MacBook Pro :: Will SSD Perform As The Flash Memory
Dec 2, 2010
1) Will it perform as well as the Flash memory in a MBA? They load apps stupidly fast, will the performance of a SSD in my MBP match that? 2) Are they hard to fit?3) I know there's loads of threads about this, but which would you recommend? I will be getting one for my dad's 13" MBP as well, will they both be the same size?
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Oct 16, 2010
I'm looking at buying either a used iMac G4 15" 700 MHz. It's all I can afford at the moment, so I was wondering if I maxed out the ram and put a good hard drive in if it would work ok with youtube videos and flash games. Does it?
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Aug 30, 2007
My son's G3 iMac with 8mb ATI Rage is dead slow on flash-based sites like Club Penguin. Would an eMac with it's G4 and 32mb Radeon be a good step up or is this still too old of a machine for these cutting edge web sites?
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Oct 21, 2010
Title says it all.Is their a bad side to have flash memory and not a HDD?
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Apr 2, 2012
For MacBooks with SSD drives and a SD card slot; is it practical to insert an "empty" SD card there and use it as spare flash memory to store files etc? Any downsides to doing this? Will the OS detect it like its a spare drive?
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Oct 26, 2010
Was looking to buy a new laptop to replace dying old XP Dell and compliment iMac. Was thinking of a 13" Macbook Pro but have got interested and excited by this new Air. Its the instant on and portability that appeals........ but on this forums in places and elsewhere on internet (even Wikipaedia) there appears to be concerned that NAND flash memory has a definite life.... so many 1s and 0s changing before it slows right down.
Is this right... how long will it be.... can it be refreshed by copying stuff, doing something and then loading back up.... or has it to be replaced. The iFixit teardown suggests it is replaceable but at what cost. ie don't want to buy one only for the memory to give up the ghost in a year or two.
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Jun 14, 2012
I read in another post here that the new all-flash memory is only good for about 100,000 saves, or 5 years for the average computer user. Is this really true? It seems silly to promote using hardware that puts such a limit on the user..
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Jun 18, 2012
I noticed the new Macbook Pro with Retina display has flash memory instead of a Hard drive. I love the new features and I want to buy it but I'm very skeptical of this flash memory. Can someone please help explain it to me. Is it better than have a hard drive in your computer?
MacBook Pro with Retina display
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Oct 23, 2010
I know that the iFixIt tear down reveals Toshiba flash chips on the 11" MBA, but I was curious to know the following specs on the 13" MBA.
Does Apple use different suppliers for the different capacities/models (i.e. Samsung, Hynix, etc.)
I could make some guesses from the benchmark tests, but would like to have hard specs.
I tried contacting Apple, but the only thing they would tell me is the capacity available for purchase. I also don't have the guidelines to reference the flash specs based on the model of the Toshiba flash.
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Nov 9, 2010
I keep hearing about this negative aspect of flash memory, a finite number of write cycles. So what is that number when it reaches the limit?
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Jun 29, 2012
what would be the approx life span of the flash based memory? Â
MacBook Air
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Aug 24, 2014
My computer has 500 GB of capacity, but I have seen that every time I open a file or boot something the memory used rises a little. Is this normal? It is the first time that I have seen.Â
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Dec 24, 2010
Lately I have been considering an issue and couldnt quite come to the right answer. is it true that certain programs cant be installed on flash memory? I have been looking at the 15" i7 but i hear that there might be an upgrade due around 2011, does anyone know anythng about this and what it is likely to include? Reason is i would not like to spend the money on the 15" only to find that a later greater upgrade is avail. in your opinion, is the upgrade likely as soon as april-may next year and is there likely to be any significant improvements?
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Mar 23, 2009
When I plug in a USB Flash Memory, it instantly pop up a message that says I need to restart my computer, by letting the power button presed for a while or pressing the restart button (Which I dont have). It has a 0/1 button-like image on it.
At first I thought my USB had a virus or some corrupt file, but when I realized there were no mac files (Just Windows and universal), I pluged in another USB, and the same thing happened.
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Oct 20, 2010
After today's MacBook air and it's flash memory, do you think apple will make a similar iMac air? Just a big screen that does basic stuff?
Plus is the flash memory exchangeable?
Can you remove it and slave it for data recovery? Or is the info lost if the memory crashes?
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Sep 10, 2009
Just noticing the updated Flash Player on the new Snow Leopard update is taking about 660 MB of actual memory on my MBP.
Has anyone noticed and is this normal?
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Feb 13, 2012
I have an issue I have been seeing since upgrading to Lion (10.7.3) and the latest version of Safari (5.1.3, I believe?). When browsing the web for a while (particularly, Flash heavy sites, I have noticed my computer's temperature getting hot and more beach balling starting to occur. The first time this happened, I opened Activity Monitor and noticed that Flash Player was using, almost, 900 MB of RAM (and I had less than 100 MB available). Other than Safari, I only had a couple of other applications open, neither of which were memory intensive. Quitting Safari gave me back a huge amount of memory, my temperatures, quickly, dropped back down to reasonable levels, and the performance lag went away. I never saw this kind of memory hogging under Snow Leopard. Is Flash Player this much of a nuisance under, either, Firefox or Chrome?Â
I have a 2010 MacBook Pro, 2.53 GHz, i5 with 4 GB of RAM.Â
MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 15, 2012
intel iMac , 10.5.8 , suddenly USB ports stop seeing any devices ( flash memory stick , iPod etc ) connected to it , neither on keyboard nor on computer back panel . Finder or Disk Utility not showing this devices , but the devices could be seen using SytemProfiler . The same devices connected to another Mac computer are working fine .
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Jul 27, 2010
Does the new macbook pro perform much better with Starcraft 2? Right now I'm using the old macbook (unibody still) that has the 9400M. How much of an improvement is it to get the new macbook pros with the 320M?
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Jul 22, 2010
anyone has any idea how StarCraft 2, released in a few days, will run on a MacBook Pro with a 9600M GT. I understand this game is largely CPU intensive so I am hoping that for once it will run as well as you'd expect on a less-than-2 year old laptop.
I have seen some footage of the beta running on a MBP 9600M GT, and very nicely at that, so that leaves 2 questions (they may be very difficult to answer):
1) Are we expecting the game to run a lot slower on OS X than XP as games usually do (including WoW)
2) Are we expecting performance to be significantly better in the final over the beta
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Jan 12, 2010
I have a macbook which is about a year old; running really slowly, so bought 4GB RAM from crucial to install in it- the memory showed up, computer was soo much quicker etc . Working absolutely fine for a week, and now (as per the other posts by people in a similar topic) my computer is displaying the following:
The computer boots up, but within about 10 minutes, apps (especially Safari and MSOffice ) keep freezing and then I get the "please restart your computer" message.
Occasionlly I get loud beeping with a blank screen & flashing LED
Any help would be much appreciated; I'm now about wary about checking the RAM out or anything like that. Also.. because I installed the RAM myself, does that invalidate any warranty / Apple after care??
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Apr 8, 2009
Can you defrag your mac hard drive and if yes will it free up some space or allow it to perform better.
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May 20, 2009
The hard drive in my MacBook is turning 3 years old, and weird noises are being emitted from it, which means, the hard drive is on it's last legs. The stock Apple hard drive was an 80GB. Specs of the MacBook are in the sig. I was thinking to myself, why not take this as an opportunity to get a much larger hard drive for not that much money. So I came across this:
Question is, would it fit the MacBook White from 2007, and how does it perform?
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May 24, 2012
my macbook pro mid 2010 is indicating that my battery needs to be serviced. Before I call Apple or take it to the Apple store I wanted to reset my smc. I've looked already on how to do it, but I'm not sure whether or not I have to unscrew my macbook pro and remove the battery or if I can perform the SMC reset without it.
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Oct 16, 2009
I have a Black MacBook (Early 2008). I think that I still have the factory standard RAM sticks (I bought the Mac used from a friend). I noticed today that I am running on only one gig of RAM even though I have two gigs of memory.
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May 30, 2008
Haven't seen anyone mention this yet, has the performance improved with the update?
Answered my own question. :P
Definitive "no"
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Apr 11, 2010
I'm just wondering if anyone has any recommendations as to how I should test my Refurb Mac Pro (dual 2.26 Octo, GT120, 6GB Ram) as supplied by the online store. I shall be upgrading the RAM, graphics card and hard drives in the near future, but want to check that the machine works correctly out of the box first.
I'm due to take delivery of a U2711 Dell monitor today or tomorrow, and so will be turning this system on for the first time then. I understand that everything should have been thoroughly checked through by an Apple tech at the factory, but the very fact that a refurb store exists means that the quality tests sometimes fail.
I'll be runnung FCS3 from this machine and need the machine to be reliable for paid work, hence the post. I have done a quick search, but only found a thread that was started over 18 months ago, and wondered if you guys had any current advice that could help me. Oh, and I probably should say that I'm new to macs also, so be gentle!!!
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Apr 28, 2010
My mac has been acting up with apple software such as mail, ichat, and safari so after months of trying to overcome the problem I came to the conclusion that I must reinstall my mac osx.
Just to be clear here I don't want to archive and install; I just want the only thing to stay: my music. If I can just back it up to my ipod before I wipe my HD for reinstalling then that's cool.
I want to install 10.4 just like before (I do not have the install discs, just the upgrade discs)
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May 7, 2010
There's an application that I use that performs a command whenever I type CTRL+1 no matter which application I'm in.
When I'm away, I'd like to have OS X perform that key combo every 10 minutes. How is this accomplished?
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Jan 21, 2009
Anyway, I love my mac, but as this is my first one I have noticed the speed has gone from 30 seconds to about 65-80 seconds per boot. I have a 320GB hard disc in the iMac with 200GB free. Also have a WD MyBook 500GB connected through my AirPort Extreme. I also noticed the speed of applications loading is quite slow in comparison to the nearly instant loading times when i first got the iMac.
With my PC i just run ultimate defrag and norton + ad aware and its as good as new. What do you do with a mac? Just because there are so many viruses for the PC does not mean that there can be some for the mac? There must be some kind of software for degragging and virus checking etc.
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