OS X :: How To Change Airtunes Name After Airport Express Name Change
Dec 7, 2010
I've changed my airport express name, but iTunes still displays the old airport express name on the Airtunes (Airplay) list. I couldn't find a way to fix it.
Just installed my very first wireless network: Airport Extreme. NOT AIRPORT EXPRESS
Stumbled through the installation, and everything works.
However, in the process the software apparently selected a network name for me; and I would very much like to change that network name. I have crawled through the Network Preferences under System Preferences, but I can't find a way to do this.
My apologies if this is covered elsewhere, but I haven't been able to find a topic that answers my question - if there is one please let me know.
I would like to use my AE purely for remote speakers for itunes. This works fine if I select the AE as my network via Airport on my macbook, but then this means that I can't access my wireless modem and therefore the internet.
Any hints on how to select the AE purely for itunes and still be able to go only online?
Ultimately the reason I want it is that I plan to do a lot of travelling abroad next summer and my only truly portable device is an iPhone. Which has no network port. Most of the hotels I'm planning on staying in will have free wired network connections but no wifi at all (I have asked) so I'm hoping that I can use the Express to get connected with my phone. I've checked online and found a few other people doing this too and I'm happy with setting it up, though any anecdotes about success/failure would be interesting to add to my mental list.
Since it's not a cheap device I thought about using it at home when I'm not travelling, and came across the Airtunes feature. Ports permitting (have to check tonight) would this allow me to use my TV's built-in speakers to play my music in my living room or does it have to be a standalone? I only have some very tinny USB speakers with my computer so this could be a decent alternative to my current setup, which is streaming my library to my PS3. Any suggestions here again gratefully received.
Final question - I'm not that knowledgeable about wifi. Is anything in the pipeline which would make an Airport Express upgrade in the next ten months likely, or should I be find on the current model? I'm happy with the spec as is, I just don't want to buy it then find out that some brand new wifi technology reaches the mainstream in a couple of months' time and renders my purchase completely out of date. If the only boosts are likely to be cosmetic/price then I will go ahead and buy now to give me plenty of time to get used to it and take it on test runs on trips.
My third Airport Express in less than four years has just given up the ghost which has made me realise that they're very cheap, badly made pieces of crap. I'm currently borrowing my parents' Linksys Wifi router which has much greater range (covering my entire house - suddenly I can check emails on the loo!) and has also confirmed that all the internet problems I was having was in fact the APE and not my MacBook Pro or Snow Leopard.
So my question is: can I send my iTunes music from my MBP to my hi-fi over my wireless network without the need for an Airport Express?
This is a pre airport express purchase question. Is airtunes software loaded on a computer, software in the airport express and is it included when you purchase an aiport express or is it software that is needed to be purchased seperately?
i recently bought an Airport Express, and i finally took it out of its box after i purchased my new stereo. I connected the audio cable to the stereo and the airport unit and plugged it into an outlet. I opened up airport utility on my mac, AX appeared and i configured it to "join a wireless network". After completing the remaining steps, i updated it.. and waited for it to restart. Now here's my problem. It comes up with an error telling me it couldn't find the device after restarting. I have Verizon FiOS as my provider.. and I know that airport express has a history of trouble with the Actiontec router. Is there anything i can do with my current equipment to get this thing to work? I do not need to extend the network.. only join to use airtunes and print wirelessly... Also, my Actiontec router and FiOS connection are through my crappy dell pc downstairs, while i am using my 24" iMac upstairs in my bedroom trying to connect this. Should i change my router's settings?
I have two Airport Expresses running at my house. Both are connected to different types of speakers. Neither speaker set has its own equalizer, and both require a different EQ setting to sound just right. Does anyone know of a way to have iTunes automatically change its EQ setting based on which Airport Express it is streaming to?
I'm quite happy with all the apple products. Yesterday I bought the airport, for the reason to play video's (MKV format) visualy on my MBP, while i send the sound thrue airport express (airport) to my remote speakers.
I feel I'm "tricked", because this is the reason why i bought the airtunes. Only to find out it -like it actually advertises- really only plays sound thrue itunes. I do not want to trick my files to have itunes be able to play the MKV. (Besides, even if they play, the sounds stays on the laptop, whether i click sounds to the airtunes or not..).
Is there a simple -FREE- way to do this? I feel scammed for using airfoil, since they charge money for this option
As much as I hoped i wouldn't be alone with this questions, i can find little info about this. I've searched the forum and couldnt find it, nor is there a clear answer thrue google)
I currently use my Airport Express as my wireless router. It's also plugged directly into my stereo so I can take advantage of AirTunes, which I love to do.
I was thinking of purchasing Time Capsule, but I suppose there's no way I can take advantage of it's 802.11n capabilities and continue to use AirTunes on my network?
I've had an Airport Express streaming music to my kitchen for a good year or so, and it's worked great until recently. Now it seems that 4-5 times per song, the music will cut out for a few seconds!
The only thing I can think of that's changed lately is I installed the latest version of iTunes and Apple TV software on products.
Is anyone else having such a problem lately, or does anyone have any advice on a fix?
I'm looking into purchasing a modem through our phone carrier that will allow me to use internet at my house (much cheaper than the monopoly of cable internet). I was wondering if I can somehow make that 3g network modem wireless with my airport express so that I can use the internet wirelessly on multiple computers throughout the house (including appletv).
I have a specific problem that I have tried to research and correct, but still no solutions. Here it is:
I currently have a wireless setup in my house using the IMac as a base station. I have this setup through the "Sharing" tab in System Preferences. I have an ITouch that I then connect to this network and surf the web downstairs, etc. It works great!
I purchased a new Airport Express that I want to plug in downstairs next to the stereo and then use Airtunes to play music over the stereo downstairs. This Airport Express would connect wirelessly to the IMac base station, just like the ITouch does. I also need to still be use the Itouch with this configuration.
i'm getting message that says "an unknown error (-15006) occurred while connecting to the remote speaker" right after my macbook wakes up. i tried that solution, but it didn't help. It's not a big deal, cuz after i press OK i can select my remote speakers from iTunes again and it'll play, but the problem is that i'm using app "Alarm Clock 2" and i need it to play though my remote speakers. obviously, if that error appears iTunes won't start playing, and i won't wake up))))))))
My question: did anybody encounter that problem and is there any solution?
P.S. sometimes error window doesn't appear and iTunes app plays through internal speakers normally, although it displays that it plays through the remote speaker.
I have step up Airtunes (Express) and it works fine from computers on the LAN connected via ethernet, but the one PC it doesnt work well on is in the kitchen (wireless with a 90% connection N). The express obviosly has a good connection otherwise it wouldnt work on the other PCs. It seems that the way iTunes works is that if you play music from a shared location (we have a music server) it doesnt stream the music direct from the source to the express, the music travels via the PC with which is controlling the music (which is a bit silly?) Due to this, the Kitchen PC doesnt work well, but if when clicked play, the music went straight from the source to the express it would work fine
Q1: how can I delay printing? This was possible in OS9.
I have a thermal printer wich permits me to change the ribbon (Black, CMY, CMYK). If I have a mixed type of files to print, I'd put on hold (in the "print" window) the files that requires the unloaded ribbon while waiting for the other to print.
Of course, I can print all the CMYK, wait until it's done then print the B/W ones but I don't find it practical. Or I can also rush to the print center and hope to have the time to suspend manualy the ones that need it.
Q2: Once a printer is created, how can I change the associated ppd? This also was possible with OS9.
Q3: It is possible to change the printer name once it is created?
I just installed a new ADSL modem/WiFi router from my ISP and now the Mini I have connected to the ADSL modem via ethernet cable has no Airport signal. With the previous ADSL modem/WiFi router I had to use internet sharing over airport from the Mini in order to get WiFi on my other computers. The old modem had WiFi, but I could only get one computer to connect to it, for all the other computers I just used internet sharing. The new modem/WiFi router will let all my computers onto the network, which is great.
My problem is that I use Mobile Air Mouse to use my iPhone as a mouse for the Mini. Since the modem/router upgrade I can't do that.
I've been changing the permissions on some of my folders and files in my normal user account so they can be accessed and changed by another account. Problem is, I have a program that saves new files into a particular folder. When it saves the new file, the permissions are the default, meaning I have to change them myself in order to make them writeable by the new account. So my first question is - is there a way to make my first user account always save files with a set of permissions that I specify?
My next question is - what should these permissions be? Both of the accounts are admin accounts. Should I therefore set group to be 'admin' and give rwx permissions to the group? Or is it possible to set owner to 'admin'? Can a file be owned by a group? Looking forward to your answers! This UNIX stuff is fun!
I have an Airport Base station. I need to reset this base station back to the factory defaults. I want to wipe away all settings.
First, how do I determine which kind of Base station that I have? The base station is white with two cat5 jacks, USB, and telephone jack. I think it is a dual port station. I don't know if this would a Graphite or Snow model.
Second, how do I reset the base station. Do I use the small reset button on the back of the unit? OR do I use Airport Base Utility software? If so, which version should I use? I am using OS 10.4.11.
Third, does anyone know of a good user manual for this particular model?
Hello all, was just reading the BBC news site and came across this article about BIOS being reflaced by UEFI- was wondering if any tech savvy folk might know a little more about how it might affect mac boot times? Sounds a major leap from what I could glean
Just wondering if you guys had a solution to safari auto-filling forms on websites with my old address - its quite annoying to have to delete all the old data to put my new address details in. Is there somewhere in the settings I can enter my new details and have them auto-fill?
Just bought my mac this saturday so I'm still getting used to not having a pc. In the screen saver option, I was wondering if there's anyway to change the speed by which the pictures change one after each other, and if I choose to have the picture on my desktop background change every 30 seconds how bad will that hurt my battery?
I have an Airport Extreme in my living room along with my surround sound speakers hooked up to my tv. Could I hook up my speakers to my Extreme instead of having to go out and buy an Airport Express?
I have AVG Firewall and I can't seem to figure out how to allow Airtunes and Airport Utility to get through. When I open Airport Utility, I can't find my Extreme or Express stations. When I open iTunes, I don't see an option for Airtunes. If I turn off the firewall, all is well.
I don't have internet access at home, instead tethering to my iPhone via USB when needed. However I do have a local Airport network set up for Airtunes streaming. The problem is that if connect to my Airport network, my computer no longer connects to the internet via USB tethering since it apparently expects to connect over wifi. Is there a way to simultaneously be online via USB tether AND stream music over Wifi? I'd also like to be able to print over wifi, but that's less of a concern.