OS X :: Macbook Leopard Inactive Windows Fading?

Oct 15, 2008

I have had my MB for a year now and I just noticed yesterday that when I have ichat (or any program open) and safari in the background the inactive safari window fades to transparent when not in use (when another window is on top of it). Is there any way to disable this? Or has anybody else had this problem. I don't remember turing on an option like this.

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Applications :: Inactive Safari Fading Transparent?

Jun 4, 2009

so just the other day, I noticed that my safari window was fading transparent any time I would make it an inactive window, for example by clicking onto the desktop. I don't know why or how this could have happened, although the only thing I remember installing recently enough was "Inquisiter" for Safari, but I've uninstalled that and it still seems to be happening.

I'm using the most recent version of the Safari 4 beta in case you needed to know.

I guess it's not really a BIG deal since it doesn't really harm my ability to do anything in OS X, but I'm just a little confused as to how this happened in the first place. Does anybody know why or how this happened and how I could disable this?

Here's a video of it happening just to help you understand what's happening:[URL}

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Software :: Windows Fading In And Out Rapidly?

Sep 26, 2008

For the past two days my Mac has been acting horribly. I'll be typing in email or on Mellel or Nisus, having a number of windows open, and all of a sudden they'll all begin to fade in and out rapidly. I can't do anything to stop it, having tried with the mouse, clicking it, and also to escape, but nothing. It'll stop on its own after 30 seconds or so.

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OS X :: Click Through On Inactive Windows Not Working And Mouse Acceleration

Aug 29, 2010

I recently purchased a MBP and am really enjoying using it. However I have a few issues that I have to get taken care of or I will prolly end up going back to windows.

First major issue is that I have to click twice on mostly everything. If im in a different window and want to click on a link in the browser I have to click twice.

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OS X :: Snow Leopard 64-bit Declare Inactive Memory

Oct 7, 2009

I have 4gb of ram in my MBP and am forcing snow leopard to boot into 64-bit mode by changing the one property in my com.apple.Boot.plist. I have noticed that if I keep my computer on for a couple of hours that over 2gb of my memory is declared inactive. The activity monitor does not show what is taking up so much memory on my computer. How would I be able to free up all this inactive memory so that my computer continues to run smoothly like it does when I do a restart.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Re-enable Java Applets By Clicking The Region Labeled "Inactive Plug-in" On A Webpage

Jun 13, 2012

Since installing Java 10.6.1_33, an online program I use will not function. The program says I do not have the correct Java update.  Apple says to  re-enable Java applets by clicking the region labeled "Inactive plug-in" on a webpage, but there is no region labeled  "inactive plug-in".  Everything worked perfectly before installing the latest update which was released yesterday.

iMac 21.5" - 3.06 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, Mac OS X (10.6.2), Memory 4GB

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MacBook Pro :: MBP Screen Fading Out?

May 4, 2009

NOT A BRIGHTNESS ISSUE. Had to get that out...before anyone responded. lol

I've started to have a problem with my 2007 SR MBP. The screen starts to gradually fade out to this purplish color gray color. Most of the time it occurs when I open the lid and the computer wakes up from sleep or is powered on. Everything on the screen gets "washed away" although I know things are still working because the brightness and volume controls still work.

Tapping the lid for a bit behind the LCD seems to "shake" the screen back to its normal state. However, sometimes it'll go right back to the fading out behavior.

Unfortunately I don't have anything to capture it on video at the moment. I've taken pics but still shots don't really capture the problem well. Most of you would probably think its just a pic of my MBP with a boring background. And since I can't reproduce the problem on demand I have yet to take it in for an Apple Store. The best thing I could find online was the following:


My screen looks like its doing something similar to the above Youtube video. Although it has nothing to do with an external monitor. Anyone else experience this problem before?

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MacBook Pro :: Backlight On It Seems To Be Fading?

Mar 17, 2012

the light on my 15" display has grown dimmer; is that something that is correctable?

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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MacBook Pro :: Screen Fading MBP Mid-2009?

Nov 13, 2010

I got a 13" Macbook Pro in June 2009, and I really like the quality of the whole computer.

I just updated to OS X 10.6.5, and then I noticed a spot on my screen that looks like it's fading or ghosting. It's easiest to see when there's just light being emitted from the screen and no color, but it's always visible. I highly doubt that it's ghosting, because I never leave my screen on when I leave the computer. There are also these little black dots in rows that are visible in the fading section of the screen, but you can't see them in the attached images. I'll be able to upload higher resolution images tomorrow after noon.

Any ideas as to what this could be? I put my laptop in my backpack for school, but I'm always very careful about how I treat it and never leave it unattended. I also have no idea what that image would be if it was ghosting, because it doesn't look like anything to me.

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MacBook Pro :: Engraving On The Back Fading Away?

Dec 18, 2010

You know how on the bottom plate of the Macbook Pro with the engraving that says your serial number and how "This computer was designed by Apple" or something like that? Is that supposed to fade away because around half of that has faded away. I'm afraid my serial number will fade away too, but it hasn't yet. Is that because the serial number is engraved and the text above it isn't?

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MacBook Pro :: Speakers Fading In And Out On Different Players

Mar 27, 2012

I have had my MacBook Pro for less than a year and usually very happy with it. However, in the last week the speakers have been playing up. When I'm watching a show or movie, at unexplained times, the audio will fade out so it sounds really quiet and sort of far away. This has been happening on different players, such as VLC and Quicktime. It also happens with different files, and at random times. It seems that playing a song or two on iTunes fixes it. The laptop has definitely NOT been around any liquid or anything that could have damaged the speakers.

MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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MacBook Pro :: Using Inactive Ram?

Sep 1, 2010

I have had it in for about a week... Today I am at my lowest amount of inactive RAM, about 3.09GB. I just checked activity monitor and I am swapping 1MB? And have 11 page outs?

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MacBook Air :: Turn Off The Fading Lights On The Keyboard?

Feb 29, 2008

The light sensor on both my MBP and my girlfriends Air makes the keyboard dim up and down all the time. Is there any way to keep the lights on the keyboard on at all times? Some third party application perhaps?

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MacBook Air :: Extra Bright Fading Line At Top Of Screen?

Jan 20, 2009

Has anybody seen this on their Macbook Air? A very bright, fading line of 6-8 mm at the top of the screen? I just returned my MBA because of this a couple of day ago. Then today I go to the local apple dealer (in Denmark) and I see the exact same bright line on the MBA screen in the shop. I also checked a unibody Macbook, a white Macbook, and an 24" iMac. None of these screens had the problem - it was only the Air. So now I wonder: is this a feature of the MBA, or was I right in returning it because of this.

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MacBook Pro :: 2.4 GHz CPU Failure - Inactive Memory

Jul 7, 2010

I have a late 2008 MacBook Pro 2.4GHz with 2GB of RAM. I can't say it's ever been magnificently fast, but I always blamed it on the memory. I've always intended on upgrading it, just never got around to it. I've also been away for 6 months, so haven't been using my computer.
But today I've been trying to use Photoshop & it's hideously slow! Even the simplest task such as a desaturate command can take as long as 2 minutes! Admittedly on a large size document.

I have iStat in the menu bar. When performing these tasks I would assume it would display some sort of indication it's processing in the CPU. But it displays Photoshop only using at much as 16% CPU & the memory having 500MB of inactive memory? My brother had been using my computer away & was constantly complaining of the speed of it. He suspects it could be a CPU issue. Am I correct in thinking Photoshop should be using more CPU when processing a task?

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MacBook Pro :: Ventilator Fans Seem To Be Inactive?

May 9, 2012

ventilator fans seem to be inactive. MacBook Pro is overheating. How do I test the fans?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: What's The Difference Between Inactive And Free Memory?

Jul 5, 2010

If it's inactive, shouldn't it be free?

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OS X :: Animated Desktop With Fading?

May 19, 2007

i was wondering if it's possible to have my screensaver slideshow as my desktop like an animated desktop; i recently installed onyx, which has a limited feature to run certain screensavers as desktops (like the preinstalled "abstract" "flurry" and other screensavers), but not the "choose folder" slideshow, which i would have liked to have (constant changing animated desktop with fading and ken burns effect), does anyone know if another program does this or if it's possible?

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OS X :: Fading Colors When Scrolling?

Jul 2, 2009

So at first I thought my eyes were going. But I guess not. Sometimes when I scroll macrumors things start to fade when I let go of the scroll bar. Clicking other window corrects this. Or moving it to my other screen. Any ideas? Is this another x1900 issue?

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OS X :: Removing Fading Titles In Imovie?

Mar 13, 2010

i want to do some subtitles in imovie hd or 09

but i have this teeny tiny problem with the subtitles..when i add the sub and finish it i see in the preview that the text is fading(like a ghost of you know what i mean)but i don't want it to fade i want it to be a normal text to despair normally(like movies or anime subtitles)

so is their a way to remove the fading?i looked every where and couldn't find it

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Fading Annotations In Preview 5.5.1

May 8, 2012

I use Preview to read pdf files for my study, and use the annotations because they are great and versatile. But I just noticed that some old ones have started to fade! Since I'm not interessted in them disappearing before the exam, how can I stop them from fading/changing color? Will they ever fade to the point where I can't read them anymore? 

I'm running Lion (10.7.3) and Preview (5.5.1) 

Preview 5.5.1, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Applications :: How To Stop Text From Fading In IMovie 6.0

Dec 27, 2009

I'm trying to make one of those Youtube song lyrics videos but I can't seem to get the text to stay still. I searched on Google and everyone says to use "centered title" but it keeps fading and i can't get the lines to appear simultaneously, each set of two lines fades out as the next one fades in.Is there a way to insert about 5-6 lines at the same time per slide without the text fading?

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IMac :: Fading Display With Black Border?

Jan 28, 2010

I've got a 2001 Blue Dalmation that has 100 GB HD and is running OSX (10.4).The display is really fading and has a one inch black border around the edges. Is the display toast, and/or is it cost-effective to replace it?

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OS X :: Shutdown When Inactive Option In Mac?

Mar 24, 2009

It's not seldom that I go to sleep but my Mac is still downloading for one or two hours, or Time Machine is backing up wirelessly. I remember I've seen the ability "shutdown when ready" in a (very) few apps (could be Windows ), but isn't there some general function for it?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Over 5 GB Inactive Ram 88mb?

Apr 26, 2012

Late 2011 15" MBP with 8GB ram installed - was fine until about a week ago; now these seems to happen after running the machine for a few hours:  

MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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PowerPC :: Screwy Powerbook Screen Fading And Streaking?

Jan 2, 2008

For a while I have been experiencing this weird freezing and then the screen fades to white, to black and syan colors . This could usually be fixed by shaking the screen, but now it has come to the point where i need to hold my hand on the top right of the screen to keep the screen from freezing like this. Is this a common issue on old powerbooks? Is there any way I can crack this thing open and fix the problem? i opened the comp last night and on the motherboard no cables seemed to be loose. I think its inbside the screen and or around the hinges. If anyone could help I would greatly appreciate it. I have a 17 inch powerbook.

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Applications :: Audio Keeps Fading On Iphoto / Idvd Slideshows?

Jul 2, 2009

I've created a slideshow in iphoto with about four mp3 songs from my itunes list playing in the background. The songs play find when I view the slideshow in iphoto. However, when I send the slideshow to idvd and burn the DVD the each song fades off to silence way too early! It's not an idvd issue, because when I preview the DVD before burning it, the audio does the same thing.

I've tried changing the mp3 to m4a, still same fade. I've also tried making them one track in Audacity, still same fade. I don't know what to do to fix it?

This is done with iphoto 09 with the latest update on a MacBook Pro with OS X 10.5.7.

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Applications :: Fading/washing Out When I Scroll On External Monitor?

Feb 23, 2010

On my external monitor (does not happen on the MBP screen) and just in Safari, on any page when I scroll, the entire page progressively fades or washes out until the entire window is white minus a few images that fade to yellow and black. See attached screenshot of apple.com. Resizing resets the picture to normal, but problem persists if I scroll again.

Anyone experiencing this? Tried to update but software is up to date.

OSX 10.6.2
Safari Version 4.0.4 (6531.21.10)
Macbook Pro 13"
Dell S2409W monitor thru mini display port to dvi

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Software :: Illustrator CS3 Colour Fading When Importing Images?

Aug 16, 2008

I am using illustrator and when ever i import and image to the file I am working on it will darken the colours and I dont know if it is ment to do that or its my mac,

I am running a PowerPC G4 1.25 with 2gig ram and 110Gb HD Leopard

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OS X :: Out Of 8GB Of RAM Installed, 460mb Were Free, 2gb Were Inactive?

Oct 22, 2009

Before opening this web browser, out of 8GB of RAM installed, 460mb were free, 2gb were inactive and over 4 gb were active.if only my activity monitor is running, why don't i have something like 6gb+ of free ram?

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