Macbook Air Battery Dying Fast

Jun 24, 2012

my battery on my macbook is dying so fast! for example i had my mac opened and on facebook while iwas doing my make up and in a hour it went from 80% to 48% is that normal if not what can i do to make it last longer??

MacBook Air (11-INCH, MID 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Why Is Battery Dying So Quickly - It Has Only 94 Cycles

May 23, 2012

My MacBook Pro is 1 year old, almost to the day and my battery seems to be loosing all it's juice quite quickly these days. The battery cycle count is only 94. This morning I turned my computer on and I've only done emails. It's now about 4 hours since it's been on and I have 20% battery left. Bluetooth is turned off. Not doing anything any different than I used to. Seems to me the battery used to last 4 days for what I do with the computer. Now I charge it 2 or 3 times a day. I notice the underside of the laptop seems to get quite hot.

Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Dying Even While Plugged In During Gaming

Jul 2, 2014

I play a game called League of Legends which is fairly computer intensive. While playing, my battery continues to discharge continuously even though I have it plugged into the wall. I can usually get 3-4 games in before I have to stop and let the battery recharge. I have already decreased the screen brightness to half, turned off the keyboard back-light, and made sure that bluetooth was off yet the issue persists. I have noticed that the light on the charger seems to change colors often. It will cycle from green to orange to off then back to green again etc.

I have an early 2012 15" Macbook Pro with the latest version of Mavericks OS.

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MacBook Pro :: PRAM Battery Dying On 38th Week 2009?

Apr 4, 2012

Now normally I wouldn't expect it in an under 4 year old machine, but the normal battery is working as expected.  However, when I'm not plugged into power, my WiFi doesn't always reconnect, and when it does, the internet doesn't seem to connect either 90% of the time.  When I'm plugged into power, no problem.  3 other machines on the same wireless network have no issues with it, though my cable company says they are detecting intermittent signal loss, which I can't reproduce on any other machine.  The other reason I believe it is the PRAM battery and not the main battery, is during one reboot, the date reset itself to year 2000.  Once I managed to reconnect the internet, I was able to set the date & time to the time server.

10.7.1 iMac 5,1 MacBook Pro 3,1, Mac OS X (10.7.1)

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MacBook Air :: Battery Drains Extremely Fast In Sleep Mode / Battery Down To 16% From 29%

Jan 6, 2009

I get the whole part about that I set my laptop to go to sleep in 5 minutes, and if I close the lid it'll go to sleep, and the little light at the bottom starts to pulse, etc. But in sleep mode, my battery seems to drain extremely fast!

For my old Gateway M275 laptop while in sleep mode, it would probably lose about 5-7% of it's battery in a day's duration. With my MacBook Air, I just came back to it tonight after a day's worth of sleeping, and my battery was down to 16% from 29%. And to check, it was indeed sleeping!

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MacBook :: If Battery Is Always There And Macbook Is Connected To Magsafe The Battery Die Fast

Jun 7, 2009

I get my first macbook yesterday. Loving it! Got the White model, the first refresh of the year, just before this june refresh, buy I don't care.

So, here's the deal. I gonna use this machine 80% of the time in my home, not gonna move it from the desktop. So I'm using right now without battery, connected to the macsafe. Should I keep it that way? or I need to put the battery? Because I heard that if the battery is always there and the macbook is connected to magsafe, the battery die fast. I also don't know if that I'm doing is safe for the Macbook, to say without batery.

When I first remove the batery, something really strage felt off the macbook, was like a tiny tiny tiny little metal, works well without it, but I want to be sure that's nothing importante.

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Draining Really Fast?

Mar 30, 2012

Recently I've been noticing that my MacBook Pro's battery has been draining really fast.  It's draining about 5% every 7 minutes.  The battery condition is normal and it only has about 290 cycles on it.  My brightness is turned all the way down, bluetooth is off and the only application I have open is Google Chrome, and I'm only using it to do some light browsing.  Does anyone have this same problem? I have a MacBook Pro (mid-2010) running the latest version of Lion?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook :: Its Battery Goes Down Unbelievably Fast

Apr 14, 2012

I bought my white Macbook less than two years ago, and updated to Lion last summer. But I recently found that the battery goes down very fast, it could be down to 50% within an hour even though it has just been charged. And for the laptop itself, it gets hot very easily! What's the problem of my Macbook?

Info:MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Why Does Battery Drains Fast

Jun 30, 2012

tried everything the website adviced me to do called and do there reset option and still my battery wont even last for more than 3 hours. i am getting frustrated i just got this mac book pro las week not even a week old

MacBook Pro, new mac book pro mid 2012

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MacBook :: Why Battery Not Charging Properly - Die So Fast

Jun 4, 2009

My battery was at 100%, but I unplugged it for about 15 minutes while I was still working and it was at 96%. I plugged it back in, but it won't charge. It says battery is charged instead of __ until charged. Why won't it charge, and why does it die so fast? Screen brightness is all the way down and I'm only using firefox and word.

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MacBook :: Battery Draining Fast While Sleeping?

Oct 2, 2009

I have noticed that my battery seems to be draining fast while the macbook is sleeping.

Its a blackbook, core duo, 2gb ram.. According to iStat Pro my health is 92% and the cycle count is 102.

Earlier today the battery was at 80% i just opened the mac up to write a email and closed it right back.. about 3 hours later the battery dropped down to 76%..

Seems kind of hight 4% for 3hours.

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Drains Fast After Calibrating

Oct 28, 2009

I've done everything correctly that the apple described 'bout calibrating and its not lasting even 2 hrs. All I do is surfing. I have the brightness just one block. No keyboard illuminate. Bluetooth is off and for me to get 'round 2 hrs. I gotta keep closing the macbook's screen.

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Running Down Incredibly Fast

Jul 29, 2010

My last battery popped, and on Monday, Apple store gave me a new one. The lady told me that it was best not to keep the power connected all the time. So I charged it to 100% and pulled the plug. It runs down incredibly fast. This morning it's been unplugged for almost an hour, doing just a bunch of web searches, and it's already down to 37%. This isn't normal, is it? I was able to watch a 2 hour movie on a full charge for my old battery. Does the charge get better over time?

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MacBook Air :: Battery Drains Too Fast When Sleeping?

Apr 30, 2012

I purchased a Macbook Air 2011 in December. It came with Lion preinstalled and it is up-to-date. Sometimes I experience excessive battery drains when the computer is asleep (lid closed), i.e. 40%-50% battery charge gone overnight.

This is not an expected behavior. The battery seems to perform well when the system is running, i.e. it last for 5-6 or more hours, so I think the problem is with the sleep mode. How can I diagnose sleep problems? Is this due to WiFi or running programs?

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Its Battery Life If Draining Fast

May 18, 2012

For no apparent reason my battery is draining rapidly. Mac Book Pro

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MacBook :: Battery Loses Power Fast?

May 23, 2012

I bought a new battery for my 4 year old macbook aluminum, but the new battery loses power almost as fast as the old battery. Is there something wrong with my computer or is it the battery?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Drains Fast While Sleep Mode

Jun 29, 2009

I use first-gen unibody 15 inch Macbook Pro. I rarely shutdown and leave it sleep. However, sleeping somehow drains battery quite much. For example, after one day of sleep, my battery goes from 100% to about 60%. My previous Santa Rosa macbook pro never did this. My current setting is sleep and hibernate. I checked it in SmartSleep.

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MacBook Pro :: Early 2011 Battery Draining Too Fast?

Jul 4, 2012

After installing the update for Mac OS (10.7.4) my battery starts too drain too fast. As usual after 100% charge my laptop showing me time near 5 or 6 hours. Of course I understand that this number is relevant, but i always get this numbers when using not so heavy apps (Safari, Mail, Pages, Twitter and iTunes), but now i can see only 2 or 3 hours. After long searches i found the problem. My MacBook Pro 15 inch have problem with graphic-card changing, it always changes to AMD Radeon card when I start Twitter or Reader! I think that Twtitter is not so heavy app that must use diskrete grpahic-card. And because I always run Twitter in background my MacBook Pro's battery drains in a few hours.


MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Desktops :: CRT IMac Battery - Failing Fast

Jul 13, 2010

the PRAM battery clearly is failing fast. After two assurances from a large local computer seller/repairer (Best Buy) that they could indeed go to her apartment, and after acquiring the correct battery for her, I have now found out that they won't go to her apartment because the computer is more than six years old. Dead end there! Does anyone know of a place in New York City (or an individual) that would both visit her apartment and be sufficiently conversant with the innards of such an old Mac that there would be a good chance that the battery will be replaced without harming the computer? There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with it besides the failing PRAM battery, but Barbara is willing to pay handsomely to have her baby fixed, even if it means having the person go over it with a fine-tooth comb and charging accordingly. The computer is extremely heavy, or I'd take it in to the Best Buy store myself, and though we could get it into a taxi (with help from a doorman), there is the problem of getting it into the store and downstairs, where the repair area is. I'm strong but probably, not strong enough to do it, and we don't know anyone who could help. Any thoughts? There are multitudes of repair places and individual repairers in NYC, and many who visit people's apartments, but we clearly need someone who knows very old iMacs intimately and is not afraid to approach the problem.

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MacBook :: Faulty / Dying RAM Slot

Apr 9, 2012

I suspect my centre RAM slot (closest to HDD) is faulty or on its way out. Have been troubleshooting a problem and can only replicate it with this RAM slot occupied and the other empty. Error is flash video playback becoming juttery/sticking before continuing. Occasional kernel panic. Has anyone else had this problem before or experienced a dead RAM slot?

Macbook (early 2006), Mac OS X (10.6.4)

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MacBook Pro :: 15" Has Started Spontaneously 'dying'?

Jun 30, 2012

I have an early 2011 15" MacBook Pro, and about three weks ago the screen suddenly went completely black. I can't remember what I was doing at the time, but I don't think I was inputting in any way. The only way I could revive it was to press and hold down the power button until the boot-up tune started playing. I thought it was a one-off, but it has now happened twice more. The last time was this morning. I had opened the lid to wake it from it it's overnight sleep, looked at one text document and close textedit. Then I saw I'd received an email, (I always leave Mail running), so I clicked on the Mail icon and opened the message. I was just reading the message -and not inputting- when the screen just went black without any warning whatever. The Apple logo on the lid also went out. 

I closed the lid and left it twenty minutes to see if it would wake up normally when I re-opened the lid, but no, I had to press and hold the power button to re-boot. There was an error message displayed when my computer came back to life, but it wasn't very informative. It had a complex report log, which I copied and saved, but it means nothing to me. I believe that data was then sent to Apple. I don't remember this happening before I upgraded from 10.6.x to 10.7.4 in mid-May, but it didn't happen straight after the upgrade so I can't be sure it's related. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Laptops :: MacBook Pro Riginal Dying Leg For The Past Few Months?

Sep 17, 2010

Are there any cons to purchasing a refurbished MacBook Pro? My original has been on its dying leg for the past few months. Had it since 2003! I'm not in a position to spend so much money on a brand new MBP. Has anyone bought there Mac refurbished?

What has been your experience thus far?

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MacBook :: Hard Drive Dying - Sleep Or Shutdown

Sep 6, 2009

So basically, my hard drive is dying (clicking/chirping noises, random freezes), but for now it seems to keep working and until it finally breaks, I want to put as little load on it as possible and was wondering whether its better to put the machine to sleep at night or turn it off completely? I realise it's fairly minor by itself, so in addition I'm trying to stream as much video as possible instead of downloading, I've got it constantly hooked up to an external making hourly TM backups, also got a carbon copy bootable clone made.

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Mac Mini :: Is 2.0GHz Fast Enough, Or Even 2.26GHz Fast Enough For VMFusion

Mar 19, 2009

Can the Mac mini with 4GB of RAM run VMFusion 2.02 with Windows XP Home properly without any problems? Is 2.0GHz fast enough, or even 2.26GHz fast enough for VMFusion? Does the Mac mini have enough horse power to run Windows XP?

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MacBook :: Late 2006 Wifi Dying Chip On Board?

Nov 3, 2010

i am about to upgrade my old harddrive and thought while i have it open i might have a look at the wifi chip on the board? but where is the chip? for about 1 year now my wifi just wont connect to the router unless im like standing right next to it, even sitting on the couch which is litterally just about 2 meters away it still will not connect, at the moment im using a wireless dongle and all is dandy, but if i can just have a look at the board when i have it open i could tinker and see if anything has come loose a bit. Is it possible for something like this to even come loose?

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PowerPC :: Power Mac G5 Are Dying?

Jun 16, 2008

During last 6 months I saw at least 5 PowerMac G5 that shows the same malfunction symptom, hangups, no video, fans running at full speed. It seems to be the main board, and many of them are 2.0 dual version (different models) and today I have a 2.3 Dual processor with the same problem. Anyone has other experience like me?

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Mac Pro :: Is Video Card Dying?

Oct 12, 2008

Lately I've been seeing some odd things on my screen. The appear randomly and can only be removed if I change the resolution of my screen (I guess thats the closest thing to a degauss button we have these days) but it always comes back within an hour or so. There is nothing that seems to specifically trigger it either. It shows up as blue on a dark color and yellow on light colors (see the images below).I have an NVIDIA GeForce 7800GT in a 2.5 Ghz Quad PPC Powermac.

This has been going on since about the same time I updated to 10.5.5 but Im not so sure its a software glitch. A part of me is thinking that this is my video card's last gasps for air before it dies. BUT I can take a screenshot of it which makes me question the software aspect. I can only take a screenshot of it when I use the command for taking a shot of the entire screen (Command-Shift-3) and not the command for cropping your shot (Command-Shift-4).

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Mac Pro :: 7300GT Video Card Dying On 1.1

Jul 19, 2010

My Mac Pro 1,1 (two dual-core 3Ghz) has begun to have a blue screen flick on intermittently for a second or two. Sometimes the blue screen may not happen for over an hour and then it may happen a few times in a few minutes. I did a Safe Boot and reset the pram but there was no change. I was going to run Apple Hardware Test but after some Google searching it seems that Hardware Test probably won't spot the problem if it is the 7300GT video card I have in the machine - which is what I suspect is the problem. Based on doing a search of this forum and a Google search, it seems like the cheapest replacement I can get for the 7300GT is the ATI Radeon HD2600XT. (I don't do anything that needs a higher "power" video card.) Does anyone know if either one or both of these cards will work in my Mac Pro: [URL:...] If not, what cheap video card might you recommend for my Mac Pro 1,1 and where might be a good place to obtain it?

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Desktops :: Dying G4 Monitor - Vibrating Red Lines

Aug 8, 2010

iMac Flat-Panel G4 1GHz, 1.25GB Memory, Built 2003, OS 10.4.11: the 17" flat-panel display has developed vibrating vertical red lines. I have saved an iMac G5 that died; can I use it just as a monitor for my G4?

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Hardware :: Time Capsules Dying Epidemic

Aug 25, 2009

I got my Time Capsule with the original batch in February '08 A few hiccups which needed the plug/unplug technique, but overall OK until this am that is.I noted that TC had no light showing.On turning power off and on there is a sudden glimpse of the green light, followed by about 20 secs of a steady amber light, then no light no power .Dead.I tried resetting during the steady amber phase , got the rapid flashing, but it ended with no light again.No sound of any attempt by the drive to start.

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