Intel Mac :: Mail Is Making It Run Really Slow And Hogging CPU?

Jun 27, 2012

When I launch Mail app, my mac starts running ridiculously slow. I get the spinning ball after almost every click.Just switching between safari tabs can take 1/2 minutes. In activity monitor it is showing 118% is being used by mail when it is running which hogs the entire CPU effectively.When I quit the application through activity monitor it quits, however if I try to quit (CMD Q) or force quit the application nothing happens. Also when I try and shut mail stops the shut down. 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X :: Mail Hogging CPU In SL?

Sep 7, 2009

I did a standard install of Snow Leopard (SL) and everything seemed fine for a while... but I noticed a lot of beachball time, and the computer became more and more unresponsive. I found then that Mail was hanging on me... immediately after start-up it seemed to work fine, but after about three minutes of working I could no longer compose emails, and the panels displaying inbox, or whatever, contents would not display their contents... even though I knew they were not empty! I also tried to quit Mail to refresh it, but found that it was not possible... I had to resort to force-quit Mail. Moreover, if I wanted to shut down Mail would not quit and i had to force quit before I tried to shutdowN... every time! After a few abortive sessions I stopped Mail being a log-in item and found that everything ran fast and smooth UNTIL I loaded Mail... after which the whole of the above scenario would repeat... I then decided to look in Activity Monitor and found that Mail was listing between 90% and 120%+CPU usage!!... even when it was in the background and not being overtly used. When I did manage to quit it, after it had left the desktop and switcher, it was still listing 20% or so CPU usage.

I decided to try a different client, and loaded Thunderbird. Runs great... and so does Snow Leopard all the way round now!! But I don't really want to go over to Thunderbird... I would rather stick to the integration level possible with Mail. I hope that some form of patch will be found to correct this behaviour. (By the way, I have always had some problems with Mail cancelling shutdown even before SL came onto the scene!)

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Mac Pro :: Ripping DVDs Is Very Slow / TheRipper Is As Slow As Making A Disk Image

Nov 23, 2008

I am copying my DVD collection to the computer to be able to play on an iPod and a mac mini hooked up to the hdtv. Mainly TV shows.I have a Mac Pro with 2 DVD drives. The first one is the original drive (Pioneer DVR-111D) and the second is a Pioneer DVR-116D which I added. I intended to use this 2nd drive mainly for ripping DVDs because I knew I would have to update the firmware to get rid of riplock.

On the DVR-116D drive, I updated the firmware to remove riplock so it would not be limited to 5x read. I have not updated the firmware on the original DVR-111D drive. I am using fairmount to rip the DVD.Under OS X just ripping the DVD to the hard drive takes maybe 20-30 minutes. MacTheRipper is just as slow as is making a disk image using disk utility. I boot into Vista and use DVD Extractor and the same DVD takes 7 or 8 minutes .

Why is it so slow or is there a faster method of ripping a DVD on OS X?

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Intel Mac :: Slow Running - Steps For Making It Smoothly Running?

Mar 21, 2012

my 4 year old IMac 2.4ghz intel core 2 duo with 2gb running 10.7.3 has been running really slow since I installed photoshop CS4 and upgraded to lion ( I have 137gb of free space on hard drive) I mean it wont quit out of photoshop I always have to do a force quit and most applications run really slow. Do I need a new computer , what should I go for to have a smooth running mac?Was thinking of a new IMac 27-inch: 2.7GHz with 4gb memory. 

iMac (20-inch Mid 2007), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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IMac (Intel) :: Mail Is Often Very Slow To Get

Dec 2, 2014

Mail is often very slow to get mail on my Imac. Much faster on phone. Sometimes I have to take it on and off line to get it to new mail. At times I have had to force quit the mail program and restart. Additionally, I often have to move the same mail several times to get it filed where I want. Are there fixes or is it time to move to another email client? I have used mac mail for many years and have thousands of emails filed.

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IMac (Intel) :: Mail Slow With Maverick?

Jun 2, 2014

Since I install maverick , mail is getting slower and slower in mi Imac

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.2)

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Mac Pro :: Begun Making A Slow Clicking Noise On Startup?

May 13, 2012

My first generation Mac Pro has been making a slow clicking noise (about 1 click per second) on startup or restart for the past 3 weeks or so.  The clicking lasts for 2 or 3 minutes and I can't detect any problems with the computer, when I use it during the clicks.  Optical Drives are empty.  I replaced the secondary hard drive with a 1 TB drive about a year ago.  The main hard drivce (500 GB) is still the original.  I've run Tech Tools and the computer passed except for a few bad files.

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 8GB RAM, 500GB HD (original) 1TB se

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MacBook Pro :: Making Lots Of Whirring / Clicking Noises And Slow In Opening Apps

Dec 5, 2014

My 100G space came up as full last night so I freed up about 15g. space, but now today I notice it is going way slow, taking forever to open or show data in files - eg if I click on the master application folder - the names of indiv. folders show but file content on right doesn't come up until about 30 secs, and the computer itself is making all sorts of whirring/clicking type sounds which i called "thinking" but it's as if the memory is still full and is operating at half it's speed. 

I have a 2.16 GHz intel core duo processor, and memory is 2 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM. 

Get info shows:  Capacity of 99.69GB, avail is 14.11 GB 

Any tips on what has happened since last night to today? I thought it would be running faster and accessing files really easily. 

I just got a pop up saying:  Your iDisk is unavailable.  Make sure you are logged in to your MObile ME acct, then try again to access your iDisk.

COuld this be the problem? I've never seen this before. What is my iDisk, and what does it do?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Intel Mac :: Very Slow Startup And Very Slow Response Time When Doing Tasks?

Apr 22, 2012

recently my Mac is really slow, slow on startup(took around 1-2hours), and slow on task(more than 5 minutes delayed time on every single task), I don't know what happened to it,

My Mac specs:  

1.Mid-2010 27 inch iMac,

2.Original 4g Ram upgraded to 12g

3.1TB HD has got more than 400gb free space.

4.i3 processor

5.Using latest Lion(I think it's 10.7.3) 


1.Startup tooooooooo slow, take more than 1 hour

2.Extreamly slow on tasks. Without any apps opened, every single click, it turned into the 'colorful fan', for instance, open finder, it took more than five mins, and it's not only the finder, it's EVERYTHING!!!! 

What I have done so far: 

1.I have reduced the login items

2.I have changed the password login to the automatic login

3.I have tried verify disk permission, verify disk, repair disk permission and repair disk

4.Unplug all unnecessary items(monitor, external drive etc.)

5.Run couple of time of 'clean my Mac', get rid of all the trash.

6.Cleaned the cache 

Due to the ridiculous, frustrating startup, that's all I could do, however, none of them worked.

Now I am using recovery HD to reinstall Lion from a disc, but I don't know if it'll work or not. 

I don't have another Mac, I don't have backups(don't want to lose my data),that's my situation.

iMac 27'', Mac OS X (10.7), iPhone 3GS,iPad 3G/Wifi 64G, Sony vaio CR

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Applications :: Mail Stopped Making Sounds?

Jan 2, 2009

It might be just a minor problem, but Mail stopped making sounds. No new mail sound, no reassuring jetplane sound when a mail is sent, no blip when there's nothing going on. I've checked the preferences, and they should still be turned on.

Also, I've got the impression something hapened to either my keychain or my cookies in Safari, since I had to login to a bunch of forums and other sites that I can normally just check. Firefox doesn't seem to have this problem, but I prefer Safari as my primary internet browser.

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OS X :: Making Mail App Icon Bounce With New Message?

Apr 7, 2009

I am trying out having my dock auto hide to have some extra space on the bottom of the screen. I like it but I am wondering if there is a way to get the mail app to bounce when a new email comes in the way other apps bounce when they need attention. I could not find it in the preferences but maybe I missed it somewhere.

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Applications :: Making Mail App Rules Un-check Themselves?

May 4, 2009

A few times now I have found my rules suddenly unchecked. I can't seem to find a pattern.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Making Rules For Apple Mail?

May 23, 2012

I want to make some rules for some emails that I get. Let's say I get a email when someone resonds to a post I made on a forum and I don't want it in my INBOX. I made a folder for that particular forum.  How to I make a rule so that all of those emails from that forum go in that folder instead of my INBOX? 

iPad 2, iOS 5.0.1

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Applications :: Making Mail Dock Icon Bounce

Sep 10, 2006

Is there any easy way to make the Mail dock icon bounce when new mail is received? All I can find is a preference for playing a sound, but I hate system sounds with a passion, so a visual cue would be much preferred. Any one know how to do this?

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OS X :: Making Leopard Mail To Play Notification Sounds?

Nov 29, 2007

I have recently thought I was going deaf because I was getting new mail and never hearing the sound for it. I thought maybe iTunes was on too loud or something. However, I've just done a test and no, Mail is definitely not playing the new mail sound. Speakers are the internal default ones, volume is up, but when I send mail to myself from a different Gmail account, when it arrives in Apple Mail there's no sound. This happens whether the app is active or in the background.

I'm sure I've heard it working a couple of times recently, but it's random and seems to be very much in the minority of occasions. Here's another weird thing it does - when I've received new mail during the day but Mail has been turned off, when I get home and open the application it searches for mail, downloads the new ones, and plays the 'No new mail' sound.

I've considered these things might be because I've already received the mail on my Blackberry, but this never used to happen in Tiger, and I'm using a POP Gmail service, not an IMAP one it shouldn't be able to tell I've already had them.

I have Dockstar installed but it worked fine with Dockstar before. Might it be causing a conflict somehow? Dockstar doesn't play any sounds, only changes how the mail notifications appear in the dock icon.

I don't use iChat so I don't know if this problem has affected other Apple apps. I've read some people having problems with that too.

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OS X :: Making The Switch - Partitions The ITunes & Mail Migration

Jun 15, 2009

It seems that my new MacBook Pro is finally on its way so I am preparing for the switch from XP to OS. I am pretty much set but still have some questions which I couldn?t find an answer for yet. So here we go:1.Partitions I:Do I need different partitions on a Mac as well? On Windows I always had my System Volume which I tried not to touch at all and then had another partition with all my data to be able to reinstall Windows without having to backup all my data. How does that work on a Mac? Do I need to reinstall Mac OS at least once a year as well because it has become terribly slow? Any other reasons why I should have different partitions?2.Partitions II: I am going to keep a copy of XP running on my Mac as well. I?d like to install it via BootCamp and then use it either with BootCamp or with Parallels or VMWare (prolly the former). Do I have to define the Windows partition beforehand? Because I guess the OS will come preinstalled, right?

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OS X :: UserEventAgent Is Hogging All My CPU?

Sep 20, 2010

I just installed Snow Leopard and it is running terrribly slow. In the Activity Monitor, UserEventAgent is using 95%-100% off the CPU. What can I do?

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OS X :: Adobe Air CPU Hogging?

Jan 25, 2009

I've been having a few issues with "Adobe AIR Application installer" hogging my CPU all the time.

I was wondering if anyone could give an insight in to what it's doing, why it's doing it and how to stop it regularly occurring. I keep noticing it using iStat Menus, and quitting the process but it keeps coming around!

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FaceTime :: Connects And Mail Program Started Making Noise

Mar 16, 2012

Each time I have my MacBook Pro up and running, with my Apple Mail app running and I connect via FaceTime to someone, the mail program starts making tons of nosie as if it's sending and receiving mail over and over and over and over again. I have a 2/2011 MBP 15" maxed out.

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OS X :: Directory Service Hogging Cpu?

Jan 6, 2011

Everything is running very, very slowly. In the Terminal, top shows me that process 15, DirectoryService, is using between 45 and 248%(!) of my cpu, and hdiutil is also using much more than I expect. What is causing this, and, more importantly, how can I make it stop. It is making my computer unusable.

It doesn't seem to matter what applications are running or if I have Web Sharing on or off. I suspected it was the flood of attempted logins from having Web Sharing on, but turning it off doesn't make any difference.

System Profile
Mac OS X 10.6.5
Model Name:MacBook
Model Identifier:MacBook3,1
Processor Name:Intel Core 2 Duo
Processor Speed:2.2 GHz
Number Of Processors:1
Total Number Of Cores:2
L2 Cache:4 MB
Memory:4 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM
Bus Speed:800 MHz
Boot ROM Version:MB31.008E.B02
SMC Version (system):1.24f3

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MacBook Pro :: Finder Hogging Ram On New MBP?

Nov 18, 2010

I bought a brand new 15" i7 MBP two weeks ago. Today I noticed Finder taking up 375 MB of RAM, somewhat significantly more than anything else running. As of now I still just have the stock 4 GB ram in the machine, and less than 100 MB are free.

I'm not noticing any huge slowdowns so I'm not totally worried about it, I was just surprised to see Finder using so much memory. Is this normal? Is there an easy way to restart Finder?

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OS X :: Unknown Process Hogging CPU & RAM?

Nov 10, 2009

For the last week, my Mac has been running very slow. Even when I don't have any apps open, it still lags. I opened up Activity Monitor to see what is going on. I see that a root process "AgentDaemon" is taking up almost all my CPU and RAM.

When I try to quit (or force quit) this process in the Activity Monitor, it will go away for a second and then come right back.

Does anyone know what purpose the "AgentDaemon" serves? And why is it hogging all my CPU and RAM?

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OS X :: Mds And Mdsworker Hogging My System?

Mar 25, 2010

I installed a new hard drive on my MBP the other day and used migration assistant to transfer from my old drive. Spotlight started indexing and eventually finished, at least I thought it had since I could access the spotlight menu.

For the past two days, however, mds and mdsworker have been hogging my CPU, often taking as much as 90% as shown in the activity monitor. Does this mean that spotlight is still indexing or are these processes somehow stuck? and if they're stuck, how can I fix that? I've rebooted, reset the pram, reset permissions, reset spotlight and even re-imported my files and it just continues and the fan is on a lot despite no activity.

I just opened the console but couldn't find anything related to mds.

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Software :: Applet Hogging CPU?

Jun 3, 2008

Every now and then my 2008 Santa Rosa MacBook w/ 10.5.2 will have it's fan run very fast while nothing is being done. No apps open. No internet traffic. Sometimes it even happens at the login window.

I've run Activity Monitor when this is occurring and found a process called "applet" that runs the CPU at 94%. Quitting this applet results in the CPU activity to drop to a mere 3% - 4% and after about 30 seconds, the fan starts to slow and gradually turns off. Nothing bad happens to the computer after quitting the "applet" process. I have no Microsoft applications on my computer.

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Applications :: Is Firefox Hogging My System?

Mar 10, 2009

My G4 Powerbook (powerpc) has been hiccuping lately.

Basically, i'll be surfing or typing an email and every gesture takes 2-3 secs to complete. Even simple things like switching tabs or highlighting a few words are delayed.

I'm no expert but i opened Activity Monitor to take a look and noticed Firefox running between 60 - 85%... and this is with it just sitting there. I attached a screen shot of this so you can see it.

It seems to me that Firefox is causing this. But what can i do so it doesnt hog the system?

BTW - I have OS X 10.4.11 Firefox just upgraded itself to 3.0.7 and only had that plus Safari and Activity Monitor running.

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OS X :: Finder Hogging Resources On My Mini?

Oct 19, 2009

I have a new mac mini, 1gig ram, 2ghz processor, and finder is consistently using 65+ percent of cpu percentage, i checked my buddies computer and his finder uses 1%. Also my computer crawls and i assume this is the reason.

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Software :: Kernel Hogging CPU On Tiger?

Dec 7, 2008

I'm sure that you have come across this problem before. It seems that a lot of users suffer the same problem, but I cannot see any answers that solve it.

I am running Mac OS 10.4.11 and the kernel suddenly hogs between 40 to over 100% of the CPU. I reboot many times to try to clear it, I have run applejack 2 and 3 times in succession, but nothing clears it. I did an 'archive and install' last week which cleared it for a few days, but now it's happening again. Do you have any ideas?

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Mac Pro :: Open Apps Are Hogging Memory On 8 Core?

Sep 19, 2008

As you can see in the attachment, the apps I'm running aren't that big of a deal for the most part. This is a 2007 version 8-core Mac Pro, 8 GB RAM. I'm curious what happens to make the apps open bog down the computer like this? Just leaving everything running for days at a time?

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Applications :: Safari Hogging Huge Amounts Of RAM?

Nov 25, 2009

Lately Safari has been hogging HUGE amounts of RAM after a while. After logging in on just this site to post this it has risen to 150MB! if I have several tabs open (2-4) it rises to about 600MB. This slows my system considerably as I only have 2GB total. Anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?

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MacBook Air :: Randomly Hogging 100% CPU Even After Fresh Install

Jun 23, 2014

I have had my Macbook Air since late 2010 (it's a mid 2010 model).  Since a few months ago, I have been having an issue where Kernel_task will randomly kick in and use almost all of the CPU power, making the system pretty much unusable.  This is especially bad right on startup and sometimes stops after a while, but can randomly kick in again.  When the issue started, the system was running Mountain Lion.  This issue has persisted even after I wiped my hard drive and put a fresh install of Mountain Lion on my MBA (and then upgraded immediately to Mavericks).

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