MacBook Pro :: How Can I Change My System Dock Icons Without Candybar?
Jun 7, 2010
I've been using Candybar but $30 seems way too much for me to buy. I know I can change the recycling bin and Finder with copy and paste but this doesn't work for iChat for example. Are there any good alternative programs or ways of doing this?
How do I change my dock icons without candybar? Every tutorial I find either only tells you how to make the icons, but never tells you how to swap icons, like the finder icon for example. (I want to make the pumpkin finder for halloween.)Anyone know of a tutorial that shows how to swap them? Or where these original icons are on the computer?
I've been trying to change my docks theme for the past few days but have been unable. I've used Candybar, Dock Library etc. and none of them seem to work. I'm really annoyed because it used to work for me. Any suggestions on how I can remedy this problem?
Ok so I am new to mac and I would like to change my icons on my dock but for some reason only one pack I have downloaded so far has worked. All the other sets I've tried (3 or 4) come up with the preview icon when I try to copy them onto the default icons. Does any one know why this is happening and can somebody please tell me how to fix it?
Is there a way to change the all the icons in the dock only? I would like the default icons when in the applications folder but I just want the icons in the dock to be the only thing different.
I'm using CandyBar to change the icons, and the Dashboard icon is changed under both System and Applications. In Finder it looks like the one I want to change it to, but when I move it into the Dock it just looks like the default icon. The same thing happens with the Finder icon. Any ideas? Oh and to change the iCal icon, is there any way to change the way the icon looks when you have iCal running? It just looks weird to have it look one way when it's closed and change back to the default when it's open.
i've been using liteicon and to change my dock icons. for those who are familiar with using liteicon, im only able to change the finder, dashboard, trash empty/full, "url"??, and widget icons. these are easy to change with a simple dragging and dropping of the icon you want onto the icon you wish to change. but as for the other icons you may have put on your dock, im totally lost on. for an example, i've been trying to change my ichat icon, and ive read to click "get info" on the icon i chose to change it to, and click command + c, then go to the original ichat "get info" and click edit, then command + v (copy + paste obviously) and it's not working? i'm totally lost on how to change such icons that aren't listed in the liteicon application! the other question is how do i change the application/document/download icons on the dock? even through liteicon, i'm not able to change it. do i need a certain kind of file type?
All of a sudden I restarted my computer and the dock didn't show up and the fonts for the clock and battery were different. The widgets also would not show up. Also missing was some of the icons for random programs (applications, illustrator, pictures etc.) I am thinking I might have deleted some of the systems files? In safe mode the dock and widgets work and the fonts are correct however the icons are still missing.
i just downloaded candybar. after changing some of my dock icons, i decided i didn't like them. so in candybar i clicked "reset dock", which apparently was supposed to reset my dock icons back to normal. now my dock is just missing. i have googled and looked throughout this forum and have tried everything everyone has suggested. i do not have a back up of my mac os x on time machine, so that won't work either. it isn't hiding, it's just NOT there! any help would be greatly appreciated. if nothing works, do you suggest going to the apple store i bought
I'm pretty interested in customizing my icons and creating sets and things like that with CandyBar, but I have NO idea as to how to change an icon or how to use CandyBar. Also, how hard is it to restore all the icons to defaults?
still getting used to apple osx i just copied the app candybar and imported several folders of icons. However now when i try to make a new collection and add more icons it doesnt show the icons would i have to reinstall the app any advice would be great.
i've had my MBP for about 3 weeks now and i was glancing through the June Desktops 2010 thread and found this post. i wanted to tweak my dock into the same kind of style and i found Gill Sans Text Dock Icons through deviantart. after atempting to follow the instructions i was told to install CandyBar, which i did, and i was able to change some of my icons on the dock so i continued. well most of them didn't change, and after trying to mess around with it for a long time i'm just giving up but i have noo idea how to change the dock icons from the Gill Sans Text Icons back to the original OS X icons.
I have went to /system/Library/CoreServices/ to reach the Finder icon for the dock. I replaced it with the icon I want (Replacing it) but it won't change. I went to terminal and typed 'killall Dock' and the dock does refresh, but it doesn't get the new icon. I tried Refinery, Candybar, .What's even weirder is the trash icon, I have also replaced it, but will only show the new icon if you put trash in it/empty the trash. Otherwise, it would still be the original picture
I was using candybar to edit some icons. Then while it was restarting the dock the application, i think, crashed. After that my dock was no more I have tried making another login but still the dock is missing I dont believe that anything got deleted idk. Also I opened candybar again and I pressed the button to make it restore all the changes is made. It completed the restore but my dock was still missing.
I'm playing around with Candybar to change some icons and it has a strange behavior. When I drag new icon to the application (Firefox) in it changed in Candybar, I'm asked to apply the changes and restart the Dock but the icons are not changed.I made a short video that show the problem.I also tried to just restart OSX but it doesn't work either.
First off, I've searched the forums, but can't find an answer -- sorry if I missed something.Just got a new machine running 10.6.3 -- ugh, the dock and folders and so on look like clunky Windows junk :-(I miss my simple, elegant 10.4.11 dock ...I don't want to add novelty icons or that kind of thing, I just want a borderless dock that's semi-transparent or clear. And apparently all the apps out there to change the dock background don't work with Snow Leopard.I know CandyBar can help me with the folder icons and app icons, but as far as I can tell, not the actual dock background.
I cant figure out how to change the background color of it in candybar. I'm sick of the standard grey mac color.When I'm in candybar I go to the dock section-->view-->dock-->preview background..the options under preview background are greyed out. Also when I am in the dock section-->view-->background-->change color. I try changing the color but it doesn't change. Am I doing something wrong..or what?
I place document icons in my finder sidebar, and sometime later they change to folder icons. Does not matter which application they come from, it seems to happen to them all, but they are still linked to the correct documents.
When I turned on my computer, all the icons on the dock didn't show up. I know that they are there because when I put my mouse over it, the name shows up. They also work perfectly fine when i click on them, just the icon itself isn't showing up. How do I get them to show up?
I've seen all the threads about changing icons in Apps and dock. I'm trying to do this with PNG files. I've tried to use COCOTHUMBX to convert them to icons but the results are unsatisfactory. Perhaps my images are too small. Are there any other ways to either convert, or use PNGs as Icons?
I have done something on my MacBook Pro that makes my toolbar, dock icons, battery charge, date/time, etc. invisible/or not on my screen. How I get them back??
I've seen some posts where one or a couple of these problems have arisen but not all simultaneously. The trash is there somewhere because I can delete but only via finder. The dock however cannot be coaxed back into existence and I can't activate any of the desktop icons by clicking on them. I also can't minimise the windows - the red and green buttons work fine but the yellow (although there and blinks when clicked) doesn't have any effect.