders and deleting the cache:

One potential fix for this issue is to clear (delete all files) from the following folder /Applications/ WarThunder Launcher.app/ Contents/ WarThunder. app/Contents/Resources/ game/cache"

However, when I go into finder the War Thunder launcher contents folder shows only the folders MacOS and Resources. Each contains one file. It does not show up in the Application Support folder even though the following string from the log suggests that the folders and files are all there; "  9.37 [D]  skipping identical / users/davidmcleod/library/application support/steam/steamapps/common/war thunder/warthunderlauncher.app/ contents/ warthunder.app/contents/ resources/game/ content/pkg_tanks/res/pkg_tanks_tanks/ " 

why I can't see the full list of folders or why they aren't actually there despite being able to play the game up until the glitch?

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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OS X Mavericks :: How To Keep Emails In Apple Mail After They Have Been Downloaded From Exchange Server

Sep 12, 2014

I have an urgent issue with my work email. I have used Apple Mail to read and store my work email right off my work Exchange server - without any problem. All was fine, and for what seems a very long time, I happily used both my win 7 laptop at work and my 2 Apple computers at home and during travel as well as my iPhone - anywhere.  

However, now, there is a new policy at work where all email older than 3 months (sigh!!) has been removed to an "online archive" of the "emc SourceOne" - which is a non-crossplattform service - and not accessible from other than a windows PC with supported browser (not including SafarI). (Windows revenge) I have lost all access to these on my iPhone, which is a shame - not Apples fault, though. This is  not about blaming Apple.  However, I still have all my "older than 3 months" email in theory safely kept on both of my Apple computers - presumably safely stored in Apple Mail. 

Here is my question: I have not dared to connect either of these imacs / mbas to Internet - at all - in fear of losing my precoius work emails. I have feared that the exchange server will kill all these "older than 3 months" email kept there - as soon as it gets a chance to do so. 

1. Can I safely connect Apple Mail to internet without losing my already downloaded exchange emails?

2. If not - how should I proeceed to get these files safely transferred to my iCloud email? 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.1)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Can't Install Software Downloaded From The Internet After Installing Messages Beta

May 9, 2012

I get the following error message after installing the Messages Beta. I've since unistalled Messages and updated 10.7.4 hoping this would resolve the issue.  It appears that some of the 10.8 security features(Gatekeeper)have been installed on my computer, but my system preferences application was not updated to allow me to change the Mac App store security settingsI do not have a current time machine backup to roll back the OS.

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Dual Boot( Windows XP)

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Intel Mac :: No Sound After Win 7 Install - High Definition Audio Codec Downloaded

Jun 3, 2012

I've installed Windows 7 (64bit) on my iMac (late 2010) and I don't have sound. I am running Boot Camp 3.3 and have already tried downloading the Realtek drivers (high definition audio codec).

iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X Mavericks :: Bar On Start Up What Does This Mean

Aug 31, 2014

21inch iMac with Mavericks. Two peripherals, a hard drive for 'Time Machine' and Canon printer. All updates in place.

After a normal start up and shut down this morning I start up this evening to find, on the white screen the usual Apple logo, the rotating wheel and a new bar at the bottom.  This 'loading bar' takes about ten minutes to complete then the screen goes black. Start up again - same thing.

On the third start up I hold down the 'alt' key which leads to 4 options. I choose my 'Time Machine' and after 'searching' I'm offered a list of recent backups. I choose 2 days ago accepting that I'll loose 2 days work.  It takes around 2 hours to re-install but brings back the system back to 'normal'.

I make a few critical changes to spreadsheets and request 'Time Machine' to backup. It refuses. I reasoned that it was still in use and 'restarted' the iMac. "Time Machine' now responds and does a long backup.

I note there is a report that this 'bar' may be caused by a peripheral but I have not followed the suggested work around.

iMac, iOS 7.1.2, up to date Numbers

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Software :: Downloaded File Disappears / Unable To Find Downloaded Files

Apr 28, 2010

About a month ago, a friend who had just purchased his first Mac emailed me and asked why his Dock DownLoad file disappeared. I had no idea why. He still hasn't been able to reestablish it.

Yesterday, I downloaded something and my Dock DownLoad file vanished. I have tried rebooting, using (useless) Help, Spotlight, Search, and several other things. NO JOY. NO DownLoad file.

1. Does anyone know where to find DownLoad or how to bring it back?

I have experienced several idiosyncrasies with Snow Leopard, but when I call Apple support, they are very nice, but haven't a clue as to why it's happening.

2. Another problem is that the Highlight gets anchored on something in Mail, Word, and some other Apps. When I click somewhere else, the whole area between the "anchor" and what I click on is lit up. Apple doesn't know what causes it. I have to go through multiple machinations to shake it loose. I don't know what it is that causes it or specifically how to "shake it loose". Neither does Apple.

3. When typing in Word or an editor, there are times when the type changes to UpperCase and won;t let go.

Another problem is that, at times, when I click on a file, it fills the screen. Apple is aware of this problem and is trying to find an answer. Nothing, to date.

Apple support can't tell me why the MacMail Inbox spinner disappeared or how to get it back.

There are times when I can't access the hidden Dock. After rebooting and trying other things, the Dock finally shows up but any additions that I have put on the Dock are no longer there.

When I put a DVD in the slot, for the first few seconds, it grinds but does smooth out.

I thought that SL was supposed to get rid of the "foibles". "What happened on the way to the Forum"?

Is anyone finding other SL idiosyncrasies? What are they?

If anyone can help with items 1., 2, and/or 3. I'd be grateful.

BTW, Apple says that items 2 and 3 MAY be caused by the wireless Magic Mouse and/or the wireless keyboard; however, when I use alternates, it still happens.

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OS X :: IWeb Uploading Not Allowed After Upgrade?

Mar 17, 2009

After installing an upgrade to IWeb my G4 OS X Panther version won't now allow me to change my website (hosted by mac). Troubleshooting directed me to upgrade to Tiger, so I bought Install Tiger discs on ebay and are nervous about loading them and stuffing things up.

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