MacBook Pro :: How To Use It As An External Storage Device

Jan 23, 2010

When I bought my 13" MBP I swapped out the 160 GB stock HDD with a 320 GB one. The 160GB HDD is just laying around now and I would like to use it as an external storage device.

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OS X V10.4 :: Starting From An External USB Storage Device (Intel-based Macs)?

May 31, 2012

I have a 2006 Intel Macbook with a crashed hard drive. I'm kinda broke right now, so instead of buying a new hard drive I loaded ubuntu 10.4 onto an external hard drive (USB) and tried to boot the macbook from it. (Failed). I hold down option to launch Startup Manager and all it shows me is a cursor (no drives). I know the external drive is bootable because I a) booted the laptop from a LiveCD and used it to create the hard drive and b) I booted a Dell from the external. I've tried moving the drive to a different USB port, but no chips. I don't have anything else connected to the computer. 

my question is: Can I boot the macbook from the external hard drive if the internal hard drive is shot?

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.4.11)

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OS X :: Need A Backup Software For Macbook For A Remote NAS (N/W Attached Storage) Device?

Sep 21, 2010

I am new here. I am a linux guy (pour me the hate mails), I don't use a mac. But so it happens, I am now needed to backup files automatically from a Macbook Pro notebook to a NAS device that is attached to the wireless router.The Macbook has some files in it, and a lot of them are constantly updated. The user of the Macbook roams around the building. There is only one NAS device.Can somebody please suggest/recommend a good backup software for this kind of use here?I tried Bonkey. For the life of me, I cannot configure it. It doesn't help.

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OS X :: Crashes When Usb Storage Device Are Plugged In?

Apr 17, 2009

The Mac Mini has been going through this strange cycle where anytime I plug in an external hard drive or a flash drive it forces me to hold down the power button to turn it off. If I try booting the Mac Mini with the HDD or flash drive plugged in, it refuses to boot

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ICloud :: Using It As Backup/storage Device?

Mar 19, 2012

Is there or will there be a way for us to store all our data/files on our Mac Book Pro up to iCloud now or sometime soon.Appears Apple is moving us to store all our data/files/music/ video etc.on iCloud.Will we soon be able to back-up our files to iCloud using "Time Machine"?

Mac Book Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.1)

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OS X :: Storage Device Formatting And Transferring Info

Oct 15, 2010

I have a few questions about hard drive formatting and transferring. I currently have an imac i7 running snow leopard. I want to set up a workflow for archiving my personal files as well as client files. I do a lot of video work and I really like to save my stuff. I currently have a raw 1tb 7200rpm samsung running with a harddrive thermaltake reader. I would like to use the samsung 1 tb as an archiving disk. I have looked into drobo and those nice arrays, but I cannot afford it currently. What format should I format the 1tb? I want it as safe as can be. I plan to just store things. So I assume it will only need to be mac accessible, since I understand fat 32 only allows 4 gb transfers.

Should I format my storage drive to Mac os extended (journaled)? And that leads me to my second question. Natively I had already copied a bunch of my stuff to the 1tb harddrive when I first got it because my pc laptop was dying. So it is now a Fat format with stuff on it. I let the harddrive copy onto my desktop overnight in preparation of reformatting the drive. I hit get info on the folder on my desktop and compare to get info of the drive itself. There is about a 3 gb discrepancy between the folders. Where did the 3 gb go? And why? And HOW should I transfer files to make sure ALL of the documents are transferred?

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OS X :: Canon Powershot As USB Mass Storage Device?

May 30, 2009

How do I get my Canon Powershot SD400 to show up as a plain-old USB SD card reader in Leopard?

I'm trying to use PhotoRec to recover some deleted photos off of a SD card. While programs like Image Capture can read and copy pictures from the Camera directly, I need the camera to show up as a plain USB SD card so that I can access it from Photo Rec.

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OS X :: How To Move Unnecessary Files Onto Other Storage Device

Jun 11, 2009

I want to move my imovie files over to the room I have on my spare hard drive. I'm down to only 24 GB on my macbook pro, because of this big project I just finished. Is there a way for me to move all of the files I no longer need? Also, if I have to access them, how easy is this? I have a macbook pro.

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OS X :: As Storage Device / Run Back Ups - Able To Access Files On Other Machines?

Aug 25, 2010

I recently bought a WD Passport Essential to back up my Macbook. When I plugged in the WD Passport, my Mac asked if I want to use this storage device for my Time Machine.

1. Should I use the WD Passport as the Time Machine storage device or use the WD Passport software to run back-ups?

2. If I use it for my Time Machine, will I be able to access my files on other machines?

3. Is it possible to have files stored on the WD Passport, such as photos, but not have those files on my Macbook... if I am using the Passport for back-ups?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Transfer Audiobooks I Ripped To Storage Device?

Apr 9, 2012

How do I transfer audiobooks that I ripped from CD's to a storage device?  When I try to move them I get a circle with a line thru it, and they won't move?

Info:iMac G5 (20-inch iSight), iOS 5.1

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OS X :: Network Attached Storage - Device To Attach 2 NTFS HDDs?

Aug 30, 2010

I currently have 1 PC (Windows7) and 1 MBP (Snow Leopard) in the house, the PC has 2 additional HDDs attached with movies and music on them and they are in NTFS format. I can view the contents on my PC via my wireless G network on my Macbook through sharing etc. Now my problem is that I'm getting rid of the PC (hopefully for an iMac in the future) but right now what sort of device would I need to build/buy to attach the 2 NTFS HDDs to the network so my MBP can still access the media on them?

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Software :: Possible To Assign An Alternate Device For Storage Of IPhoto Library

Feb 1, 2009

I have saved my dead laptop's HD as an external which has lots of iPhoto images/videos on it & only connects to an older laptop. I also have another laptop with more iPhoto images/videos... my problem is that I don't have a burner to get the images off these HD's nor do I know how to combine all the images on an external.Is it possible to (like in iTunes) assign an alternate device for storage of your iPhoto library. I don't see that option in iPhoto.I only have these two old laptops with OSX (10.3.9) an am running out of disk space

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MacBook Pro :: External Storage - Multibay Cases

Sep 24, 2010

I moved overseas and for practical reasons I started to work with 2.5 HDD WD 5400 rpm but now I got over a dozen drives for storage and I am full of external cases everywhere. I need a solution of one or two multibay cases that allows me to solve the problem not spending much money, I do not need a raid arrangemente and it can be any connection type except esata.

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MacBook Pro :: How To Make PC Backup And Storage On External Hdd

Nov 15, 2010

Is it possible? I am seeking a solution for my household computing needs. We have a laptop (Mac) and a desktop (Dell). I would like to have one external drive to backup both the laptop and PC and also for storage for both. Is this possible? Would it be a four way partition? The only thing I would ever see a need to cross between partitions would be music from our individual itunes libraries.

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MacBook Pro :: External Storage - Express 34 With Specific I / F?

Jun 29, 2009

I thought this was a USB connected device (I am looking at 1T - two 500MB drives mirrored). I have read that if using large file formats (yes - RAW) perhaps the way to go is something like Sonnet Temp SATA Express 34. There is a lot of 'talk' of Western Digital My Book but these only seem to be USB. Now I am a little confused - am I restricted (device wise) if I go Express 34 as it appears to have a specific I/F? I do not have a limitless budget and have seen external storage devices between �50 - �100. On a winXP machine it seems almost any will do but I'm not familiar with the mac world.

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MacBook Air :: Using An External HD For Both Storage AND Time Machine?

Mar 14, 2012

Bear with me guys, I'm not sure where to put this question. I figured that because my Macbook Air (and it's limited storage space) was the reason for my needing an external HD I thought this would be the best place. My MBA has run out of storage and I bought a Seagate External HD to move my stuff onto. I guess my question is: What's the best way to combine the external HD with the MBA? Here are a few of the things on my mind: 

-Most of the space is taken up by my user folder right now such as itunes, photos, etc. If I copy that folder to the external drive it would alleviate a large part of my issue, at least for the time being. Eventually I will hit the storage capacity as I add applications over time I guess, so this is a temporary solution (although I free up 27gb of space this way). Can I designate a folder on the external drive as the default for programs like imovie and iphoto like I can with itunes? 

-I KNOW there is a way to set the external drive as some kind of default drive but is this feasible? It would be a hinderance if I needed to have it connected at all times to access even applications (which I assume to be the case? 

-I also wondered about partitioning the external HD and using one partition for additional storage and the other for time machine? It's a 1TB hard drive, and I figure I could make a 100GB partition to use with time machine (my MBA only has a 64gb capacity) and use the other 900GB for files. Is this even possible or does time machine need it's very own separate drive? Anyway, this doesn't necessarily ask many specific questions and I apologize if it appears a little disjointed. I'm looking for help and opinions on the best way to use this new piece of equipment to compliment my MBA.

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.6.6)

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MacBook Pro :: External Storage And Backup - Get Expresscard / Enclosure?

Aug 15, 2010

I just bought a MBP 2010 with the i7, and I'm trying to figure out what to do for external storage and backup since this is my first Mac ever. I have an Icy Dock with a 1TB harddrive in it, but it only has eSATA and USB ports. USB would not be preferable for trying to back up stuff. I was reading these forums about eSATA ExpressCards, but they seem really suspect (kernel panics sound terrifying) and a lot of work to get going. I was thinking about just getting another enclosure with FireWire 800, but can't seem to find any advice on good ones. I was wondering if I should just get a new external harddrive. I would like to get out of this without having to buy too much new stuff. Can somebody give a recommendation regarding whether I should get an expresscard, new enclosure, or new external?

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MacBook Air :: Transfer ITunes Music Library To External Storage?

Oct 28, 2010

I'm a first time user for Mac and I've never ever had a laptop with a 256GB storage. So here are some of my concerns:

Do I have to sacrifice my music library?
What if I transfer my musics to the external storage and download it into Itunes?
Does it mean I have to connect the external storage everytime I connect my Ipod?
Or I can only choose a certain amount of songs to put in?.

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MacBook :: Partition External HD For Time Machine And Data Storage?

Jun 15, 2010

I have a 500GB external HD but a 250HD on my macbook. is it possible to partition the HD 300GB for time machine and 200 for storage of data and files? If so, how would I go about doing that? I just don't want to waste a 500 GB external if my HD is only 250GB.

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MacBook Pro :: Use Laptop As Network For External Device?

Apr 5, 2012

I have a credit card terminal I want to use at a farmers market and it has a phone jack and an ethernet jack. If I have my laptop connected to my iphone via the hotspot (wifi), how can I get the terminal to see the laptop as a network? I assume if I just plug it into the the lapto via ethernet cabel, it will not see any connection for use, though I have not tried this yet. Is there some sort of interface or connecter that goes between the two so I can share my connection with another piece of hardware?

Info:MacBook Pro (17-inch Mid 2010), iOS 5.1

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MacBook Air :: External Storage - Faster Light USB Drive To Hold Media

Oct 30, 2010

My main computer is a MPB17 with 256gb SSD and 750gb HD in an optibay. I have huge media libraries and like to have ready access to all my photos and videos. I have a Gen 1 Air that I use at home for mail and surfing and I have been using my iPad for mail and web when out. I have a max spec 11" Air arriving this week. It weighs the same as my iPad with Vaja case so I'm going to take it everywhere and leave the iPad for a reader in bed. Now I'm starting to think I might leave the 17" in my office and sync the 11" Air up and use if when I'm out. Problem is I want a fast, light USB drive to hold my media. Ideally with USB and FW so I can sync it fast with the MBPro.

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MacBook Pro :: External Storage - Work Directly On Large Animation Projects

May 31, 2010

I've had a look on these forums and had a look on the web but I'm still confused by what I need to get to meet my external storage needs. Any help and advice would be greatly appreciated. Background I'm going back to university next year to study animation so I've just ordered a Macbook Pro and I will be selling my '08 Mac Pro fairly soon to pay for it. I'm doing this because I need to be able to work from where ever. I know if I need to do any massive renders University has equipment I can use. What I am looking for Animation obviously takes up a lot of Hard Disk space so I need someway of storing, accessing and backing up all of my work that wont fit on my laptop. This is a basic summary of what I need it to do.

- Store old projects (that can be 100's of Gb)
- Easily backup MBP harddrive (500Gb) & old projects on other drives.
- Work directly on it on large animation projects.
- Be expandable in the future.
- Fairly easy to set up and use.
- Cheap is good but I'm happy to pay more if the benefits are obvious.
- Any extra bonuses are good (like working wirelessly, etc) but only if it's not loads extra.

I don't know if all these things are possible but be very grateful for any help regardless.

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MacBook Air :: Realization - IPhone Storage Versus MBA Storage?

Jan 10, 2010

I thought I would share a cool realization. I am now eligible for any iPhone upgrades and most likely will be getting the new one coming out this summer - whatever it may be. I realized today that most likely it will have 64GB of storage - the exact same size as my Macbook Air - I think it is so wild my future phone/pocket computer will have the exact same storage capacity as my main laptop. I could potentially mirror everything on my Mac that is on my iPhone in the future.

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OS X :: Can Use External HDD An Photo Storage

Apr 29, 2009

A year ago I started getting a "start up disk is almost full" message. I got an external hard drive and set up iTunes so all of my music went directly to the external drive. That worked for a while. Now I'm getting the message again. Can I do the same thing with iPhoto? So all of the photos that get loaded onto my machine automatically go to the external drive? I can't remember how I set it up with iTunes. Also I don't think podcasts are going to the external, only music.

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MacBook Pro :: Cannot Find And /or Print To Wireless Device Even See Device Listed

Jun 5, 2014

My Macbook Pro has been running into constant problems actually printing to any wireless device.

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)

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OS X :: External Hard Drive For Storage?

Oct 7, 2010

I just bought an external hard drive (My Passport for Mac) because my Macbook's hard drive is almost full. I did not want it necessarily for backup purposes, but rather I wanted to be able to store music, docs, etc. that I might want to access in the future, but want to remove from my computer for now.

Should I use Time Machine? Will time machine let me access my hard drive to obtain certain files when needed? Or is Time Capsule's sole purpose to backup everything on my computer?

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Mac Pro :: Esata - Firewire 800 - External Storage

Jul 10, 2008

I am looking for an eSata, Firewire 800, USB external enclosure that has removable trays for two or more hard drives. Specifically I am trying to find one that has the similar apperance of the Mac Pro, aluminum case and such.

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Hardware :: External Storage Option For Mbp?

Jan 2, 2010

I'm on the verge of purchasing a 13" MBP and installing a 160GB Intel G2 ssd right out of the box. I want to move all the movies/music I currently have on my 1TB internal PC Harddrive to an external solution that I can access with my MBP, which I plan to make my primary computer. Mind you that this drive is only going to be for storage of music/movies, not backup/recovery. I need at least 2TB out of the gate.

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PowerPC :: Using EMac As External Backup Storage

Feb 1, 2010

Can a eMac be used as an external back up storage?

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OS X :: Use An External Hard Drive For Extra Storage?

May 3, 2010

Somewhat new to Macs. Year old aluminum macbook (not pro) with 160 gb hard drive - "Startup disk full" message - Finder says 159 gb used, 1 gb available. I am sure I could delete some software or photos but will run into same problem later. What is the best solution - put a larger hard drive in or can I use an external hard drive for additional storage (how to do this, will this impact performance). I have a 500 gb external hd for backup - can I use this??

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