So I have a konica Minolta Pagepro 1400W.. a pretty old printer (3 years). I wonder if it is compatible with mac. I am getting some conflicting answers on google, one saying that only windows machine is compatible with it. And then there's another site which direct me to a site to download something called min12xxw. I dun understand anything that's stated on that site and would like some help with it.
Ok, So I have heard what others are saying , but I just want to be sure, I have a Late 2009 White Macbook (Feb. 4, 2009). It is running Leopard 2GB RAM, 64 BIT, 120 HD, BLUETOOTH, ECT. I was curious if my Macbook will be able to run Snow Leopard because some people say it needs 4GB RAM and I can replace my ram, but I really just want to run it smoothly on my macbook.
I just wanted to ask how i can get this white macbook to run (if it can this cinema display)
Its the 4.1 White macbook, and the cinema display i had with my G5 which i bought in 2005. THe display has the old connectors (see MM photo Album below)
Is it possible for me to get the macbook to run this? If so, how? (i can head to apple store today to pick up parts! Wife needs the largerr real estate to sort out her portfolio as i have put of buying a MacPro for a few months (just finished travelling for 3 years
Migrating to Mac from XP my first purchase was a MacBook Pro, and now I'm trying to come up with a method to print to either my HP 8050 or HP 720C. So far nothing works.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), with HP 8050 printer
I'm tired of the low end GPUs in the MacBook Pros and iMacs, want to game but don't want a PC. I'm considering picking up a second hand Mac Pro and upgrading the GPU - however, I know there aren't currently drivers available for eg. the HD 5000 series. What would happen if I were to install one in a Mac Pro? Would I get no image at all in OS X? Would I get unusable video/flash/photoshop performance in OS X?
I have a Panasonic P2 camera that records on mini dv or a P2 card. I can capture the video from tape but not from the P2 card. I've downloaded the drivers, installed the programs from the CD that came with the camera but it still won't work.
I was wondering about getting iWorks or Microsoft Office for Mac. The computer Im typing on is dying and full of viruses. I want to get iWorks but I need to know if I sent essay or something in pages as an attachment to my professor at the university and is able to open it in the email.
Also, what if I handed it in? Will he know the difference that I used pages or word? Like some of my professors want 1 inch margins all around the paper.
Ok i just want to make triple sure that this ram will indeed work in my imac 20" 2.0 (late 07 model) which uses ddr2 pc5300 667 200 pin ram.
The only thing that is striking me odd is that this is the only ram on neweggs site that seems to be compatible with an iMac that doesn't actually show up under their Apple > Mac Memory category
What is the general compatibility of OSX with webcams? I have an old Logitech Quickcam pro and a creative webcam and am wondering if these will work with the Mac Mini I plan to purchase soon. Does OSX have a generic driver model that work with most webcams?
I have a Late 08 Unibody MBP, and I ordered 6gb (one 2gb and one 4gb) of Ram from OWC to install with Snow Leopard (super fast kitty ). So first I installed Snow Leopard with my orignal 2gb of Ram, and it was fine. Then, I installed the 6gb of Ram and it booted up fine and I checked "About this Mac" and it said "6gb of ddr3 ram" or something like that. So I thought all was well. After that, I was transferring some large files from an external HD over to my Mac (clean install), so I went to have some lunch
So I bought a 19 inch Samsung Syncmaster 906BW to use with my Macbook after reading a lot of good reviews on it. When using this monitor on Windows it is nice, lots of screen real estate and good color. However when using it with the Mac I am unable to get it to look decent. At first it was incredibly bright, which was only amplified because I have a light background. I ran the Apple display calibrator and that fixed it somewhat, but it is still too bright. There is also a noticeable difference in colors between the Macbook display and the Samsung display. The colors on the Samsung are very deep, but they're almost too deep that it is distracting. For example look at the record, it's a goldish color on the Macbook (which makes sense because it complements the lower stripe), but on the Samsung it's a bright green. Another thing to notice is the dock, the dock border is apparent on the Macbook screen but almost blends in on the Samsung. One last problem is that even with it on the max resolution (1440x900) I really don't gain any extra desktop space. On Windows when altering the resolution there is an obvious increase in real estate, but with the Mac everything just seems to become disproportionately large. (For instance the top menu bar)
With the new iPhoto '09 having Flickr support, a site owned by Yahoo!, I was hoping we would see some updates for iChat support with Yahoo Messenger. Does anyone see this happening? It would be very convenient as opposed to the Jabber hack job.
I just noticed Logitech Control Center was updated to 3.1 earlier this week. This version is supposed to be compatible with Snow Leopard. Has anyone tried it out yet?
I am currently in the market for a portable external hard drive or enclosure with usb2+fw800. (Any recommendations BTW?)
Is there any time of performance decrease in reading/writing onto the drive if its formated as NFTS and then use NTFS-3G on my Mac? Compared to HFS+ which is Mac's native partition.
My main issue is wanting this external drive to be compatible between my Mac and Windows machines. Also want to run Time Machine backups on the drive,
I know Fat32 would be another option, but not when it comes to large ISOs and 1080p videos larger than 4GB.
First, the machine died - like I dont get a start up disk registering or hear the HD accessing. No apple logo or question mark... Sometimes I just get a black screen and a single tone. I think the hard drive was ok, since it wont even engage nor will a start-up disc - ie. there is something earlier in path thats not working. I dropped the machine a few days ago and I think I broke the fan as it gets really hot. A day or so later it died, making me thing that something in the hardware was fried. So - I am hoping that I can take the harddrive out and just import all of my email, etc. during installation on the new MBP. I haven't checked that the HD is functional, but the computer has been on its last leg for a while (I was actually holding out for the next generation of MBP in spet? or so, but no dice...) and I assume it's too expensive to fix. I assume I would just have to buy an external chassis. Any opnions on what I need to do for this?
Second, I have an old minolta film scanner that I want to be able to use. Supposedly, it only works on tiger (the prior operating system?). Thus I was told if I partition the harddrive of the new computer I can also install tiger and have some space to burning large size scans from 35mm and medium format. Anybody have an idea of how to do this and how much space is recommened? I would just use the scans in the Leopard part of the computer. And do I have any problems if I later upgrade to the next system (ie. can you just do this in the larger, current partitioned area, rather than the small partition establisehd for scanning?).
I'm looking for a good laser printer for my Macbook Pro (currently running OS X but soon will be with Leopard). It's for home use but will primarily be printing sheet music so the clarity needs to be good.
I have a Macbook with 10.5.8 on it, and I installed a driver for my HP Deskjet 5740 printer, but it doesn't give me all the options I used to have (such as grey scale or fast draft).
In reading through the forums I think there is a different driver that I need perhaps? I've tried deleting and re-adding the printer, and re downloading the driver as well.
I've seen some people have solved the problem with Linux drivers for other printers, but I have no idea how this works.
I have an Epson and a Canon inkjet printer connected to my Macs, and I am trying to find profiles for different inkjet papers that I can add to the printers so that they will print correctly on the papers.
The available paper types listed in the printing options are very limited and don't include options even for the range of papers sold by the printer manufacturer.
I have a new Macbook Pro with a built in bluetooth transceiver. I want to use it to connect a printer. It is a more difficult technique than it seems.
I have gotten a certain way into the problem. I downloaded and installed a CUPS driver for my HP printer from the linux openprinting site. I tested and proved the driver installation by printing over a USB cable.
I am stalled short of actually printing anything over a bluetooth link. The printer adapter is a Belkin, and the Mac recognizes it, and sees through it to the printer. But it cannot print. (The printer image bounces up and down, and the Mac insists the printer is "off line". In fact the printer is on-line.)
In other words, close, but no cigar.
I am happy to switch adapters if there is one more compatible with the Mac bluetooth.
Apple support does not have a list of printers -- nor can they name any printer or bluetooth printer adapter -- that has been demonstrated to work.
Another option might be to disable the built-in bluetooth and use a dongle instead.
Has anyone been down this bluetooth printer path? I would welcome your insights on which adapter and printer actually worked.