OS X :: Mail Icon Bounces - Not Opening

Nov 13, 2009

When I log onto my MAIL icon it just bounces once and does not open. Same goes for Safari HOWEVER the Firefox, Excel, Word icons open. I have tried re-booting but no luck. As a back up I am using Entourage for my email but prefer to use MAIL, as well would like to use Safari again! What do I need to do to get these working again?

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Applications :: IMovie 09 Endlessly Bounces - Not Opening

Dec 23, 2009

Alright, so every time I try to open iMovie '09 (8.0.5) on Snow Leopard (10.6.2) all it does is bounce in the dock never to open no matter how long I wait. I deleted EVERY possible file related to iMovie, repaired disk permissions, scoured through my quicktime codecs to see if there is anything unusual, inserted my applications dvd, re-installed iMovie entirely and it still bounces endlessly. Glad I wasted my time. I'm on the verge of doing a clean install of Snow Leopard since this is really starting to piss me off and I just want to get the problem resolved. Am I missing something here? Why is this not opening even after I clear every cache/plist/whatever file related to iMovie? Every other iLife program I have is opening perfectly fine. Someone please make some sense of this. Also keep in mind that it was working perfectly fine the day prior.

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OS X :: IPhoto Doesn't Open - Icon Bounces Once On Dock

May 11, 2010

I really need help with this; I've searched "iphoto won't open" and many other variations of that, but I haven't found anything the same as my situation. When I click the iPhoto icon on the dock, it bounces once... and then stops, without opening or doing anything else. It does the same if I open it through finder->applications. It's driving me crazy!! I have a MacBook with Tiger OS X 10.4.11, iPhoto 7.1.5 and NO tech experience.

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Applications :: Safari Won't Launch - Dock Icon Bounces For A Few Seconds Then Gives Up?

Nov 12, 2009

Safari suddenly won't launch on my 10.5.8 system on my Powermac G5. The dock icon bounces for a few seconds then gives up. I haven't installed any new software recently.I've tried deleting all caches, preferences and plugins, repaired permissions, etc. It doesn't work when logged in on my spare account either.

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OS X :: Itunes Icon From The Dock Bounces Once Then Stops And Doesn't Open At All?

Nov 25, 2009

When i click the itunes icon from the dock it bounces once then stops and doesn't open at all. Even from applications it won't open. Ive just done an archive and install on my computer today becuase my safari was like that and now my it works. Only problem now is itunes, ive tried uninstalling and deleting every itunes folder(no worries i backed it up)

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Safari Won't Open After Upgrade - Icon Bounces

Jun 21, 2012

I just upgraded a Mac Pro from Leopard to Snow Leopard, and now Safari doesn't open. I can double click the icon in the tray, and it 'bounces' like it opens, and the bar at the top of the screen says 'Safari', but no windows ever open..

Mac Pro

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Intel Mac :: Mail Won't Open - Bounces But Won't Open?

May 18, 2012

Had my iMac for two years with no issues. Didn't change any settings, nothing.Tried to open mail. It bounced like it was going to open, then nothing. I've tried several searches for info with one involving opening in safe mode, but I'm not sure if I did it right and, needless to say, it didn't work.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Applications :: Replace The Mail.app Icon With Postbox Icon?

Nov 3, 2009

I love Mail but have become bored of the icon. Is it possible to change the icon the the Postbox one? still with the notifications on the dock.

Here's Postbox if you don't know what it is: [URL]

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OS X :: Finder Icon In Dock - Opening New Window?

Oct 21, 2010

The current behavior of the Finder icon in the dock first brings Finder windows currently open into focus. I often wish I could click the Finder icon, and have a new window open. However if each time it was clicked, it brought current windows to focus, but then also created a new window, this would be annoying. So how about this:

If the Finder isn't in focus, one click will bring it into focus. The next click, assuming now that the Finder is focused, creates a new Finder window. Also, it could even be conceived that a double click of the Finder icon, when out of focus, would both bring current windows to focus, and then create a new window directly.

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OS X :: Opening A New Finder Window Using Dock Icon?

Oct 27, 2009

At the Moment if you press finder it opens a Window, Great. but if you press it again it will jump to the Same window, which is great 90% of the time.

Is there a way to set the dock Icon to automatically open a New Finder Window?

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OS X :: Opening New Finder Window Using Dock Icon

Dec 28, 2009

At the Moment if you press finder it opens a Window, Great. but if you press it again it will jump to the Same window, which is great 90% of the time. Is there a way to set the dock Icon to automatically open a New Finder Window?

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Safari :: Not Opening Anymore - Question Mark On Icon

Mar 1, 2012

There is a question mark on the icon and won't open.

MacBook Pro (15-inch 2.4/2.2 GHz), Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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OS X Mavericks :: Finder And Trash Is Not Opening When Clicked On Icon

Jun 22, 2014

When I click on the finder icon and the trash icon in the dock, nothing happens. Even when I right click and press New Finder Window, nothing happens. If I want to upload a file, a window doesn't pop up for me to be able to access my files. When I edit a Pages document, it somehow says it is saved, but doesn't tell me where.

On my desktop I have some files and folders, the images and other files open but not folders. With the trash I am somehow able to right click it and empty the trash can. I have restarted my Macbook Pro 13inch running OS X Mavericks Version 10.9.3 several times and it still doesn't work. I even tried booting in safe mode but finder still doesn't work.

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ICloud :: Images Opening In Photoshop With Icon In Lower Lefthand Corner?

Feb 6, 2012

I have images on my desktop, that are also stored in iCloud. When I open them from my desktop, say in Photoshop, that have an annoying iCloud icon in the lower lefthand corner.. Why is this and how do I make it go away?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Applications :: Bounce Mail.app Icon On New Mail With Hidden Dock?

Dec 26, 2009

Any idea how to do the above? I have it set up on my mac mini but cant remember how I did it to set it up on my new MBP? Its def not a mail rule.

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Software :: Remove Unread Mail Number On Mail Icon

May 21, 2009

We updated our computer to a new system over the weekend (emac to a new iMac). Since then the number of unread messages shows up on the mail icon only all messages have been read. How do I get rid of the number icon? We had this problem once before when we upgraded our system but I don't remember how we got rid of it.

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ICloud :: Cannot Get Mail Through The Mac Mail Icon On Desktop

Mar 27, 2012

I am having trouble getting my email on my mac through the mail application.  I have to go online all the time & log in to get my mail.   It says my accounts are offline. I really need my email to work the way I know how to!!

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Software :: Aol Mail Not Opening?

Apr 15, 2009

im new to this forum as i havent had any problems with my mac until now, for some unknown reason my aol mail account wont open and it says to refresh my page, ive refreshed my page and tried to allow cookies on my mac but my mac setting's doesnt have any options where it allows me to do this.

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MacBook Pro :: Mail App Not Opening (OS X 10.7.4)

May 15, 2012

I have a Mac Book Pro that was purchased in March 2012. Yesterday the Mail App refused to open (it shows the "working" symbol, but never opens). I did a software update but no luck. When I try to check my settings through Mail prefs I get the wheel of death.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Applications :: Civilization IV Bounces - Silently Crashes

Mar 8, 2009

Civilization IV just started acting up. It bounces for a few seconds and then just quits without any error. I am using OS X 10.4.11.

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OS X :: ITunes Unable To Start - It Bounces And Then Hangs

Jun 15, 2009

It bounces, and then hangs.

i trashed the prefs, the library, and reinstalled. any ideas?

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Software :: Safari Takes 20 Bounces To Load

May 1, 2009

when I first purchased my Macbook (around 5 months ago) Safari would load in 3 bounces or less. But now when I try to use it I have to wait around as it takes 20-27 bounces before it finally starts up and begins loading a home page. My OSX version is v10.5.6 Safari is v3.2.1 So far I have RSS set to never update and have used the "reset Safari" option in the main Safari menu. But sadly I'm seeing no results in start up speed increase.

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Laptops :: Opening Attachments In E Mail?

Mar 24, 2010

when I receive attachments in e mail I am sometimes unable to open them in Safari Mail I am running Snow Leopard on a MacBook Pro. All the e maols are from Windows Computers.

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OS X :: Opening URL Links From Mail 4.3 & Finder?

Nov 4, 2010

For the past few days, when I try to click on a URL link from an email, Firefox will open up but not to the link. I have to right click and copy link and then paste it into the location bar. Very frustrating.

I have also noticed that when I double click on a .html file from Finder, I get a pop up window asking me if I want to open it up and I click "yes" (this is normal), however, once I do that, nothing happens, but if I double click it again, it will open up in Firefox. And each time I do that for each file, the file is not opening up in a new tab, but in a new session of Firefox (my preference for this is set to new tab instead of new window).

I have checked both Firefox and Mail preferences but can't find anything about links to assist/guide me. Any and all advice is welcomed because I am stumped.

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OS X Yosemite :: Mail App Not Opening On MacBook Pro

Dec 10, 2014

Today i tried to check my email with the mail app that came installed with Yosemite OS but when i tried to open the app i can't see the mail app viewer its like its not responding, i tried to restart the my mac but still having the same issue. 

12/10/14 10:04:47.588 PM Mail[1109]: 0x7f8803422ff0 got exception setting PRAGMA cache_size (error 11: database disk image is malformed), current retries 2

12/10/14 10:04:48.588 PM Mail[1109]: *** Assertion failure in -[MFSqliteHandle dealloc], /SourceCache/Mail/Mail-1993/MailFramework/Library/MFLibrary.m:10891

MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)

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MacBook :: Wifi Bounces From Full Bars And Drops

Mar 28, 2009

I have done some searches, but from the nature of my internet I hope you can understand if this question is a repeat, if so please point me in the right direction. I am using a August 2007 black macbook with airport extreme using 10.4.11 I am using a neighbors wireless network that is WPA. I live in Senegal and my computer is American, and I have heard that this might cause problems because of hardware. But the wifi connection works, it just bounces from full bars to no bars, spends a lot of time at 1 bar, and then when the connection drops and I try to rejoin the network, it says that there was an error. Sometimes, the network won't even show up. After long stretches of time trying to rejoin the network only to find an error, it will suddenly work. I have tried using interference robustness and relocating my computer. The router is just one floor above me, and when it was being installed (before they applied the pw) I had full bars. I think this is a mac problem because my host sister's PC does not seem to be experiencing problems. Also, due to the nature of the wifi (it belongs to my moroccan neighbors).

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MacBook Pro :: Firefox Takes Eight Bounces For Fresh Load Up

Jun 26, 2009

How long does it take to load your guys' firefox on the unibody? For some reason mine takes around EIGHT bounces. I think somethings wrong. This is after doing a clean up w/ onyx too. But even before cleanup, its been around 8 bounces... on my white imac, safari takes only 2 bounces from a fresh load up. Why, could this have to do with anything with the graphics drivers? My HD is half full and I have 2 gb of ram.

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Applications :: Office Takes Million Bounces To Boot

Feb 22, 2010

I think it has all the latest updates. And when they are loaded they are laggy and slow. Any fixes or is this just rubbish from Microsoft?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: When Try To Email A Photo / It Bounces Back As Being To Large

May 21, 2012

An iPhoto question .When I try to email several photos, an error message shows saying they are too large. My older Mac had 3 sizes to pick in sending photos. Is there a way to send my pics in a smaller size?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Applications :: Mail Crashes Immediately On Opening

Sep 21, 2010

I haven't installed any plug ins, altered the accounts, or done anything different in mail today. For some reason, it all of the sudden stopped opening - can't even get a main screen up when I launch it. I've tried deleting plists, holding shift on start up, checked for any problematic mail being downloaded via my iPad, repaired permissions and even tried to launch yesterday's version from Time machine. I've tried opening Mail without being on the internet too. I have an exchange account and a mobile me account on there, and both have been working perfectly until today. I have a 2009 Unibody Macbook Pro running 10.6.4. My crash report is almost twice the length of the allowed word count so can't post it - is there a specific section I should cut and paste?

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