OS X :: How To Log Out / Then Shutdown At Same Time?

Dec 21, 2009

I just tried to logout and shutdown my laptop but apparently it doesn't let me. I can log out. I can sleep. I can shutdown but it won't do both at the same time. The pc laptop I just got automatically logs me out when it shuts down/sleeps.

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OS X :: Shutdown Time And System Log

Apr 10, 2008

It used to be that shutdown was "instantaneous" (2, 3 seconds or so). So when all of a sudden my shutdown time became 20 seconds I got interested. Why the wait? Questions: What is your shutdown time? According to the system.log from yesterday's shutdown (other shutdowns are similar):
Apr 9 22:57:38 Fiona shutdown[431]: halt by ...:
Apr 9 22:57:38 Fiona shutdown[431]: SHUTDOWN_TIME: 1207774658 599340
Apr 9 22:57:38 Fiona com.apple.loginwindow[36]: Shutdown NOW!
Apr 9 22:57:38 Fiona com.apple.loginwindow[36]: System shutdown time has arrived^G^G
Apr 9 22:57:46 Fiona mds[35]: (Error) Import: importer:0x87dc00 Importer start failed for 501 (kr:268435459 (ipc/send) invalid destination port)
Apr 9 22:57:46 Fiona mds[35]: (Fatal) Server: Assertion failure in -[MDSServiceUtil machPortForBootstrapName:targetClassName:andUid:usingRosetta:] (/SourceCache/Spotlight/Spotlight-398.8/server/MDSWorkerProcess/MDSServiceUtil.m:98) -- Mach error 1105: unknown error code
Apr 9 22:57:46 Fiona com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.metadata.mds[35]): Exited abnormally: Illegal instruction
Apr 9 22:57:58 Fiona com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.SystemStarter[31]): Exit timeout elapsed (20 seconds). Killing.
Apr 9 22:57:58 Fiona com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.SystemStarter[31]): Exited: Killed

Interesting, Illegal instructions, Unknown error code. Why is Spotlight always working at the moment of shutdown? What is happening in the unshown 10 seconds?

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Mac Pro :: Slow Shutdown Time - What Its Doing While Shutting Down

Jun 15, 2008

My Mac Pro (2008, 8-core, 10GB, 2x1TB RAID 0) system takes a long time to shutdown or restart. Typically over a minute. I didn't think this was so bad (though I think when I first got the system is shutdown must more quickly) until I got a MacBook and it shuts down in around 10 seconds. I was wondering if the slow shutdown time on the Mac Pro is normal and whether there is any way I could see what its doing while shutting down. It just sits there at the shutdown screen with the twirling icon and I'd prefer to see some messages or status so I know what is going on.

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OS X :: Time And Date Incorrect After A Shutdown?

Mar 12, 2010

My sister's Macbook is set to go to sleep after 16 minutes of no activity.

She went out for half an hour and when she returned the macbook had shut down.

The date is showing as January 1st 2001 and the clock began the time at 00:00.

Everything else on the computer is fine, but she cannot correct the date and time.

When she tries restarting the computer she is given a warning that the date and time are incorrect but still cannot fix it.

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OS X :: Leopard Gives Kernel Panics At Shutdown EVERY TIME

Jan 1, 2008

This is getting ridiculous. Every time i shut down my macbook i get a kernel panic message. What's worst is that sometimes at the next restart i can't get my keyboard to work, even though i did the keyboard update. Anyone else getting these? EDIT: And because i'm an idiot, i missed the other thread about this: [URL]

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MacBook Air :: Very Slow Shutdown - Why Taking Too Much Time

May 20, 2010

Ever since 10.6 my MBA has shut down in seconds, however this afternoon its now taking over a minute - can anyone shed any light as to why?

I've attached the log for a shutdown from button pressed to actual power off if anyone could point anything out...

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MacBook Air :: What Is A Normal Boot Up And Shutdown Time

Jun 9, 2012

how much time (secs) might need a 2 months 13'' MBA to boot up and shutdown? ( i don't have any apps download)

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Air :: Shutdown Time - Any Possibility For Increasing Speed?

Nov 10, 2010

Recently I found my mba 13 to have start up times of 25 secs but more troubling is the fact that my shutdown time has gone up. How do I increase this speed? Also has anyone had problems where the MBA has hiccups every now and then?

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OS X :: Long Shutdown Time Of MacBook Pro (10.5.8) - How To Make It Smooth

Apr 1, 2010

I am having issues with the shutdown time of my MBP. Namely, until couple of days ago, everything was fine and the shutdown process lasted for about 5 seconds tops. The other day, when I was about to go to bed and shut it down, the shutdown took unusually long time to execute. From that day on, every shutdown is the same. It lasts for about 40 seconds. This is kinda not that funny, because from time to time, like every couple of months the shutdown would be long like this, but the next shutdown would be very short. I consider this to be normal, as far as I read the various forum posts. What bothers me is that since couple of days ago, every shutdown lasts for about 45 seconds and it is not a problem, since the computer works fine, but is kinda irritating. I also have to mention that no major changes (installation or removal of programs) have been performed prior to this issue, and that my login items list is empty.

I have tried the following:

* Zapping the PRAM
* Executing various Onyx scripts, and used Onyx it to clean various caches.
* Reading, verifying and repairing permission using Disk Utility.

None worked for me.

I am pretty sure there are numerous threads about this or similar subject, but I have not found the one that describes this issue that I have.

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MacBook Pro :: Taking Extremely Long Time To Start Up After Being Shutdown

Feb 18, 2012

When I try to start up my computer it takes between 3-5 minutes to start back up again.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Starting And Quitting Activity Monitor Speeds Up Shutdown Time A LOT

May 28, 2012

I have a 15-inch MBP (2011) 2.3 GHz, Core i7 with 8 GB of memory and a Vertex 3 MAX IOPS SSD. I'm running Mac OS X Lion 10.7.4.As you can imagine, this is one quick system. When I first installed Lion (I did a clean install on a brand new SSD when Lion came out), my shutdown time was literally under half a second. Then a few days later, as I installed my usual apps, I noticed that the shutdown time suddenly went to 20 seconds with the usual grey screen and spinning wheel. I figured that one of my programs must be causing this, but could never figure out which.After living with this for months, I decided today to use Activity Monitor to try to quit some processes to see if my shutdown time would go down. After a few tries, I noticed that just starting and quitting Activity Monitor brings my shutdown time back to half a second..

I repeated this over a dozen times. I start my system and immediately shut it down: it takes 20 seconds to shutdown. Then I start it, run Activity Monitor and then immediately quit it, then shutdown: it takes half a second to shutdown.I can obviously live with a 20-second shutdown time. I don't shutdown often anyway and the system is super fast otherwise. But it's still nice to get to the bottom of this.

MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4), 8 GB, 240 GB Vertex 3 MAX IOPS SSD

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: IMac 27 Late 2010 Does Not Shutdown When Shutdown In The Normal Way

Apr 15, 2012

My iMac 27 late 2010 does not shut down when shut down in the normal way. I have to shut down with the push button. I have tried disconnecting all the usb connected hardware still no use. Can any body help.I have OS Lion 10.7.3?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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PowerPC :: Dual G5 Shutdown Randomly - PMU Forced Shutdown, Cause = -122

Sep 8, 2006

My system has randomly shut down twice now in the last two days. Dual G5 2.3. I checked the console log, which I know very little about, and it said this:

localhost kernel[0]: ApplePMU::PMU forced shutdown, cause = -122

Two questions-

what's the -122 code mean?

Do you think resetting the PMU would be the solution to this?

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OS X :: Mac Won't Restart Or Shutdown

May 30, 2009

I just started having some problems with my late 2006 24" iMac and they're still happening after updating to 10.5.7. I think the problem centers around Front Row because Disk Utility reports disk permission errors related to Front Row. Repairing permissions is reported as successful but the problem still persists. For whatever reason Front Row stopped working the other day. Nothing (Command-Escape, Rowmote ln my iPod Touch, etc...) would get it to launch. I tried reinstalling Front Row and no dice.

Then yesterday I had an instance where my iMac wouldn't restart of shut down. I was forced to hold the power button down to fix it. It happened again today. I couldn't restart or shutdown but everything else seemed to work except Front Row and there was a spinning beachball when I moved the mouse cursor to the top right-hand corner of the screen (where some of the menu items are). Before forcing a reboot by pressing the power button this time I thought to check the Console. Here's what I saw, essentially repeating, over and over:.....................

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Mac Pro :: Better To Sleep Or Shutdown?

Jul 30, 2010

I've heard a few different point of views one this. I've heard its better to shut down because you won't be using energy then and not as much stress on component. I have also heard its better to sleep because of the energy required for boot and when you shut down and start up, the heating and cooling of the components make the contract and expand which will put stress on them. Power isn't one of my major concern, my major concern is which will make a Mac Pro last longer. With an SSD as the boot drive, it won't need as much power as a mechanical drive so I don't need to worry about that. Which is better? Also, which do you prefer?

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Intel Mac :: It Will Not Shutdown

Feb 19, 2012

iMac will not shut down when I use the "Shut Down" feature.  My cursor just keeps spinning in the centre of the screen.  I realize I can just power off with the button on the back of the screen but I don't think that is the best way to go about it.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Intel Mac :: It Won't Shutdown Sometimes

Mar 23, 2012

I am wondering if anyone may know the problem of why my 24" imac (early 2008) won't shutdown properly, sometimes it just goes to the blue screen with the thinking wheel going around. No obnoxious beachball though.

Info:iMac (24-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.6.8), 4GB RAM

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Why Does IMac Not Shutdown

Jun 26, 2012

when i shutdown my imac (intel) it goes to the white screen with timer but does not switch off.why is this and what can i do to get it back to when it was new. also i have just removed kaspersky antivirus from this system.

iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X :: Leopard Hangs On Shutdown

Oct 29, 2007

I have a MacBook Pro 2.16 C2D that I just updated with Leopard. I noticed that occasionally the computer will hang when I attempt a shutdown. I didn't have this problem with Tiger so I assume it's a bug in Leopard. When I try a normal shutdown all I see is my desktop wallpaper and that little circular animated icon. I have to hold in the power button to force a shutdown.

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OS X :: Macbook Pro Will Not Shutdown / Turn Off

Apr 28, 2008

I have a 15.4 in macbook pro, intel core 2 duo 2.2 GHz 2 Gb RAM 120 GB HD and I bought it almost a year ago. I purchased leopard for Christmas and installed it. I also bought a western digital 500 gb mybook to use with time machine. Since around that time, my computer sporadically will refuse to turn off. Everything will run as if it is going to turn off, and then the screen goes blank and the computer stalls and will not shut off. The num lock and caps lock keys do not light up by my lap fan keeps running. To turn it off I have to hold down the power button for five seconds. I already brought my laptop to the apple store and they sent it to wherever and it still has been doing this. I also ran a series of hardware resets that the tech line gave me.

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MacBook Air :: What To Look For With Core Shutdown?

May 20, 2008

I've been reading about this overheating/core shutdown problem. How would I know if I'm experiencing a core shutdown? What happens?

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MacBook Air :: When Is Core Shutdown Ok?

Jun 25, 2008

I have a MBA, and I do notice, more often than I had expected, that I'm experiencing core shutdown. I do agree with a previous post that it could, at least partially, be related to the video card/driver. If I decide to run a YouTube video while having Outlook open in VMWare Fusion, I'll usually shutdown a core. Other combinations of applications can do it too, but this combo is almost guaranteed.

My question is: Is there a time where core shutdown is good, for example, to preserve the integrity of the hardware? I don't want to go into the Genius bar complaining if all they're going to say is "Well look what you're running! Of course it'll shutdown!"

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OS X :: Shutdown When Inactive Option In Mac?

Mar 24, 2009

It's not seldom that I go to sleep but my Mac is still downloading for one or two hours, or Time Machine is backing up wirelessly. I remember I've seen the ability "shutdown when ready" in a (very) few apps (could be Windows ), but isn't there some general function for it?

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Mac Pro :: Won't Restart Or Shutdown Without Force

Jul 15, 2009

So my Mac Pro (2008, 2.8ghz quad core) won't restart or shut down. It powers up just fine and has no other issues. If I want to restart it, then my only option is to hold down the power button. Here's a console log any ideas where the problem is?

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To Shutdown

Sep 22, 2009

My MacBook Pro restart again after I Shut Down.

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OS X :: How Can I Get Itunes To Keep Playing Even When My Mac Shutdown?

Oct 9, 2009

Where do i go for this setting ? Is it possible ?

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OS X :: Imac G5 Startup / Shutdown

Dec 3, 2009

It's been having trouble shutting down when it's gone unused. Then it won't turn on unless I turn the surge protector off and back on. (I thought it was tied to my backup drive being on, but now I just turn it on when I need it) Even then it doesn't start up automatically, I have to push it a few times. Just now when I held down the start up button it made a loud whooshing sound, started up, maintained the sound for awhile and then normal but I still hear it running louder than usual. I dread it may not start up again one of these times. Side issue, maybe unrelated but firefox is driving me crazy with proxy issues, aol mail issues, and just now I couldn't post in this forum it was "forbidden" when I hit submit. so I used Safari instead and found my post was actually posted.

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MacBook Pro :: Keeps Starting Up On Shutdown?

Dec 31, 2009

I try shutting down my macbook pro either from being logged in or the login window and it shuts down then after a few seconds restarts.

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OS X :: Shutdown IMac - Restarts Itself Day Or Two Later

Jan 1, 2010

New owner of iMac 24" 2.8 since last March. Just recently I have noticed that when I take off for a few days, I shutdown the iMac and when I return home a few days later and hit the power button the iMac is already on in sleep mode. The only change I have made recently was to add Time Machine on a Guardian Maximus 1TB raid drive, but I usually power off that drive when I leave. I've checked and searched here and in the Apple discussions with no luck. Does anyone have any idea what might be happening?

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OS X :: MacBook Pro Shutdown While Booting?

Mar 6, 2010

So I have a MBP C2D from early 2007 that up until recently has been running fine. The battery died long ago, so I keep it plugged into the wall which was fine until yesterday. What started happening is my MBP would shut off completely (as if the battery died) and then when I try starting it back up, it would randomly shut off at some point during the boot process (not at one specific point; sometimes it barely makes it into OSX and other times it does not).

Anyone know what could be the problem? I have not installed anything new or changed any settings that could effect the system. To me it feels like the AC Adapter isn't giving the machine enough power, but I don't know for sure.

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