I am working on some images using Preview, but the "Image Correction" button is not highlighted so i can't use it. could you please tell me what I need to do to make it work?
My iTunes player is getting on my nerves. For some reason, the Previous Button is always highlighted. So whenever I press the spacebar, it does not stop the player, but it rewinds the song to the beginning. How do I get this **** button to un-highlight so that the spacebar can actually do its job of stoping the music?
I've just managed to turn on the 'Correct Spelling Automatically' option in Safari (and other Apple apps) by right clicking in a text field and choosing 'Spelling and Grammar -> Correct Spelling Automatically' But one thing that I find myself doing a lot, and would like to correct is problems like typing e.g. PAtrick has a MAc -- holding that shift key just too long. Anybody know if there's auto-correction for this? I know there is in Pages and Word (under prefs) but can't seem to find it for Safari, Mail, TextEdit etc.
I have edited 100's of videos using FCP, but now for some reason I am getting excessive cropping (300-400%) when stabilizing a clip. Is there a setting that I am missing? I have restarted, relaunched etc, but no change.
I see that at least one other user is having the same problem with 10.1.2. My movies of four or five clips (auditions for actors) are not carrying color correction forward upon export on all the clips. Some, yes. Some, no. For several hours over two days I have tried everything I can think of to isolate the problem and haven't come up with anything. Sometimes when I export a second time after first disabling and then re-enabling the color correction settings, the second export will be fine. Â
I've sent in a feedback note to Apple, but I have no reason to believe they'll respond (several times over the years I've done the same on various issues, and have never gotten a response).Â
Are there any drawbacks to enabling iTunes' option to "Use error correction when reading Audio CDs" in the import settings (other than ripping will simply take longer)? What I would really like to know is whether or not enabling this feature will in any way adversely affect the quality of CD rips I get?
i occasionally have problems when burning video to dvd in toast and the audio track is out of sync with the video track. what are some recommendations for the best software to fix the problem?
Since upgrading to Final Cut Pro 10.1.2, the software is working almost perfectly fine, but when exporting movies - whether I export them as h264, iTunes or directly to YouTube - they do not export with the colour corrections I applied to different shots.
I am not that new of a mac user, but one of the biggest things that Im having trouble with coming from windows is that in windows when you get a dialogue box it comes with a selected option, pressing enter would automatically activate the selected option. Now this is the same in OSX, but in windows you could press tab and the highlighted option would change. For example, in a save dont save box, how do I change the blue shadow without making a trip to the mouse?
I am working on a MacBook Pro that is 5 yrs. old & I used to be able to highlight items in a folder, then click one of them and they would all show up on one of the sides of the item I was viewing, then I could go down the column & select which item I wanted to view with the others showing as thumbnails sill in a row down the side similar to a pdf. Now when I try that just some of the open but stack on top of each other in
So I am not sure what happened. But recently all of a sudden anytime I go to highlight something it does not show it being highlighted.Â
I recently removed the program sideeffects from my computer that puts color icons back in the finder as I thought that was the cause of the issue but it never went away.Â
Running latest OS and browsers.
Info: iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), 32GB of RAM, 1TB internal HD
Just installed 10.6, and noticed all the menus and windows highlights are in purple, can anyone tell me why purple?! its ok but is there a way to change color?
I've notice on the Apple site in the build/buy section that the little blue highlighted circles don't appear in safari unless I open a new window! If I visit the same page in a new window then they appear! The same for Youtube in the edit subscription section. I've reinstalled flash but no luck.
While reading long PDF documents I highlight text as I go. To assist reviewing and summarising the article once finished, I copy each section of highlighted text and past them onto a word document.
I am aware of the bar at the side which allows you to view a list of annotations, and I have "selected all", but the option of copying is not available. I would to know if there is a possibility of me having all the highlighted text copied and available to be pasted on a word document in one hit?
There is no disk space left on a 27" imac. Unable to update any software. There is a ton of hidden files, all highlighted in yellow. How can I delete them?
I have recently discovered that on safari, on certain websites such as bbc.co.uk, there are words that are highlighted in green and underlined. Everytime i click on a 'green word' it takes me to some kind of pop-up style website that looks pretty dodgy. Also it happens on google chrome. My computer is running a tad slower, but nothing out of the ordinary. I fear something may have downloaded by accident via the internet.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.5), 2.5 years old.
Safari used to let me drag an image from a webpage to the finder and have the dragged file be saved as an actual image but now all that's saved is a webloc file. I want the image saved, not a reference to the image's URL - do I now have to always use "save as" to save it?Â
I can understand Safari creating a webloc file if I dragged the site icon from the location bar to the finder, but to make the default behavior for dragging things that are parts of a page (not the page itself) as webloc files seems like a HUGE step backwards for usability.Â
Does anyone know if there's, say, a key to hold when dragging to avoid saving a webloc file or a defaults command or something to make Safari revert back to sane draging behavior?
One software says I cannot upload an image because the image or the container folder does not have permission. Indeed there is one "unknown" in permissions, that I cannot get to a read write no matter how hard I try -- both on the folder, the desktop, and the file (this is all on my laptop)Â I've done a repair permission.
When a user copies an image from a browser into PowerPoint 2011 he gets text of a link back to the image, not the image itself. But if he copies from a browser into Word he gets the image, and can then copy the image from Word to PowerPoint. Same results with both Firefox and Safari. Behavior is new so I assume it relates to recent software updates but user does not recall accepting any.