MacBook Pro :: Mavericks 10.9.3 - Internet Is Not Working / Turning Off And On
Jun 17, 2014
I've been having problems in the last couple of days, I tried resetting everything in my house including my router and modem and still doesn't work. I tried resetting SMC (command + option +p+r) but that didn't work at all.
Running 10.9.3 and having an issues with gmail. Been running our business and personal gmail thru Apple mail for years and never had a issue. We have also just switch over to Comcast High Speed business for internet. The issue is this.....first thing in the morning start up the computer and open up mail. The app runs but no new mail comes in. I check my iphone and I'll have 6-7 new emails. I'll hit "Get Mail" a few times and still nothing happens. Now the strange part. If I send and email to anyone within 2-3 seconds I'll get all of my new emails. For the rest of the day its seems like mail is hanging up "Somewhere". The same thing is happening on 2-3 other macs in my company which are set up the same way.
I've been having a weird issue for a few days, my computer is connected to the internet and I am able to login a messenger and use spotify and other programs that run through wifi but for some reason none of my internet browsers open any page.
My Macbook Pro was working fine when suddenly Safari froze, so I forced quit. After opening Safari again, the page just stayed white and wouldn't load. None of my other programs requiring internet are working either (ie. AIM, Skype), even though my internet connection is listed as connected and other devices using Wifi are working perfectly. Could this be some sort of virus?
My Late 09 MacBook Air has been working a treat, not a spot of bother. All of a sudden, about 5 minutes ago, I've gone to go online to download some research papers (I'm *trying* to write an essay) and it won't load anything. Not even my Twitter app. It is connected to the right network, which is working absolutely fine on every other device in the house (windows computers, iphone etc). I've turned it off and on twice, the way that us clueless folk do.. now I don't know what to do.
I have noticed a pattern with my Mac that is becoming quite disturbing. It has taken to shutting down spontaneously for no apparent reason that I can deduce. I have dusted it out, performed the reset procedure and even removed programs that I thought would have adverse effects.
Under previous OSs (Snow Leopard and earlier that I am familiar with) the Software Update pane let you choose a preferred update and there was a menu item to ignore it, so it wouldn't appear again. I don't see anything similar in the new App Store update system under Mavericks. I am using an older printer driver - OEM, not the generic Apple ones - and definitely don't want to lose it to an update of those infamous generic and mostly useless Apple printer drivers, but I am afraid I might get distracted and update it inadvertently or with others.
Info: MAC MINI SERVER (LATE 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3), 16Gb RAM
so I just got my macbook fixed at the apple store about 2 days ago and the first day I used it the internet was working fine. But now whenever I try to open Mozilla or Google chrome it says I can't connect, and on google chrome it says "Error 105". I tried restarting my router but that's not the problem because my parents laptop works just fine.
out of the blue about 3 months ago my MacBook(version10.4.11) started refusing to recognize my home wireless. the problem has now reached the point where it AT TIMES will display that the wireless newtwork is on in the toolbar yet the computer will not jump onto the internet. Now it has reached the point where it won't even show that it sees the wireless in the toolbar. I have reloaded all passwords , checked the Verizon wirelss set up, reloaded firefox , checked all firewalls. The wierd thing is that my kids macbook is fine. Mine is the one with the problem.I checked all my settingts to correspond/copy hers and they do. Have zapped pram too. It works fine EVERYWHERE else but home.
I have a Bell Mobile Internet Stick and my Macbook Pro doesn't recognize it. I have installed The Bell Mobile Connect software numerous times and nothing. it will find the hardware, and when i select connect, it ask for my password. Once my password is entered, a crash report comes up wanting to send it to Apple. On my hackintosh dell mini 10v under the network preferences it has a connection for Novatel CDMA connection, but I cannot get that to come up on my genuine MBP. Any ideas to get this working? Unfortunately this is the only source of internet i have and i am on the netbook to post this. I recently upgraded my hard drive to a 500gb Seagate from my standard 160gb drive the computer came with, I did an install onto the hard drive from my Snow Leopard install disc, and when prompted transferred all of my files from a previous time machine back up.
Macbook Pro 13.3 inch (5,5) 2.26 Ghz 500gb hard drive 2gb RAM OS X 10.6.0
it was my internet or modem acting up but come to find out it is in my computer itself. It's a 09 Macbook and has gone through some tough times. ( IE being dropped, crashing and so forth.)The program installed on it right now is the Snow Leopard and has run great for the past 3 years, But now i'm having problems this year.The tech guy said that the ping could read IP address's but not website addresses. But when I put in an IP Address, I get. What I need.. It just won't read the actual website addresses.On my computer my Internet Diagnostics says (as goes) [code]
I usually have all my computers, mac or pc, connected over Ethernet and only use Wifi for phones and guests. A while ago i started not to be able to connect to the internet anymore, although i hadn't changed anything on the mac or my router. I tired all possible troubleshooting routines to get to the bottom of it but with no success. Reset network ports in System prefs, Cocktail maintenance, Repairing disk and permissions booted from recovery partition, deleted SystemConfig files, reset the router to factory settings and reconfiguring, checked DHCP settings for ip conflicts, just nothing works.
I can connect to the internet over wifi without problems on the Macbook Pro.I can connect over ethernet to all other shared devices and computers on my network.When i run the Network Diagnostics with Ethernet as primary interface all lights are green and it says my connections are working but i cannot connect to any internet address, all pings time out with any port or protocol (ftp, mail, http, ssh)Other PC's and Macs can connect over ethernet to the internet without problems using the same cable.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), MID-2010 MBP 17"
I have used internet sharing for a long time with no issues. I purchased a new MacBook Air 3 weeks ago and now I cannot get internet sharing to work.I set it up as usual on my MacBook Air, the grey arrow is displayed in the tool bar, my iphone5 connects to the wifi network- yet no data will come through on my iPhone and my iPhone says "not connected to the internet".
As the title says, I have no internet after hitting "update all" on the software update page two days ago. This includes updates to Safari, ibooks, itunes, macbook air EFI and SMC firmware updates. I have a wifi connection, and full bars, but when I open Safari I just get a blank white screen and no pages load whatsoever.Â
I have a mid2013 13" macbook air 6,2 intel core 1.3 GHz SMC version 2.13f9 boot ROM version MBA61.0099.B12
My friend's white Macbook is having some problems connecting to the internet at a specific location.
My macbook and other laptops connect to the internet without any problem, but she has been having problems.
Airport connects to the network and even assigns an IP address properly, but the safari or firefox doesn't open any websites.
I tried manually assigning IP address but didn't work either. I am not very good at solving problems with Macs so any help is welcome. sometimes it is a bit difficult to assign the IP address, but it does end up assigning one.
I have a macbook that is about 2 years old, maybe a little less, and recently it's been giving me trouble. Every time I go online (on firefox or safari), the internet stops working after about 20 minutes. It used to be about every hour but it's more frequent now. To fix it I have to restart. Once I restarted and the internet didn't even work. It's getting to be immensely frustrating since I have to save everything else I'm working on, restart, and then reopen everything. I don't know much about computers but I'm using a wireless that's shared with one other mac and one other pc in the house. Any ideas of what I should do?
A few hours ago the wireless internet on my laptop stopped working. I have turned it off and on again, i have turned our wireless internet off and on again. I have also tested the internet on the other computers in the house (macs and pcs) and it works on all of them. I thought it might somehow be the distance so i've tried using it next to the internet box, still to no avail.
I took the laptop downstairs, came back up and when i sat back down, the internet stopped working on it. I didn't bash it about and i'm always very careful when carrying it around the place. Everything else still works on it.
It is displaying the wifi in the top right with the bars dimmed out and an exlamation mark in front. When i click it, under 'AirPort: On' it says 'Alert: No Internet Connection' and next to it is a triangle with an exclamation mark inside.
Earlier today, this computer stopped connecting to the internet. I am still able to connect to the local wireless and check the status of my airport extreme (current model). But, all attempts to reach the internet fail. I've tested other devices (iPad, iPhone, and my mac mini) and they are all still using the wireless to reach the internet without issue. I even tried plugging the ethernet cable from the wall directly into my macbook (no modem in use, just wall to airport extreme, as we're in an apartment building), but that does not work for the macbook pro either. I reviewed the network settings for the macbook pro and the mac mini, and noticed that the DNS settings are different between the two - the macbook pro is listing an entry for Search Domains -, but my mini is not showing any search domains in that setting. Additionally, the ipv4 addresses are fairly different between the 2 computers, as well as the subnet mask ( on the macbook, on the mini) and router settings ( for the macbook, for the mini). Not sure what I can do to force/clear these settings on the macbook or anything else to check.Â
I am using a MacBook Air 11" (mid-2012) running OS X Mavericks (10.9.3). I'm connecting to my home LAN via WiFi connection to a TP-Link 300M Wireless router that is setup as a switch (per instructions here [URL] ...., which in turn is connected via wire (ethernet-over-power) to a Technicolor cable modem/router provided by my ISP (UPC in the Netherlands; I can look up the model number of the router if needed, but it's two floors down right now and doesn't strike me that this is the cause of the problem).Â
I have a problem that my MacBook Air intermittently loses connectivity to the internet for extended periods (minutes) even though (a) the MacBook Air maintains full connectivity to my LAN at the same time through WiFi and (b) other computers connected to the cable modem/router maintain their connection to the internet while my MacBook Air has lost its connection. Â
My test to see where the breakdown is occurring is to have four terminal windows up and running ping processes:Â
1) ping to (my router) - this always stays live, with essentially no lost packets
2) ping to an external address (I'm using, a address) - this is my main test for access to the internet and where I see ping failures (I'm also testing with pings to other sites when the problem is occurring to ensure it's not something on the remote end).
3) ping to, which is a Synology NAS attached via ethernet cable to my main cable modem/router - this always stays live, with essentially no lost packets.
4) a login to the Synology NAS, where I am also running a continual ping to, and this external ping does NOT fail when the one from my MacBook Air does, it stays live with essentially no lost packets.Â
The problem will usually correct itself after 1-3 minutes (though the time is not consistent), and also gets corrected if I turn the MacBook Air's WiFi off and on again.Â
Info: MacBook Air (11-inch Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
Almost daily, I will be in the middle of browsing the internet and pages will just stop loading. Following this, any already-opened application I click on will freeze, including Finder. If I try to open any new applications, the icon will bounce over and over in the Dock but never open. If I close my web browser and try to reopen it, it tells me that there is already a copy of the browser running and I cannot open another one. The only way to remedy this I have found is to hold down the power button and shut off the computer. Once I turn the computer back on, everything runs normally. I originally though it may have been my web browser (Google Chrome) so I recently switched to Firefox, and the problem still persists. It is extremely annoying.
I am connected to the office network via a router (WiFi). My internet connection has been working fine for the past 8 months and now all of a sudden, I can't stay connected for more than 3 minutes. I have tried deleted the network name and re-connecting it but still no joy.
I have a MPB early 2011 and I have talktalk internet. I have absolutely no problems with my wifi up until the last week. I can use the internet perfectly fine downstairs when I am in the living room (where the router is located) as I am typing this using it, however when I go upstairs i.e. to the bedroom directly above where the router is situated I am still connected to the internet at the wifi symbol is black however i lose internet connection and I am not able to use the internet at all. This is a new issue as before, I was able to use my MPB anywhere in the house without any problems. Â
I don't believe it's the router as my iPhone connects fine upstairs and we also have a MPB late 2013 and that works perfectly fine upstairs. Â
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
My Macbook has been running slow for quite sometime, and regardless of my internet provider, it is deathly slow to load. I have seen individuals post the Etre info, so I thought I would do the same.I understand this computer is quite old, just trying to get it back into fighting shape post college. Whether it is a hardware upgrade (if possible).
EtreCheck version: 1.9.12 (48)Report generated June 19, 2014 at 10:51:49 PM EDT Hardware Information: MacBook Intel Core 2 Duo (white, Late 2009)  MacBook - model: MacBook6,1 1 2.26 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo CPU: 2 cores 4 GB RAM Video Information: NVIDIA GeForce 9400M - VRAM: 256 MB Color LCD 1280 x 800 System Software: OS X 10.9.3 (13D65) - Uptime: 24 days 0:1:23 Disk Information: Hitachi HTS545050B9SA02 disk0 : (500.11 GB) EFI (disk0s1)
I have a 2013 Retina MacBook Pro, and, until recently, all of the networking was running just fine. In addition to the OS X Mavericks, I also have the Developer Preview of OS X Yosemite on another partition. A couple of days ago, when I booted up in the Mavericks partition, I had full signal on my Wi-Fi, but I couldn't open any webpages or the App Store, etc. The strange thing is that the Yosemite partition can connect to the Internet, but the Mavericks partition cannot. All of my other devices can utilize the Wi-Fi so it isn't an issue with my router or modem. I've tried recreating the Yosemite settings on the Mavericks partition, but that hasn't worked either.Â
I've tried several things to no success: Fixing Permissions Adding to my DNS Checking to make sure no Proxies are selected (nothing was selected). Checking to make sure I'm using DHCP, which I was. Pinging several websites to see if I get a result, which I did. Removing and re-adding Wi-Fi to the Network Services. Switching to Ethernet.Â
Like I said, Yosemite can connect just fine, but Mavericks cannot.
Info: MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Late 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I recently purchased an SSD and plan to do the upgrade to my Macbook Pro early 2011.
What I'm planning to do is the following:Remove old HDDInstall SSD out of the box (un-formatted with no data on it)Boot up Macbook and start OSX Internet recoveryInstall OSX MavericksÂ
My question is, doing Internet recovery will apple Store let me install Mavericks right away or will I have to install
the original OS that the system originally shipped with (Mountain Lion) first and then install Mavericks?
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I use a 4G Galaxy Nexus to broadcast a private WPA2 network. The 4G signal is always strong, and I've verified that the internet is active on the broadcasting device, and that other non-Apple devices maintain a solid connection. However my macbook pro does not lose the network connection, the internet stops working only on the macbook pro and I must "turn Wifi Off" and back on using the top right menu icon in order for the internet connection to resume working on the laptop. It will stop working every 5-10 minutes.