OS X :: Deleted "volumes" Can't Access External Now?
Feb 17, 2010
I had problems downloading from Vuze, I get this error message Error : I/O Exception while initializing download of '[URL]
So I misread some advice on a vuze forum and deleted the file that says "volumes" now I cannot mount my external HD that has my time machine back ups or any of my other stuff. The external shows up in disk utility and I ran a repair on it but no luck.
i was downloading mp3s in limewire again and in the process of my friends changing the name of my external hd osx for some reason just created its own name for the device. so now in limewire when i look in the volumes folder theres a "firewire HD" and a "firewire HD 1" which all the files are now being saved to... and i can't access it. how do i get into the volumes folder to transfer all the new mp3's to the original firewire hd and delete the new firewire hd 1 folder?
Previous History: I'm on a MacPro and I have my main user account on another volume than my system. This has worked just beautifully for me over the past years, sometimes there are drawbacks and it's kind of more failure-prone in some cases. This 'some cases' now happened again: there was a blackout and after that I couldn't login to my user account on the non-system volume anymore. I've been there once and hadn't any problems fixing it somehow, but now I screwed up big time.
I want to connect to a windows box which has sharing enabled. I was doing this yesterday and it was fine. Today, Mavericks has thrown in the towel and decided to think different. What I normally do is CMD-K and connect to the server. I'll type it in - smb://tardproof - but it can't do it.So I'll try connecting to it by it's known, fixed IP address - smb:// - and ...
Since the mac clearly thinks it *can* see it on the network, otherwise why would it be listing it in the finders' "Shared" area? I mean, that's an automatic thing and not something you can command-drag out like normal locations..Maybe it's SMB playing up. I know, I'll connect forcing SMB1, since I know Mavericks now defaults to v2. No, wait, the message has changed. "Access the volumes and files locally."
so ok, there's definately nothing there in /Volumes, but I know I can ping it. Let's have a look from the other end - can Windows see my mac? So we have a single direction smb system, in the exact opposite than I need.
i turned my mac on last monday, and whn i tried to log onto my admin account, it took me to a light blue screen, then back to the login page. but i was able to log into a non-admin account. The system preferences is a question mark in my dock and it refuses to open when clicked in the apple dropdown.
I have accidentally deleted Utilities/Terminal application By searching I have found that it may be possible to restore Terminal using Pacifist app. But there is a problem, because I don't have my CD/DVD now. I would appreciate if someone could place Terminal on the web that I could download it, or send me it in email. My OSX version is 10.5.8 (but I think it doesn't matter when considering Terminal app).
EDIT: Unfortunately it probably depends on OS version. Terminal from 10.6.2 doesn't work on 10.5.8. If someone has 10.5 MacOS version
So I tried to install XP on my MacBook Pro via Boot Camp and it didn't go so well. To make a long story short, my OSX partition and Windows partition were both deleted so I re-installed OSX. When I went to re-intall OSX I could not choose a HDD to install it on, so thinking it was the right idea I created a new partition and continued the installation. After installation everything seemed fine so I went to restore from time machine, which I did. The only problem is I now have 100 GB of data on my computer, but it apparently doesn't exist as I can't see, or access any of it.
Having a bit more time, i stuffed up my iTunes library and can't fix it and would really appreciate any kind of advice.
A few things reg my mac and myself before I come to the core of the problem:
I have a macbook air, no 'extras' inside (normal 1.6GHz) and it's running at home with an airport and an external HDD of a few gig to store my data and backups. OS is Mac OS X 10.6.2 (10C540).
I am not a mac specialist and just started using mac roughly over a year ago and never got the real 'cores' but bit by bit I get there (I thought ).
And just btw I am not an english native speaker so I may phrase things 'funny' from time to time
I have my music, videos etc on my ext HDD and a copy of music on my mac as I like to have it with me 'on the road'.
As I was the only user it was just in my 'Music' folder
My bf just moved in and is wrapped by the mac anyway and had a user for a while. With his new iphone I *wanted* to copy the music to Users/Shared so we both can have it in our iTunes
This proofed to be not that easy as I couldn't give him access rights even though the music was in this 'shared' folder. With the 'information' of each folder I tried to give him access rights (rea & write) but even by doing so for some folders and their sub-folders, I still can't import these files into his library. So there are my first (hopefully quite basic questions)
How can I give him access to all these music folders so he can load them into his iTunes? As I would like to prevent to click each folder and sub-folder - is there a way to speed this up?
Standing for this problems and having messed up my music a bit as the links of my itunes weren't updated to the new music location, I somehow (stupid stupid stupid) tried to make it work without making any backups of my library files and without having any in-dept knowledge about iTunes and how it actually works/ stores its information etc.
To cut a long story short: my whole iTunes it totally 'empty' : no movies, music, even iphone apps are there anymore and even when I connect my iphone nothing happens. I have no backup what-so-ever and unfortunately can't give you the steps I went to mess it up that way because I just panicked along the way and didn't trace my steps or stopped at the right moment to look up some handy and useful manuals/ guides. Would love to explain an interesting and maybe challenging error for you guys but that's the boring truth.
I was wondering if it makes sense if I de-intall iTunes now completely and then re-install it and import the music/ movies into both users iTunes and make a clean set up. As it is Christmas time I have a bit of time and this wouldn't bother me too much. So the question is here: would you recommend this / agree? Are there any tipps you would give me/ things to do to make this work? And this of course still leave me with my access rights problems as all the music folders are under "shared" and my bf's account somehow doesn't have access to it. I have still a backup of that data on my ext HDD so I could delete it on my notebook and re-copy it to somewhere if I know where/ how to make it work.
Hope this is not too messy for you all to read through! I would really appreciate if I would get some hints/ tipps/ advice from you.
Oh something I forgot: before I wrote here I searched this forum and some others as well the apple standard help and tried to 're-create' my library but as deleted my rubbish bin within my mess-up-process I think I deleted the original files.
I think part of the whole problem is the missing back up and of course my half-knowledge of mac/ iTunes.
I opened up a partition a few weeks ago b/c I needed to use a windows program that I no longer need. I was getting tired of having to hold alt-option to choose my HD everytime I started, so I deleted the partition. Now, I still have to go through the same process everytime I power up, even though I only have the Mac HD - I have to hold down alt/option when I start up and then click on the Mac HD button. What do I do to make it go straight to Mac?
For a couple of years I was backing up my old MacBook using Time Machine to a 1T Time Capsule. I had two profiles on my Mac, but eventually I deleted one of the profiles. I always thought I could use Time Machine to go back into the Time Capsule and retrieve files from that deleted profile from a date before it was deleted, but it seems it will only access my main profile.
Before I realized that I should not rename or delete anything in my Iphoto folder, I had already renamed and deleted a bunch of stuff out of it. Now I can't access any of the pics in Iphoto. Is there any way to go back and undo everything? How can I get those photos back into Iphoto?
I was wondering if I would be able to remote access my lost laptop if the administrator account has been deleted. Being absent minded I left my bag at the bus station and I figure who ever has found it is keeping it by now since I haven't gotten a phone call yet and it's been over a week.
I just made a TM backup of two user accounts (A & B) on one iMac.I now want to delete the files and accounts from the iMac and create a new user account.(A & B shared this computer and it is now going to be used by a third person alone. I don't want all the additional unused A & B account data clogging the hard drive.) If I delete the original A & B user accounts, will I still be able to access the backed up files? How?
Info: Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.5), iBook G4/iMacFP/G4Tower/Bondi/3400/165/SE/Plus
I have a 500GB external Seagate HD that I have in two partitions, one for Time Machine and one for random media stuff. I was cleaning it out today and realized that when I delete things, it doesn't give me the space back on the hard drive. I've experienced this same problem with a USB drive that I use to transfer files from one computer to another, and it doesn't work unless I use disk utility to "Erase" the drive, then add what I need. I can't afford to erase the drive (not enough room to put it all on the MBP) and am starting to need my space back from the deleted files, how can I do this without ruining the files already on my partition?
I had achived data from another computer (windows platform) and I decided to back up my data of my mac book from using time machine. After I did that I lost all the data I had before. how do I restore the old data back I had in it?
Info: MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8), External hard drive
Another stuck! A file is created in the trash of an external drive in the "Recovered files" folder. Impossible to delete it. Has a name with signs and dots (if that helps), not letters.Instead of back-up the hole disc and verify it, is there anything else i can do?
I deleted my Boot Camp partition in Disk Utility (as usual, Windows wasn't working and wouldn't fix). I resized my Macintosh HD partition to cover the whole drive and repartitioned. Now Disk Utility says that the partition's capacity is 160 GB and that I've used 40 GB and that 70 GB is available. My Boot Camp partition was 50 GB. I've read that to fix it I have to boot from my install DVD, go to Disk Utility, set the number of partitions to one, and delete the entire drive so that there's zero data left. Then I'd reinstall OS X and restore from a Time Machine backup. As of now, I have no external hard drive.
The eject functionality seems to be completely broken on my system. the button doesn't work, dragging to trash doesn't work, clicking eject in finder doesn't work. None of them give errors or anything. Everything from usb drives to virtual cds to app archives just dont unmount/eject. Has anyone experienced this before?
Whenever I click 'Source' in HandBrake, it opens Volumes where I have Macintosh HD and the DVD I have inserted. But recently, there's also one of my folders! I don't know how it got there nor how to move it back to Documents. If I spotlight it, nothing comes up, so how do I navigate to the Volumes folder?!
can i somehow delete the leopard partition on my 500 gb hard drive. and with that free space can i consolidate it to music? so my music partition will be 500 gb?
also, if not, is there a way i can make my leopard partition be replaces by bootcamp? .. i dont wanna use my whole 500 gb dedicated to windows 7.. thats way too much.
I am trying to set up a RAID5 but am having trouble with the volumes. My RAID set is 5.23TB but my Volume is only 2TB. I am creating a second volume of 3.23TB. Is there a way to combine the two volumes into one volume of 5.23TB to match the RAID set?
So I'm considering a new boot volume for my Mac Pro revolving around this RAID controller, since I have had great experience with 3ware's products in my Linux boxen and it really seems like $700 for the Mac raid controller is a bit much. My workflow revolves very heavily around virtualization. I've been thinking about a variety of options for SSDs and hybrid drives and even just fast laptop HDs. Am I crazy for considering 2.5" drives other than SSDs? I'm thinking of 2.5" drives because I put a pair of them in the lower optical bay without issue. The amount of storage needed on the boot volume is probably in the range of 150-200GB. Getting SSDs that size may not be in the budget. Thus, I am currently considering either a pair of 320GB WD Scorpio Blacks or a pair of 250GB Seagate Momentus XTs. I'm not sure the hybrid Momentus drives are worth it. Additionally, I know that a lot of SSDs don't fully support RAID in their firmware. Thus, I am reluctant to buy one, let alone a pair, since a lot of places don't seem to have terribly generous return conditions for SSDs. Is this a fool's errand? Should I just relegate my VMs to other storage and get a smaller SSD for the OS + apps?
How can I make volumes exact sizes? I've noticed that when changing the size of my partitions with Disk Utility, the size of the partition actually ends up being .12GB smaller than what I set it to be. So if I type 300.00 in, the partition ends up being 299.88. If I type 300.12 in, it ends up being 299.88. If I type 300.13 in, it ends up being 300.01. If I type 360.12 in, it ends up showing 360.00 in Disk Utility, but on the desktop when I have show item info turned on it says 359.99GB.
The normal output volume is saved when you turn your mac off, but for some reason the input volume and sound effects are reset to mute when I turn it back on, why is this? Does anybody else have this problem its just incredibly tedious especially when you go to talk to someone on ichat only to find they cant hear and after about 10 seconds you realise and have to open up system preferences and change everything, also it means I don't hear when my mail arrives too.
I popped a new drive into my Mac Pro that's running a 2 disk raid-0 stripe set. I thought I could add the new drive into the existing raid array but I fail. Disk Util won't let me drag the new drive into the raid set.
Am I correct, that Spotlight doesn't index NTFS formatted volumes? I have a 1tb external with about 700gb full of apps, media and other data I'd like to be able to search.
Last week I have discovered two volumes (net and home) on my iMac. I have no idea when and how they were created, but they are empty. I would like to remove them, but cannot find how to do this.