Hardware :: Using Time Capsule And AirTunes With Airport Express

Jan 19, 2008

I currently use my Airport Express as my wireless router. It's also plugged directly into my stereo so I can take advantage of AirTunes, which I love to do.

I was thinking of purchasing Time Capsule, but I suppose there's no way I can take advantage of it's 802.11n capabilities and continue to use AirTunes on my network?

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Hardware :: AirPort Express Ethernet And Time Capsule

Jan 18, 2009

The Apple site is quite vague on this point but I thought I'd clarify before buying one. I have a Time Capsule as my main router, but I want to move it, but when I do it's out of range of one of my computers. Can I plug the Express in near the computer, and then Ethernet it up to the computer, or is that Ethernet port meant to go into the TC?

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Hardware :: Can A Time Capsule Be Wired To An Airport Express

May 29, 2009

So here's how it is set up at home: my parents have an AirPort Extreme Base Station by our upstairs computers, which is connected to a modem and we use that to get our wi-fi throughout the house. I want to buy an AirPort Express to use to stream music in my room. But I also have a Time Capsule, which I need so I can back up my Macbook. I know that an AirPort Express can be used to extend an existing network. So would it be possible to plug in the Express in my room, use it to extend our upstairs network, and then hard-wire the Time Capsule to the Express through the ethernet port and use that to connect the Time Capsule? On paper that seems like it would work, because the Express would be receiving a signal from the base station upstairs, and then sending it to the Time Capsule, giving them both access to the network. But I just want to make sure it would work before I drop $99 on an Express.

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OS X :: Airport Express And TIme Capsule - How To Increase Signals

Aug 9, 2009

I have a Time capsule (1Tb) and wanted to extend the network in the house. i bought an Airport Express and configured it to join the existing network. It works and I see a green light. However, I do not see any increase in the signal (of a PC) whether or not the Express is in.

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Hardware :: Using Airport Express To Extend Wifi From Time Capsule?

Sep 13, 2010

Sorry if this question has been asked many times before - I tried running numerous searches, but it's been difficult to find a straightforward answer to my predicament.

I have a time capsule and an airport express. I would like to extend the range of my wifi network as my modem (attached to the time capsule) is on the third floor of my home and I'd like to improve the strength of my internet connection to the lower floors. I've tried to set-up airport express (located on the 2nd floor, but initially set-up near my time capsule) and the time capsule with the extend range options, but my airport express doesn't seem to improve the range of the wifi. I tested my internet speed by running the test away from airport express, near airport express and with my laptop connected to airport express via ethernet. In fact, connecting the laptop to airport express seems to produce the slowest download speed and being near airport express does not seem to provide faster download speeds.

Can someone point me to straightforward instructions where I can setup airport express to extend the range of my wifi network that uses time capsule? Also, how will I know that airport express is extending my range? When I view my wireless networks, should I see my airport express as one of the wireless networks that I can connect to?

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Hardware :: Using Time Capsule To Airport Express Ethernet Bridge?

May 20, 2009

Is it possible to use an Time Capsule to connect to an airport express with a router plugged into it?

I have a small network at home, and would like to have another computer (old PowerMac g4, no wireless card) and my xbox 360 in my basement. I don't want to run cables. Is it possible to connect a router to my airport express and use it to bridge the wired computers wirelessly to the time capsule upstairs? I know it's possible to use the airport express as an extension to the wireless as a WDS but I haven't found anything online about using it as a bridge.

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Hardware :: Airport Express + Hard Drive - Time Capsule?

May 31, 2009

will it work? if so, how do i make it work?

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Hardware :: Can Use An Airport Express And External Harddrive To Make A Time Capsule

Nov 4, 2010

I've just bought an airport express so I can play music from my mbp wirelessly on my speakers and just realised that I have an old usb external hard drive that I never use so was just wondering if I could plug the hard drive into the airport express so I can use time machine wirelessly and make what is effectively a time capsule?

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Hardware :: How To Connect Airport Express To Time Capsule To Create Another Network

Jul 3, 2010

I have a Time Capsule providing a wireless network in my home. I would like use my Airport Express to create an additional network, and have it get its internet from one of the wired ethernet ports on the TC. Can you daisy chain them like that? I tried it and so far I haven't been able to get it to work.

Hopefully that makes sense. I'm not trying to set up a WDS with the TC and the Express, I'm trying to plug the Express into one of the ethernet connections on the TC so the Express can share that internet connection as a new, separate network (like what you would do if you had the Express in a hotel room, etc).

I have the Express set up to create a network, and my computer can connect to it, but the internet's not available for some reason. Should I expect this to be able to work?

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Hardware :: Using Airport Express For Airtunes?

Oct 23, 2010

My apologies if this is covered elsewhere, but I haven't been able to find a topic that answers my question - if there is one please let me know.

I would like to use my AE purely for remote speakers for itunes. This works fine if I select the AE as my network via Airport on my macbook, but then this means that I can't access my wireless modem and therefore the internet.

Any hints on how to select the AE purely for itunes and still be able to go only online?

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Hardware :: Using Airport Express/Airtunes?

Aug 17, 2009

Ultimately the reason I want it is that I plan to do a lot of travelling abroad next summer and my only truly portable device is an iPhone. Which has no network port. Most of the hotels I'm planning on staying in will have free wired network connections but no wifi at all (I have asked) so I'm hoping that I can use the Express to get connected with my phone. I've checked online and found a few other people doing this too and I'm happy with setting it up, though any anecdotes about success/failure would be interesting to add to my mental list.

Since it's not a cheap device I thought about using it at home when I'm not travelling, and came across the Airtunes feature. Ports permitting (have to check tonight) would this allow me to use my TV's built-in speakers to play my music in my living room or does it have to be a standalone? I only have some very tinny USB speakers with my computer so this could be a decent alternative to my current setup, which is streaming my library to my PS3. Any suggestions here again gratefully received.

Final question - I'm not that knowledgeable about wifi. Is anything in the pipeline which would make an Airport Express upgrade in the next ten months likely, or should I be find on the current model? I'm happy with the spec as is, I just don't want to buy it then find out that some brand new wifi technology reaches the mainstream in a couple of months' time and renders my purchase completely out of date. If the only boosts are likely to be cosmetic/price then I will go ahead and buy now to give me plenty of time to get used to it and take it on test runs on trips.

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Hardware :: Can I Use Airtunes Without An Airport Express?

Nov 20, 2009

My third Airport Express in less than four years has just given up the ghost which has made me realise that they're very cheap, badly made pieces of crap. I'm currently borrowing my parents' Linksys Wifi router which has much greater range (covering my entire house - suddenly I can check emails on the loo!) and has also confirmed that all the internet problems I was having was in fact the APE and not my MacBook Pro or Snow Leopard.

So my question is: can I send my iTunes music from my MBP to my hi-fi over my wireless network without the need for an Airport Express?

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Hardware :: Pre-airport Express Purchase -airtunes

Sep 28, 2009

This is a pre airport express purchase question. Is airtunes software loaded on a computer, software in the airport express and is it included when you purchase an aiport express or is it software that is needed to be purchased seperately?

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Hardware :: Time Capsule (Base Station) / Airport Express (Range Extender) Setup

Mar 24, 2008

I picked up a Time Capsule 500GB and an AirPort Express 802.11n today. I am trying to setup my network as follows.
Time Capsule as base station
AirPort Express as as range extender

I would also like to set up the AirPort Express to use it's ethernet port to provide internet for my DirecTV HR20 HD DVR. I've currently got everything connected and running, and the HR20 gets an IP address, however, it says that there is no internet connection.

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Software :: Using Airtunes (airport Express) And Video (MKV) Files?

Feb 20, 2009

I'm quite happy with all the apple products. Yesterday I bought the airport, for the reason to play video's (MKV format) visualy on my MBP, while i send the sound thrue airport express (airport) to my remote speakers.

I feel I'm "tricked", because this is the reason why i bought the airtunes. Only to find out it -like it actually advertises- really only plays sound thrue itunes. I do not want to trick my files to have itunes be able to play the MKV. (Besides, even if they play, the sounds stays on the laptop, whether i click sounds to the airtunes or not..).

Is there a simple -FREE- way to do this? I feel scammed for using airfoil, since they charge money for this option

As much as I hoped i wouldn't be alone with this questions, i can find little info about this. I've searched the forum and couldnt find it, nor is there a clear answer thrue google)

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Hardware :: Using AirPort Express Base Station With 802.11n And AirTunes?

Oct 17, 2010

Can I assume that AirPort Express Base Station is basically a mini wireless router less the ability to connect to computers using wired connection?

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Hardware :: Using AirPort Express Airtunes Multiple Speakers?

Sep 8, 2009

If I get a AirPort Express and use the Airtunes features, can I play the same music at the same time though Airtunes and my MacBook?

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Hardware :: Fixing Airport Express Choppy AirTunes?

Nov 2, 2009

I've had an Airport Express streaming music to my kitchen for a good year or so, and it's worked great until recently. Now it seems that 4-5 times per song, the music will cut out for a few seconds!

The only thing I can think of that's changed lately is I installed the latest version of iTunes and Apple TV software on products.

Is anyone else having such a problem lately, or does anyone have any advice on a fix?

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Hardware :: Airport Express/airtunes Support Broadband?

Jan 26, 2010

I'm looking into purchasing a modem through our phone carrier that will allow me to use internet at my house (much cheaper than the monopoly of cable internet). I was wondering if I can somehow make that 3g network modem wireless with my airport express so that I can use the internet wirelessly on multiple computers throughout the house (including appletv).

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Hardware :: Using IMac As Base Station For Airport Express And Airtunes

Jun 26, 2009

I have a specific problem that I have tried to research and correct, but still no solutions. Here it is:

I currently have a wireless setup in my house using the IMac as a base station. I have this setup through the "Sharing" tab in System Preferences. I have an ITouch that I then connect to this network and surf the web downstairs, etc. It works great!

I purchased a new Airport Express that I want to plug in downstairs next to the stereo and then use Airtunes to play music over the stereo downstairs. This Airport Express would connect wirelessly to the IMac base station, just like the ITouch does. I also need to still be use the Itouch with this configuration.

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Hardware :: Airport Express, Airtunes, Unknown Error After Computer Wakes Up?

May 28, 2009

i'm getting message that says "an unknown error (-15006) occurred while connecting to the remote speaker" right after my macbook wakes up. i tried that solution, but it didn't help. It's not a big deal, cuz after i press OK i can select my remote speakers from iTunes again and it'll play, but the problem is that i'm using app "Alarm Clock 2" and i need it to play though my remote speakers. obviously, if that error appears iTunes won't start playing, and i won't wake up))))))))

My question: did anybody encounter that problem and is there any solution?

P.S. sometimes error window doesn't appear and iTunes app plays through internal speakers normally, although it displays that it plays through the remote speaker.

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OS X :: How To Change Airtunes Name After Airport Express Name Change

Dec 7, 2010

I've changed my airport express name, but iTunes still displays the old airport express name on the Airtunes (Airplay) list. I couldn't find a way to fix it.

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Hardware :: AirPort Extreme/Time Capsule/2 AirPort Expresses - Slow Connection?

Feb 23, 2010

I just got a time capsule and replaced my extreme with it then added my 2 expresses to the network. Was getting 28-33mbps download speeds using speedtest.net to test now i'm getting only 4-6mbps. WTH!!! Also the transfer rate for backing up my macbook to the tc drive is ridiculous!!!

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MacBook :: Extending Airport Extreme From Airport Time Capsule

Sep 11, 2014

Just bought a new Airport Time Capsule 3TB for backup purposes and to use as the main router in my home (model number A1470 the latest tall one). I was originally using an AirPort Extreme (model number 1408 approx 6" square and 1' tall) for my main router.  

I got the TC setup and putting out good wifi signal, but would like to take my Extreme and extend it off the TC to boost signal in other parts of my house, but having some difficulty.  I searched the forums and found setup instructions to do this, but I get a message saying, "unexpected error.  Try again."  Well, tried again and still no luck. 

Airport Extreme

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Hardware :: Time Machine/Time Capsule/Airport Extreme With Verizon FIOS?

Nov 10, 2009

I will be getting my new Macbook Pro in the near future and am very interested in using Time Machine to wireless back up my data to an external hard drive. I know I can use Time Capsule to do this, but also hear a mention of just getting an Airport Extreme and my own ext. hd. My question is that I have Verizon FIOS Internet and my modem also functions as a wireless router. How would the Time Capsule/Airport Extreme work with this? Is it possible? I do not believe that the Verizon router supports wireless N, and I would like to take advantage of the faster speeds. If I were to connect a Airport Extreme to the wireless router, would I then have 2 routers to choose from and just use the Airport Extreme to use the wireless N? I'm very confused as to how I could make this work.

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OS X :: AirPort Express And Time Machine

Mar 1, 2010

I want to do wireless backups with Time Machine. I already have it working wirely via USB with my WesternDigital My book Studio External Hard Drive 1TB, but recently I've purchased an AirPort Express. Searching, I realized it could not be possible to attach the HD directly to the AirPort Express, because it doesn't work. However, I'm wondering if Time Machine would recognize it conected via Ethernet port with the Apple's USB Ethernet Adapter [URL].

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Hardware :: Using AirPort And Time Capsule At Same Time Possible?

Jul 25, 2009

I have a time capsule coming on Monday. I currently have an old airport extreme connected to my DSL. Can I keep accessing the internet through the old Airport Extreme and use the Time Capsule just for Time Machine backup? This is the type of Airport I have right now.

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OS X :: MacOS 10.6.5 Killed Airtunes On A/EXpress While Update?

Nov 11, 2010

It was working before update. Now updated it doesn't connect in iTunes. Any ideas?? I've restarted the Airport Express with no luck.

Can someone test this?

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Hardware :: Using AirPort Express And Extreme At Same Time

Jul 17, 2009

I have the airport extreme (newest version) and using the airport express. I have the airport express extending the network from the airport extreme base station. So if I am using the speaker output on my express, will my connection drop from the dual band router, using the express for internet? Both are next to each other too. I only have the express connected so I can use the external speakers.

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Hardware :: Which To Use - Time Capsule Or Airport Extreme?

Jan 4, 2011

I am having FTTC broadband installed tomorrow and have a 1TB Time Capsule model number A1302 or an Airport Extreme model number A1143 available.

Does anyone know which is the most up to date to use as a router?

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