I upgraded to Snow Leopard on saturday... had no problems or issues at all... I wanted to change my dock yesterday... so i opened up CandyBar... it prompted me to download the newest version... so i did and replaced the old one... then went to change my dock and it converted my dock back to the original stock one and will not change to any other docks is anyone else having this issue? any suggestions on how to fix it?
I just heard about leopard docks but can't find the app anywhere and the website seems to be gone. What happened? I'm basically looking for an easy way to change my dock and a few other things. Cant seem to figure it out in candy bar.
Would it be possible to move windows to the "dock bar" when I click on another window? I know it is possible to move it to the docks when we click on the yellow "-" button, but what I want is that it automatically puts itself to the dock when I navigate away from a window. Just like in Windows. Like I want all my windows to be in the docks. It's very annoying having to search for the opened windows.
Just looking for something to keep my desk more organized. I really like the mStand [URL], but it would be great if someone knew of something similar for the MBA. Or, alternatively, how the MBA looks on that stand.
I've been looking for a solution to have more than just the one Dock: I'd like to have one on each monitor with different applications contained in each. I've discovered Dock Spaces which allows you to have upto 10 different Docks. More importantly, it integrates with Spaces to allow you to have a different Dock in each Space. This is the first time I've had a Mac with two monitors connected, and I've never used Spaces before so please bear with me. Would I be able to have Space 1 displayed on the first monitor and Space 2 on the second monitor? If that's possible, I could then use Dock Spaces to have a Dock on each monitor, yes?
It's great setting up different Desktops, each with different background photos, to separate my apps/uses and feel like I have three or four 27" screens, one for each category of application.What would make it even better, is if the apps that showed up in the dock matched the Desktop I was in, instead of showing the same whole row of apps across the dock, in every screen.Is it possible to set up different Docks to match different Desktops?
Is it possible to have separate docks; one on my MacBook, and one for my Cinema Display? I like the side dock for my MacBook, but want the bottom dock when using my MacBook on the Cinema display.
is there a way yet to make my dock clear? for 10.5, i figured out how to change the docks appearance by messing with the scurve files but i cant figure out how to make it so theres not background at all.. if there was like a clear.gif i might be able to tile it. any ideas?
i just downloaded candybar. after changing some of my dock icons, i decided i didn't like them. so in candybar i clicked "reset dock", which apparently was supposed to reset my dock icons back to normal. now my dock is just missing. i have googled and looked throughout this forum and have tried everything everyone has suggested. i do not have a back up of my mac os x on time machine, so that won't work either. it isn't hiding, it's just NOT there! any help would be greatly appreciated. if nothing works, do you suggest going to the apple store i bought
I'm writing this on Windows using Boot Camp on my Macbook.
My Mac does not want to go into Mac OSX 10.5.3
It says various programs did not launch, such as dock, finder, iCal helper, and others. I can only get to the wallpaper, I can't see the menu bar, dock, or icons.
I'm looking to change my icons systemwide, but I can't afford Candybar. Is there any free alternative that I can use icontainer files with?Not LiteIcon, because I can't get the icontainer I want to use (Kobhens) to work with it.
i just purchased candybar about 2 weeks ago on my imac. love the convenience of the program, but i may be selling the computer soon.i'll definately put a fresh install of leopard on the imac befor selling.if i buy a macbook, can i use my candybar serial..or do i need to purchase it again?
I recently downloaded Candybar and switched some of my icons / dock.
Now when I turn on my computer a few of the icon show a "?" - for example, program called "things for mac". This application does not show up in the candybar app folder.
When I activate the program it shows the correct icon, but the ? reoccurs when I turn off/on computer.
Anyway to keep the icons there without having to activate the program to show the icon? Frustrating that I turn on my computer and have "?" in my dock.
How do I change my dock icons without candybar? Every tutorial I find either only tells you how to make the icons, but never tells you how to swap icons, like the finder icon for example. (I want to make the pumpkin finder for halloween.)Anyone know of a tutorial that shows how to swap them? Or where these original icons are on the computer?
I know this should be in the applications section but no one ever responds to me there. I have candybar to change icons, but it is going to expire soon. Are there any free programs similar to candybar that won't expire and run in snow leopard?
I'm playing around with Candybar to change some icons and it has a strange behavior. When I drag new icon to the application (Firefox) in it changed in Candybar, I'm asked to apply the changes and restart the Dock but the icons are not changed.I made a short video that show the problem.I also tried to just restart OSX but it doesn't work either.
i've had my MBP for about 3 weeks now and i was glancing through the June Desktops 2010 thread and found this post. i wanted to tweak my dock into the same kind of style and i found Gill Sans Text Dock Icons through deviantart. after atempting to follow the instructions i was told to install CandyBar, which i did, and i was able to change some of my icons on the dock so i continued. well most of them didn't change, and after trying to mess around with it for a long time i'm just giving up but i have noo idea how to change the dock icons from the Gill Sans Text Icons back to the original OS X icons.
I was using candybar to edit some icons. Then while it was restarting the dock the application, i think, crashed. After that my dock was no more I have tried making another login but still the dock is missing I dont believe that anything got deleted idk. Also I opened candybar again and I pressed the button to make it restore all the changes is made. It completed the restore but my dock was still missing.
I'm pretty interested in customizing my icons and creating sets and things like that with CandyBar, but I have NO idea as to how to change an icon or how to use CandyBar. Also, how hard is it to restore all the icons to defaults?
I have used CandyBar to change the icon for my iDisk. However I have run into some strangeness On the desktop, if I quit and then reconnect to the iDisk it will show the new icon for a moment and then change it back to the default purple drive with the cloud picture. yet, in the finder on the left hand side it shows the new icon. But at the top of the finder window it shows the default icon. WTF? I have tried changing it in CandyBar several times but this is always the behaviour after the changes
I've been using Candybar but $30 seems way too much for me to buy. I know I can change the recycling bin and Finder with copy and paste but this doesn't work for iChat for example. Are there any good alternative programs or ways of doing this?
still getting used to apple osx i just copied the app candybar and imported several folders of icons. However now when i try to make a new collection and add more icons it doesnt show the icons would i have to reinstall the app any advice would be great.
I've been trying to change my docks theme for the past few days but have been unable. I've used Candybar, Dock Library etc. and none of them seem to work. I'm really annoyed because it used to work for me. Any suggestions on how I can remedy this problem?
I cant figure out how to change the background color of it in candybar. I'm sick of the standard grey mac color.When I'm in candybar I go to the dock section-->view-->dock-->preview background..the options under preview background are greyed out. Also when I am in the dock section-->view-->background-->change color. I try changing the color but it doesn't change. Am I doing something wrong..or what?
I was thinking that Apple should let us have multiple docks that we use in our multiple spaces. So in one "Space" you could have a "work dock" which has all your applications for school or work such as Safari, iWork/MS Office. Then in another "space" you could have a dock for "Play dock" which has iTunes, Safari, iChat, Photo Booth, iLife or any computer games you have on your Mac.