OS X V10.7 Lion :: Silverlight Works On Safari And Chrome, But Not On Firefox

May 31, 2012

I am having trouble with  Silverlight, which is necessary to stream movies on Netflix. Every time I click on a movie to watch I get a prompt to install Silverlight, even though I have already done so. This occurs on Firefox, my default brower, but not on Safari or Chrome.  

I am running a Macbook Pro with OS X 10.7.3. It seems there is some incompatibility problem that affects Firefox but not other browsers. I could switch to Safar or Chrome as my default browser or stay with Firefox and use another browser for Netflix, but neither solution is perfect, and I would love to get Netflix to work on Firefox.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Upgraded To 10.7.4 Pages Won't Load In Safari ,Chrome And Firefox?

May 15, 2012

Ever since upgrading to Lion 10.7.4 we are having issues with images loading in Safari ,Chrome and Firefox and the App store.  Sometimes not even the page will load. Our internet speed is up to par so we are pretty sure it's not a

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Also use a macbook, iPad, iPhone

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Suddenly Safari Won't Load Page While Chrome And Firefox Can

May 22, 2012

I’ll try to be as specific as I can. I’m running Safari 5.1.7 

From time to time, Safari seems to encounter a problem with opening https (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure). Either the page won’t open or the page will take deveral minutes to load (like four minutes to load Twitter home page). 

When it happens, it seems to cause Safari the misbehave with any other page: Safari becomes in effect broken. Meanwhile, pages load normally in Chrome or Firefox.  

Sometimes, restarting the computer will fix the problem (for a while), but sometime it doesn’t. I’ve also tried to empty Safari’s cache and flush its DNS. It doesn’t always work. I coming here because I restarted by computer half an hour ago and pages are still loading in Safari. 

Other valuable information: 

1) The problem with https existed prior to me upgrading to 5.1.7

2) I can be using Safari for days before I encounter the problem

3) I usually work with thre or four windows open, each loaded with about ten tabs. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Best Browser - Google Chrome / Firefox 3.5 / Firefox 4 Beta / Opera Or Just Safari

Nov 6, 2010

i know safari is default cuz its apple and all.. but what do you guys have as a separate option:

Google Chrome
Firefox 3.5
Firefox 4 Beta
Just safari

just curious.. wanting to put a browser but not too sure. (on my desktop PC, i have firefox 4), but i would like to know

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OS X :: Best Browser - Chrome Faster / Better Than Firefox / Safari?

Oct 6, 2010

I know benchmarks [URL] tend to give higher numbers for chrome.. But is this true? Is chrome really faster/better than firefox/safari?

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MacBook Air :: Safari - Chrome Or Firefox - Memory Hog?

Nov 9, 2010

I saw a thread the other day that alluded that Chrome or FF were memory hogs vs Safari. I have FF on my iMac and like it fairly well, my wife really prefers it. I have not installed it on my MBA because of the comments that I read the other day. It seemed like someone also posted Chrome was almost or as bad. There have been some spirited threads on how to keep our Airs running at top efficiency, going both easy on the RAM and on the battery life. The general consensus amongst members is Flash with a Flash filter plugin such as ClickToFlash battery life. If a browser is a memory hog will it also hasten the battery's discharge or just sap your RAM? Or would the user never really notice the difference unless they were tunnel visioned on their system monitor whilst surfing the web?

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Applications :: Safari Versus Chrome - Firefox

Jul 3, 2010

I cannot seems to find a good browser, yes I know Safari 5 is decent but as my wife just noted me today.

It seems that it cannot "multi-task' with tabs, what I mean she opened 2 flash games from Facebook in two tabs, so while 1 tab is playing the game the second one stands still on loading screen. I have decided to test if that was the Facebook problem and loaded 2 games in separate tabs from other game website, to my surprise same result.

Im also experiencing some issues with youtube, while Im loading video sometimes it stops loading video half way through or may be 40%.

Chrome, well its ok but sometimes it slows on flash as well.

Now the real issue I'm having is from Firefox; I have the latest version installed I think 3.6. After a few minutes it starts to get slow, later on it stops responding to the point that my dock and apple bar just freezes. The only solution is to activate spaces, move to empty space and force quit it.

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MacBook Pro :: How Does Safari Rank With Firefox And Chrome

Jul 30, 2010

I'm making the move to mac, (will have my mac pro Tuesday) I was curious to which is everyones prefered web browser with mac cause I've never used safari..how does safari rank with firefox and chrome? What do the majority of you guys use and really how is the overall web browssing experience on the macbook pro..?

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OS X :: Snow Leopard Antivirus Works With Safari - Will Work With Google Chrome

May 8, 2010

Snow leopard antivirus works with mail, safari, ichat, but if i install google chrome will it work with it? I am talking about the built in malware detector that comes with Snow Leopard

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Applications :: Safari, Firefox And Chrome All Hang - How To Repair

Dec 15, 2010

Well, I didn't change or install anything but since this afternoon Safari began to pause about 3/4 of the way loading a page. It would hang for about 3 seconds, give me the color wheel then load the rest of the page.

So, I installed Firefox and Chrome and they both do the same thing.

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Applications :: Safari / FireFox And Chrome Freezes On Some Pages

Jan 18, 2010

I used to have a name on this site but haven't used it in 4 or 5 years so I had to create a new one. Anyway, I started having a problem with Safari today. Every time I would go to ESPN or gmail it would freeze up, the spinning rainbow would come up and I would have to force quite the app. I thought it may just be a problem with Safari so I downloaded the latest FireFox and Chrome and to my surprise they began freezing up too doing the same thing. I've got a 13" MBP w/ the 2.53 GHz Core 2 duo and 4GB RAM. I ran a software update yesterday afternoon/evening when prompted to, but didn't check to see what it was. I do know it was one that didn't force me to do a restart.

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Applications :: Import Passwords From Safari Into Chrome Or Firefox

Mar 20, 2010

I need a way to export my Safari passwords into Chrome of Firefox. I started using Chrome and the only thing its lacking are my passwords. If there is no way to get passwords from safari into chrome please tell me if theres a way to get them from safari into firefox because the transfer from Firefox to chrome is easy. I have tried 1password but only its trial version therefore i couldnt export the passwords into firefox.

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MacBook Pro :: Safari Versus Chrome / Firefox On 2008

Jun 10, 2010

I currently own a late 2008 15 inch macbook pro. It's my first Mac, and I'm very satisfied with it.

I recently downloaded Safari 5 and have been less than impressed. I find the performance extremely sporadic: sometimes very fast, sometimes painfully slow. I have also lost Youtube and Justintv functionality, and since I take online courses the video sites are imperative for me.

I've re-loaded Firefox and also Chrome, and over the last three days seem to be leaning towards Chrome for its balance of speed and overall functionality.

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OS X Mavericks :: Cannot Display Chinese In Chrome / Firefox Or Safari

Aug 29, 2014

My Fd using Imac, he cannot display Chinese in Chrome , FireFox or Safari. 

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MacBook Pro :: Downloaded Around 1000 New Fonts & Installed Them - But Cannot Works Fine In Safari & Chrome

Sep 20, 2010

Yesterday, I downloaded around 1000 new fonts and installed them, all fine yesterday, but today, Safari, Firefox and Chrome are all using really whacky fonts from those that I downloaded. It happens in google and some webpages, but it's really annoying. I've been through all the preferences, defaults, fontbook (and deleted all the ones with major errors) and I deleted the font that it was using, until it chose another one, trying to fix it but with no luck

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Applications :: Website Doesn't Load On Firefox, Chrome, Safari?

Jan 7, 2010

Sometimes it does load the main page, but very slowly and any link I click starts loading forever but without any success.

Does anyone know what the problem could possibly be? I have already called the site and they told me they are not experiencing problems. In addition, it does load on Windows...

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Safari :: Unable To Load Pages That Firefox & Chrome Do Easily?

Apr 30, 2012

I'm running Safari 5.02 on a 15" Macbook Pro running 10.6.6.  ALL TOO OFTEN I will attempt to access a page [URL] and it will not load. All I get is an eternal spinning wheel.  I have to launch Chrome or Firefox to achieve success and they load the page without any difficulty.   I've suspected flash content conflict but have installed all the latest updates, but still no success.

Macbook Pro 2.3 ghz, Mac OS X (10.6.6)

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Safari :: Flash Plugin Will Not Work With Firefox, Chrome Or Opera?

Jun 22, 2012

I recently downloaded  the latest version of Flash Player and the plugin seems to keep crashing on all the major browsers including Safari. I am using a Mac Pro Generation 3.1 with OSX Lion. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the plugin and it still keeps crashing.

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.7)

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MacBook Pro :: Silverlight And Google Chrome Not Working After System Update?

Apr 8, 2012

I just did a system update and now google chrome and the silverlight plugin do not work. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling both numerous times, restarted, and checked for updates again but nothing works. What's going on? 

MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Why Not Remove Safari From OSX / Firefox / Chrome Have Surpassed It Completely In Functionality / Usability

Mar 23, 2012

To be honest the whole safari thing is always going to be a running joke to everyone. Safari cant play embedded videos or loads of the content on youtube because of Apple insistence to lock it to only use thier version of flash, why not remove it all together and have a browser choice like Windows has this would at least give the users a chance to get a browser that is fully functional?

Mac Mini

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Safari :: Firefox, Chrome All Crash Whenever Attempt To Upload A File Via HTTP

Apr 2, 2012

It doesn't seem to matter what browser I'm using, but whenever I attempt to upload a file via a browser it crashes. 

It doesn't matter what site it is,  but whenever I click an "upload" link that would normally result in a Finder window popping up to allow me to browse for a file, then the browser crashes on me. 

I'm running Safari 5.1.5 (7534.55.3), Firefox 12.0, and Chrome 18.01. . . 

Below is the gobbledy-good that gets spat out after Safari dies: 

Process:         Safari [45066]
Path:            /Applications/Safari.app/Contents/MacOS/Safari
Identifier:      com.apple.Safari


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OS X :: 3 Finger Swipe In Firefox Works But Not In Safari

Aug 23, 2009

I use Firefox, and I do a 3 finger swipe upwards, it will go to the top of the page. And when I swipe downwards, it goes to the end of the page. I find this really useful. But when I switch to Safari, the same motion does nothing at all

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Applications :: Safari Not Loading Any Web Page But Firefox Works

Aug 26, 2010

I noticed that Safari wouldn't load a web page. So I went to my back up browser, Firefox. Well it loaded just fine. So at this point, I figured that it may be my schools crappy WiFi/lame firewalls or something of the sort. Well now I've been on my home WiFi for a few hours and it still won't connect. I've restarted my computer a few times and even reset Safari. Safari Version 5.0.1 (6533.17.8).

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OS X :: Safari Can't Find Server But Firefox Works Fine

Nov 1, 2007

I'm having a strange issue after upgrading to Leopard. When I try to open certain pages in Safari it instantly gives me the "Safari can?t find the server" message. When I try to open the same page in Firefox at the same time it opens normally. For many pages (like this one) Safari is working fine. My connection seems good and this is happening on reliable sites (currently Safari won't open apple.com).

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Applications :: Firefox/Safari Not Works With GMail And YouTube?

May 7, 2009

During the past few hours I've tried to load gmail and youtube in FF and Safari multiple times, but every time I do I get the spinning wheel of death. The pages will load and whenever I try to click on something I will get the wheel.

Yesterday I was on a myspace page and I received a message saying something about how the Adobe page scripts for that page were being unresponsive or something? I'm not sure exactly what it said...

Anyways, is there any way I can get this resolved? It sounds like it has to do something with a plug-in or an update.

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OS X :: Safari Running Slow - Firefox Works Faster

Oct 29, 2009

Safari has been running slow for me lately. There is no problem with my internet connection. I have firefox too and it works blazing fast. So, why does safari run really slow?

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OS X :: Ichat Works But Safari - Firefox - Mail And Itunes Can't Connect

Nov 5, 2010

I've run into a problem. My macbook pro running 10.6.4 can no longer connect to the internet with any app but ichat. It is bizarre. I have restarted my computer, released my IP addresses, turned ip6 on and off... nothing works.

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MacBook :: Safari Won't Even Use WiFi Correctly, Firefox Works 90% Of The Time?

Feb 11, 2009

1. Incredibly flaky wireless. Safari won't even use WiFi correctly, Firefox works 90% of the time, but sometimes it just kicks my WiFi off. Same with Windows XP in VMWare.3. Above all, I'll be in the middle of doing a project, AND IT WILL DEMAND I TURN IT OFF? Why!? Why would I want to turn it off? It makes me for god's sakes, and I lose whatever I was doing. See the picture attached below, it's happened half a dozen time in five days, and no way to stop it.

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OS X :: Dreamweaver Website Only Works In Safari Not In Firefox Or Internet Explorer?

Jul 10, 2010

i think it is something in the code... not sure.

i do not know anything about these codes, but i really hope that there is someone out there who can explain it to me, and what i am doing wrong.

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Mac Mini :: Safari Won't Load Any Websites, Firefox Works Fine

Mar 31, 2012

After restarting, Safari suddenly doesn't load any webpages.  It shows all the top sites in the favorites area and actually updates some to the most recent versions, but when you try to get to the site it shows the loading bar to about an 1/8th of the way and then just pin wheels.  Firefox works fine.  I have used the reset to no avail.  Have the current version and have been running it for a while with no problems.  

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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