OS X :: External Drive Disk Utility Erase?
Nov 7, 2009i just erased my external hard drive through disk utility my accident. I had VERY important files and the 1tb was full.
View 3 Repliesi just erased my external hard drive through disk utility my accident. I had VERY important files and the 1tb was full.
View 3 RepliesI have an external hard drive that was used on a PC. I want to use it on a Mac. I went into disk utility and did an erase. (Extended Journaled and in security options changed it to zero out data). I can now use it on the Mac how ever it is telling me that there is 54.1 MB of used space. I want to have access to this. How do I do it?
View 4 Replies View RelatedAnyone knows why my external HD (USB disk connected to Airport extreme) does not show up in disk utility? (It sits on my desktop just fine and is fully functional) I' want to erase a partition but now i don't know how.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a hard drive with about 250 gb of film and music on fbut it's formatted as HFS+ which windows cant read! I need to partition the drive to make windows be able to read at least a portion of it. But If I run disk utility and create a partition will it erase the info I already have on there? I don't have this data else where so I hope it wont!
View 6 Replies View RelatedI try to securely erase big hard drive and Disk Utility in Tiger says Secure Erase. Pass 1 of 7. Estimated time 123 hours
Is this progress bar only for erase 1/7 or for all 7 passes (1-7/7)?
1. To grab all the files I need/don't want to lose (photos, music, documents, etc.)2. Then completely erase the 500GB HD so I can then install it into the new Macbook Pro and install Leopard.(I'll then externally connect the 160GB HD that came w/ my Macbook Pro and add the files I've already copied into that 160GB HD into the 500GB Leopard installed HD in the new Macbook Pro)So, currently my 500GB HD is connected to my Macbook pro and I want to completely erase everything so I'll then have a completely clean hard drive, to then install into the Macbook Pro, add the installation discs and install Leopard into the 500GB HD.
View 14 Replies View RelatedI have a 2TB Western Digital My Book Studio FW800 external that has 5 partitions, connected to my 2011 iMac. I had help doing the partitions and don't really remember the reasoning, but one is just for my SuperDuper! backup, one is Miscellaneous, one for movie clips off my camcorder, one for misc scanned photo's and one for my genealogy research. I back up using Time Machine to a Time Capsule and also to this WD hard drive with SuperDuper!
Recently I'm getting a pop up message that "Mac OS X can't repair the disk "Genealogy"'. And it needs to be reformatted. It's become a read only disk. When I look in Disk Utility it shows all the partitions as "Mac OS Extended (Journaled)" EXCEPT for the one in question. I also noticed that there are a lot of files with "date created" being the same date in 1969! These files may be letters I've written or photo's I added to that partition within the last few years.
I think I have to completely reformat the entire external hard drive to repair this, but I want to make sure. Because it's going to be a major hassle backing it all up to another external (having to get one first) and then figuring out how to make the files that have turned "read only" in that one partition, back to their original state! Does this sound right, that I have to reformat the entire external hard drive? And how do I get the read-only files back to their original state.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have a Seagate 1 TB Backup Plus Drive which was working perfectly fine until I plugged it into a USB hub. It detected it while in the hub and I was able to get files off of it, but when I ejected it from the hub and put it back into the USB slot on the computer it was not detected by finder. It shows up in the disk utility and I clicked verify and repair and it says:
Verify and Repair volume “Seagate Backup Plus Drive”
Checking file system
Volume repair complete.
Updating boot support partitions for the volume as required.
Disk Utility can’t repair this disk. Back up as many of your files as possible, reformat the disk, and restore your backed-up files.
Is there any way to get this to work properly again? Or if not is there a way for me to recover my files on the external hard drive?
I have a Macbook PRO late 2011 running OS X Mavericks.
I am having trouble erasing DVD+RW discs. When I insert a used disc and try to erase it in Disk Utility, the process seems to complete almost immediately, ending with OS X asking me if I want to mount the inserted blank disc in Finder. However, if I eject the disc and put it back in, everything is still on there. (detail: When erasing, there is usually a short interval where a striped progress bar is shown, after which a "normal" progress bar is slowly filled as the disc is erased. However, for me only the striped progress bar is shown--the "normal" progress bar is skipped--and then OS X says erasing is done.) If instead of ejecting the disc I choose to go ahead and burn something as if Disk Utility has actually erased the disc, I get a laser power calibration error.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have been reading that the erase feature on OS X's disk utility will not remove file slack. If I erase the entire drive using one of the security options (Zero-Out, 7-Pass, or 35-pass),
View 1 Replies View RelatedI recently installed and uninstalled a few versions of linux on my imac. After installing some versions i realized I was going to need more space, so I went back into mac OSX and have been trying to add a new disk partitions with more GB.
My PowerBook G4 crashed and I need data from it. I already had bought an external drive and had begun loading some fotos and music. Now I'm at a friend's Mac, firewired and all, and the external drive (visible in the disk utility) isn't to be found.
I don't want to erase and reformat, obviously, ... can I drag it onto the desktop from the disk utility?
i was Erasing Free Space in Disk Utility, after a while I needed to Force Quit another program but I mistakenly quit Disk Utility and now it says I only have 3.1 GB space available when it should be around 270 GB available. I'm sure Disk Utility said it was 'Creating Temporary File' at this time this happened.
I'm now also getting a message which states I need to clear out space on my start up disk.
I would like to know the difference between the options 'erase' and partition' in disk utility. Under 'erase' there are several options: under 'security options' there are 4 options: don't erase data, zero out data, 7-pass erase and 35-pass erase.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am selling my 6 months Macbook pro and I would like to delete everything very securely. I would normally do a fresh install and then use disk utility to erase all date on a 35 pass. However I do not have the installation disks. I am not the best at using a mac but could someone tell me everything I have to delete and the steps I must take before I do a 35 pass erase in disk utility? I have noticed in console that I cant delete 'Diagnostic and usage messages'. I have gone through Finder then deleted the applications and gone to application support and deleted what I have seen but is there anything I am likely to miss being a non techy guy? I don't want to leave anything at all on the mac in the slightest.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI wish to change partition scheme, sizes, in an external drive. All the partitions are MacOS extended (Journaled) and they map, according to the layout in Disk Utility, as follows: Partion 1, 2, 3,4 where 1 is at the top and 4, the bottom. I want to make partition 2 larger, so I decreased partition 1 by half. Now the layout is 1 a, 1b, 2,3,4., where 1b is now free space. Disk Utility will not allow me to increase the size of partition 2 by dragging the corner. Which of the following options (if any) will allow me to increase the size of partition 2, without erasing the data, using Disk Utility:Select partition 2 and manually writing a new value in the size box, equal to the present partition’s size plus the free space?If I delete partition 1 completely, will I then be able to increase the size of partition 2?If I delete partitions 1, 3, and 4, will I then be allowed to increase the size of partion 2?Is there another option?
(Actually, partition 3 is an eDrive, a data recovery utility created by TechTool Pro 7, so I don’t really know how it’s formatted.)
SeagateHD 1.5TB USB drive.
Time Capsule 802.11n (2nd Gen), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2), MacBook Pro, iBook Dual USB
I've been running a Toshiba 1TB external drive on my Mac Pro tower and it's been working fine. But yesterday it wouldn't mount. I could see the drive in Disc Utility, but the partition wouldn't mount. I brought it into work where I'm running an iMac and it mounted just fine. Why would it stop working on one computer (where it was previously fine) yet work okay on another? And how do I get it working on the tower?
Mac Pro, iOS 7.1.2
I just ran the Erase Free Space thinking it would help me with a bootcamp issue.
I had 70Gb free and I stopped it when I noticed i had 30 Gb free left. So I just lost 40 Gb of hard drive space. What happened? is there anyway of recovering it or did I just make a huge mistake.
My Computer: 2.8 GHz intel Core 2 Duo Mac, running OS X Ver. 10.5.8. I've partitioned my hard drive before, but in order to get more space on my Windows partition I have made a disk image using a program called Winclone. I also backed up important files to my external hard drive, and then used disk utility to erase and make a new partition so I could restore the Winclone disk image I made and have everything back. What I'm concerned about is I've been waiting for this new partition (65 GB) to finish being made and its taking a while. I read that if you stop the process it could damage the OS X side and you could lose all your files.
I started to run time machine about 10 minutes ago and set the destination to my external drive for backup (Its a huge drive, it can hold 650+ GB so I'm not worried about running out of space.) Do I stop Disk Utility and risk it? Do I let it run? Do I kiss my computer goodbye and pray that Time Machine backed everything up right onto my external hard drive? I don't know if Time Machine is working correctly because I started it after I began to partition my hard drive. What to do. Should I let Time Machine back everything up, the disconnect my external and end Disk Utility?
I am trying to reinstall Lion on my macbook pro, but every time the hdd shows up as 'locked' and when I attempt to format it, it gives me a "volume erase failed with the error - cannot unmount disk" message. It appears as if some files withing the disk are still running but I have no way of quitting them-knowingly. I can specify more if this seems to vague.
MacBook Pro
I have an external 750GB hard drive that I previously formatted as FAT 32 because I wanted to be able to plug it into Windows computers as well. I was not very thoughtful at the beginning and I just created one big 750GB partition. I currently have 450GB used and about 300GB free.
I would like to create a new partition in the free space without losing the data I have in the disk, and format the new partition as Mac OS Extended to use it for Time Machine backups. Presumably Disk Utility can do it, but when I go to the "Partition" tab it says "This partition cannot be modified" and the "+" sign below it is grayed.
The hard drive is a 1TB Western Digital my book I bought it in January I think. I tried to format it to Mac OS Extended (Journaled) when I got it but for some reason every time I try to erase the part thats named disk3s2 or partition the main one it stops a little before half way through. I don't think its the hard drives fault so I called apple about it one day and they helped a little but it didn't work. Thanks in advance if you can help me. Also a few times I waited about seven hours for it while I was at school and when I came home it didn't move.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have a Lacie 1TB external drive. I'm trying to create another partition on it using Disk Utility so that I can use one of the partitions for Time Machine. When I go to add another partition, or even just resize the existing one, I get an error saying drive must be HPFS+ with Journaling enabled. It is. I've seen reference to this error in searches, but have not found a solution. Is there a fix for this, or another tool that I can use to re-partition my drive without wiping out existing partition? I have about 450GB worth of data on the drive that I might be able to store somewhere else temporarily, I would just prefer not to have to go through that....
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've recently converted to the Mac-side:
I'm having difficulty with my external hard-drive, here's the info on that one:
Disk Utility won't allow me to mount the drive, I've tried using a number of softwares to read it (working under the assumption that it's an NTFS drive), including Tuxera and Paragon. I have too much stored on the hard drive to empty it back onto my old computer, and so I'm not able order to re-format it.
MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I have a 1/3 full external drive that is currently formatted for MAC OS External.
I want to partition the drive in half and use the 2nd partition for Windows FAT32.
However, when I try to do this with Disk Utility it does not give me the FAT32 option.
Disks I put in the Superdrive, external hard drives, or anything in the USB or Firewire (thumbdrive, etc) -- nothing shows up on the desktop. All are visible in Disk Utility. USB thumbdrives and external hard drives are visible in the sidebar in Finder, but disks are not (only disk utility).
Because of this I can't burn a disk because the disk is not being recognized. In Disk Utility, the external hard drives appear mounted and can be opened in Finder, but why aren't they appearing on my desktop (they used to)?
Will running the 'repair disk' disk utility on an external drive screw up any of the files on my external hard drive? I only want to run it because I can't transfer a file from my HD to the external...it's a 6 gig video file in quicktime format, and I'm getting 'error 1309', which I understand is related to file size on FAT32 format. I know it's a huge file, but I've moved others to the external that are over 20 gigs with no problems (iMovie projects, etc). Anything I can do to get this file moved to the external?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI had downloaded some files to add to an external hard drive, the hard drive was assigned to a pc before adding these files so it wouldn't let me add files from my MacBook..
Had a look around online and made some changes (well thats what I thought) and I was able to transfer files form my MacBook onto the external hard drive.
What I then figured out was that there was nothing left on the hard drive except for the two file sI just transferred..
It turns out I deleted everyting without noticing.
The stpes I followed was to go to disk utility then select the hard drive and click erase (not knowing this would erase evrything).
So now I have two files on my hard drive and no idea how to recover the 'delted' files.
I tried using Disk Drill, which found the files but then it said I need to buy the full version to recover them.
I am wondering if there is any free methods to recover these files at all
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011)
I'm having a pretty serious problem. I attempted to erase the free space on my HD, as I do from time to time, except this time it appeared to hang/freeze at the end, when it gets to the part where it creates a temporary file. I waited for several minutes and it didn't move. I tried clicking the skip button, but that did nothing either, so I force quit Disk Utility.
The problem is, it left the disk at "Zero KB" of free space, effectively making my computer inoperable. I was in the process of studying for a huge exam tomorrow, and am currently flipping out.
If it matters, I'm on a Macbook Pro 2.33 GHz Core 2 Duo, running 10.4.
I really don't want to have to reinstall the OS and import the old files, but my real fear is that I will have to do a fresh install of the OS.
I'm having a pretty serious problem. I attempted to erase the free space on my HD, as I do from time to time, except this time it appeared to hang/freeze at the end, when it gets to the part where it creates a temporary file. I waited for several minutes and it didn't move. I tried clicking the skip button, but that did nothing either, so I force quit Disk Utility.
The problem is, it left the disk at "Zero KB" of free space, effectively making my computer inoperable. I was in the process of studying for a huge exam tomorrow, and am currently flipping out. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
If it matters, I'm on a Macbook Pro 2.33 GHz Core 2 Duo, running 10.4.
I really don't want to have to reinstall the OS and import the old files, but my real fear is that I will have to do a fresh install of the OS.