Intel Mac :: External HDD For Backup?

May 22, 2012

Lacie HDD P'230 2TB External HDD for backing up my iMac.  However 15-30 mins into the 1st backup it froze my mac.  After resetting the same happened again..... and again..... and again. And so i searched the apple forums and it appears i didnt' do my homework on this HDD. Thus i have just sent it back to amazon. good external HDD that wont cause my iMac to crash but is 2TB in size?  

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Intel Mac :: Set Up A Backup Between Two External Drives?

Mar 24, 2012

Is it possible to set up a backup between two external drives?

i use time machine to back up my imac onto an external 2T.

i also have two external 3T drives.  i am looking for redundancy of data, tried software RAID and it failed.  i also see some limitations with RAID that a backup would avoid.

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), using time machine to back up iMac

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Intel Mac :: Backup It To A LaCie External Drive?

Feb 3, 2012

First, the drive kept triggering a "your external device may have been disconnected improperly" message. That despite repeated erasing of the disc and restarting of the set up a Time Machine backup usinig this 500GB USB2 drive with its own power supply. Finally, I placed the drive on its fronot panel and it stopped disconnecting. Then, it started the backup. It is now 9:30 in the morning. I started this backup at 9:30 last night. so far it has managed to accomplish 23.79 GB of a 64.45 GB back up.

iMac (20-inch Early 2006), Mac OS X (10.5.8), Using a LaCie 500GB external Drive

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Intel Mac :: External Backup Drive Disappeared?

May 22, 2012

I noticed that TIme Machine had stopped backing up, so I looked to see what was happening and I was getting an error saying that the external hard drive I am using for my back up was having problems (sorry I can't remember the specifics right now) and that I needed to fix the drive or possibly erase and reformat the drive.  So I reformatted the drive and started a new backup onto the drive.  I'm not sure if that backup completed and now I don't see the external hard drive on my desktop.  I've made sure all cables are attached and have unplugged and replugged them in but I still don't see the drive. 

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Intel Mac :: Backup An External Hard Drive?

Jun 12, 2012

How do you back up an external hard drive? My iphoto library is on an external hard drive, and I want to make a back up.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Intel Mac :: How To Transfer All Data From External Backup Drive To New One

Mar 13, 2012

My external USB backup drive is not large enough. I purchased a Western Digital My Book USB 3 Tb drive and need to transfer all the data from my old drive to the new one.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Intel Mac :: Backup External Disk Of Time Machine?

Mar 17, 2012

I need to deploy multi iMac for my company with exact same setup.I am able to do this with the Time Machine without problem.But I would like to know is there a way to backup the "Time Machine" USB HDD I have created, just incase my USB HDD is corrupted or I need to distribut the Time Machines to other office for deployment? Can I create a dmg file with my existing Time Machine USB HDD. so that I can make multi copy of USB HDD with the same dmg by restoring the dmg?


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Intel Mac :: Erase My Backup Files From My External Hard Drive?

Feb 26, 2012

I tried to erase my backup files from my external hard drive. Once in the trash, I cannot delete the backup.backup file.

Info:Mac OS X (10.6.7)

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Intel Mac :: Normal Time Machine Backup To External Fails?

Mar 15, 2012

i checked disk utility and no errors. the external is not full.

Imac 24, Mac OS X (10.5.8), Wacom Tablet , Lacie 2T HD, Lacie 500gHD

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Intel Mac :: Random Hang Ups While Attempting To Backup External Hard Drive

Apr 4, 2012

I've had an external 1.5TB MyBook for around five years now and recently decided to backup/replace it with a 2.0TB MyBook. However I'm having a lot of trouble finding a simple, painless way to copy all my files from one to the other. The hard drive is simply an external host for my iTunes library, which contains nearly 140,000 files. Initially I tried copying the entirety of my Music folder over, but for some reason it hit a hang at 96.58GB/947.06GB and has never progressed. I then attempted to do smaller transfers and got about 1/4 of the way through my library doing so, but I've experienced more hangs along the way.

Can't cancel the copy operation once they occur, so they just sit there on my screen. I attempted to restart my computer but Finder won't allow me to shut down without first canceling the copy processes. All of the guides I have found on the internet, including the Apple website, seem to indicate that this is the only way to do things, which is beginning to really frustrate me since it also seems to be a method that doesn't work very well; in fact, it seems to succeed mostly by random chance. Is there something I could do to ensure this doesn't keep happening, preferably so that I could go back to my original idea of copying the entire folder over at once?

iMac G5, Mac OS X (10.5.8), 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo 1 GB 800 MHz DDR2 SDRAM

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IMac (Intel) :: Time Machine / External HD And Copying Backup To Desktop

Jun 5, 2014

I've recently starting having problems with my external HD that I use for my Time Machine backups. I'm not able to repair the drive using Disk Elements, so I want to copy some of my backups stored therein onto my Mac HD before I try reformatting the external HD. However, I get the error message "The volume has the wrong case sensitivity for a backup" when I try dragging the backup folders onto my desktop. Is there any way to salvage the backups before I try reformatting?  

iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5), External HD: WD Elements 2TB

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Identity Of The Backup Disk Has Changed On External HD Time Machine Backup

Apr 30, 2012

I have a external HD which has always worked fine under snow leopard. Since upgrading to lion I keep getting the following message The identity of the backup disk has changed since the previous backup.The disk may have been replaced or erased, or someone may be trying to trick your computer into backing up to the wrong disk. And after this the drive disappears from the desktop appearing agian only after restart. What can I do do rectify this? Delete and re-intialise the drive?

MacProQuad2.6 4gbRam, Mac OS X (10.4.8)

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Intel Mac :: Using External Hard Drive As Both A Boot Drive And Timemachine Backup?

Mar 8, 2012

My internal 1TB hard drive on my iMac is dead and I don't have the money to replace it at the moment. I have everything backed up on an external 1TB drive using Time Machine. As a workaround for the time being,Is there any way I can install the system on the external drive and use that as the boot drive without erasing the Time Machine Backups?  It seems to me I would have to have two partitions for the external drive, one for the system, and one for Time Machine. But is there any way to add a partition without erasing the existing one with Time Machine only on it?  

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Intel Mac :: When Try To Backup Something Or Transfer Large Quantities Of Data - The Backup Just Stops For No Reason?

Mar 24, 2012

When i try to backup data or transfer large amounts of data, like 40gb or more, between drives, the process just stops without warning or explanation. It dowsn't matter when backup i use, Time Machine or WD Smartware.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Intel Mac :: "Unable To Complete Backup. An Error Occurred While Creating The Backup Folder"

Mar 20, 2012

I'm trying to back up my new iMac to an older time capsule. But it just won't do it. The error reads: "Unable to complete backup. An error occurred while creating the backup folder".

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OS X :: Which External Drive For Backup?

Sep 19, 2010

I want to buy an external backup drive for my '09 24" iMac with a 1.0TB internal drive running OS 10.5.8. I've been looking at this one from OWC - [URL]

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OS X :: External HD Used For Mac Backup Not Detected On PC

Sep 25, 2010

I have a western digital hard drive which I am using as backup it's setup with time machine but now when I connect that hard drive to other PC OR MAC it do not detect or sync and I want it to work on other computers how would I change that.

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OS X :: How To Go About Backup / Mirror External HD

Sep 29, 2010

I just did a zero delete on my computer and only have CS5 master suite and Lightroom on my computer now (MacBook Pro 2010). I have 2 external harddrives I'm using. Both are 1TB. I have the Master drive with everything on it, and I want to use the 2nd drive to keep an updated copy of everything. Then I have a 3rd Hard drive, that I want to backup the 2nd backup and keep that off site. What is the best way to go about this?

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OS X :: Backup From NAS To External Drive

Dec 17, 2010

I have a Western Digital My Book World Edition as a NAS. I also got an external drive (a Western Digital Elements Desktop) to which I want to backup everything from the NAS, and then store it at a different location. My problem is that I can't find any software that does this, everything I find seems to work the other way around (using the NAS as a backup). It would be sweet to have the backup working as automatically and simple as possible, so when I wan't to backup my files the next time, it should only copy the files that have changed or are new. Is there a solution to this problem? I'm using a Macbook Pro with Snow Leopard.

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OS X :: How To Backup Two Drives Onto External One

Mar 1, 2009

What backup solutions are available for backing up two drives on to one backup drive without causing any confusion?

My setup consists of:
- Powerbook (80 GB)
- external Firewire drive (160 GB)
- external Firewire drive (500 GB) for backup

I'm running MacOS 10.4.11, so please don't suggest Time Machine.

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Hardware :: Using External Hdd For Backup?

Mar 3, 2009

Just wondering what everyone is using for an external disk drive.. I want to make some back-up of videos I made of my daughter and was wondering what everyone is using...

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OS X :: External HD Backup - OSX And Bootcamp

Jun 1, 2009

I have 500GB LAcie USB Hadrive, which i currently have partitioned into 200GB for Timemachine, and 300GB which i use to drag and drop files/folders directly from finder.Is there anyway for me to partition the 300GB so i can use this HD to backup some of my bootcamp files.If i can, what format do i partition in. Can i just partition the 300GB now or do i need to reformat the HD and add 3 partitions from the start. Also is xp good at picking up and syncing HDs, esp for drag and drop stuff. Im so used to mac, i assume xp will make my life difficult.

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Mac Pro :: Can't Backup To External Drive

May 15, 2012

I can't backup to external hard drive anymore. 

Info:Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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MacBook :: Using External HD To Backup And Run OS X

Jun 5, 2012

I'm going to install Snow Leopard "currently running Leopard 10.5.8" and I was hoping to put it on my 1.5 TB external HD, that way I don't need to burn it to a CD since that seems like a bit more work since I already have a external HD lying around. So that part seems straight forward enough to me, but then I have the problem of where/how do I backup my mac, I was going to back it up to my external "using Carbon Copy Cloner" but I only have one. So would it be safe to backup my mac to this external and also put the new snow leopard OSX. I mean is there any reason this wouldn't be possible or am I putting all my computers information at risk by doing this? Also I already formatted this External Hardrive to Mac OS X extended journaled.

Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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MacBook Pro :: External HD For Backup (RAID)

Sep 10, 2010

I am thinking about buying a HD for a full system backup and all files. I am worried about getting such a big HD and having it fail, thus loosing years of data. Is there any redundancy in a 1TB drive does partitioning help? What if the entire drive fails or are there multiple drives in those external hd? I need a reliable backup system for music, photos of child, that will last years. I want to be able to use the HD with both formats, pc and mac...what should I format with or is that a good idea?

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OS X :: How To Backup Final Cut Express To External HD

Sep 10, 2010

Formatting my HD and freshly installing mac OS X, I dragged final cut into my HD and even ran the app from there, does that mean I'm good to go or is it still using files in my internal HD and would not work if completely deleted from the mac internal drive?

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OS X :: There's Not Enough Space On My External Drive To Backup?

Apr 19, 2009

I have a 500gb external hard drive. My iMac has a 500gb internal drive. Suddenly I keep getting an error message saying there's not enough space on my external drive to backup everything. Is there anything I can do to fix this?

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OS X :: Can't Backup To External Drive - Don't See Partition

Oct 25, 2009

i as planning to sell my macbook in the near future and i wanted to back up everything to my external hard drive. I heard of offsite backup but i didn't plan on doing it yet. Anyways i used time machine to make my external hard drive to be my backup disk. First i had to take everything off it (80GBs worth of music, movies and documents) and i put it on the desktop cuz Time Machine said something about incompatibility and i had to erase my external drive first. I then backed up at least 120GB of content altogether to the external hard drive. I checked my external drive and found out the stuff i took out and put on the desktop was NOT backed up. So i deleted the backup and put the 80GB of movies, music, etc stuff in a folder in my computer.

However i can't back up to my external drive anymore. It says it only has 61.28GB of memory left. I'm wondering why is that if i deleted the backup already! I then tried to take the backup out of the trash and put it back in the external drive and it won't go in because there is only 62.28GB of memory. I don't see any partition of any sort on my external drive, no folders, files or anything yet it has magically lost 190GB of free storage.

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OS X :: Setting Up 1.5 TB External Backup Drive

Mar 18, 2010

Looking for advice for setting up my 1.5 TB external backup drive. I think I would like to partition it into 2 drives one 500gb for Carbon Copy Cloner (or Super Duper) and the second 1 TB for Time Machine. The drive is a WD 1.5 TB My book and it came FAT32. Should I re-format this to Mac OS Extended (Journaled) or leave it as it is for the purposes of backing up? I really don't think that I have any files larger than the 4gb although I could have some ripped DVD's before Handbrake sizing down to iPhone size. What about the files that came with the external drive, are the worth installing or just go with the popular backup choices? Oh please let me ask this question as well, what cable connection to the my iMac is recommended? I was wanting to use Firewire but they only provided a 400 to 400 cable and I think I need 800 to 400.

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Software :: Backup To External Drive

Apr 19, 2008

I want to be able to boot from my external drive but I am running into difficulty getting it set up right. I have an intel MacPro running 10.4.11 I have a 500GB LaCie d2 HD QUADRA external firewire drive. It came loaded with Retrospect Express which I am not very happy with. I understand that the hard drive has to be formatted Mac OS Extended Journaled and the Partition Scheme has to be GUID.

My MacPro is partitioned for both Mac OS and Windows XP using Boot Camp. When I first tried to back up my hard drive using Retrospect I backed up the Mac partition first and then tried to back up the Windows XP partition next. When I tried this the Windows XP volume erased the Mac OS volume on the external hard drive. I found the only way I could backup both volumes was to make 2 folders in Retrospect and backup the Mac into one and the Windows into the other one. With this setup I couldn't boot from my hard drive. I contacted Retrospect but they weren't much help .. LaCie couldn't give me any help either except to say that I couldn't boot from there hard drive. I feel that I should be able to boot from the hard drive with the right software but I've hit a brick wall. I'm thinking about trying some other backup software like Super Duper but didn't want to start a long tedious process if erasing etc. until I got a second opinion on whether it's the right way to go.

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