OS X :: External HD Backup - OSX And Bootcamp

Jun 1, 2009

I have 500GB LAcie USB Hadrive, which i currently have partitioned into 200GB for Timemachine, and 300GB which i use to drag and drop files/folders directly from finder.Is there anyway for me to partition the 300GB so i can use this HD to backup some of my bootcamp files.If i can, what format do i partition in. Can i just partition the 300GB now or do i need to reformat the HD and add 3 partitions from the start. Also is xp good at picking up and syncing HDs, esp for drag and drop stuff. Im so used to mac, i assume xp will make my life difficult.

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OS X Mavericks :: 1TB External Hard Drive To Suffice As Both Bootcamp And Backup?

Jul 1, 2014

I've got a 2011 macbook pro, 16GB RAM and 500GB Hard Drive. I'm wondering if it would be possible to buy a 1TB external hard drive and partition it in half, and have 1/2 be a bootcamp windows 7 partition and the other be a time machine backup for the mac hd.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Identity Of The Backup Disk Has Changed On External HD Time Machine Backup

Apr 30, 2012

I have a external HD which has always worked fine under snow leopard. Since upgrading to lion I keep getting the following message The identity of the backup disk has changed since the previous backup.The disk may have been replaced or erased, or someone may be trying to trick your computer into backing up to the wrong disk. And after this the drive disappears from the desktop appearing agian only after restart. What can I do do rectify this? Delete and re-intialise the drive?

MacProQuad2.6 4gbRam, Mac OS X (10.4.8)

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OS X :: Using Winclone 1.6.6 To Backup Bootcamp Partition

Jan 7, 2009

i heard winclone is ideal to backup bootcamp partition. i am currently running Mac OS X 1.4 tiger. winclone 2.x runs only on Mac OS 1.5 & above (leopard) winclone 1.6.6 runs on Mac OS X 1.4 & below (tiger) Currently , all the download site that i go are making winclone 2.0.9 available for download only. i don't seems to be able to find a dowload site for the older winclone 1.6.6 version anymore. which site can i download winclone 1.6.6 (the older version) as this version can run on tiger. But the newest version runs only on leopard

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Windows On Mac :: Backup Drive From 10.5 - Bootcamp Partition

Feb 28, 2009

I'm wanting to create a bootable clone of my windows bootcamp partition. The idea is to copy it to an external harddrive, then onto my new internal hard drive, and be able to boot it from there. I downloaded Carbon Copy Cloner, but it wont let me clone my windows drive, just my mac one. Is there any way I can do this (preferable for free).

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IMac :: How To Backup Bootcamp Image And Restore

Jul 30, 2010

im on a goal to resize my bootcamp partition... im running 10.6.4 with Win7 in Bootcamp... i made a mistake of only making a 80GB partition for windows 7.... now i want to make it bigger, i have read up on a number of methods but most are outdated and users report issues with windows 7 and SL.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Delete Bootcamp Partition Backup?

May 30, 2012

What i want to do is i dont want Time Machine to backup my bootcamp partition (win 7 with ntfs format). but when i click on option, the time machine will automatically include it. and i canNOT remove it. the miuns ( - ) symbol is gray out and i cant do anything with it. how can i not include the bootcamp partition in my backup? if it still not clear, you can reply and ask me more about it.

Info:Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3), mac mini 2010 mid

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Windows On Mac :: BootCamp Backup (Cloning / Image) Restore

Sep 17, 2010

I would like to "Backup", "Clone" or create an "Image" or whatever else people call it of my bootcamp installation. I know I can create an "Image" of bootcamp via disk utility but how would I restore it? Would I first delete the bootcamp partition and then re-create a bootcamp partition and then restore? Or would I just restore? Will the end result be what I am expecting, i.e., my Win 7 install right back to the perfect state of when I created the image?

Right now, let's say my Windows 7 install got smoked one day for whatever reason (it is windows) and I needed to re-install. Me personally, I would just go into Bootcamp Assistant, delete the Windows partition then create a new one and then get installing. Unfortunately installing and updating takes hours and that is what I am trying to avoid.

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Windows On Mac :: Sync BootCamp Folders For TimeMachine Backup?

Jul 23, 2009

I was wondering if anyone knows a way to automatically sync certain folders from a Windows BootCamp partition to the Mac.

Basically what I'm trying to do is automate a way to backup my Mac with Time Machine but also keep important files that I use on the Windows partition backed up at the same time.

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Windows On Mac :: Bootable BootCamp (NTFS) And OS X Partition Backup

Jan 12, 2010

I have a MacBook Pro from the summer of 2008 that I wish to create a backup for. I partitioned the hard drive to have both an OSX Journaled Partition for 10.5 and an NTFS partition for Windows XP Pro SP3. I wish to create a bootable backup for this computer onto an external USB drive. (e.g. if I remove the internal hard drive, except for the speed difference, I should not notice a difference). How is this done? Most copying programs don't seem to make the NTFS partition bootable, and any mix-and-matching ends up making it go kaput. (I also wish to be able to copy this backup partition back onto an internal SATA drive should the original drive die.) Also, when I press alt at the EFI screen to select boot devices, none of the partitions on my external hard drive appear, even though I made an image of my Windows partition there, which should be bootable.

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Windows On Mac :: Will Time Machine Backup Image Of XP Via BootCamp?

Jul 27, 2010

I want to load XP via Bootcamp OR virtual on my personal macbook pro. However I need my XP image for work and want to do my own backup instead of waiting for my slow desktop support to fix my image. So, if I run Time Machine, will it notice all of my changes every night (backup) that I make on my bootcamp image XP.

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OS X :: Need To Reinstall - Backup Files On BootCamp Partition / How To Wipe Entire Hdd

Jan 13, 2010

upgraded my from Leopard to Snow Leopard when it first came out, but for whatever reason my system has been running somewhat sluggishly since I upgraded (My Macbook Pro is more than capable of running either)

I want to do a clean install of Snow Leopard.

Could I just copy all of my music files, documents etc to my BootCamp partition, then reformat and install Snow Leopard on the other partition? Or does it wipe the entire drive?

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Windows On Mac :: Bootcamp Backup Via Disk Utility - Restore With Or Without Deleting Partition?

Jun 23, 2009

I would like to "Back-up", "Clone" or create an "Image" or whatever else people call it of my bootcamp installation. I know I can create an "Image" of bootcamp via disk utility but how would I restore it?

Would I first delete the bootcamp partition and then re-create a bootcamp partition and then restore? Or would I just restore? Will the end result be what I am expecting, i.e., my Win 7 install right back to the perfect state of when I created the image?

Right now, let's say my Windows 7 install got smoked one day for whatever reason (it is windows...) and I needed to re-install. Me personally, I would just go into Bootcamp Assistant, delete the Windows partition then create a new one and then get installing. Unfortunately installing and updating takes hours and that is what I am trying to avoid.

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Windows On Mac :: Can I Run Bootcamp From An External HD?

Mar 4, 2009

Can I run bootcamp from an external HD? And if I do will I notice a big difference in performance?

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MacBook Pro :: Can Bootcamp Be Done On An External Drive?

Jul 11, 2009

Can bootcamp be done on an external drive? In order to save space on the internal drive.

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MacBook Pro :: Where Should I Put Bootcamp When Got SSD Inside? - External HD With FW800

Sep 2, 2010

I got an Intel x25 160GB SSD and I use a Firewire case to carry my old 500GB 2.5 HD. Now the question is, where should I put my Bootcamp for better use. You know, I am afraid, if I put bootcamp in the SSD as well, the SSD will got heavy load.

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Windows On Mac :: Can I Put The Bootcamp Xp Pro Partition On An External Drive?

Apr 5, 2006

Can I put the bootcamp xp pro partition on an external drive? i only have 8 or so gb left on my internal, but have about 80gb on my external would that work? or do they have to be on the same drive

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Applications :: Bootcamp External Display Not Functioning?

Feb 19, 2009

I've got a 20" external Dell LCD monitor running off of a new White Macbook. When in Mac OS, the display works perfectly. However, when rebooting in windows XP all I see is the OS loading screen before the display goes black and nothing ever shows up. I've got the monitor connected via mini-DVI to DVI connector.

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OS X :: Possible To Install Windows 7 Onto External Drive Using Bootcamp?

Oct 5, 2009

Is that possible? Cause my mac only has 80GB and my windows portion is low 6GB left.

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OS X :: Which External Drive For Backup?

Sep 19, 2010

I want to buy an external backup drive for my '09 24" iMac with a 1.0TB internal drive running OS 10.5.8. I've been looking at this one from OWC - [URL]

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OS X :: External HD Used For Mac Backup Not Detected On PC

Sep 25, 2010

I have a western digital hard drive which I am using as backup it's setup with time machine but now when I connect that hard drive to other PC OR MAC it do not detect or sync and I want it to work on other computers how would I change that.

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OS X :: How To Go About Backup / Mirror External HD

Sep 29, 2010

I just did a zero delete on my computer and only have CS5 master suite and Lightroom on my computer now (MacBook Pro 2010). I have 2 external harddrives I'm using. Both are 1TB. I have the Master drive with everything on it, and I want to use the 2nd drive to keep an updated copy of everything. Then I have a 3rd Hard drive, that I want to backup the 2nd backup and keep that off site. What is the best way to go about this?

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OS X :: Backup From NAS To External Drive

Dec 17, 2010

I have a Western Digital My Book World Edition as a NAS. I also got an external drive (a Western Digital Elements Desktop) to which I want to backup everything from the NAS, and then store it at a different location. My problem is that I can't find any software that does this, everything I find seems to work the other way around (using the NAS as a backup). It would be sweet to have the backup working as automatically and simple as possible, so when I wan't to backup my files the next time, it should only copy the files that have changed or are new. Is there a solution to this problem? I'm using a Macbook Pro with Snow Leopard.

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OS X :: How To Backup Two Drives Onto External One

Mar 1, 2009

What backup solutions are available for backing up two drives on to one backup drive without causing any confusion?

My setup consists of:
- Powerbook (80 GB)
- external Firewire drive (160 GB)
- external Firewire drive (500 GB) for backup

I'm running MacOS 10.4.11, so please don't suggest Time Machine.

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Hardware :: Using External Hdd For Backup?

Mar 3, 2009

Just wondering what everyone is using for an external disk drive.. I want to make some back-up of videos I made of my daughter and was wondering what everyone is using...

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Mac Pro :: Can't Backup To External Drive

May 15, 2012

I can't backup to external hard drive anymore. 

Info:Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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Intel Mac :: External HDD For Backup?

May 22, 2012

Lacie HDD P'230 2TB External HDD for backing up my iMac.  However 15-30 mins into the 1st backup it froze my mac.  After resetting the same happened again..... and again..... and again. And so i searched the apple forums and it appears i didnt' do my homework on this HDD. Thus i have just sent it back to amazon. good external HDD that wont cause my iMac to crash but is 2TB in size?  

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook :: Using External HD To Backup And Run OS X

Jun 5, 2012

I'm going to install Snow Leopard "currently running Leopard 10.5.8" and I was hoping to put it on my 1.5 TB external HD, that way I don't need to burn it to a CD since that seems like a bit more work since I already have a external HD lying around. So that part seems straight forward enough to me, but then I have the problem of where/how do I backup my mac, I was going to back it up to my external "using Carbon Copy Cloner" but I only have one. So would it be safe to backup my mac to this external and also put the new snow leopard OSX. I mean is there any reason this wouldn't be possible or am I putting all my computers information at risk by doing this? Also I already formatted this External Hardrive to Mac OS X extended journaled.

Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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MacBook Air :: Air, REFIt, Bootcamp And Vista X64 Without External Drive?

Feb 6, 2008

First made an image of the x64 Vista and copied it over the network to my Macbook Air folder. Second installed bootcamp and created a partition without installing Vista.Third I copied the files from the ISO onto the new partition.Fourth I installed rEFIt and shut down and re-powered on the MBA.Fifth I chose from rEFIt the second windows icon, "Boot bootcdboot.efi from BOOTCAMP". (I skip over "Boot bootmgr.efi from BOOTCAMP" which doesn't work.)Sixth see the "Press any key to boot from CD or DVD" screen. I press a key.Seventh I see the "Windows is loading files..." completion bar progress all the way to the end. It gets to the last character and the machine stops.

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Windows On Mac :: Vista, BootCamp And External Monitor Options

Jan 30, 2009

I can not get my external monitor to hook up with my new MacBook Pro. I know how to get the windows desktop over onto the external monitor, but windows just recognizes the monitor for a moment, and then nothing. This cycles until I turn off the external monitor. I have the new MacBook Pro, with MiniDisplay port, and the monitor is hooked up with a DVI, and it is a 22" Acer.

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