OS X :: Adobe Previews GPU Acceleration Support For Flash
Apr 29, 2010
Adobe this week issued a preview release of an update to its Flash Player, code-named "Gala," which allows for H.264 video hardware decoding in Mac OS X 10.6.3, placing less emphasis on a computer's CPU. The capability for Flash to use GPU hardware acceleration just became available with the Mac OS X 10.6.3 update for Apple's Snow Leopard operating system. A new technical note revealed a new framework that allows developers low-level access to H.264 decoding capabilities in Macs with compatible GPUs, including the GeForce 9400M, GeForce 320M and GeForce GT 330M. Previously, hardware acceleration for Flash was only available through Windows PCs and X86-based notebooks. Gala marks the first time Mac users will be able to benefit from hardware decoding of Flash.
"The combination of NVIDIA GPUs (GeForce 9400M, GeForce 320M or GeForce GT 330M) with the Gala version of Flash Player enables supported Macs running the current version of OS X to deliver smooth, flicker-free HD video with substantially decreased power consumption," Adobe wrote on its website, where the software can be downloaded. "Users will be able to enjoy a much smoother viewing experience when accessing rich, H.264 video content built with the Flash Platform from popular sites like [URL] or YouTube." The preview release of Gala is a sign of things to come, but does not yet provide consistent results. In a quick test, Engadget found that CPU use Apple's latest Core i7 MacBook Pros dropped a third to a half, but the Core i5 machine actually increased the CPU load by as much as 20 percent.
The Gala preview is intended for developers to test the new functionality and test compatibility. The feature is expected to find its way into the Flash Player after the release of version 10.1, expected to arrive in the first half of 2010. To test it, download the 7.4MB installer from Adobe. The preview release notifies users when hardware decoding is in use by displaying a small white square in the upper left corner of a video. Adobe has sought input from developers on the preview release as it prepares a final product for the general public. Gala is evidence of a rare positive between Apple and Adobe, two companies that have been engaged in a bitter rivalry of late. Most recently in their ongoing feud, Adobe abandoned development of Flash-to-iPhone porting software. After Apple's iPhone OS 4 developer agreement specifically prohibited the use of an intermediary tool, such as the one Adobe plans to release.
After Adobe employees criticized the iPhone for being a closed system, Apple fired back in a rare public comment, stating that Adobe "has it backwards," as Flash is "closed and proprietary." Apple has backed the open source standard HTML5 video streaming format while blocking the use of Flash on its portable devices, including the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. At a company meeting in January, the Apple co-founder Steve Jobs was rumored to have called Adobe "lazy," and said most Mac crashes are due to Flash. "The world is moving to HTML5," Jobs was quoted as saying. Jobs also allegedly called Flash a "CPU hog" in a meeting with officials from The Wall Street Journal. The Apple co-founder was said to have called the Web format "full of security holes" and "old technology." For more on why Apple is unlikely to ever allow Flash onto its iPhone OS-powered mobile devices, see AppleInsider's three-part Flash Wars series.[View this article at URL]
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Jun 9, 2012
Will new Macbook Air support Adobe products such as Flash Player?
MacBook Air
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Aug 16, 2010
Has anyone tried the new version of adobe flash with the hardware acceleration? Does it seem to present a lot of improvements? Also if I install it, how do I uninstall the current version? How do I remove this version when a new version comes out? Will Software Update automatically remove this version if a newer version comes out through apple's update?
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Feb 16, 2009
I've never owned a Mac before, but have a couple of friends who love theirs. So when the stunning new Air came out, I decided I'd join them after using only Windows PCs for so many years. I am trying to decide between the 128GB base 11.6" Air and the base 13.3" one. I prefer the form factor of the 11.6", and ideally, I'd just go ahead and get it, because portability is high on my wishlist.
However, my decision hinges on whether the 11.6" can play 1080p MKVs so I can output them to my TV when I'm not mobile.I've read elsewhere that the 11.6" with the 1.4GHz CPU struggles in OSX, but I'd be installing Windows 7 as well, my media player of choice being Media Player Classic. The reason for this is that it supports hardware acceleration of movie files with the GPU, so allows the CPU to be relatively unused, or assists a slow CPU in playing high bitrate/resolution movies.
So, after the drawn out intro, I guess my questions are: Does the GeForce 320M in the Air support hardware acceleration (DXVA) in Media Player Classic in Windows? If yes, is it capable of playing 1080p MKVs smoothly (for example, a 24 minute show weighing in at roughly 1-1.5GB)?
I would really, really appreciate it if some kind soul would be willing to try this out to help me make my buying decision. As I say, it would be my first Mac, so I'm really not sure when it comes to this kind of thing. And I do realise that what I'm asking is ridiculously specific, but I thought that if anyone could help me, it would be you guys.
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Aug 11, 2010
Adobe has released a new version of its Flash Player for Mac that officially supports hardware acceleration for H.264 video content.
The update was announced Tuesday by Adobe product manager Thibault Imbert on his blog. The feature, code-named "Gala," had been announced several months prior, but was unavailable with the official release of Flash Player 10.1 for Mac in June. In a break from usual protocol, Adobe enabled the new feature in a security release.
Hardware acceleration in Flash Player 10.1 for Mac is available only for Mac OS X Snow Leopard and the following graphics cards: NVIDIA GeForce 9400M, GeForce 320M or GeForce GT 330M.
According to Adobe, a CPU utilization reduction of up to two-thirds is possible when GPU hardware acceleration is active.
Flash Player for Mac has recently been the subject of controversy. In April, Apple CEO Steve Jobs published an open letter criticizing Adobe's Flash offerings. In an interview with The Wall Street Journal, Adobe CEO Shantanu Narayen subsequently dismissed Jobs' letter as a "smokescreen."
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May 3, 2010
Now this is odd. It doesn't work with gpu acceleration on HD videos (no white square on left corner) in Safari and Firefox, and as expected, the Nvidia 330M doen't even kick in. However, it does work in Opera 10.5 on the Macbook pro, and in all browsers in my '09 20" iMac (9400M)! I already repaired permissions, uninstalled and reinstalled flash, and I can't get hardware acceleration in flash on the macbook pro! It reports version 10,1,81,3 in both Macbook and iMac. What gives? This is a proper video to try it: [URL]. If anyone with a 330M iMac has Flash 10.1 preview (gala) installed, please try it - select 720p and see if it gets a small white square on the left upper corner.
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Aug 26, 2009
Adobe announced this week that it has not tested and will not support its Creative Suite 3 line of products, including Photoshop CS3, on Apple's new Snow Leopard operating system. John Nack, the principal product manager for Photoshop at Adobe, announced on his official blog that CS3 and earlier have not been tested on Snow Leopard. He provided a link to a compatibility document from Adobe that went even further. "While older Adobe and Macromedia applications may install and run on Mac OS X Snow Leopard (v10.6), they were designed, tested and released to the public several years before this new operating system became available," the document states. "You may therefore experience a variety of installation, stability, and reliability issues for which there is no resolution. Older versions of our creative software will not be updated to support Mac OS X Snow Leopard (v10.6)."
General support for CS3 applications, the company notes, exists through Adobe's paid support program. Adobe released Creative Suite 4 in 2008, effectively replacing CS3. Clearly this latest move is designed to encourage users to upgrade to the latest version of Adobe's software. The Mac upgrade retails for $699.99. Nack said that there are a few minor problems with CS4 in Snow Leopard, though most of the suite works fine under Apple's new operating system. He said that problems remain in Flash panels and Adobe Drive/Version Cue.
The company's support document states it will support and upgrade CS4 within Snow Leopard. Currently, none of the applications in the CS4 suite require an upgrade to work within the new operating system, to be released Friday. "Adobe will support Creative Suite 4 software running with Snow Leopard according to its standard customer support policies," Adobe said. "Older versions of Adobe Creative Suite software were not designed to run on Mac OS X Snow Leopard (v10.6), so you may experience issues installing and using the software for which there are no solutions."[View this article at [URL]]
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Feb 17, 2012
I recently tried to update the flash player on my imac g5 and its telling me that adobe flash no longer supports powerpc....where do i go from here?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Dec 9, 2010
how can i use it for what purpose?
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Jan 13, 2011
How do view item that require flash player,
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May 7, 2009
I've been trying to find this out! Does anyone know?
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Nov 10, 2008
I am getting an alert from Firefox that I need to install a Flash Player update. It gives me a link to the free Flash 10 download from Adobe. That's lovely of them, except that Flash 10 is only compatible with OX 10.4 & higher. I have 10.3.9. All the old links I can find for Flash 9 seem to have been updated to Flash 10.
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Feb 19, 2012
How can I uninstall adobe flash player?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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Apr 9, 2012
How can I tell if I have the adobe flash malware?
MacBook Pro
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Apr 13, 2012
I recently removed Flashback Malware from my computer. I used Flashback Remover [URL] to detect, quarantine and delete the malware. I've since tried to reinstall Flash, but to no avail. I've tried downloading it from the adobe site directly, then installing it. It says the install was successful, but when I go to a site that uses flash, I'm directed to download flash.
Before I found the malware on my computer, I tried moving my plug-ins ("/library/Internet Plug-Ins" and "~/library/Internet Plug-Ins") to a separate file on my desktop to test which ones may be corrupt. Maybe this changed the path or the file for my plug-ins? I don't know, but I'd really like some help. All of my software is up to date, according to Software Update.
MacBook Pro
OSX 10.6.8
MacBook Pro
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May 1, 2012
How can I load Adobe Flash on to my destop Mac?
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May 18, 2012
I want to watch sport on my mac, but most of the website require adobe flash player. how can I install it, it is .exe
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Jun 7, 2012
Where can I find the download for Adobe Flash that will run on my iBook G3 with OS X 10.4.11? My brother gave me his old iBook after he bought a new laptop.
iBook, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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Jun 10, 2012
I recently had to get a new iPhone because my last one died. I've purchased all of my music through iTunes and got the majority of the songs back on my phone. About 50 songs won't transfer back though. I tried drag and dropping and checking the sync music button and re-syncing my phone and nothing has worked. All the songs are downloaded and in iTunes, but nothing is working. Does anyone know why they won't transfer?
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Jun 4, 2014
how do i install adobe flash player?
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Mar 31, 2010
Well, Safari was acting up and being super slow, so I decided I'd try to see what happens when I turn Flash off. Well, the internet flys now. It seems SOO much faster. Its no wonder Apple doesn't support it. I really like how fast everything is now. Anyways, the point of this thread is: 1) Apple is smart to not support Flash 2) Try disabling Flash in Safari, it makes the internet so much faster.
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Jun 3, 2007
I've been having an issue with my flash player for a long time now. Basically, whenever I go to a site such as [URL] the box where the movie should be just says: Click Here to Download Plugin, and whenever I click to download it, the automatic download fails and I have to go to the manual download. Well, that all works fine (I've tried both the .dmg and the .zip files) until it opens the Adobe Flash Page after the download and installation are complete, and I still get that message that I need to download the plugin that I definitely JUST downloaded and installed.
This has been going on for a very annoying two weeks now, and I've even gone through my desktop and deleted a bunch of my stuff in order to free up my memory and get my computer running a tad bit faster, but that didn't do anything. Frankly, I'm annoyed, and just one step from taking my computer to the store and getting them to look at it.
I have an Imac G5
Model: PowerMac8.2
CPU Type: Power PC G5 (3.0)
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Feb 8, 2009
I've never really had a problem with my macbook, but for the last two weeks or so, I can't watch any Flash videos like YouTube. It'll work for about fifteen or so seconds and then the whole thing will start skipping and the whole computer acts choppy. Firefox (or Safari) CPU usage spikes, and the computer gets really hot. Then I'll have to wait for a minute or so for the macbook to cool off before I can use it. I've tried downgrading from Flash 10 to Flash 9 -- no better.
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Aug 31, 2009
Isn't Snow Leopard supposed to bring hardware acceleration better to the OS? I know adobe flash has never been good in OSX but it is worse in Snow Leopard! I use SMC Fan Control to keep my temps down but the temps rise so rapidly I have to go on 6000rpm to keep it below 70 degrees ? In Leopard it was fine on 3000rpm! This is standard definition we are talking about never mind HD!
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Nov 4, 2009
This error keeps popping up on firefox. The only sites I am on are neopets (lol) and this! It's not really doing it on here but it does it every time I click something on NP. It says... "Adobe Flash Player has stopped a potentially unsafe operation.
The following local application on your computer or network: javascriptarent.payload1040 is trying to communicate with this Internet-enabled location: [URL]
To let this application communicate with the Internet, click Settings. You must restart the application after changing your settings." When i use firefox and on the neopet website. Suddenly, there is a message adobe flash player security has stopped an unsafe operation and something about javascript. something that try to connect internet. it appear many times. there is a option to click ok or setting.
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Mar 4, 2010
I'm running on a MacBook Pro OS X 10.4.11. I can't seem to run any webvideos anymore.I'm trying to download Adobe Flash Player version,but I just noticed that I can't download any updates.ould it be my settings or the netwark I'm using? Ether way, can omeone help me with my computer settings just to rule-that-out please?
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Apr 23, 2010
i had adobe flash player 10.xx beta 3 on my old hard drive and it was working good. 15-20% of each core while playing videos.
now i cant seem to find the beta 3. which flash player is the best and is the least cpu hog.
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Jun 11, 2010
What's all this stuff about Adobe flash harboring malware and so forth?[]URLShould I go to Adobe and install the new flash player on my mbp?
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Jul 19, 2010
Anyone know how to best extract Adobe flash video from a website?
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Feb 23, 2008
-I have Mac OS 10.2.8 - and am trying to download Adobe Flash Player 9
-- Each time, I try to install it, and it stalls...with four additional components to install...and it just keeps running, never installing the four remaining components.
-- I tried downloading the Adobe Extensions Manager (version 1.8), because I found some posts relating to the problem I am having with Flash Player, but when I tried to run the em_install.dmg, I got an error about it failed to mount due to error 95, (no mountable file system)? so I stopped trying to go this route.
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