OS X :: Getting Media On PS3 Via WD MyBook World Edition?
Oct 22, 2009
I just got a Western Digital My Book World Edition II 2TB Hard Drive and I'm trying to get it all set up. I'm having some problems. 1. I wanted it to back up my iTunes library which is on a external hd. I cant figure out how to get it to do that. 2. I'd like to have my iTunes music, tv shows, and videos able to be played on my PS3.
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Nov 12, 2007
I just got myself a WD My Book World Edition II 1TB ethernet HD. I can connect to it fine from my MacBook, but on my G5 its a different story. I see the drive on the Network. I then double click on it and get the prompt for the usergroup, username and password, type in the info and I get a error saying it can't see it. What am I missing? OS is 10.4.9 on G5 and 10.4.10 on MacBook.
Power Mac G5
Mac OS X (10.4.9)
Dual 2.0 GHz
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Mar 25, 2010
I've only had this drive for a few weeks, but I've noticed a tendency for the thing to always be running even when there's nothing for it to do. The head will click and gronk around continuously, the status light cycling over and over again. This generates a fair amount of heat in the drive after a while, and I imagine it'll wear down a lot faster if this keeps up. I've tried several different approaches to solve this, including many wipes and reloads. At its worst, the drive would grind away even if the computer was asleep or the drive disconnected from the computer. A few times this happened immediately following a reformat on a supposedly "erased" (but not zeroed) disk.
Nothing seemed to solve it. Western Digital recommended that I try plugging it into a different outlet, which I did. This has calmed it down somewhat, but the problem mostly persists, and I continue to get frequent "drive in use" errors when I attempt to eject the disk, even though as far as I can tell nothing is using it. One odd note: earlier today as it was chugging away, I quit the one program open besides the Finder (DragThing), and the churning immediately ceased. It's quiet for now, even after reopening DragThing, but I'm just waiting for something to get it all riled up again. I've observed this behavior on a Power Mac G5 running 10.5.8 and a March 2009 Core Duo iMac with 10.6.2. I'd really rather not ship it back to WD just yet.
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Aug 6, 2010
Just need to know if it will recognize all my windows based jpegs etc on windows formatted drive. If not, it has the ability to daisy chain a USB drive onto. If I plugged in a Mac formatted hard drive as a daisy chained hdd would it see this one?
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Apr 16, 2009
I am looking at the WD MyBook Studio Edition II 2 TB and have some questions I need answered before getting it. Perhaps someone who uses it with their mac knows the answers.I want to use it with the RAID1 configuration. As I understand it it will then be seen as a 1 TB drive to the operating system, and the 1 TB data will be mirrored on the dual 1 TB drives.1) Can the 1 TB RAID1 drive be partitioned into multiple logical partitions?2) Can the 1 TB RAID1 drive be formatted as NTFS?3) Can the 1 TB RAID1 drive be partitioned into multiple logical partitions formatted with different file systems?
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May 15, 2010
I have a WD MyBook Studio Edition 1TB that's been OK for about a year, but recently it's been acting weird so I ordered an advance replacement from WD and am in the process of transferring all my stuff to the replacement drive. The old drive will read and write fine for a few seconds, then it just slows way down. For example, I am copying files over right now, and it just blazed through about 500 MB in a few seconds, and it's taken it about 15 minutes to get to 550 MB. Obviously something is wrong, but I'm looking for any advice on how to keep this thing alive or speed it up for just a few minutes while I get everything off of it.
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Apr 5, 2009
I am planning on investing in a WD NAS so I can have all the family music and pictures centralized in one place. Is it worthy the investment considering the speed and sharing possibility? I have a regular 1TB and I am considering buying one just for the media. Does anybody here is already using it? I don't see often msgs about sharing the iPhoto Library. Is that possible at all?
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Mar 19, 2010
Just got a WD My Book World Edition II 2TB. I would like to reformat this drive specifically for mac. It's sole purpose is to be used with Time Machine.
I currently have the drive connected to my IMAC via ethernet. Finder shows the external HD listed under Shared as MyBookWorld and another one as MyBookWorld-Backup. Time Machine preferences/select disk shows this drive as "WD_Backup on MyBookWorld-Backup".
Using DiskUtility.app the drive DOES NOT show up!
Should I send this drive back from where I ordered? Anyone have any experience with this drive? Should I even bother to reformat?
I have NOT installed the software that came with the drive? Why should I?
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Oct 28, 2009
I cant get anything to work on my Western Digital My Book World Edition ii. I have it plugged in via ethernet to the back of my Airport Extreme. I'm trying to put all of my iTunes library on it so that my media can be played on my PS3 and other computers on my network.
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Jun 16, 2009
I benched tested the new GTX 285 Mac Edition and the 8800 GT Mac Edition using X-Plane.
I used the same version (9.22 rc1) for both OS X 10.5.7 and Boot Camp WinXP.
I flew in North Dakota in order to eliminate as many objects and scenery as possible thereby making X-Plane as efficient as possible.
The flight was from Grand Forks (KGFK) to Crookston (KCKN). The length of the flight is 23.59 nautical miles and took 7 1/2 minutes.
I used a King Air B200 with a ground speed of 240 knots.
The renderings (1600 x 1200, 8xAA) and weather was exactly the same in both OS X and WinXP.
I flew three times for each video card and each operating system for a total of 12 flights. I averaged out the fps.
The 8800 GT Mac Edition is 2.3 times faster running under Boot Camp (WinXP) than the same 8800 GT running under Mac OS X 10.5.7.
Running under the same OS (Mac OS X 10.5.7), the GTX 285 Mac Edition is 2.7 times faster than the 8800 GT Mac Edition.
Running under the same OS (Boot Camp WinXP), the GTX 285 Mac Edition is 1.6 times faster than the 8800 GT Mac Edition.
My conclusion is the NVIDIA cards run much faster under Windows than they do with Mac OS X.
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Apr 24, 2012
I recently changed the iTunes Media Folder default location to a different area on my drive. I waited a couple minutes and the files did not move. I was unaware you had to go into your settings and also select to consolodate files. Since the files didn't move I reselected my default location and kept trying to go back and forth a couple times. After letting it sit for a couple more minutes I noticed over 200 GB's of files were missing. I looked in each folder I tried to change the default Media Folder location to but they were not in either of them. I have also ran multiple system file recover programs and been unable to find them.
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Dec 25, 2008
I have a 1Tb WD my-book studio that my mac will not recognize. It has worked for over 6 months but now it will not show up on the desktop
It seems to work via USB but not Fw800
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Mar 31, 2010
Tore open my WD MyBook to replace the internal disk, and after piecing it back together, it no longer mounts in Finder. Disk Utility is also blind to it-- in fact the only thing that will see it at all is System Profiler.
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Apr 21, 2007
I have a Western Digital HD with a mac mini. Sometimes, after the Mybook is not used for a while, it will shut down, to the point that, only unplugging both the firewire AND power to the Mybook will restart it. How do I get this thing to reboot and show up on my desktop/finder again? It's quite frustrating w/ itunes, as the songs wont play at all if the HD shuts down.
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Jan 29, 2009
I tried backing up my MBP using Time Machine but my MyBook 500GB doesnt want to work. The light on the front works but when i connect it nothing happens. Nothing shows up on my MBP anymore. It used to work fine.
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Aug 29, 2009
Can I use my hard drive with Time Machine ? I got the drive in use already so my question is wether I can additionally use it as a backup disc without erasing its content? Do I just connect my drive and start Time Machine app and it will create Time Machine folder on its own ?
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Oct 13, 2009
I purchased my mybook 500gb external hard drive the same day I bought my mac. One day I accidentally unplugged it. Now when I plug it in into the usb hub, it won't pop up mybook icon on my screen. How do I get it to work again?
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May 17, 2012
I have a Western Digital MyBook 1 TB external USB drive that has worked fine for years. I used it a day and a half ago under 10.7.3 with absolutely no problems. I then upgraded to 10.7.4, and now the drive won't mount. It spins up for a second or two, then powers off. Console shows the following: 5/17/12 11:31:55.000 AM kernel: USBF:4544.789[0xffffff800aa42400] The IOUSBFamily is having trouble enumerating a USB device that has been plugged in. It will keep retrying. (Port 1 of Hub at 0x4000000)5/17/12 11:31:58.000 AM kernel: USBF:4547.797[0xffffff800aa42400] The IOUSBFamily was not able to enumerate a device.
Do I have a borked installation of 10.7.4? Would a simple re-install fix the problem? It seems highly unlikely to me that the drive just happened to silently die in the interim between its last use and the 10.7.4 install... What's going on?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009)
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Apr 7, 2009
I have just had a catastrophic failure of a Maxtor basic 1.5TB USB HD as a TimeMachine backup. I was being cheap as the HD I really want is a 2TB MYbook Studio edition.
I have an iMac 24" with a mybook studio 1TB as my iTunes and Movies drive. It is in the 800 firewire socket. If I buy a 2TB I am left with 400 Firewire or USB.
My question is, can I add the 2TB to the firewire socket on the back of my 1TB mybook?
Or am I best to put it direct into the machine (iMac)
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Aug 17, 2009
I bought a Western Digital MyBook 1TB external hard drive a while ago and it was working fine with my Powerbook G4 running Tiger. But when I wanted to have it connected to my Intel Mac Mini running Leopard it always has a few problems.
1. It randomly disconnects and the message for external hd not ejected properly.
2. When I try to copy a large file to it like a 500MB file it goes so slow and when it looks like it will finish I get the error code -36
3. After all the problems 1 and 2 it won't eject and when I try to unmount it from disk utility it says it can not be unmounted.
I have tried to reformat the drive for mac with the extended journaled and partitioning and erasing with boot disk procedures. Still nothing seems to work.
I don't know if this matters but I bought it at a Walmart and it wasn't mac formatted. Would I have to specifically buy a mac formatted external hd in order for it to work in leopard? Or can I some how format this to work properly on my computer. I also have an Iomega 120GB drive that I bought a few years ago from [URL] and it works flawlessly on both my PB and MM.
I just have a hard time believing that only certain hds will work for an intel mac running leopard. I thought all hds were the same and could be formatted to run on any system.
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Oct 28, 2009
I have a WD MyBook Essential connected to Airport Extreme (Simultaneous mode). The problem is that my disk remains always on, even at night when my MBP is shut down. How can i put it to sleep mode when not in use for a specific interval? The HDD when connected by USB directly to MBP supports this feature.
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Jan 1, 2010
i have a macbook pro running snow leopard. i have a western digital 1tb my book home edition. i have used it many times and had no problems. i have not used it in the last two weeks and when i tried to plug it in today, it looked okay at the beginning, lights were blinking and the drive was spinning but it didn't mount. it wasn't recognized and so i unplugged to try again. now...when it is plugged in to the wall, the light blinks about once per second but the drive doesn't turn on or spin. when i plug it via firewire into my computer the light turns off and the drive continues to stay off. as far as I know, the drive was not dropped or damaged or removed improperly (with the possible exception of what I just did). because it is not on, it will not show up in disk utility either.
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Jan 23, 2010
My old MyBook Home Premium 500GB drive has over 60000 bad blocks (and only 1/3 of the way through the scan) so I need a new drive. What would people recommend for it? I guess a WD Green 1TB would be OK but will that work in the MyBook enclosure? Any experience out there?
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Jan 27, 2010
I'm new to Mac (two days) and would like on moving mybook harddrive icon from the desktop to the dock. I've tried right click, preferences, but don't see preferences.
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Jan 17, 2009
If you can stream the Mac as a media server on your PS3 just like how it does on Windows for Windows Media Player....
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Mar 22, 2009
I am in need of an external hard drive for backups of my new 24" iMac due to arrive on Wednesday March 25. I am moving from the PC works (old Dell) and will need something larger than the old one I have for the long term. I have an old external hard drive case and a 250GB ATA hard drive inside I can use for the time being with the new Mac if I reformat it.
That said, I would like to get a drive that is at least equal to what is in the iMac with is 1 TB. I have read a lot of postings and believe I will get a Western Digital MyBook for Time Machine backups (unless someone has a better alternative). Is there any reason to get the Studio 1 or II (FW 800) over the Essential (USB 2.0) for my purposes - backups only? The price difference is $40-80 for equivalent drive space with connections being the difference.
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Mar 27, 2009
I have a 1TB western Digital MyBook essential that I have partitioned into 2 drives. One for time machine and one for data storage.
At the moment i have a very old 802.11b access point connected to my cable (Virgin Media - UK) modem.
I'm looking to buy the new Airport Extreme to make use of the faster speeds and also the USB disk sharing feature. I have 1 macbook and 1 XP laptop that will need to access the mybook over the WIFI.
My questions:
1) Is this setup reliable? or am i going to have trouble accessing the disk and have to keep resetting the AE
2) Is backing up to time machine viable over the wireless? its only backing up my system partition which at the moment is only 20GB.
3) Will the Airport Extreme automatically spin down the WD MyBook when not in use?
4) Can you see any problems with any of the above!
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May 24, 2009
I just received a WD Mybook Studio 1TB to be used with my new iMac. Only one big problem, whether the hard drive is connected to usb or firewire 800, it will skip when playing any file like a movie or music. I ended up downloading and installing the newest firmware and formatting the hard drive. But still, even now it keeps skipping.
Disk Utility shows, after verifying, the hard drive is ok. No need to repair anyways. Is there any other way to be sure the hard drive itself is broken?
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Jul 19, 2009
This isn't strictly a Mac question, but I know there's a lot of knowledgeable users here and I'm sure some have the MyBooks too. I'm in the middle of the daunting process of reformatting my two 500GB MyBook hard drives (the standard black ones) to a Mac friendly format having been a Windows user for a while... having such a large HD on the iMac makes it not too painful, thankfully. However, I've got one of my drives hooked up at the moment, copying away. It's making a consistent ticking noise as it works.
It's been a while since I asked very much of my drives (generally I just read off them file by file as it were; playing video), so is this noise normal, or is this drive on its way out do you think? As I say, it is a consistent ticking, like the ticking of a clock really rather than scary whirring-clunk noises, and there's no trouble copying files onto my iMac at the moment. I just don't want to copy stuff back over if it's going to die on me. I've got a stack of DVDs here anyway and I think it's about time I updated my DVD copies of my files...
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Oct 28, 2009
I have a 500gb WD MyBook external hard drive... I only have about 150 gigs on it, but it tells me that there are only 113 gigs left, which I have figured out is because it does not seem to actually free up space when I delete files from it. So, essentially, every time I add a file, the space that that file fills is filled permanently, even if I later delete the file. The only solution I've been able to find from browsing forums and googling is to partition my hard drive as Mac OS X Journaled (extended), but it is already partition thus. I don't have the space on my internal hard drive to move everything onto it while I completely reformat the external.
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