OS X :: External HD Not Mounting - Waiting For Root Device
Jan 3, 2010
My Macbook Pro 2.4 got force restarted a few times because it was locking up (a friend's faulty external drive I was trying to fix). It was running fine, then when I tried to connect my own external drives they wouldn't mount anymore and I got this error:
/system/..../IOStorageFamily.kext was installed improperly.
I came here and read up on common solutions. I have:
- Ran Disk utility repair and repair permissions
- Followed this article: [URL]
- In verbose and single user mode all I get is the dreaded "waiting for root device" over and over. They all have not worked so far. However in safe mode it actually boots. It seems to me that some drivers were perhaps corrupted when I turned it off abruptly and now it has trouble mounting any drive. What are my options at this point?
I have an annoying problem; I have 2 x 1TB Seagate daisy chained and then connected by FW800 to my iMac.
When I do a fresh boot up (in the morning usually), the hard drives don't automatically mount, I have to take the FW plug out and put it back in again.
I have a 2.4 Ghz MacBook that i bought last summer, and a 250 GB Western Digital external hard drive (powered by computer) that i also bought last summer.
My problem is that My computer will not recognize the hard drive at all. it doesn't show up anywhere, and after attempting to reconnect it over and over, it will eventually pop up, and then disappear, saying that it was improperly ejected.
I am using a macbook pro with 10.5.8, and have an external hd (freecom 320gb). I have used it for around a year and it is almost full. The other day, after attaching it to a pc - when i now attach it to the mac, it does not mount, and the warning 'this disk is not recognised' etc comes up. It shows in disk utility, but does not allow me to verify/mount it. I'm guessing the pc has reformatted it or something
What can I do?! I have looked into data rescue software, but I'm not sure - the information cannot just disappear? and I just want the drive to have the same architecture, as all my music etc was organised in particular folders.
I have a WD Mybook Studio, 500gb which I normally hook up via Firewire or USB to my Intel Macbook, 10.4, no problems. But that macbook's unavailable for the next week or so, so I dragged out my old Powerbook G3 laptop, running 10.2.8. Which can't seem to see the Mybook drive - hooked up via USB 1.0 cable. The drive is formatted HFS+, split into 4 partitions.
The My book drive hooks up fine and functions perfectly connected via USB (1.0) to my even older Mac 8600 tower!
The Mybook drive shows up in the System Profiler, and in Disk Utility. But the partitions are greyed out, and I cannot mount them. I ran disk utility on the mybook, and all drives verified ok.
I ran disk utility on the powerbook's boot HD as well - more than once, with repeated errors.
I know a little bit more than zip about terminal commands - I'm hoping this is something I can fix fairly easily, because all my data's on the mybook, and it would be nice to be able to have easy access to it this week..
It's a weird problem ,I got a iomega external drive usb3/2 compatible on my iMac white, Intel Core2 Duo 2.12 It's quite nw and always worked well. I have 2 partitions
1. iPhoto Library and music (mac partition, just mac)
2. Time Machine Backup
Since a while I got Time Machine errors but I didn't bother too much, now I discovered that the drive is visible but not mounted.
Investigated a bit with no results mounted on another macbook works just fine and all my stuff is there. The drive has additional cable for power (never used) I connected it without good result. Started in recovery partition and ... all my backup is there and visible and recoverable Seems however that backup stopped when I was on 10.7.3 I think 10.7.4 might be the cause but I don't know how to solve the issue and would avoid to restore via time machine and then get stuck again with 10.7.4
I purchased a used external, ac powered zip250 drive that's not mounting on my MacBook with the USB. I need it to transfer files from my old G4. Or is it just a dud drive?
I know this has been disccused ad nausium many places, but in reading 100s of posts Ive just confused myself and was hoping someone could help me make sense of all I've heard.I have a ibook g4 and use a WD 500gb external hard drive to keep all my music/pictures etc.Last night when I was moving files around (I dont think it was actually in the process of transferring files when this occurred, but there is a slight chance it was) I accidently hit enter instead of shift which told my computer to open all of the 1000+ folders that I had selected (DOH!) after working for an hour it seemed to be all frozen so with concern I turned the computer off and restarted.Suprise suprise, my external will no longer mount. - Disk Utility recognizes it but says there was an error on exit.Tim
I recently purchased a WD My Book Studio 1TB to use as back-up drive, using Time Machine.
After my iMac (Intel 2007 - Leopard) wakes from "Sleep Mode", the WD My Book is always dismounted so, unable to perform the Back-up ? I have to manually mount the drive before manually performing the back-up.
How can I keep my WD HardDrive mounted at all time, even after Sleep mode, so the Time Machine Editor automatic weekly back-up works ? Interface is FW800.
I recently got a 2008 Macbook air with 10.5.6 installed. It was a floor model.also, the date when i booted it up was before 2001 for some strange reason.anyway, i have a WD 320 gb passport, usb ind. power external. It worked just fine two days ago, but now i upgraded through "Software Update" and..-It does not mount in finder, sidebar, or disc utility. -the power light turns on -cannot force mount with 3rd party software (Mount Me! 2.05) -the MBA will also not mount any SD cards!! I have tried two different cables and even my printer!!-iPod Touch works just fine in the same port-SD cards and WD Passport work fine in anything else
I am running a 2007 Imac. Version 10.5.8. 2.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo. 4 GB 667 DDR2 SDRAM and am using my Macintosh HD as my Startup Disk.
I have been starting to have some issues with my external hard drive (500gb Western Digital, connected via USB and power supply).
I've never had a problem with it before, but now it seems that when it "mounts", it stays connected and workable for about 30 seconds and then it unmounts and dissapears and I get a "bad device removal" message.
I don't want to lose anything on the HD so for now I just turned it off. I am planning on using DiskWarrior to attempt to repair it.
If, for instance, it is "fried" and cannot stay mounted, is there any way I can transfer the info onto another HD?
I bought a brand new 500Gb WD external HDD a couple days ago and it will not mount but it shows up in disc utilities. When I go to disc utilities and try to format it for my mac I get an I/O error right away. So then I give it to my friend who also has a mac and he was able to format to HFS. I get it back and it still does not want to mount. Is there a problem with my mac or is it the HDD? Mac Specs: Power Mac G4 "Quicksilver" 733MHz 1.25Gb RAM running 10.4.11
I have a new-ish Mac Mini and a MacBook Pro. I've been slowly migrating my Pro files to the Mini for some flexibility/stability. I've had the LaCie HD hooked up to the Pro FOR EVER. It's only ever been on a Mac--never a PC.
The LaCie seems to be fine.
However, on the Mini, it's suddenly mounting (both partitions--don't ask, I made them long ago and can't recall why) with a little lock at the bottom left of the icon. When I Get Info and look at permissions I have to unlock it and all/any users listed are noted with "Custom" preferences.
I can't R/W--I get "The folder "Stuff" could not be opened because you do not have sufficient access privileges.
I have a Firelite Smartdisk external hardrive and when I plug it in via USB it wont show up on desktop. In system profiler it shows plugged in and in disk utility it shows up too. This disk has gone back and forth between a mac and PC. Works fine on PC. Cant be verified or repaired in untility because it is the wrong format? The hardrive seems fine, no clicking, powers up, etc.
About 90% of the time, SD cards and external hard drives are not mounting as soon as they're connected (via USB or the SD card slot). I need to launch disk utility, and mount volumes manually (disk utility is detecting the devices). This has persisted through multiple 10.7.X updates.
A few months ago, I inherited this 2010 iMac and finally getting around to personalizing if for my use after finding a way to get rid of the admin pass. So today, I downloaded Mavericks, the AppStore updates and hooked up my 'WD External HD My Book Essential' and only after loading everything to iTunes did I realize that the HD is read only. I looked a couple of forums and thought I found something but to no avail. I saw a post that suggested the installation of NTFS-3G (I converted years ago to NTFS from FAT32 for space reasons.) However, I still had problems! disconnecting and reconnecting, uninstalling and reinstalling, heck 'macFUSE' keeps coming up as being unsure if it's even installed so I installed 'FUSE for mac' and I keep getting the same message:Â
Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/libfuse.2.dylib
 Referenced from: /usr/local/bin/ntfs-3g
 Reason: image not foundÂ
Once I uninstall 'NTFS-3g', my external will show up on the desktop and I can access it.... still as read only but it's there. I have a huge music library and if I can actually have access to it since my old Windows got fried and I now have a iMac as a personal computer. I really don't want to reformat it since I have so much on it and losing anything would be a devastation.Â
Mavericks is not seeing my external hard drive at all. It's not mounted and not showing in /dev (I compared /dev with and without it plugged in and there were no changes). It does light up when plugged in and works fine in Windows. Can't find any drivers. It is a Toshiba 593400-c.
I recently got a new MBP as well as a 500GB Lacie External HD. I partitioned the external for 10GB windows and the rest Mac. Anyway whenever I plug it in, I get the external hd on my desktop as well as another icon called Exchange that has manuals and software for both OSs inside. I always just eject the exchange and keep the external HD mounted, but its annoying that it pops up each time I turn on the external. Is there a way to set my external up so that the exchange never mounts. What do I even use this for anyway?
I've had an WD My book 500 GB external for about as long as I've had my macbook about 1 1/2 years. No trouble with it at all, until yesterday. At some point either the power got cut or the cable was pulled out incorrectly it got disconnected from the mac. Thus resulting in it not mounting now. I've tried disk repair and shutting down the macbook and restarting...plugging in after everything is started. but to no avail. I am a photographer and about 25% of my photographs I don't have backed up anywhere else. So if I can't get it to work. I need some way to get the information off and reformat. or get it working correctly.
I'm running Lion on a Macbook Pro. It doesn't recognize one of my external drives that was used on my windows based laptop when connected via the USB cable. Is there a way to mount this external drive on a mac?Â
I have had a Lacie 500gb external hardrive formatted and used with time machine on my macbook pro for about two years now. I haven't had any problems until recently. When I plugged it in, it wouldn't mount. I opened disk utility and it was visible but showed as unmounted and I wasn't able to mount them manually from there.
my MacBook Air wouldn't boot up. After booting from the Install DVD and running disk utility, it said that there was a problem with the internal hard disk drive and that it needed to be reformatted and OS X reinstalled. I am now trying to backup some of my files onto a 1TB external hard disk drive using single user mode.
When I bought my 13" MBP I swapped out the 160 GB stock HDD with a 320 GB one. The 160GB HDD is just laying around now and I would like to use it as an external storage device.
My iMac is running out of room on the internal drive. I want to move my movies and pictures off to an external device. I am currently backing everything up using Time Machine (and Super Duper). What I would like to do is move them off but maintain redundancy in case of a drive failure (in other words mirror the external drives). I was at the Apple store today and the rep there suggested a Drobo device. It looks really cool. But, the problem is I saw a lot of negative feedback on it, including data loss which totally defeats the purpose of paying so much money for it. I'm looking for a way to basically have two 1 TB drives mirrored off of my iMac that I can put my iPhoto, iTunes and Movies onto.
I have Mac Pro with Digidesign/ProTools interface connected. I sometimes switch sound output from MP to run through the digidesign hardware. I'm getting message right now saying "selected device has no output controls", not allowing me to switch. I rebooted with the interface already turned on. I've run into theis before- can't figure out what causes this to happen. Sometimes it's OK. ?
I have a credit card terminal I want to use at a farmers market and it has a phone jack and an ethernet jack. If I have my laptop connected to my iphone via the hotspot (wifi), how can I get the terminal to see the laptop as a network? I assume if I just plug it into the the lapto via ethernet cabel, it will not see any connection for use, though I have not tried this yet. Is there some sort of interface or connecter that goes between the two so I can share my connection with another piece of hardware?
I have a slight problem with my volume controls on a Macbook Pro. They're not doing exactly what I want them to. I have an external sound card and by selecting it as my default audio device the macbook pros own volume control gets locked and there's no way to adjust it. This means that it renders the keyboard and Remote control volume buttons useless and I still have to run across the room to adjust the volume on my audio device when I'm watching a movie through the tv away from the macbook. Is there no way to enable this function anyway so both controls work?