Everything is running very, very slowly. In the Terminal, top shows me that process 15, DirectoryService, is using between 45 and 248%(!) of my cpu, and hdiutil is also using much more than I expect. What is causing this, and, more importantly, how can I make it stop. It is making my computer unusable.
It doesn't seem to matter what applications are running or if I have Web Sharing on or off. I suspected it was the flood of attempted logins from having Web Sharing on, but turning it off doesn't make any difference.
System Profile
Mac OS X 10.6.5
Model Name:MacBook
Model Identifier:MacBook3,1
Processor Name:Intel Core 2 Duo
Processor Speed:2.2 GHz
Number Of Processors:1
Total Number Of Cores:2
L2 Cache:4 MB
Memory:4 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM
Bus Speed:800 MHz
Boot ROM Version:MB31.008E.B02
SMC Version (system):1.24f3
I am getting an error "This service has not been configured as an open directory master. error has occurred! Error value = 13 " while trying to configure a new open directory.
updated to 10.7.4 and cannot turn on my Open Directory service in Server Admin. It's there, but says it is stopped, and it won'y start.After reboot it is still the same.
Couldn't find it anywhere! Did Apple take this off on purpose? Are they planning something new?
And also something to mention, Server Admin 10.5.6 and Apple Remote Desktop 3.2 DOES NOT WORK on Snow Leopard. The only way to manage my Server is to use Screen Sharing app <-- IT SUCK.
I did a standard install of Snow Leopard (SL) and everything seemed fine for a while... but I noticed a lot of beachball time, and the computer became more and more unresponsive. I found then that Mail was hanging on me... immediately after start-up it seemed to work fine, but after about three minutes of working I could no longer compose emails, and the panels displaying inbox, or whatever, contents would not display their contents... even though I knew they were not empty! I also tried to quit Mail to refresh it, but found that it was not possible... I had to resort to force-quit Mail. Moreover, if I wanted to shut down Mail would not quit and i had to force quit before I tried to shutdowN... every time! After a few abortive sessions I stopped Mail being a log-in item and found that everything ran fast and smooth UNTIL I loaded Mail... after which the whole of the above scenario would repeat... I then decided to look in Activity Monitor and found that Mail was listing between 90% and 120%+CPU usage!!... even when it was in the background and not being overtly used. When I did manage to quit it, after it had left the desktop and switcher, it was still listing 20% or so CPU usage.
I decided to try a different client, and loaded Thunderbird. Runs great... and so does Snow Leopard all the way round now!! But I don't really want to go over to Thunderbird... I would rather stick to the integration level possible with Mail. I hope that some form of patch will be found to correct this behaviour. (By the way, I have always had some problems with Mail cancelling shutdown even before SL came onto the scene!)
I've been having a few issues with "Adobe AIR Application installer" hogging my CPU all the time.
I was wondering if anyone could give an insight in to what it's doing, why it's doing it and how to stop it regularly occurring. I keep noticing it using iStat Menus, and quitting the process but it keeps coming around!
I bought a brand new 15" i7 MBP two weeks ago. Today I noticed Finder taking up 375 MB of RAM, somewhat significantly more than anything else running. As of now I still just have the stock 4 GB ram in the machine, and less than 100 MB are free.
I'm not noticing any huge slowdowns so I'm not totally worried about it, I was just surprised to see Finder using so much memory. Is this normal? Is there an easy way to restart Finder?
For the last week, my Mac has been running very slow. Even when I don't have any apps open, it still lags. I opened up Activity Monitor to see what is going on. I see that a root process "AgentDaemon" is taking up almost all my CPU and RAM.
When I try to quit (or force quit) this process in the Activity Monitor, it will go away for a second and then come right back.
Does anyone know what purpose the "AgentDaemon" serves? And why is it hogging all my CPU and RAM?
I installed a new hard drive on my MBP the other day and used migration assistant to transfer from my old drive. Spotlight started indexing and eventually finished, at least I thought it had since I could access the spotlight menu.
For the past two days, however, mds and mdsworker have been hogging my CPU, often taking as much as 90% as shown in the activity monitor. Does this mean that spotlight is still indexing or are these processes somehow stuck? and if they're stuck, how can I fix that? I've rebooted, reset the pram, reset permissions, reset spotlight and even re-imported my files and it just continues and the fan is on a lot despite no activity.
I just opened the console but couldn't find anything related to mds.
Every now and then my 2008 Santa Rosa MacBook w/ 10.5.2 will have it's fan run very fast while nothing is being done. No apps open. No internet traffic. Sometimes it even happens at the login window.
I've run Activity Monitor when this is occurring and found a process called "applet" that runs the CPU at 94%. Quitting this applet results in the CPU activity to drop to a mere 3% - 4% and after about 30 seconds, the fan starts to slow and gradually turns off. Nothing bad happens to the computer after quitting the "applet" process. I have no Microsoft applications on my computer.
My G4 Powerbook (powerpc) has been hiccuping lately.
Basically, i'll be surfing or typing an email and every gesture takes 2-3 secs to complete. Even simple things like switching tabs or highlighting a few words are delayed.
I'm no expert but i opened Activity Monitor to take a look and noticed Firefox running between 60 - 85%... and this is with it just sitting there. I attached a screen shot of this so you can see it.
It seems to me that Firefox is causing this. But what can i do so it doesnt hog the system?
BTW - I have OS X 10.4.11 Firefox just upgraded itself to 3.0.7 and only had that plus Safari and Activity Monitor running.
I have a new mac mini, 1gig ram, 2ghz processor, and finder is consistently using 65+ percent of cpu percentage, i checked my buddies computer and his finder uses 1%. Also my computer crawls and i assume this is the reason.
I'm sure that you have come across this problem before. It seems that a lot of users suffer the same problem, but I cannot see any answers that solve it.
I am running Mac OS 10.4.11 and the kernel suddenly hogs between 40 to over 100% of the CPU. I reboot many times to try to clear it, I have run applejack 2 and 3 times in succession, but nothing clears it. I did an 'archive and install' last week which cleared it for a few days, but now it's happening again. Do you have any ideas?
As you can see in the attachment, the apps I'm running aren't that big of a deal for the most part. This is a 2007 version 8-core Mac Pro, 8 GB RAM. I'm curious what happens to make the apps open bog down the computer like this? Just leaving everything running for days at a time?
Lately Safari has been hogging HUGE amounts of RAM after a while. After logging in on just this site to post this it has risen to 150MB! if I have several tabs open (2-4) it rises to about 600MB. This slows my system considerably as I only have 2GB total. Anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?
When I launch Mail app, my mac starts running ridiculously slow. I get the spinning ball after almost every click.Just switching between safari tabs can take 1/2 minutes. In activity monitor it is showing 118% is being used by mail when it is running which hogs the entire CPU effectively.When I quit the application through activity monitor it quits, however if I try to quit (CMD Q) or force quit the application nothing happens. Also when I try and shut mail stops the shut down.Â
I have had my Macbook Air since late 2010 (it's a mid 2010 model). Since a few months ago, I have been having an issue where Kernel_task will randomly kick in and use almost all of the CPU power, making the system pretty much unusable. This is especially bad right on startup and sometimes stops after a while, but can randomly kick in again. When the issue started, the system was running Mountain Lion. This issue has persisted even after I wiped my hard drive and put a fresh install of Mountain Lion on my MBA (and then upgraded immediately to Mavericks).
Can certain Firefox themes use more battery power than others, thus causing battery life to short out sooner than it should? I'm using Metal Ice right now and I notice that my battery life isn't quite as long as it is with other themes.
recently safari started taking up more & more ram. i have a standard setup 4gb ram on 2011 macbook pro / lion os x and i am left with 5-10mb ram when opening safari = crippled system entirely. no extensions, using top sites tho. no idead how it came about, hate using ff on mac?
i have upgraded my hard disk and restored from time machine back up!! the only issue is when i go to my mac hard disk the user directory cannot be seen??although if i search for it in finder using /User it finds it!!my question is how can i get the user folder to appear when i go to mac hard driver again?
This is just out of curiosity. I know about Sys prefs > users > login items, but I wanted to know if/where the actual directory is that contains these startup scripts etc so that I can access them from the terminal.
I'm looking for an online backup service at around $5 a month, where I can backup my Aperture library (50+ GB).So far I've tried these - and I don't like them...Mozy: It's all good, until restore. Then it sucks.Backblaze: Exclusion-based backup. Really cumbersome to exclude all folders on my Mac when I only need Aperture library to be backed up...iDrive: Bandwidth throttling doesn't work, they call it "auto-pause" and even while set to 25%, it still uploads with all my ADSL connection can do - making surfing terrible.
Keepit: No bandwidth throttle at all. Crashplan: Too much "in the background" - no menubar icon or anything else to keep an eye on. The app doesn't feel Mac native at all, I guess it's in java (I can live with it, but it makes me feel like they only do a Mac version so they can say "Mac's supported"). Carbonite: I've heard it's pretty bad, so I haven't tested it yet.So far Crashplan is my preferred choice but it's not one I'm happy with. I'll have to see how it does with a 50gb backup/restore process first though,
Everywhere I look I find comples answers about the best way to use the Match service, etc.I am starting simple.if possible I do NOT want to get ICloud. I just want my music world to work about as well as it has until now:
1) I have my CDs on my IMac.
2) I sync what I need to my IPad using a cable. (I hear you an do it wirelessly, but I have not seen how to do that.)
We are told we have to hurry as MM will end and then we will not be able to carry over stuff to the Cloud.
1) Will Itunes sync still work as it does if I do not choose to go over to the cloud?
2) Will I still be able to move some or all pictures over to the IPad the same way I do now?
If so, then I don't think I need the Cloud or Match (I am in Japan and not sure we even have the Match program).I do not need my mobile me address.I do not need to have documents duplicated across devices. I just want to go on as I have.I understand you can have stuff in the cloud so you can have access to it all the time. But I don't travel. I just want my muisc selection in the living room and upstairs in my room.Plus I have many GB of musc, so I think I would go righth over the 5GB limit right away.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), and a 64GB Ipad version 2
He strives to put out products that worked the first time, quick to acknowlege problems, and relentlessly worked to solvem them. I've had the isssue of iTunes radio not refessing since last month. It was annoying but a few tries resulted in success. I just upgraded to iTunes 10 on one of my Macs only to find that the problem is worse. At least, the old issure gave me an error message. Now the barber bar just does its thing ad infinitum.
I accidentally deleted all of the files on a friend's portable drive, when using terminal to try to delete a very large folder (the Trash Can was not working it was so large)--since the files/folders were very recently deleted I am looking into data recovery software to get the files back. The problem is that the HFS file system seems to be designed in such a way that once a folder/file is deleted, it is very difficult to recover it's name even if its data can be recovered, so most data recovery programs (such as FileSalvage) will recover only known file types and give them a a number (such as 0004.jpg). Does anyone know of any Mac/HFS recovery software that has found a way around this particular issue and can recover data with the folder structure/file names intact?
Running OSX 10.5 and I encounter this problem on a frequent basis. The symptoms are the beach ball when coming out of sleep. I run onyx and find an invalid volume directory. Running first aid from the boot cd fixes it but it always comes back within a few days.