OS X :: Install Silverlight To Listen Radio Station
Jul 2, 2010
I want to listen to some radio station but the online services requires me to install Microsoft Silverlight. Shall I do this as its a Microsoft product? What is your experience using this?
A radio station that I listen to on-line has switched from a Flash-based player to a Silverlight-based player. Classic FM (in the UK) even have a handy 'How to listen' guide for Macs which talks about their Flash player, but when I click to launch it I get a message telling me to install Silverlight. Is there any way that I can listen to the station on my Mac without installing Silverlight.
i'm having trouble listening to radio stations on the net via a mac. i keep getting error messages like 'plugins are not installed' can anybody tell me how i can get round this, and is there a specific program i can use?
im stationed in Guam, while i sit at my computer all day i wanted to listen to the radio stations from my home town. they do have an internet feed, but i get this message. MIME type ?application/x-mplayer2" can you please tell me how to fix this.
I listen my favorite radio station on Safari. How can I lock in my radio station on iTunes? I want to use my airport express to manage an external loudspeaker.
Is there a way in mac OS X, either by a third party app, or something, that would let me listen to online radio stations? Either a safari or firefox plugin?
I was wondering how can I add a radio station to my itunes or make a quick launch or shortcut instead of opening it in firefox. The website to the radio station is [URL] its an Egyptian radio station the thing is the once you open the website the radio start playing and I cant get the link to the radio.
Does anyone know if you can turn of the wifi radio on the airport base station and still have it operate as an ethernet switch if you so desire? Maybe through the airport utility?
I have tried to install silverlight several times and keep getting the error that the installer quit unexpectedly. I am running Mac OS X 10.6.8. I could not find a solution for this anywhere. I tried to also access the plug-in on the HD and it never opened up.
I was watching Netflix and all of a sudden it said i needed to download the latest version of Silverlight. i clicked on the link, downloaded it, it said it installed successfully and all i had to do was reopen safari.but when i did that it still said i needed to install Silverlight. i keep retrying to download it but nothing seems to work.
I have been trying to access sky desktop this evening and can't until I upgrade to microsoft silverlight 5 but I can't remove microsoft silverlight 4 from my computer. I have had a look online and all of the instructions that I have found haven't made any sense to me. Please help (but using nice easy instructions!)
How do I completely uninstall Silverlight? I've used command-F in finder to find everything Silverlight and then delete it. Even then, my browsers still try to use silverlight for video on sites like [URL].
I go to [URL] and I get nothing but zeroes Chrome and Firefox all list the version installed. I need silverlight on safri to run a company application.
Both the silverlight and Adobe reader icon stays on my desktop after I have installed. I can move the "dmg" icon to the application folder, but the other 2 icons will not stay in the applications folder when I try to drag.
I've got a 27" iMac, 2.8 GHz Intel Core i5, running the latest Snow Leopard update. In browsing thru my Applications folder I noticed that I have an app called "Microsoft Silverlight".I never downloaded that app. Is that part of Snow Leopard? If not, why do I have it, what does it really do? I searched the internet but do not really understand it., do I need it? Will it degrade performance if I uninstall it? What is your advice? As you can probably tell, I am a relatively new Mac user and not a computer expert.
Found out that when I installed Flip 4 Mac I also installed silverlight. Uninstalled Flip 4 Mac but siverlight remains and will not uninstall. Also silverlight just comes up as a white page in my Applications folder, not its traditional logo. I have seen the posts on silverlight but is it really needed for my mac? If not how do I get it off.
we all know flash is a battery eater so to prevent this is install click to flash then it will indicate every pages that runs flash has this word "flash" on webpage which is good thing.now, i am a netflix subscriber and to watch movies you have to install microsoft silverlight..i dont have any choice to install it. if i open a webpage for example cnn.com yahoo.com etc.. how can i determine that those sites are using silverlight?i believe silverlight will cause battery consumption like flash right?
I am having trouble with Silverlight, which is necessary to stream movies on Netflix. Every time I click on a movie to watch I get a prompt to install Silverlight, even though I have already done so. This occurs on Firefox, my default brower, but not on Safari or Chrome.
I am running a Macbook Pro with OS X 10.7.3. It seems there is some incompatibility problem that affects Firefox but not other browsers. I could switch to Safar or Chrome as my default browser or stay with Firefox and use another browser for Netflix, but neither solution is perfect, and I would love to get Netflix to work on Firefox.
I would like to use Netflix to watch a few tv shows or movies on my Air, but in order to work, I need to download this plug-in. Does anyone know how this will impact battery life? Does the plug-in only run when needed or will it always be running in the background?
i recently got netflix and it requires Microsoft Silverlight. I've heard a lot of bad things about it interfering with other video watching programs and it being hard to fully remove and etc is this true, even worth installing?
i use silverlight to watch instant netflix but i didn't know it is such a memory hog. i should have noticed that when i watch instant netflix on one window and browsing regularly on the other that the movie would hiccup each time i click on a link in a website or each time i visit a new web page. it doesn't slow down the computer or anything to make it unusaeable. but, i am concerned of the page outs since i don't want my harddrive to work overtime. is this something i have to live with?