OS X Yosemite :: Can't Navigate Time Machine Interface
Dec 1, 2014
Since upgrading to Mac OS X Yosemite, when I open Time Machine on a folder, I can't navigate backwards in time anymore, on any folder. The arrows are grayed out. Usually, this is because Time Machine needs a bit of time to load older backups, but I have given it a few minutes to load and it still does not work.
Strangely enough, the only time that there is no problem is when I restart my Mac. Once I restart, then I open a folder and open Time Machine, then I can navigate backwards in time, almost immediately, too. But after that, no folder that I open in Time Machine in the future will allow me to move back in time, until I restart once again, then I am able to only navigate a single folder.
Things I have already tried:
- Repair Disk Permissions on Macintosh HD
- Repair Disk on Time Machine drive.
Mac mini (Late 2012), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.4), 2.3 GHz i7, 16 GB RAM, 256 GB SSD
Problem started after updating to Yosemite. I am running 10.10.1. I can find all my backups, going back to 2010 in fact, when browsing my external FW800 hard drive directly in the Finder. But if I click the menubar icon and choose "Enter Time Machine," I can see some recent backups for some folders, but I cannot access some older backups that I know are there on that same drive. The window title bars in the TM interface are totally grayed out for those older backups. But again, there are all on the same FW800 external HD, and I can search them just fine and extract the files just fine using the Finder.
Is the Time Machine interface totally broken in Yosemite?
Clearly there is nothing wrong with my external FW800 HD, otherwise I wouldn't be able to manually browse and extract files via the Finder. And yes, it makes regular TM backups every day too. It's only the "Enter Time Machine" UI that is partly broken. I say "partly" because some backups (very recent) display, but I cannot access all the backups. It's very strange.
Info: iMac, OS X Yosemite (10.10), March 2009 DuoCore, 8GB RAM, 1TB HD
I would just like to know, on time machine, how do you go back in time to see your Safari history or like for example, webpages you've visited during the previous month. Please tell me where I go step by step to see this and put that history back onto the Safari browser. how to do it on Snow Leopard and do you do it the same way on Lion?
Lately when I go to view backups using the Time Machine interface it lists all my backups going back to April 22, 2009, but anything older than late August 2010 is blacked out and can't be clicked.
When I look in my Time Capsule disk on the finder, all the older backups are there and I can view and copy all the files.
Also, in system preferences, Time Machine preferences lists my oldest backup as April 22, 2009 and there is plenty of disk space available on the Time Capsule.
Why is this happening and what can I do to fix it?
information: MacBook Pro 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo OSX 10.6.4
If i search a file in finder and then i want to see what folder and go to that folder how do you do that? In windows you can click the drop down button that shows the entire directory path but there doesnt seem to be any similar function in the finder window. You can click the back button to go back up the tree if you got there by navigating down but if you went directly to the file form a search there doesnt seem to be any way to go up the path.
Recently when booting Yosemite on my MacPro early 2009 I get a message "could not load time machine prepare" but I am able to open it. But when I try to connect to my Time Capsule I get a message, "there is a problem connecting to time capsule". My iMac and Macbook pro both connect to the same time capsule with no problem. It seems the time machine prefpane on the MacPro has been corrupted. What to do?
When I access time machine it shows the backup screens for all the dates but when I click on any one of them, that date comes up but I can't access any file or function on the screen. It either takes me back to the latest screen or scans back to the screen before the first backup (blank).
I have a Mac Book Air with Yosemite installed. I also have Time Machine backing up to a Time Capsule. Plus, two other Macs are backing up to the Time Capsule. The problem I am having is that the Mac Book Air backups are not working. It keeps say "Preparing Backup" then after a while it says "Stopped". I have tried deleting the "In Progress File" but this has not worked. The other backups on the other machines seem to be working fine.
Is there a way to modify the frequency of Time Machine backups without just turning it off for a period of time. I.E., can I tell TM to backup every 3 hours instead of every hour? Running Yosemite 10.10.1 on iMac (27-inch, Late 2013).
Info: iMac (27-inch, Late 2013), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
I have a Mac Book Air that has been backing up to a Time Capsule. I do have other Macs backing up to the Time Capsule which work fine. For some reason it is saying the last backup was the 9th of November. I thought maybe this has something to do with the lack of space. So I have added another disk to the Time Machine and I am not sure whether it is backing up to this one as it is saying the "Backup is incomplete".
I just discovered that I am unable to restore mail since about the time I first installed Mavericks over a year ago. Prior to that time I can see the mail in time machine and recover a specific email. Since that time forward there is nothing shown to restore. I am now running Yosemite. I rebuilt my inbox to see and after completing that it still is not allowing me to see the any mail that was backed up. So I can restore any emails from prior to the end of September 2013, but it appears I have no backups of email since that time. This is disturbing. So much for relying on Time Machine for backups.
Just logged into my iMac and got the following error. Bit worried, what happens now? Have I lost all my TM history form the start of TM backing up? Is my TC on the way out?
I can’t record an audio (vocal) track. Here is my gear, DAW: Reason 8, Mac running Yosemite (version 10.10), mixer: Behringer 1204 USB (with built audio interface). I’ve also tried the following stand alone audio interfaces, TASCAM US 100 and M-Audio Fast track Pro. Key board Axiom 25. I gone into preferences and selected USB Audio CODEC for both output and input on the MAC, did the same under reason preference audio tab. when I create a audio track in Reason, in the audio input section I see “No audio input”.
When I select the drop down menu there is a section for Mono input and Stereo for me to check this is followed by a grayed out section that states “No audio input available, please check your sound card settings. The other funny thing is when I use Garage Band, I have no issues recording. I just recorded in garage band using the Behringer 1204. Am I missing some simple setting somewhere,missing a channel routing.
I have recently upgraded to 10.10 (fresh install and only migrated network settings and documents). I was setting up my Time Machine and choosing which folders to exclude from the backup when suddenly when I clicked on the plus button to add another directory the finder window shows all the folders as greyed out and unable to be selected. This applies to ALL files on the hard drive. Screen shot attached. I have performed a repair permissions and still a problem. Also performed a repair on the disk to and no change. Needless to say I have performed a reboot as well.
Info: iMac (27-inch, Late 2013), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
I am doing a backup prior to my first ever format & reinstall. Time Machine will not allow my use of this external hard drive that I had previously used for a Time Machine backup . Time Machine says, " The backup disk is not in Mac OS Extended ( journaled) Format, which is required." how do I change it to Extended (journaled) Format?
Yes the external hard drive in question is meant for Mac.
(Late 2009 Mackbook6,1 w/Yosemite 10.10.1)
Info: MacBook (13-inch Late 2009), OS X Yosemite (10.10), 1T SSHD
I am trying to organize my external storage for a new iMac with an 500G SSD drive. I have a new thunderbolt G-Raid drive and an aging Airport Time Capsule. I was thinking of storing music and pictures, as well as a Time Machine backup of the SSD, and storing a Time Machine backup of my music and pictures on the Time Capsule. Will I need to partition the G-Raid?
My time machine hasn't backed up since November 22. Every time it went for it's scheduled back-up it skipped and went to the next scheduled backup. When I tried to reconfigure the time capsule it won't let me select the disk that I would like to use for the time machine. Everything else is working fine (airport wifi at least). Here are some screenshots:
Somehow bookmarks in one of my Safari bookmark folders got deleted in the course of attempting to move the folder. When I go into time machine to restore an earlier version of my book marks time machine does not display the contents of the caches folder where I understand the Safari bookmarks are kept, i.e. ~/library/caches/metadata/safari/bookmarks..
Is there a way to get time machine to display contents of the caches and metadata folders? If not, is there another way to restore an earlier version of my Safari bookmarks? I have separate backups on external drives in addition to the time machine backup.
Am I understanding correctly (from reading some other discussions here) that there are issues with Time Machine back ups and Yosemite, and that it's not just me having these problems? Since I upgrade I am having major issues with wifi connection being dropped and my Time Machine hasn't performed a back up in 19 days. It looks as though it will but stalls at "preparing back up". When it finally stops I get an error message saying it can't find the disc. I've restored the Time Machine to factory settings and started over more than once but still get the same message. Am I doing something wrong or is this an Apple issue?
12 Months ago I bought an external hard drive WD My Book. After I download Yosemite, successfully, I have been getting messages that that my Time Machine was not backing up. When I open Time Machine I get a message Time Machine disc not connected. Also the Oldest Backup 28th Sept October 2013 - Latest Backup 28th October 2014. I have checked My Book and that is working OK. What is happening with Time Machine.
Each time im doing a time machine backup, the external drive does not eject, the icon becomes pale, but remains on the desktop. But when I did not just make a backup I can eject it normaly.
My disc contains two partitions, one with the backups. When my problem occurs the first partition is ejected but not the Time Machine one.
I tried to reformat the partition but the problem persists. My hard drive is a GDrive mobile usb 1 TO purchased at the apple store.
Info: MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Late 2013), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
I recently upgraded to Yosemite on my iMac and now I can not access backed up data on my time machine. Time Machine will open normal, but does not allow me to click on different favorites to the left in Finder. I tried my other iMac which was also upgraded to Yosemite and even though this Mac is connected to the time machine via cable, I still can not access favorites in Finder. Seems like Time Machine is frozen.
I want to upgrade my macbook pro to Yosemite (I have mavericks installed). The Apple guy recommended me to backup. So If I backup through time machine ON my Mavericks macbook, Will I be able to restore it on Yosemite after installing it ?I am asking this because time machine captures the "look" of Mavericks and Yosemite looks different. Will the (Mavericks)backup be compatible to Yosemite ?
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.5)
I had an iMac (1TB) and backed it up on a external HD using Time Machine (running Mavericks) Now i want to make changes to the Time Machine HD (I don have the iMac anymore) I have a 500GB MBP, so i cannot restore the backup.
Is there anyway i can make the Time Machine HD writable as i want to delete / move a couple of folders/files from it.
If i can boot from the TM HD also i am ok.
Info: MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10), 500 GB HD
I accidentally deleted an important Numbers file on my iPhone from iCloud, and desperately need it back. I've tried using my Time Machine to reclaim it but as soon as i select Cloud Drive, Numbers folder, or user/Library/Mobile Documents i can't go back to any previous backups, my timeline tabs all show up in red.
I want to upgrade my macbook pro to Yosemite (I have mavericks installed). The Apple guy recommended me to backup. So If I backup through time machine ON my Mavericks macbook, Will I be able to restore it on Yosemite after installing it ?
I am asking this because time machine captures the "look" of Mavericks and Yosemite looks different. Will the (Mavericks)backup be compatible to Yosemite ?
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.5)
I have Yosemite 10.10.1 installed on a new MacBook Pro and Time Machine doesn't seem to be working as it should. When I enter Time Machine it doesn't give me any backups to restore from. I see a bunch of dates on the right but when I click on them, nothing happens.
I have a 1TB hard drive that is only about 1/2 full backing up to a 4TB Time Machine drive. I also have an iMac with 750GB hard drive with 3/4 of that full also backing up to the same Time Machine Drive. The Time Machine Drive says it has 1TB free so why can't I access older versions of files on the Time Machine backup?
This is happening on both the Macbook Pro and the older iMac which both have 10.10.1 installed.
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), 15", 2.6GHz, 16GB RAM, 1TB Hard Dri