I share a quite common problem. My macbook doesnt boot-up.It does power on and gets into the booting up process but nothing happens...
To be more precise, after powering on the MB, the grey display appears and after a while the apple logo and the circle of lines starts to move around.
After that nothing else happens...
I ve tried everything possible... SMC reset, PRAM reset, verifying the disc by booting up either from single user and check it with fsck or with the booting disc and run all the verifying tests and the repair ones... Everything there were just as NORMAL...The OS refuses to open either in normal mode, or at safe mode or even the verbose mode, though it does boot up in single-user mode.
I even took out the HDD and place it in a HDD cover and then plug it as an external device to my other MBP. I run the tests once again but everything seems to be NORMAL again...The only thing that is left to check is whether the boot files have any problem...
I have an old PowerBook G4 that my son uses for simple stuff. One day the screen went dark gray (not powered off) and it won't boot. When I try to boot from a Tiger disk, I get what appears to be a kernel panic. I don't get any strange startup beeps
I recently got a Macbook and have a iPhone and iPod shuffle. The thing is there isn't enough usb ports on the Macbook so I had to get a hub. The hub I got IS self powered and does not require a external power adapter. My concern is that I am withdrawing too much power from my usb port through this hub. It is a 4 port hub and a External HDD ( has own power supply), Optical mouse is connected to it. also I charge my iPhone and shuffle via the same hub.
I am afraid that there is power limit feature and it will fry my computer. I notice if I boot in boot camp to windows. Windows will display a error message telling me, I am not allowed to have this many device drawing this much power. Anyone know if I should be okay as long as OS X doesn't give me a message or should I really consider getting a USB hub with its own power adaptor?
I bought a Belkin powered USB hub and hooked my MacBook Air Superdrive to it and it won't work. I was under the impression it would in a powered USB HUB. Anyone share any experiences with me on this?
My battery seems to have lost the plot. I can turn my machine on when running off the battery and it fires up as normal. Once it gets to my desktop everything is frozen. The arrow is always stuck in the top left corner and the only thing that works is the power button, but I can't even turn it off because I can't select switch off.
It works fine if I take the battery out and run off the adaptor but kinda defeats the purpose of having a laptop.
A friend and I will be going to Europe in a few weeks. We both have iPhones and I was hoping to charge both of them using my Air so that I do not have to bother with buying extra power converters. I already have the UK and EU plugs for the Air adapter.
I've been trying to find a good, solid powered-USB hub to use with my Macbook Pro. I tried the Belkin 7-port, which had good reviews, but it just stopped working after 2 weeks, and it was never powering self-powered USB hard drives properly (even though it was supposed to).
So I'd like some recommendations for a good USB hub that has sufficient power to use with self-powered USB hard drives and that won't slow down or stop working when i connect too many devices.
Like many others, I'm thinking of replacing my HDD with an SSD and replacing my optical drive with the original HDD. I plan on using the SSD as my boot volume and the HDD for storage. Part of the reason I am switching to an SSD is that I carry my laptop around quite a lot and don't feel confident that the HDD won't fail because of all the motion.
My question is: Can I leave the HDD powered off until I want to use it? Thus saving battery life and reducing the risk of HDD failure from being moved around too much. I would like to be able to mount the drive when I want to access the storage and unmount it when it is not in use. Is this possible?
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
My MacBook has suddenly gone dark. It charges fine and the battery lights show there's charge. The screen is very dark when powered up? When I turn the brightness down fully, then go to turn it up the screen lights up for a second then goes again?
i need a good usb hub that can be powered off the other usb port on my 13in macbook pro cause i have a portable usb hd that when one usb port wont power it can get power off the other and operate but that claims the other port
I have macbook air and it doesn't turn on if I shutdown it for at least 5 hours and next time I need to start i have to plug the charger just one time after that It starts and can be used for whole day.I am not sure what the problem is I charger battery to 90% before shutting it down.
Yes my battery cycles are too much. Details are : Health Information: Battery cycles : 785 Condition : Normal
Info: MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2011), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.4)
Does anyone have any experience daisy-chaining FW 800 drives on a MBP? I've got one right now, but am thinking of adding another but I don't want to use an AC adapter if I don't need to. Will the MBP give enough juice to run 2 daisy-chained FW 800 drives (2.5")? I've got the late 08 unibody 15".
I tried to install Windows 8.1 using bootcamp assistant on Yosemite. After installing Windows 8.1, it asked me to restart.
When I restarted it stuck on blank screen. I've heard the startup noise but nothing happened. I tried many startup key combinations such as; Command(Alt), cmd+R,cmd+V,T, but the screen is always blank. Although the screen light is, on the screen is totally blank.
I did resetting SMC, and also I did cmd+alt+P+R (I've heard 4 times startup sound) but the screen is always blank. Nothing happens. I can only shut down by pressing the power button for 4 seconds. As a result when I power on, I hear the sound but nothing happens. Nothing on the screen.
What I did before was: The system is a brand new mac. I bought it 1 week ago.
1- I tried to install windows 8.1 using bootcamp. But failed. Because windows installer gave me an error that windows can not be installed on GPT partition.(I have also MacBook Air and MacMini with bootcamp Windows 8.1 working fine.) 2- Then I rebooted using Alt key then booted to MacOSX and deleted the windows part and many combinations. But failed. The error was always the same GPT error. 3- I reinstalled Yosemite tried all the steps but failed with the same error (GPT error) 4- We had another same macbook pro. And we could install windows 8.1 easily. 5- I compared the two machines in windows setup. The problematic mac had first partition labelled EFI. 6- Then after a few hours. I tried to install again. And saw that the EFI label was gone!. But I don't know how this is happened. 7- I was happy and started to install windows. After installing the system gone!!.
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Yosemite (10.10), 13' 256GB SSD 8GB RAM i5 (Mid 2014)
Will this have done any damage? The macbook pro was not powered up, but I had the the mac ac adapter plugged into a power strip with the magsafe adapter connected to the laptop, since I keep it plugged into ac all the time at my desk. The power strip was on while the power outage happened. I had the 3 prong extender cord of the magsafe plugged into the power strip. The power outage was due to a problem with some power lines in my neighborhood, not from a surge of overuse of fuses in my home, so my whole block was without power for about 2 hours.I did notice the power strip has always had 2 lights on; one red, not protected, & one green, grounded. The outlets in my room are only 2 prong, so I have a 2 to 3 prong adapter plugged into the wall that the power strip plugs into. I know this is not the best, but my house is a 1950's era house, & I do not have the knowledge & have safety concerns about trying to convert my bedroom outlets to 3 prong. I hope this did not cause damage to my macbook pro. Is there anything I need to do before powering the mac on to use the next time? besides convert my 2 prong outlet to 3 prong? will there be any static charge? this outage happened on a very hot & dry day in my area.
I love my iMac but the one thing I hate is that it only has 4 USB ports...
I have 3 USB 2.0 External Drives.... My digital camera, iPhone, iPad, Kodak Zi8, Elgato Eye, and Harmon/Kardon Sound Sticks... and a few other USB devices...
Can anyone suggest a good Powered USB hub? I have this little 4 port laptop USB hub.. right now, but my external keep disconnecting..
Imac, osx Leopard. Was working fine for many months (except for the 27 vertical lines but won't bore you with that), I bought a powered usb2 hub to power a usb hard-drive, when connecting the hub after a few minutes the Internet connection stopped and does so any time I connect the hub, now without the hub being connected the internet stops and starts every few minutes making it impossible to do any work. Other macs in the house are unaffected (s I'm having to write this on a minimac). Has something damaged the imac for good ?
I occasionally have trouble charging my iPhone via my iMac USB ports. I plug in the iPhone, the screen indicators change to show that the phone is charging (green battery indicator and the lightning bolt symbol). However, when I come back to the phone several hours later, the charge indicator hasn't advanced any. For example, if the indicator showed half-full when I plugged it in, it remains half-full.
The iMac does go to sleep a few minutes after I leave it, but sleep has never precluded an iPhone battery charge on my MacBook, and most of the time it works on the iMac.
Is there anything, besides shutting down a computer, that causes a USB port to unpower while the iMac is sleeping? Does it matter whether I am logged in or simply at the login screen?
What is the most beautiful powered usb hub out there? I'm looking for a hub to go with my mac pro and I have a lot of devices that requires a powered usb connection.
I am the original owner of a Power mac G5 dual 2.0 I purchased this machine in april of 2004 and it has been working nearly non stop ever since. Recently I put it into sleep mode and when I came back it had powered down and would not start up. I assume it's the power supply and I would like to know if there is anyway to tell what type of power supply and model thereof without tearing down the machine.
Information: Powermac G5 Dual 2.0 Mac OS X (10.4.9)
I had a powered USB hub attached to my computer, w/ a mouse and two printers attached to it. For a while, it seemed to work fine, but then the printers wouldn't work, and I had to connect them directly to the computer. I decided the problem must be with the hub, so I went out to MicroCenter and bought a new powered hub. Again, it seemed to work for a while, but then the printers again wouldn't work. There aren't enough USB ports to run all my peripherals so I have had to disconnect a backup USB hard disk. The hub is now disconnected entirely, and I have to switch connections around. Needless to say, this is a pain.
MacBook Pro 17" 2.33 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4GB Ram, w/ external 22" ViewSonic monitor, running OS 10.5.8
I recently have been having start up problems, when I would hit the power button I would sometimes hear a healthy startup and everything would boot up and then I just get a black screen and you can still tell it has power. I would start and restart untill it would boot. Now the only way the machine will start is if I unplug the moniter cord and plug it back in then it will start.
I have a pc powered iMac and I'm looking for speech to text software. Of course all of the software that sounds really great, like macspeech dictate, needs an intel based machine.