MacBook Air :: Battery Drains Extremely Fast In Sleep Mode / Battery Down To 16% From 29%
Jan 6, 2009
I get the whole part about that I set my laptop to go to sleep in 5 minutes, and if I close the lid it'll go to sleep, and the little light at the bottom starts to pulse, etc. But in sleep mode, my battery seems to drain extremely fast!
For my old Gateway M275 laptop while in sleep mode, it would probably lose about 5-7% of it's battery in a day's duration. With my MacBook Air, I just came back to it tonight after a day's worth of sleeping, and my battery was down to 16% from 29%. And to check, it was indeed sleeping!
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Jun 29, 2009
I use first-gen unibody 15 inch Macbook Pro. I rarely shutdown and leave it sleep. However, sleeping somehow drains battery quite much. For example, after one day of sleep, my battery goes from 100% to about 60%. My previous Santa Rosa macbook pro never did this. My current setting is sleep and hibernate. I checked it in SmartSleep.
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Apr 23, 2012
The past few days whenever I select sleep mode on my MAC the next morning my battery is dead. The frist time this happened my battery was at 100% - last night it was at about 75% when I selected sleep mode. This morning the battery was completely dead?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 1, 2012
I got a new battery(15 days before) in my mac book pro . But the battery drained from 30% to 0% while it was in sleep mode for 14 hrs.
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Jun 30, 2012
tried everything the website adviced me to do called and do there reset option and still my battery wont even last for more than 3 hours. i am getting frustrated i just got this mac book pro las week not even a week old
MacBook Pro, new mac book pro mid 2012
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Oct 28, 2009
I've done everything correctly that the apple described 'bout calibrating and its not lasting even 2 hrs. All I do is surfing. I have the brightness just one block. No keyboard illuminate. Bluetooth is off and for me to get 'round 2 hrs. I gotta keep closing the macbook's screen.
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Apr 30, 2012
I purchased a Macbook Air 2011 in December. It came with Lion preinstalled and it is up-to-date. Sometimes I experience excessive battery drains when the computer is asleep (lid closed), i.e. 40%-50% battery charge gone overnight.
This is not an expected behavior. The battery seems to perform well when the system is running, i.e. it last for 5-6 or more hours, so I think the problem is with the sleep mode. How can I diagnose sleep problems? Is this due to WiFi or running programs?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Sep 7, 2014
Mid-2013 MBA. Computer does not seem to sleep when the lid is closed. Battery drains completely. SMC update has been run. OSX 10.9.4.   No peripherals attached, Bluetooth is off, network sharing is off. In Console I see at least three "Sleep failure" messages...they all begin with 0x00000000 but then have different codes. They are 0x21006c00, 0x1f006fc00, and 0x1f006500.Â
MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Nov 14, 2009
I have a MacbookPro mid 2009 and have some problems with my battery. This morning I noticed that the battery was empty through it was supposed to be in sleep mode during the night. My battery has 97 cycles and has 99% of its original capacity. What could be the cause of this problem ?
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Jan 7, 2011
I'm going to purchase a macbook pro at some point, probably when the new announcement happens, but my question is: while the laptop is in sleep mode, does the battery turn off? Like, does it still consume energy while in sleep mode?
Probably a dumb question, but I know nothing about laptops.Never had a laptop before (currently using a imac g5 from 2006).
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Jun 2, 2010
So my Macbook Pro has been working wonderfully, until recently when it runs out of battery it goes into sleep mode but when I plug in the power cord it does not do the restoring from how it was before (i don't know what its called, but its when the screen goes grey and the white bars go across until i can get back in) it does not show me anything so I have to press the power button and even then it does not show me that screen it just reboots (i don't hold it in but just press it normally like when booting it up) Then when it is booted the date and time are reset and the Wi-fi does not work. I have to reset the clock and it then works fine.
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Jan 15, 2010
I own a late 2009 MBP that I use with an external monitor as my work computer each day. At the end of the work day I generally unplug the network cable, Apple Cinema Display, and then just put it to sleep by closing the lid. Some days I use it later after I get home, others I don't. If I leave it in Sleep mode I generally lose about 5-8% of the battery by the next morning.
I'm just wondering if I'd be better off shutting it down completely each night. Any pros/cons? Battery considerations?
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Mar 28, 2012
I would like to my macbook pro to be turned off at 5% Battery power, as it doesn't turn of correctly at 0%. I'm having this issue for some years now, and want to get rid of it. Which plist needs to be changed for this? Or is there a Terminal-Command that's providing this? I don't want to buy a new battery yet, cause the one I have is quite fine still. I already reset the SMC and the Parameters. Is the battery status relevant, when resetting the SMC? Here's what has been going on so far: [URL]
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2,5GHz 8GB Ram
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Mar 13, 2012
When I run my macbook pros Battery down, there comes the low battery warning. After a while the system just goes down without suspending anything to my harddisk. When I restart my computer it does a normal start and after logging in I'm experiencing a lot messages due to the reset time. I correct my system-time and restart my mac and the system is back to normal.
Usually I'd say: Replace your CMOS-Battery (I know I have an EFI-Firmware), but where is it?. Or in other words: Is there a "System"-Battery, that would prevent my mac from forgetting the time?
Since I'm not running down my battery to 0 very often I only experience this issue from time to time and never took time to do anything about it.
iStats battery-Status says: Health:83%, Cycles:333, charge 50%...
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2,5GHz 8GB Ram
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Nov 24, 2009
My two month old MacBook Pro has suddenly developed what seems to be a battery problem. Can someone check this to make sure of it's legitimacy, the Energy Saver Settings are set for better battery life. I had been getting 4-5 hours with tons of apps open doing Word Processing/Internet on medium screen settings. This is on the lowest screen setting, Adium, Safari, Mail (and Coconut) running.
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Feb 3, 2010
I've got a 17" Macbook Pro from May of 2007 that is serving me well now in my last year of college. The battery health began to deteriorate last year so I replaced it with a new one from Apple (a hefty $120).
Recently, the past two times that I have left for class (with my MBP fully charged) it has drained while shutdown (completely turned off NOT just "asleep"). When I say it drains, I mean it has roughly 2-5% of its battery life left giving me about 20 minutes of power until I get back home for the day.
Here's the kicker: the battery is in good condition with plenty of cycles left (see system profile for power below.)
Any thoughts? Try a new battery? Could it be the charger? What system components, if any, run during a complete shutdown and could these be malfunctioning?
System Profile - Power
Battery Information:
Model Information:
Device name:ASMB014
Pack Lot Code:0002
PCB Lot Code:0000
Firmware Version:0110
Hardware Revision:0500
Cell Revision:0102
Charge Information:
Charge remaining (mAh):4523
Fully charged:No
Full charge capacity (mAh):5865
Health Information:
Cycle count:220
Battery Installed:Yes
Amperage (mA):2534
Voltage (mV):10818
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May 26, 2010
Does anyone know how much battery the backlight drains on the MBP?
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Jun 13, 2010
I returned my 17 i7 MBP for a 15 i7, I have been torn between the 2. My question is the 15 battery seems to drain alot while sleeping. last night I was around maybe 40% and went to bed and now its 0%. coconut battery says 100% health. The 17 did not drain that much over night.
I will check it out tonight just to make sure I was right re the charge before bed.
I calibrated it last week.
Any thoughts? both 15 and 17 should get the same battery time?
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Jul 31, 2009
Ok so to start off, my Macbook Pro is around 3 years old. With my original battery having been through 350+ cycles, I had to buy a replacement. So I did some research and found that the Fastmac battery was my best bet for a long-lasting, reliable battery. I would say that Ive had the Fastmac battery for a bout 6-7 months without any problems whatsoever. However, recently Ive been noticing the drastic change in battery life. I installed Coconut Battery yesterday and discovered that my current battery capacity is 2266mAh with the original capacity being 5800mAh and 213 cycles. I also should note that the battery drains 1% a minute with no programs running (besides the Activity Monitor, which showed no strange behavior). Now luckily for me, My Fastmac battery is under a 1 year warranty, however I just wanna verify that it is a fault with my battery and not anything on my Macbook's side causing the battery to drain so quick. The last thing I want is to receive my replacement and then have to go through the same process 6 months later.
Also here is the Battery Information from the System Profiler.
Battery Information:
Battery Installed:Yes
First low level warning:No
Full Charge Capacity (mAh):2266
Remaining Capacity (mAh):1414
Amperage (mA):-1449
Voltage (mV):11421
Cycle Count:213
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Jan 21, 2010
So, back in the day, when my MacBook Pro's battery would die while asleep or on and you plug it back in, the laptop would essentially revive itself from your last used state. Its like waking from sleep, but takes longer because the computer has backup the memory state to the hard drive.
Its seems my MacBook Pro no longer does this. When the battery dies and I turn it on, it reboots. I am not sure if it is related, but I have modified my MacBook Pro by removing the optical drive and replacing it with an 80GB Intel SSD to compliment the 500GB 7200rpm Seagate. The SSD is the boot disk and is in the DVD Drive's old spot.
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Sep 13, 2010
I've been playing Starcraft 2. I played first in Leopard but the performance was no good unless graphics were set to low. Even then, it was only just playable. So I switched to XP. Gameplay on medium graphics is great in XP. I've noticed that even though my Macbbok Pro is plugged in to the wall, it drains the battery. Last night I played so long that the computer shut down after the battery ran out of juice.
Specs: Macbook Pro 2.4, 256MB 9600GT, 2GB of ram (I have 4GB coming in the mail.) Leopard fully updated. Windows XP fully updated. I am plugged into the wall, not a surge protector.
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Jul 1, 2014
I just updated my Macbook Pro to 10.9.4 today. After rebooting I have significant battery drain and extreme overheating. How can I remove the update and go back to the previos version?
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Jun 7, 2009
I get my first macbook yesterday. Loving it! Got the White model, the first refresh of the year, just before this june refresh, buy I don't care.
So, here's the deal. I gonna use this machine 80% of the time in my home, not gonna move it from the desktop. So I'm using right now without battery, connected to the macsafe. Should I keep it that way? or I need to put the battery? Because I heard that if the battery is always there and the macbook is connected to magsafe, the battery die fast. I also don't know if that I'm doing is safe for the Macbook, to say without batery.
When I first remove the batery, something really strage felt off the macbook, was like a tiny tiny tiny little metal, works well without it, but I want to be sure that's nothing importante.
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Dec 5, 2014
I have bought MBA last month only. I could see the battery back up will be for 13 hours if I charge completely. Few days back I have updated OS to 10.10.1. Battery back up has been fallen down to just 3 hours after complete charging. I will either use safari to browse or see some videos. I have checked the condition of the Battery. Its showing Normal. No apps are using significant energy as well. Also it significantly increases the heat which I have never seen while using Mavericks. What should I do to get back my 13 hours battery back up.Â
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Apr 14, 2012
Battery is extremely hot and fan is always running. Regardless if I am watching a video or writing a document
MacBook Pro
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Apr 3, 2012
I have a Macbook Pro and it goes into sleep mode when I am actively using it. I set it up to go to sleep in a few hours. This happened within a few minutes twice when I am using the computer.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jan 11, 2010
I have an Apple 3-battery Wireless Keyboard, and I noticed that the battery drains out every 1-2 days. I don't own a Magic Mouse, and I know that's been the source of many AWK battery problems of late, but just to state it again, I don't own a Magic Mouse. I use Duracell rechargeables.
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Aug 14, 2010
I just got my iMac on Tuesday and my Magic Mouse percentage is at 87% compared to my Keyboard which is still at 100%. I do leave both on, and don't turn them off. Should I turn them off when I'm done using it?
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Mar 11, 2010
So I have a late 2008 MBP and the battery is draining way faster than it should. Coconut battery says that my battery capacity is at 93% and it only has 73 cycles but the battery has only been lasting 3 hours at best with a full charge, but most typically, it only lasts 2 hours while using the 9400m GPU and at idle. I have reset the battery per apple's instructions 2 times now and I have reset the SMC multiple times. this is what the system profiler says about my power capacity and consumption:
Model Information:
Serial Number:6N839TV313EB
Device name:bq20z951
Pack Lot Code:0000
PCB Lot Code:0000
Firmware Version:002a
Hardware Revision:000a
Cell Revision:0100
Charge Information:
Charge remaining (mAh):3522
Fully charged:No
Full charge capacity (mAh):4226
Health Information:
Cycle count:72
Battery Installed:Yes
Amperage (mA):-1449
Voltage (mV):11830
This all happened out of nowhere one day, I used to get a solid 5 hours on each charge a month ago and now this.
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Oct 6, 2009
Just picked a second hand g5 up which runs like a dream! One thing I have noticed recently after putting the machine on sleep is that it takes forever to respond after been woken. The display and desktop come on instantly but when I click a program all I get is the beachball, the hdd doesn't appear to spin up. Then about 5 minutes later you hear the hdd spin up and away we go back to normal. It doesn't do this all the time though!
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