OS X :: How To Navigate Volumes Folder - Where Is It
May 25, 2009
Whenever I click 'Source' in HandBrake, it opens Volumes where I have Macintosh HD and the DVD I have inserted. But recently, there's also one of my folders! I don't know how it got there nor how to move it back to Documents. If I spotlight it, nothing comes up, so how do I navigate to the Volumes folder?!
If i search a file in finder and then i want to see what folder and go to that folder how do you do that? In windows you can click the drop down button that shows the entire directory path but there doesnt seem to be any similar function in the finder window. You can click the back button to go back up the tree if you got there by navigating down but if you went directly to the file form a search there doesnt seem to be any way to go up the path.
i was downloading mp3s in limewire again and in the process of my friends changing the name of my external hd osx for some reason just created its own name for the device. so now in limewire when i look in the volumes folder theres a "firewire HD" and a "firewire HD 1" which all the files are now being saved to... and i can't access it. how do i get into the volumes folder to transfer all the new mp3's to the original firewire hd and delete the new firewire hd 1 folder?
i turned my mac on last monday, and whn i tried to log onto my admin account, it took me to a light blue screen, then back to the login page. but i was able to log into a non-admin account. The system preferences is a question mark in my dock and it refuses to open when clicked in the apple dropdown.
I can't navigate as i usually did. For example i open a new finder window pressind Cmd+n, and it goes to the folder i set it up to, then i try to navigate to the folders within with the arrowkeys, but i doesn't want to go rigth, then i press the down or up arrow keys and it jumps inside the selected folder, but something rare happens it creates a folder called "nombre" (i have my mac in spanish) in the top of the finder list of subfolders, when i go down in the list i've noticed the other folder items also changed their names to "nombre" and that inside each of these folders there's another with the same name, i've also noticed i can't click on the "nombre" folder to select it i can only select it whit the up or Down arrow keys, and i can't delete it beacuse of (error -8058)
When I try to "navigate by keyboard", the function usually does not work.
I have looked in the Keyboard Preferences and all the boxes are checked for keyboard navigation. For example "Move focus to the menu bar."What other magic is needed to make this work?
All of a sudden the swipe to navigate does not work on my macbook pro. I looked in preferences and it is checked to be on. The only thing that I think might conflict it would be jItouch but even with that off it doesn't work. I do have a bamboo tablet hooked up as well as the apple full keyboard but these have never caused any kind of conflict b4.
I sold my macbook pro 2.2ghz (still in my possession) and am trying to get my photos and stuff off of it before i restore it. I have connected it to an external monitor before with success (the computer works perfectly minus the broken screen) but for some reason i can't get it to hook up again. I know it's due to my incompetence that I can't get it to connect so some help/ tips would be appreciated.
Should I already have the monitor plugged in before i turn the computer or plug it in after it's on?Is the f7 button the button to push to switch which monitor is being used?I just can't figure it out since the screen is broken. Thanks
i'm trying to run Red alert on my mac using wine (just discovered the're giving it away for free ).
Problem is I've managed to install wine, download red alert but need to navigate to the iso to run the install program for red alert. This might be very basic but I don't know what directory to go to in terminal to get to a mounted iso...
I'm trying to play a new track on a playlist every 30 seconds. Thought I'd play around with AppleScript. Here's what I've got: on run {input, parameters} (* Your script goes here *) tell application "iTunes" play track 1 of playlist "Night" end tell repeat 10 times delay 30 tell application "iTunes" next track end tell end repeat return inputend run This sort of works, but not until the 4th track on the playlist. It seems to play the first three for a few seconds, but passes over them very quickly (not 30 seconds).
Since upgrading to Mac OS X Yosemite, when I open Time Machine on a folder, I can't navigate backwards in time anymore, on any folder. The arrows are grayed out. Usually, this is because Time Machine needs a bit of time to load older backups, but I have given it a few minutes to load and it still does not work.
Strangely enough, the only time that there is no problem is when I restart my Mac. Once I restart, then I open a folder and open Time Machine, then I can navigate backwards in time, almost immediately, too. But after that, no folder that I open in Time Machine in the future will allow me to move back in time, until I restart once again, then I am able to only navigate a single folder.
Things I have already tried:
- Repair Disk Permissions on Macintosh HD
- Repair Disk on Time Machine drive.
Info: Mac mini (Late 2012), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.4), 2.3 GHz i7, 16 GB RAM, 256 GB SSD
My Magic Mouse has suddenly stopped allowing the swipe to navigate feature despite being enabled. I can't believe that it's broken after only a couple of weeks of ownership, yet on the other hand I've never owned an expensive mouse that hasn't been trouble.
Anyway, all of the other features seem to be working and the mouse hasn't had a 'hard life' at all. Does anyone have any possible fixes for this or advice?
I would just like to know, on time machine, how do you go back in time to see your Safari history or like for example, webpages you've visited during the previous month. Please tell me where I go step by step to see this and put that history back onto the Safari browser. how to do it on Snow Leopard and do you do it the same way on Lion?
It can scroll up and down, but it doesn't work for the 2-finger swipe to navigate left or right? Can anyone help me with this please? I have 40% battery left, dunno if it's the battery thing.
The eject functionality seems to be completely broken on my system. the button doesn't work, dragging to trash doesn't work, clicking eject in finder doesn't work. None of them give errors or anything. Everything from usb drives to virtual cds to app archives just dont unmount/eject. Has anyone experienced this before?
can i somehow delete the leopard partition on my 500 gb hard drive. and with that free space can i consolidate it to music? so my music partition will be 500 gb?
also, if not, is there a way i can make my leopard partition be replaces by bootcamp? .. i dont wanna use my whole 500 gb dedicated to windows 7.. thats way too much.
I am trying to set up a RAID5 but am having trouble with the volumes. My RAID set is 5.23TB but my Volume is only 2TB. I am creating a second volume of 3.23TB. Is there a way to combine the two volumes into one volume of 5.23TB to match the RAID set?
So I'm considering a new boot volume for my Mac Pro revolving around this RAID controller, since I have had great experience with 3ware's products in my Linux boxen and it really seems like $700 for the Mac raid controller is a bit much. My workflow revolves very heavily around virtualization. I've been thinking about a variety of options for SSDs and hybrid drives and even just fast laptop HDs. Am I crazy for considering 2.5" drives other than SSDs? I'm thinking of 2.5" drives because I put a pair of them in the lower optical bay without issue. The amount of storage needed on the boot volume is probably in the range of 150-200GB. Getting SSDs that size may not be in the budget. Thus, I am currently considering either a pair of 320GB WD Scorpio Blacks or a pair of 250GB Seagate Momentus XTs. I'm not sure the hybrid Momentus drives are worth it. Additionally, I know that a lot of SSDs don't fully support RAID in their firmware. Thus, I am reluctant to buy one, let alone a pair, since a lot of places don't seem to have terribly generous return conditions for SSDs. Is this a fool's errand? Should I just relegate my VMs to other storage and get a smaller SSD for the OS + apps?
How can I make volumes exact sizes? I've noticed that when changing the size of my partitions with Disk Utility, the size of the partition actually ends up being .12GB smaller than what I set it to be. So if I type 300.00 in, the partition ends up being 299.88. If I type 300.12 in, it ends up being 299.88. If I type 300.13 in, it ends up being 300.01. If I type 360.12 in, it ends up showing 360.00 in Disk Utility, but on the desktop when I have show item info turned on it says 359.99GB.
The normal output volume is saved when you turn your mac off, but for some reason the input volume and sound effects are reset to mute when I turn it back on, why is this? Does anybody else have this problem its just incredibly tedious especially when you go to talk to someone on ichat only to find they cant hear and after about 10 seconds you realise and have to open up system preferences and change everything, also it means I don't hear when my mail arrives too.
I popped a new drive into my Mac Pro that's running a 2 disk raid-0 stripe set. I thought I could add the new drive into the existing raid array but I fail. Disk Util won't let me drag the new drive into the raid set.
Am I correct, that Spotlight doesn't index NTFS formatted volumes? I have a 1tb external with about 700gb full of apps, media and other data I'd like to be able to search.
Last week I have discovered two volumes (net and home) on my iMac. I have no idea when and how they were created, but they are empty. I would like to remove them, but cannot find how to do this.
I have had my iMac for months now. However, recently, it's started displaying the blinking dot inside Spotlight.
When I hover over it, all it says (!!!) is "Indexing Volumes". No useful information about "what volume", why it's taking so long (7 hours so far), etc.. If I click the hour glass, spotlight works as always. Does anyone have any ideas what's going on here or what I might try to "fix" this problem. Currently, I'm doing the (Windows) reboot method to clear this "Indexing Volumes", but it comes back.