MacBook Pro :: Erase/Unmount Disk - Dock Utility?
Feb 26, 2012
I am trying to reinstall Lion on my macbook pro, but every time the hdd shows up as 'locked' and when I attempt to format it, it gives me a "volume erase failed with the error - cannot unmount disk" message. It appears as if some files withing the disk are still running but I have no way of quitting them-knowingly. I can specify more if this seems to vague.
MacBook Pro
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Dec 6, 2014
I'm trying to erase my SSD internal drive that is corrupted software (Yosemite).I'm booting from an external with 20GB Yosemite OS & 480GB that contains files I've dragged off the internal SSD.I'm getting the error:Volume Erase failed with the error:Couldn’t unmount disk.How can I get around this?
MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10), 13"
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Jun 18, 2012
Installing Imac back to factory settings, erase disk shows could't unmount disk how to solve
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), I bought a usb stick with the OS Xa
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Apr 2, 2010
i'm trying to format a spare external, it's currently formatted to ms-dos for back up dutys on my PS3 but i want to change it to mac os extended
i've just plugged the drive in ( USB ), nothings running on it, or open on the computer from the drive, but disk utility wont erase it, i've checked permission and everythings fine but it just keeps giving me this error
google and apple fail, only thing i can find linked to it refers to operating systems running on the drive,
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Apr 15, 2012
I've just transferred my data to a new computer and now need to erase the hard drive on my old one.. I've tried Disk Utility, increased the security, and tried 'erase' but I keep getting an error message "couldn't unmount disk". I've gone into Partitions and tried deleting the HD there as well but I get the same message. I just want to get the computer securely wiped and would like to keep Lion as the operating system.Â
Macbook 2GB ram, Mac OS X (10.4.9)
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Sep 7, 2009
Anyone knows why my external HD (USB disk connected to Airport extreme) does not show up in disk utility? (It sits on my desktop just fine and is fully functional) I' want to erase a partition but now i don't know how.
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Jan 28, 2008
I am having trouble erasing DVD+RW discs. When I insert a used disc and try to erase it in Disk Utility, the process seems to complete almost immediately, ending with OS X asking me if I want to mount the inserted blank disc in Finder. However, if I eject the disc and put it back in, everything is still on there. (detail: When erasing, there is usually a short interval where a striped progress bar is shown, after which a "normal" progress bar is slowly filled as the disc is erased. However, for me only the striped progress bar is shown--the "normal" progress bar is skipped--and then OS X says erasing is done.) If instead of ejecting the disc I choose to go ahead and burn something as if Disk Utility has actually erased the disc, I get a laser power calibration error.
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Aug 11, 2009
I have been reading that the erase feature on OS X's disk utility will not remove file slack. If I erase the entire drive using one of the security options (Zero-Out, 7-Pass, or 35-pass),
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Oct 9, 2009
I recently installed and uninstalled a few versions of linux on my imac. After installing some versions i realized I was going to need more space, so I went back into mac OSX and have been trying to add a new disk partitions with more GB.
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Feb 10, 2009
i was Erasing Free Space in Disk Utility, after a while I needed to Force Quit another program but I mistakenly quit Disk Utility and now it says I only have 3.1 GB space available when it should be around 270 GB available. I'm sure Disk Utility said it was 'Creating Temporary File' at this time this happened.
I'm now also getting a message which states I need to clear out space on my start up disk.
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Aug 28, 2009
I would like to know the difference between the options 'erase' and partition' in disk utility. Under 'erase' there are several options: under 'security options' there are 4 options: don't erase data, zero out data, 7-pass erase and 35-pass erase.
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Nov 7, 2009
i just erased my external hard drive through disk utility my accident. I had VERY important files and the 1tb was full.
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Aug 31, 2010
I am selling my 6 months Macbook pro and I would like to delete everything very securely. I would normally do a fresh install and then use disk utility to erase all date on a 35 pass. However I do not have the installation disks. I am not the best at using a mac but could someone tell me everything I have to delete and the steps I must take before I do a 35 pass erase in disk utility? I have noticed in console that I cant delete 'Diagnostic and usage messages'. I have gone through Finder then deleted the applications and gone to application support and deleted what I have seen but is there anything I am likely to miss being a non techy guy? I don't want to leave anything at all on the mac in the slightest.
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May 3, 2009
I just ran the Erase Free Space thinking it would help me with a bootcamp issue.
I had 70Gb free and I stopped it when I noticed i had 30 Gb free left. So I just lost 40 Gb of hard drive space. What happened? is there anyway of recovering it or did I just make a huge mistake.
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Feb 27, 2010
My Computer: 2.8 GHz intel Core 2 Duo Mac, running OS X Ver. 10.5.8. I've partitioned my hard drive before, but in order to get more space on my Windows partition I have made a disk image using a program called Winclone. I also backed up important files to my external hard drive, and then used disk utility to erase and make a new partition so I could restore the Winclone disk image I made and have everything back. What I'm concerned about is I've been waiting for this new partition (65 GB) to finish being made and its taking a while. I read that if you stop the process it could damage the OS X side and you could lose all your files.
I started to run time machine about 10 minutes ago and set the destination to my external drive for backup (Its a huge drive, it can hold 650+ GB so I'm not worried about running out of space.) Do I stop Disk Utility and risk it? Do I let it run? Do I kiss my computer goodbye and pray that Time Machine backed everything up right onto my external hard drive? I don't know if Time Machine is working correctly because I started it after I began to partition my hard drive. What to do. Should I let Time Machine back everything up, the disconnect my external and end Disk Utility?
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Oct 17, 2010
I have an external hard drive that was used on a PC. I want to use it on a Mac. I went into disk utility and did an erase. (Extended Journaled and in security options changed it to zero out data). I can now use it on the Mac how ever it is telling me that there is 54.1 MB of used space. I want to have access to this. How do I do it?
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Dec 19, 2010
I have a hard drive with about 250 gb of film and music on fbut it's formatted as HFS+ which windows cant read! I need to partition the drive to make windows be able to read at least a portion of it. But If I run disk utility and create a partition will it erase the info I already have on there? I don't have this data else where so I hope it wont!
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Aug 28, 2014
I have a MacBook Pro running OSx 10.9.4 and have been successfully using Time Machine with a WD My Passport External Hard Drive for a while. Now (after 10 days with a successful back-up), the computer will not back-up. I have gone into disk utility and tried to erase, partition, and/or repair the disk, but repeatedly get error messages - it can't erase the disk, re-partition the disk or unmount the disk.Â
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), External Hard Drive
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Dec 17, 2010
I try to securely erase big hard drive and Disk Utility in Tiger says Secure Erase. Pass 1 of 7. Estimated time 123 hours
Is this progress bar only for erase 1/7 or for all 7 passes (1-7/7)?
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Aug 15, 2009
1. To grab all the files I need/don't want to lose (photos, music, documents, etc.)2. Then completely erase the 500GB HD so I can then install it into the new Macbook Pro and install Leopard.(I'll then externally connect the 160GB HD that came w/ my Macbook Pro and add the files I've already copied into that 160GB HD into the 500GB Leopard installed HD in the new Macbook Pro)So, currently my 500GB HD is connected to my Macbook pro and I want to completely erase everything so I'll then have a completely clean hard drive, to then install into the Macbook Pro, add the installation discs and install Leopard into the 500GB HD.
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Dec 15, 2010
I'm having a pretty serious problem. I attempted to erase the free space on my HD, as I do from time to time, except this time it appeared to hang/freeze at the end, when it gets to the part where it creates a temporary file. I waited for several minutes and it didn't move. I tried clicking the skip button, but that did nothing either, so I force quit Disk Utility.
The problem is, it left the disk at "Zero KB" of free space, effectively making my computer inoperable. I was in the process of studying for a huge exam tomorrow, and am currently flipping out.
If it matters, I'm on a Macbook Pro 2.33 GHz Core 2 Duo, running 10.4.
I really don't want to have to reinstall the OS and import the old files, but my real fear is that I will have to do a fresh install of the OS.
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Dec 15, 2010
I'm having a pretty serious problem. I attempted to erase the free space on my HD, as I do from time to time, except this time it appeared to hang/freeze at the end, when it gets to the part where it creates a temporary file. I waited for several minutes and it didn't move. I tried clicking the skip button, but that did nothing either, so I force quit Disk Utility.
The problem is, it left the disk at "Zero KB" of free space, effectively making my computer inoperable. I was in the process of studying for a huge exam tomorrow, and am currently flipping out. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
If it matters, I'm on a Macbook Pro 2.33 GHz Core 2 Duo, running 10.4.
I really don't want to have to reinstall the OS and import the old files, but my real fear is that I will have to do a fresh install of the OS.
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Sep 26, 2009
I want to carbon copy my bootable external drive to my main internal bootable hard drive so I tried to use Disk Utility to erase it but it will indicate that it failed and can't unmount. When I tried to manually unmount by dragging it to the trash it indicated that it is in use. I can't understand why it's in use since I booted from the external drive which I wanted to the copy to the internal drive.
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Dec 4, 2009
I have a G4 powerbook from around 2004 that was running slow so I tried updating the mac software since I hadnt done it in a while after downloading and installing the suggested items my computer has gone a lil crazy. First off i noticed my dock is completely missing and I've tried numerous things to fix it that were suggested to me but nothing has worked.
Next I attempted to do some restoring using disk utility that had also been suggested and it turns out disk utility wont even run I get the error message "You cannot open the aplication "disk utility" because it may be damaged or imcomplete". This message also appears when i attempt to open safari or itunes.
I am no longer able to find my restore discs so I dont have that option at the moment, any help would be greatly appreciated, I am about to go back to school to pursue another degree and not having to buy a new comp would be great news.
here are the items that were installed with the update:
2009-10-25 17:23:21 -0600: Installed "Java for Mac OS X 10.4, Release 7" (1.0)
2009-10-25 17:23:47 -0600: Installed "Migration and DVD/CD Sharing Update" (1.1)
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Jul 27, 2009
I bought an imac 2 years ago, and updated it to leopard when that was released.
I no longer have the discs i used for Leopard, only the original mac os x 10.4 discs.I am very soon going to be selling this machine and need to wipe everything so that all is left if the operating system in the form you would expect as if you had just bought a new mac.How can this be achieved, i tried disck utility> erase, but only erase free space was 'highlighted'.
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Jun 21, 2014
I replaced a 1 TB external drive partiotioned in 2 with a 3 TB extrnal drive run/store my corbon copy cloner back up and time machine.
The 3 TB drive was successfully partitioned through the disk utility and both back ups are installed and the initial back up is complete.
My question is about the 1 TB drive. I want to completely erase all data from the drive in order to use it for a different use.Â
Using disk utility one of the partitions deleted without incident when following the same protocol the second partition produced error messages.
Volume erase failedÂ
Volume Erase failed with the error:
Couldn’t unmount disk.
If I try to eject the disk
It says it will not eject becaus e a program may be using it...
The only program that utilized this partition is Carbon Copy Cloner which is not being utilized on the new 3TB drive.
I do not see where there is a option to have more than on disk chosen for this purpose so am unsure why the disk utility is seeing the old partion as still in use.
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Mar 7, 2010
I have a 500G WD external HD, and I used Disk Utility to securely (35-pass) erase it. Now the I cannot do anything to the drive. Cannot erase or partition it. When I try disk utility says the task has "failed with the error: POSIX reports: The operation couldn�t be completed. Cannot allocate memory" Before the drive would show on the desktop as, WD 5000BEV External Media, when I plugged it in. Now it has a message saying that "The disk you inserted was not readable by this computer." Then it gives me three options which are... Initialize, Ignore, Eject. When I click Initialize I am redirected to Disk Utility. Also now in disk utility it says that it is a 2.2 TB WD Media opposed to WD 5000BEV External Media. How does it go from a 500g to a 2.2t It is unformatted and I do not know how to reformat it back to the it was.
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Aug 28, 2014
I've been having problems booting into my OSX partition. At the time it started I wasn't using my Macbook Pro (Late 2009) very often so whenever I needed I just booted up into my BOOTCAMP partition. Anyways, I decided to finally stop being lazy and do a clean install. There's nothing on either partition of the same hard drive that I want. I put together a bootable USB drive and boot from it. From here I go to the Disk Utility and try to erase the entire drive. It gives me this error: URL....
Now, that's not a screenshot from my mac but its the exact same error. Anyways, I've tried to find something on point but I just can't. Some posts have stated that the hard drive is broken, but if that's the case why can I start up the BOOTCAMP partition of the exact same drive flawlessly? I can even manipulate files on the OSX partition from Windows 7.Â
MacBook Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.1)
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Jun 9, 2012
My Time Machine quit BU for over 10 days and then it started to BU whole computer like it was an initial BU. Previously it used 1.5TB of 2TBHD so tried to BU everything again. I wasn't able to erase HD using Disk Utility so I changed the drive to a regular HD in Time Machine preferences and deleted data to trash. Tried to Erase in Disk Utility and it says disk is unformatted and stops utility. How do I erase this HD?
Info:Mac OS X (10.7.2), Parallels, Win7, FoxFire, iPhone3GS
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Feb 12, 2012
I want to erase the hard disk. Holding the Option key when restarting the macbook, and enter the Recovery HD, selecting the Disk Utility. Click the hard disk name, and select Erase tab. Click the Erase button, a message displayed: Disk Erase failed. Disk Erase failed with the error:Couldn't unmount disk.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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