MacBook :: Installer Quit Unexpectedly During Silverlight Install?
Feb 11, 2012
I have tried to install silverlight several times and keep getting the error that the installer quit unexpectedly. I am running Mac OS X 10.6.8. I could not find a solution for this anywhere. I tried to also access the plug-in on the HD and it never opened up.
i'm new to the forums and new to macs so i really have no clue how to fix any problems on the mac growing up i always used a mac but for the past 6 years i have been using a pc. so long story short i bought a used mac to kind of dink around with and for some reason Itunes keeps quiting unexpectedly. I also tried to download limewire and it loads up to 6% then it just sits there. Has anyone else had this problem? Can anyone give me some tips I cannot figure this out.
Have Word 2004. Don't laugh; it's been working. When got new MBP, Office worked. (Well, can't recall if PPT ever worked with it.)Excel and Word definitely did work. Two weeks ago, Excel started working sporadically, then not at all.Right now(!!), Word suddenly stopped working. "Word quit unexpectedly" and "Excel quit unexpectedly."
I have this problem on my iMac three months now. I tried lot of thinks to fix this problem but I faild. The problem is that, when I want to install a package (.pkg) or update something the installer quits unexpectly.
I can't re-install it from the recovery disk because I need the Installer to install a package.
I just got the screen that says you need to hold down the power key and restart your computer. Anyone know why? I'm running tiger. I had about 12% battery left and I am "borrowing" my neighbors internet because mine is down right now (I'm a broke college student). I had about 1-3 bars of internet but those go in and out and fluctuate often. I've noticed my computer seems to lag because of that, I've had a lot more applications crashing.
Every time I try to unzip a file using Archive Utility, it says "Archive Utility Quit Unexpectedly". No, relaunching it does not do anything. I have restarted my computer to no prevail and several things I've tried on the internet do not work. Currently using a Macbook Pro, with OSX 10.9.3.
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
I have just purchased a new MacBook pro 2ghz 15". Since first using it I thought it was a little slow and now it quits programs every day I use it saying "iphoto has quit unexpectedly" etc and its the same for safari, email and garageband.
I did a software update a few days ago - it required me to do a Safari update. Since then I am unable to use safari. When I open Safari, it gives me a msg saying that Safari quit unexpectedly and will send report automatically to Apple. I have tried many things on the web. Deleted the application, and reinstalled. I tried from the original app installation DVD. I have also cleared the cache folder under library.
So recently, whenever I use my MacBook Pro and I open a program (such as iTunes) or even the internet browser (Safari), the program will just close as soon as I open it or while I'm using it. And sometimes it takes forever to just re-open.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
After receiving a 'critical upgrade' the Installer quit suddenly and when I tried to reopen nothing happened. I rebooted and switch off power but when I start in I cannot open anything. I just get the whirligig symbol
I Cannot even access the computers details to give to Apple support.
I keep getting "problem reports" when trying to open applications that have worked fine for years. Microsoft Word, Photopshop, Illustrator an Avery CD Sticker maker all give me the problem report window with the yellow trianlge and exclmation point when I try to open them and say: "____ has quit unexpectedly. Click reopen to open the application again. This report will be sent to Apple automatically." Clicking reopen offers the same thing again, and again, and again.It started yesterday with Photoshop and Illustrator, so I took them off my computer and tried to reinstall them. Now I get "Install Photoshop has quit unexpectedly. etc.." I ran the disc utility and it said my hard drive was OK.
im having issues with my internet is randomly crashes saying safari quit unexpectedly while using the plug-in how do i resolve this issue i've updated the software but still it keeps happening
I want to listen to some radio station but the online services requires me to install Microsoft Silverlight. Shall I do this as its a Microsoft product? What is your experience using this?
A radio station that I listen to on-line has switched from a Flash-based player to a Silverlight-based player. Classic FM (in the UK) even have a handy 'How to listen' guide for Macs which talks about their Flash player, but when I click to launch it I get a message telling me to install Silverlight. Is there any way that I can listen to the station on my Mac without installing Silverlight.
I am mac newbie and I am scared because in the past 2 months i've had two kernel panics - not really sure what that means - basically I've had to force restart my computer twice because Mac OS X quit unexpectedly.
My first kernel panic was on June 26, 2009 and my second kernel panic was on August 22, 2009.
Could this have contributed to the problem? when 10.5.7 came out I combo updated by computer but after a few days of getting pissed off at the lousy airport connectivity I erased and installed back to OS X version that came with my macbook when i bought (i think it was 10.5.2) and then i gradually combo updated my mac to 10.5.5 which I am still using.
A few weeks back I did a hardware test on my macbook because when i was using front row to watch a movie my mac's screen blinked and the sleep light came on for a few seconds and then like 10 minutes later it blinked again so i did a hardware test using the install CDs and there were no problems.
PowerMac G5 OS 10.5 Leopard - I am getting this error message. If I start up from Install Disk and try to Reinstall the OS, it throws an error message stating "Cannot verify Disk." If I start up from Install Disk, it goes directly to OS Installation without utility options. If I DO NOT Start up from Install Disk, little is recognized, including Main Menu Bar at top. If I insert Install Disk, it does not recognize a disk was inserted to work off. This all happened when: I chose to do a clean restore on the HD to sell the PowerMac. During the process, I had to stop it and I followed directions. Quit Install and select disk to restart from. I chose my HD and proceeded.
I have had a Macbook for about 2 months, and the 1st 2 months all the applications (including system preferences) has worked without a problem. Just about a week ago, iwent to open system preferences. That worked fine. But, when i went to click on "Desktop & Screen Saver" the application froze for a minute, then automatically quit! A screen poped up saying "The application system preferences quit unexpectedly", and gave the the option of closing it, reporting it, or reopening it. I tried to reopen it, but that didn't do anything (the same thing happened). So, i tried to restart my laptop, and when it had finished restarting, i went to do the same thing as before (open desktop and screen saver) and it "quit unexpectedly" again, and the same screen poped up. I still cant get it to open, and it has already been a week.
All applications quit suddenly when I click on print or press command+P. I tried everything to solve the problem including:
1) Uninstalled and reinstalled printer driver software. 2) Removed and readded the printer in printer setup utility 3) Reinstalled the whole operating system (Tiger) and installed all the updates. 4) Then it occured to me to test the printer using other user accounts in my computer and it works fine on other accounts! So the problem is just in my user account!