OS X :: MBP Not Turn On After Forced Shut Down

Feb 18, 2009

Recently my MBP (15" Santa Rosa) froze up. After having to force it to turn off it now no longer turns on. It will make the start up sound but it is very muted.

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OS X :: IMac 10.5.7 - Frozen On Restart - Forced Shut Down

May 13, 2009

I downloaded Mac OS X 10.5.7 from the Apple website rather than using Software Update only to save time. I used Software Update to get 10.5.7 on my MacBook Pro and it took 35 minutes to download the package. Using the Apple website for my iMac, the download took about 15 minutes.

I then began the installation of 10.5.7 on the iMac. Everything went fine until it was time to restart. The computer froze on restart. I had to hold down the power button to turn off the iMac. Then I started it up and it began to load for quite a while (normal after an update). Then I logged in and went to "About This Mac" and it read that I had Mac OS X 10.5.7.

Obviously, this is an unorthodox way of updating. But am I safe with this method? Was it just a minor glitch?

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OS X :: Forced Shut Down Now Hard Drive Has Vanished?

Apr 25, 2010

Black 2006 Macbook, running 10.5.8. Refurb so no restore discs, but a retail copy of Leopard.

I did something truly stupid, I was reading on here about selecting different libraries when opening up iTunes. I thought hey I'll see if I can bring up my Power Mac G5 iTunes library (also running 10.5.8, where all my music is kept) and have it in a full library rather than the home network sharing option which doesnt have artwork etc.


I hit shift+alt when opening iTunes and navigated through my shared folder to the PM's music folder and selected the library file. iTunes bounced for a bit then the whole thing just hung. Stayed in a beachball and wouldn't let me force quit either. So I held the power button down and did a forced shut down. When I booted it back up it took me the grey screen with a flashing folder and question mark.

I popped in the Leopard retail disc and booted from that, opened up disc utility to find my harddrive has completely vanished, the only thing showing is the optical drive.

Ive tried:

Booting into target disc mode with the Macbook connected through Firewire to the G5... the G5 sees it in shared, as the computer name that I gave it (which must mean there's something there if my settings have been stored?!?), but fails to connect. It did connect as 'VNC' once. But there was nothing in the folder.
Tried resetting the PRAM.. not sure that would do anything but I thought why not, chimed twice but still doesn't see the hard disc in Disc Utility.

Booted with D to force the Macbook to boot from the internal, it just stays on a grey screen forever.

Tried to select startup disc but the only things listed are the Leopard install disc and a network boot. Also tried going ahead with a leopard install, my stuffs backed up on disc and the G5 so I dont mind a clean install, just want it to work again! No drive listed to install to though.

Any thoughts at all?! Can't believe I managed to destroy it with a tiny action!

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OS X :: Trackpad Gestures Stop Working After Forced Shut Down

May 8, 2009

Whenever I accidentally let the power drain on my aluminum macbook, which cause me to boot up from where I left off, everything works fine except all of my trackpad gestures stop working completely. Has anyone ever had this happen to them? Is my only option restarting my computer or is there some way to reset it (without losing my preferences)?

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OS X :: Mac Won't Turn Off In The Shut Down Screen?

Jun 3, 2009

i have a macbook with osx and when i go to turn it off, all the icons disappear and i am left with just my desktop picture and that small little loading black thing. I don't what to do, i have tried waiting a long time but it never turns off, i usually end up having to hold the shut down button which feels dangerous to my comp.

What should i do... is it a virus or something else?

oh, and sometimes some of my programs wont shut down even after force quit.

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MacBook Pro :: Laptop Just Shut Off And Will Not Turn On Even Plugged In?

Sep 13, 2010

Last night I was watching some videos on my computer and noticed that the fans were spinning, because it was pretty hot. Next thing I know the laptop just shut off. I didn't think to much of it because I just assumed the battery dided and needed to be recharged.

Well now I go to restart my Laptop and it will not turn on even with the laptop plugged in. Any ideas on what could be wrong? Is my laptop dead, what happened?

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PowerPC :: Ibook Shut Off After Re-installing OS X Now Won't Turn On?

Jan 16, 2009

I bought an ibook a little while ago because I wanted a small, simple notebook and I love my home iMac. I found one for a good price on eBay and when it arrived everything seemed ok. I wanted to re-install the OS and set everything to my specifications because I was having a little trouble with some of the apps. Anyway, I went through the lengthy re-install and just as it finished counting down the seconds to completion, it shut down. I thought it might be in sleep mode because the little white light was on, so I hit a key and the light went off but nothing happened. Nothing on the screen, no HD noise, nothing. I'm at a loss because I really don't know much at all about hardware or software, which is why I liked the user-friendly Mac so much. The only thing that tells me it's getting power is the little green light at the power connector. I tried a PMU reset (there's no reset button on my model so it was a button combo of shift-ctrl-option-power I think) but that didn't do anything.

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MacBook :: Unibody Unexpectedly Shut Down / Won't Turn On

Mar 6, 2010

I have an aluminum macbook with a 2.4Ghz core 2 duo processor. I am the second owner, but I have owned it for about a year and taken good care of it. The other day I was browsing the internet internet and my macbook just turned off. It didnt give any warning or go through a shutdown sequence, it cut the power and turned off all of a sudden. I should tell you that it has done this once before, about a week ago. However, in that case I was able to turn it right back on without any issues. Now, on the other hand, I cannot get it to do anything. No chime, no gray screen. All that happens is the little white light on the lower right side flashes for a brief second. There is no screen activity, and as far as I can tell by holding my ear up to the hard drive it does not start to spin at all. I have attempted to reset the pram and smc, but I have no idea if it is resetting. It was not hot at all when it shut down, it had been sleeping and I had only just started using it. It was still cool to the touch on the case. Does anybody have any idea what could be causing this? I do not have the money to replace the logic board, so I am hoping it is something else.

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MacBook Pro :: Can't Turn Off By Clicking Shut Down Button

Jun 18, 2010

So everytime I try to turn my macbook pro off by clicking the shut down button it does the usual turning all software off and then going to the desktop with the dashbord going away and the little circle coming up but it just stays like that forever until I force it off by pressing down the power button. What should I do? I just got this laptop around 6 months ago

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MacBook Pro :: Back Light Won't Turn Off When Shut The Lid

Apr 4, 2012

My back light won't turn off when i shut the lid of my mac book pro is there a setting to change this?, My back light won't turn off when i shut the lid of my mac book pro is there a setting to change this?

MacBook Pro

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OS X :: ISight Light Won't Turn Off And IMac Freezes At Shut Down?

Jan 7, 2011

tonight I started having trouble with my intel iMac (running OSX 10.4.11). I'm having issues with two things (bolded for those skimming):

Out of seemingly nowhere, my iSight light turned on and now wont turn off. The only program I had open at the time was Firefox. When I try to open up PhotoBooth it says this:

There's nothing listed under USB High-Speed Bus in the system profiler either.

I've tried logging out of my user account, restarting, shutting down, unplugging and holding the back button for 5 seconds ...none of that worked. I tried resetting my Mac's PRAM and NVRAM. That didn't work either, and that's where a second problem appeared: when I try to shut my computer off, it freezes. I have to shut it off by holding the back button.

Is repairing the permissions and/or disk worth a shot? Or should I just take it straight into the Apple store? I hope it's not a hardware issue because I just recently had a new hard-drive installed after it broke down on December 15.

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MacBook Pro :: Not Able To Turn On Only Apple Logo Is Loading And Then Shut Down

Sep 12, 2014

My Mac book won't turn on. All I get is the apple logo and a loading icon and bar, then it just shuts down. What do I do?

MacBook Pro

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MacBook Pro :: Recently Device Doesn't Turn On When Shut It Down?

Jun 5, 2014

Recently I have a big problem with my macbook Pro, I don't know why but my device doesn't turn on when I shut it down. and I should wait for hours or sometimes for a whole day!!! what should I do?

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Mac Pro :: Power Supply Not Working / System Shut Down Suddenly And Would Not Turn On

Jul 1, 2010

I tried the "search" box before making this thread. Would like to know if the power supply from a 2008 MacPro work on a 2006 MacPro. If anyone has tried this? My 2006 MacPro shut down suddenly and would not turn on. I use an APC UPS plugged on a power surge outlet. The Mac technician who examined the unit suspected it might be the power supply but Apple may not have in stock the power supply for the Ist Gen MacPro.

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IMac PPC :: G5 With ISight (A1145) Randomly Shut Off And Now Won't Turn Back On

Apr 17, 2012

I was using it like any other day and it just turned off. Now it wont turn back on even with switching outlets!

iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), iMac G5 w/iSight

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MacBook Pro :: Every Time Turn On (Early 2011), Getting Error Saying To Shut Down?

May 11, 2012

I get this error nearly enough every time i turn on my MacBook Pro (Early 2011 Model), i says it needs to shut down because an error occured and when it comes back on i get this error below, which i copied and pasted.... Please can anyone help, as i dont understand what this means.(By the way, just so you know, i dropped my Macbook Pro a month ago). 


MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: When Plugged In Portable Charger / It Shut Off / Can't Turn It Back On

Jul 1, 2014

I was launching my sims game when I plugged in my portable charger in my MacBook Pro. As soon as I plugged it in, I heard a tiny poof and next thing I know the screen turned black. I held down the power button like I normally would and it wouldn't work. when I plug in the charger, there is a faint green light.

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IMac Intel :: Unable To Turn On System / Shut Itself Down And Refused To Power Back Up

Jun 19, 2008

I have a 20" intel-based dual core Mac which i have had for about since early 2006, i haven't had any big issues with it until a few days ago when it suddenly shut itself down and refused to power back up. I ran through the checklist that Apple Support provides, including resetting the SMC by unplugging everything and waiting 15 seconds or so but none of it worked. Eventually I just left the power cord unplugged overnight and in the morning I plugged it back in.

After having the power cord plugged in for a few hours and the machine turned off, i tried pressing the power button again and to my amazement it powered back on! Immediately i ran the TechTool Deluxe software that came with my extended protection plan (now expired) and everything was fine. Later that night however, I had left my computer on for a few hours before returning to it and realizing it had shut itself off again. Now I am back to where I started, going through the checklist provided by Apple and am really starting to get concerned. Does anyone know of anything else I can do, short of taking it in to an Apple store? Or is something needed to be replaced?

IMAC-Intel (Early 2006)
Mac OS X (10.4.11)

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OS X Mavericks :: When Turn On Mac Trash Has Recovered Files / However Trash Was Empty Of Last Shut Down

Sep 8, 2014

when i turn on my mac trash has recovered files in there, however trash was empty of last shut down.

MacBook Pro with Retina display

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MacBook Air :: Cannot Shut Down / Keyboard Cannot Control Volume / Turn On Keyboard-light

Sep 12, 2014

I used to just closed my Mac instead of pressing the shutdown button; I tried this time but I cannot shut it down anymore, also my keyboard cannot control the volume or turn on the keyboard-light. Also I remember there is like a back-up shortcut (or something like that don't know what is it exactly named) consisting of three keyboard button.

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Intel Mac :: Won't Turn On, Get Message "must Shut Down" Before It Boots U

Jun 5, 2012

My wife's iMac (about 4 years old, OS is pretty up to date) won't boot up. I turn it on, get the apple logo, gray-ness "curtains" down and I get that yucky "you must turn your computer off by holding down the on button" (or someting like that) in several languages. 

Tried these, none worked: 

(1) -Shut down your Mac
-Disconnect the power cord
-Press and hold the Mac’s power button for 5 seconds
-Release the button
-Reattach the power and boot the Mac as usual

(2) -Shut down the computer.

-Locate the following keys on the keyboard: Command, Option, P, and R. You will need to hold these keys down simultaneously.

-Turn on the computer.

-Press and hold the Command-Option-P-R keys. You must press this key combination before the gray screen appears.

-Hold the keys down until the computer restarts and you hear the startup sound for the 3rd time.

-Release the keys and let your system boot up.    

(3) -Power the iMac off

-Power your iMac on and hold down the "Option" key

-Choose your internal hard drive (Macintosh HD) and boot up your iMac

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MacBook :: USB HDD Forced Me To Restart?

Mar 8, 2009

I am trying to access my external hdd, I have 2 external hdd. The first one is a 2.5 hdd that came with the original MacBook. The second one is an external digital western drive.


It started after my upgrade to 10.5.6, (or so I've noticed), when I plug the hdd into the USB my computer grays out and this little box that says "hold down the power button to restart your computer" in German, French and Spanish.

Does anybody know about this problem? Is this a PRAM problem? Or is it a faulty USB controller.

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MacBook Air :: Randomly Forced Me To Restart?

Nov 9, 2010

This happened twice today on my late 2010 MB Air (13"/2.13/4GB). The same thing also happened on my iMac once today. This was the first time it happened with my iMac since I bought it two years ago. I was just simply browsing the Internet, doing email, and word processing.

The two most recent changes I made to both of them were installing dropbox and adding clicktoflash extension.

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Mac Mini :: Forced To Shutdown During Installation?

Feb 4, 2012

Getting a very nasty message when trying to reinstall OS on my Mac mini. During disc two it comes up with the message to turn it off by holding down the power. I have also tried to disconnect the power hold it for 5 seconds and reset the SMC. Where do I go from here. Do I need to by a new one?Thought initially it was my hard drive but I changed it and still the same message comes. Is it a kernel problem. A little hard to any "reset" or anything as I don't have any system running on it, or is it?

Mac mini (Mid 2007)

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MacBook Pro :: Computer Forced To Shutdown?

Apr 19, 2012

While using safari a pop up screen shows up and forced me to shutdown my mac by pressing on the power button. Here's the report: Interval Since Last Panic Report:  -13 sec

Panics Since Last Report:  1 Anonymous UUID:  D1BB7377-1139-40F5-ACAF-924F100764C0  


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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Forced To Migrate To Icloud?

Jun 10, 2012

Why Apple customers accept being forced to migrate to Icloud and Lion (an OS with bad reviews) before the end of June when knowing that Mountain Lion will be available a few weeks later?

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OS X Mavericks :: (10.9.3) USB Devices Won't Eject Even When Forced

Jun 29, 2014

I'm actually running OSX 10.9.3 on a mid-2012 macbook air and I have a problem with usb devices that won't eject and stay in my device list until I restart my computer. 

I've been having this problem for a few weeks now, and I can't understand why it's doing that. 

I've posted a picture showing the devices remaining in the list... 

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OS X :: Forced Quit It And Tried To Move To 1st Space To Use Safari?

Aug 10, 2009

I recently clicked Console in utilities for the heck of it. When it stopped responding, I forced quit it and tried to move to my 1st space to use safari. Suddenly, my mac kept moving around from space to space and then back to space 1 until I shut the computer. Was I hacked and am I being followed by someone right now who is stealing my information? I have restarted twice...

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Applications :: Previews - Landscapes Forced To Portrait?

Apr 7, 2010

I have recently (4 weeks) upgraded to Aperture 3. I noticed in one project today that some previews that should be landscape are forced and distorted into portrait mode and vice versa in the preview. Opening the image shows the image in the correct orientation. Updating preview seems to make no difference. I'm reluctant to rebuild from masters as I have made many alterations to this project (2500 images). Here's a screenshot:

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ICloud :: Why Are MobileMe Users Being Forced To Switch

May 29, 2012

Add me to the list of MobileMe subscribers who are not happy about the chance to iCloud.  I was very happy with MobileMe.  I'd much rather pay for a good product vs. being forced to use an inferior free product.  I back up all my work data to MobileMe/iDisk and I am concerned that it will not be transferred and that I may run into problems in the future.  A previous post that I just read said that data will not be transferred.  Is this true??  Also why are photos and videos not being transferred?  Can they at least be manually reloaded?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.1)

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