OS X :: Extracting Adobe Flash Video From Website?
Jul 19, 2010Anyone know how to best extract Adobe flash video from a website?
View 5 RepliesAnyone know how to best extract Adobe flash video from a website?
View 5 RepliesDid a search, nothing, I want to rip a flash video off this website: [URL]. I have NO idea how to do it. I have FF and Safari, I don't care which one I use for this.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHere's my problem: I'd very much like to download an embedded flash video from this page: http://bit.ly/d24fEU. (One has to click 'start' for the flash to load.)
But web developers have become wily it seems. No longer do the old methods appear to work. I've tried: Apps for downloading youtube videos, using the Activity window in Safari (only a small SWF file of about 21kb appears in the activity window), numerous Firefox plugins� To no avail.
There are apparently apps for Windows that can manage to download these tricky types of videos, is there anything or any method on the Mac? I've been ripping my hair out trying. I've searched the forum, but none of the suggested methods work.
On websites that use flash player for video chat I just can't send my video stream trough my external usb Ligitech webcam.
The situation is: when opening the Adobe Flash Player settings menu-video-select I tend to send webcam video I only have the option of sending trough the "USB video class video": the isight built-in webcam of my MacBook and don't have my Logitech webcam on the list.
The fact is: I have an external usb webcam (Logitech and works with mac) and the Flash Player video options don't allow me to choose the Logitech webcam instead of the iSight buil-in webcam.
Do you have or know any solution/add on/software to my problem? I'm getting crazy with that! I just wanna tell to my MacBook to run always the Logitech webcam instead of the iSigth built-in webcam when I'm on websites that use Flash Player for video chat.
i forgot my password to my mac pc and I'm trying to down adobe flash player so i can watch video on Facebook.
MacBook Pro, version 10.9.5
Recently my 3 year old MBP has lost its video capability. I took it to my local Apple store and apparently its a logic board issue which is going to cost $1400 to fix. Unfortunately I can't justify spending even more dough then I already have on the notebook for service.
So.. what I'd like to do is extract my iTunes library and various other documents. This must be possible, but I'm not sure how to approach it.
Currently the MBP boots just fine, and the only issue is video - so I'm hoping I can still extract the information without having to resort to removing the HDD.
Best application for extracting audio from video?
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View 1 Replies View RelatedI need to complete forms on a website that requires adobe reader, when I go to the website it prompts me to download adobe reader & then click here to complete forms. I have downloaded adobe reader 3 times & restarted my computer twice & the website still keeps telling me I need to download adobe reader!
iMac, iOS 5.1
How do I launch Adobe Reader from Safari when displaying a .pdf file on the website? Using OS10.7.3, and Safari 5.1.3. Safari apparently is launching Preview instead of Adobe Reader.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI can't understand when I try to open PDFs on a website, and even after trashing Adobe Reader, I am not allowed to read PDFs on web sites?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI want to create a simple flash movie (I don't yet own or know how to use Adobe Flash). Pretty flowers in the background, inspirational music, passages from the Bible or something fading in an out... you know the schtick. Maybe convert it to a screen saver.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI recently tried to update the flash player on my imac g5 and its telling me that adobe flash no longer supports powerpc....where do i go from here?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
Is Flash available for an Intel-based Mac running Mac OS X 10.5.4 and Internet Explorer? [URL]
I am running Safari and usually do, but I need to run a Flash-based website in IE for test purposes and it's not loading, citing a missing plug-in.
Anyone actually use IE and Flash on OS X 10.5 (Intel-based)?
how can i use it for what purpose?
View 5 Replies View RelatedHow do view item that require flash player,
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've been trying to find this out! Does anyone know?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI am getting an alert from Firefox that I need to install a Flash Player update. It gives me a link to the free Flash 10 download from Adobe. That's lovely of them, except that Flash 10 is only compatible with OX 10.4 & higher. I have 10.3.9. All the old links I can find for Flash 9 seem to have been updated to Flash 10.
View 5 Replies View RelatedHow can I uninstall adobe flash player?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
How can I tell if I have the adobe flash malware?
MacBook Pro
I recently removed Flashback Malware from my computer. I used Flashback Remover [URL] to detect, quarantine and delete the malware. I've since tried to reinstall Flash, but to no avail. I've tried downloading it from the adobe site directly, then installing it. It says the install was successful, but when I go to a site that uses flash, I'm directed to download flash.
Before I found the malware on my computer, I tried moving my plug-ins ("/library/Internet Plug-Ins" and "~/library/Internet Plug-Ins") to a separate file on my desktop to test which ones may be corrupt. Maybe this changed the path or the file for my plug-ins? I don't know, but I'd really like some help. All of my software is up to date, according to Software Update.
MacBook Pro
OSX 10.6.8
MacBook Pro
How can I load Adobe Flash on to my destop Mac?
I want to watch sport on my mac, but most of the website require adobe flash player. how can I install it, it is .exe
View 5 Replies View RelatedWhere can I find the download for Adobe Flash that will run on my iBook G3 with OS X 10.4.11? My brother gave me his old iBook after he bought a new laptop.
iBook, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
I recently had to get a new iPhone because my last one died. I've purchased all of my music through iTunes and got the majority of the songs back on my phone. About 50 songs won't transfer back though. I tried drag and dropping and checking the sync music button and re-syncing my phone and nothing has worked. All the songs are downloaded and in iTunes, but nothing is working. Does anyone know why they won't transfer?
View 2 Replies View Relatedhow do i install adobe flash player?
View 1 Replies View Relatedhow can I save swf file from a flash website in Firefox please?
View 8 Replies View RelatedAdobe this week issued a preview release of an update to its Flash Player, code-named "Gala," which allows for H.264 video hardware decoding in Mac OS X 10.6.3, placing less emphasis on a computer's CPU. The capability for Flash to use GPU hardware acceleration just became available with the Mac OS X 10.6.3 update for Apple's Snow Leopard operating system. A new technical note revealed a new framework that allows developers low-level access to H.264 decoding capabilities in Macs with compatible GPUs, including the GeForce 9400M, GeForce 320M and GeForce GT 330M. Previously, hardware acceleration for Flash was only available through Windows PCs and X86-based notebooks. Gala marks the first time Mac users will be able to benefit from hardware decoding of Flash.
"The combination of NVIDIA GPUs (GeForce 9400M, GeForce 320M or GeForce GT 330M) with the Gala version of Flash Player enables supported Macs running the current version of OS X to deliver smooth, flicker-free HD video with substantially decreased power consumption," Adobe wrote on its website, where the software can be downloaded. "Users will be able to enjoy a much smoother viewing experience when accessing rich, H.264 video content built with the Flash Platform from popular sites like [URL] or YouTube." The preview release of Gala is a sign of things to come, but does not yet provide consistent results. In a quick test, Engadget found that CPU use Apple's latest Core i7 MacBook Pros dropped a third to a half, but the Core i5 machine actually increased the CPU load by as much as 20 percent.
The Gala preview is intended for developers to test the new functionality and test compatibility. The feature is expected to find its way into the Flash Player after the release of version 10.1, expected to arrive in the first half of 2010. To test it, download the 7.4MB installer from Adobe. The preview release notifies users when hardware decoding is in use by displaying a small white square in the upper left corner of a video. Adobe has sought input from developers on the preview release as it prepares a final product for the general public. Gala is evidence of a rare positive between Apple and Adobe, two companies that have been engaged in a bitter rivalry of late. Most recently in their ongoing feud, Adobe abandoned development of Flash-to-iPhone porting software. After Apple's iPhone OS 4 developer agreement specifically prohibited the use of an intermediary tool, such as the one Adobe plans to release.
After Adobe employees criticized the iPhone for being a closed system, Apple fired back in a rare public comment, stating that Adobe "has it backwards," as Flash is "closed and proprietary." Apple has backed the open source standard HTML5 video streaming format while blocking the use of Flash on its portable devices, including the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. At a company meeting in January, the Apple co-founder Steve Jobs was rumored to have called Adobe "lazy," and said most Mac crashes are due to Flash. "The world is moving to HTML5," Jobs was quoted as saying. Jobs also allegedly called Flash a "CPU hog" in a meeting with officials from The Wall Street Journal. The Apple co-founder was said to have called the Web format "full of security holes" and "old technology." For more on why Apple is unlikely to ever allow Flash onto its iPhone OS-powered mobile devices, see AppleInsider's three-part Flash Wars series.[View this article at URL]
I've been having an issue with my flash player for a long time now. Basically, whenever I go to a site such as [URL] the box where the movie should be just says: Click Here to Download Plugin, and whenever I click to download it, the automatic download fails and I have to go to the manual download. Well, that all works fine (I've tried both the .dmg and the .zip files) until it opens the Adobe Flash Page after the download and installation are complete, and I still get that message that I need to download the plugin that I definitely JUST downloaded and installed.
This has been going on for a very annoying two weeks now, and I've even gone through my desktop and deleted a bunch of my stuff in order to free up my memory and get my computer running a tad bit faster, but that didn't do anything. Frankly, I'm annoyed, and just one step from taking my computer to the store and getting them to look at it.
I have an Imac G5
Model: PowerMac8.2
CPU Type: Power PC G5 (3.0)
I've never really had a problem with my macbook, but for the last two weeks or so, I can't watch any Flash videos like YouTube. It'll work for about fifteen or so seconds and then the whole thing will start skipping and the whole computer acts choppy. Firefox (or Safari) CPU usage spikes, and the computer gets really hot. Then I'll have to wait for a minute or so for the macbook to cool off before I can use it. I've tried downgrading from Flash 10 to Flash 9 -- no better.
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