MacBook :: Downgraded From Osx Lion To Snow Leopard 10.6.3 And Have No Sound?
May 25, 2012downgraded from osx lion to snow leopard 10.6.3 and have no sound on my macbook white unibody (mid 2010)
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.3)
downgraded from osx lion to snow leopard 10.6.3 and have no sound on my macbook white unibody (mid 2010)
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.3)
the problem is that i bought my mac(early 2011) and it came with Snow Leopard 10.6.8 already installed, ... and i accidentally installed Snow Leopard 10.6.6 using the CD that came with the mac, i mean i downgraded, the point is i wanna come back to my Snow leopard 10.6.8 u know? Â Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I recently downgraded from Snow Leopard to Leopard and after getting back to Leopard I realized that most of the OS X apps such as Dashboard, Address Book, Automator, etc. are all not working. (They still appear under the APP folder but with the APP icon and a circle+cross through them). I'm assuming this has something to do with SL being a newer version than Leopard. I backed up everything in Time Machine before the switch but I'm not sure what to do about getting those Apps back?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've upgraded my old MacBook (MacBook1,1/Early 2006) with a new SSD, 2GB RAM and a fresh installation of Snow Leopard (Retail). Everything runs much smoother now, except that there is no more sound (no sound device found). I don't think it's a hardware problem, since the startup sound (chime) still works perfectly. Everything worked fine with OS X 10.4. I tried a SMC and PRAM reset, but didn't help. Some results on Google said that I should try to stick in some headphones and that should do the trick, but it didn't.
View 3 Replies View RelatedFor some strange reason i don't have sound anymore on my macbook pro running snow leopard.
The only thing i can still select in my system preferences, sound, is Digital Out in the output selection.
My MacBook Pro seems to have this odd issue of sound effects (in the OSX desktop) not playing properly. Basically the sfx got cut off in the middle by a subtle cracking sound. This usually occurs when that particular sound is being played for the first time. Subsequent events with that sound play correctly. Hope I'm making sense here . A good example is the startup sound for Skype (this happens with pretty much all the sounds after restart).
Sound in youtube or movies, and music play back just fine. My machine is a 2008 17' MBP running Snow Leopard. Clean reinstall of Snow Leopard doesn't solve the problem. Sound in Windows 7 (boot camp) works well, so I don't think this is a hardware issue. Actually, the problem seems sporadic but pretty bad: in Skype for example, incoming call FX (for first call) sounds glitchy and looped.. Any feedback on this is greatly appreciated. I've looked around the net but couldn't find the solution.
I recently got a new receiver, (onkyo tx nr709) and i wanted to connect it with an optical cable. (seems tis is the only chance to get surround sound from mac to sound system...?)anyway, i choose digital out in the system preferences but no sound is being transmitted.btw. the cable (and receiver) is fine, if i hook up my dvd player it works just fine on the same optical input.i also tried this on my second mac pro. same thing. no sound.
Info:Logic Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Mac Pro 3.1, 18 GB RAM, VE-Pro 5
What's the default alert sound in snow leopard?
I know it's a dumb question, but I've recently noticed that my mac has been making the most annoying sound quite frequently (i.e. basso). Just wondering what the default was as I'm fairly sure it hasn't always made this sound.
I just installed the newest update to snow leopard (10.6.2). I have now discovered that the sound output in programs such as iTunes, Front Row, VLC and Firefox is gone along with the little sound it makes when turning up and down the volume. The same thing is the case when plugging in a mini-jack. Program sounds (in front row or in mail, when sending and receiving a mail) is still present.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI want to record some audio from the web, namely some things from the Google Translate audio. When you click on the megaphone symbol, a voice will read the translation. I want to record this translation using just the computer. Is that possible?
MBA v 3.2, 256GB SSD, 2.13GHz, 4GB, Other OS, 10.6.8
I just upgraded (finally) to Snow Leopard on my 24" iMac. After a couple days the sound just disappeared. Everything seems to function correctly - preferences are correct, volume control works, etc - but nothing comes out of the speakers. Sound restores on reboot, but disappears within an hour or so.
Info:iMac (24-inch Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I made several screen records on Quicktime player, but now they don't work. These were all working fine and then suddenly I have video but no sound.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
If any of you recall, in System 7, you could double-click a sound file and it would just play without launching an app. The OS itself was capable of playing sounds, like system sounds or even music files (you could also use QuickTime). This was pre-iTunes. I miss those days. The other day, I was trying out some sound effects, and double-clicking them launched the behemoth bloatware app, iTunes. Of course, I could pick another app, but I would prefer no app at all, i.e., system-level, ready-to-eat sounds; just click and it plays. Does anyone know of a system-level plug-in or background app that works in this way? An analogous system function would be clippings. Double-click one of those and it just pops up; no app launches. This is how System 7 worked, and I sorely miss it. I use sampled sounds a lot, and I just want to click on them to quickly hear what they sound like in that same simple way we once could.
View 4 Replies View Related2009 iMac, external speakers connected to analog audio out. No longer work. System Preferences - Sound - Sound Output only shows built-in speakers. Tried zapping PRAM, tried deleting from /Library/Preferences. Doesn't show in Audio MIDI Setup either.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a macbook 2,1, the white one. Has anyone else had their regular built in sound just stop working right after upgrading to snow leopard? I can get sound to play through headphones, but once I up plug them the little sound icon in the menu bar will grey out and I will not be able to get sound to play through the internal speakers.
If I go to the Sys Pref > Sound > Output Pane, it will say "The selected device has no output controls" in the Settings for Selected Device section.
I upgraded my girlfriends laptop to Snow Leopard even though she could care less. Now she's all mad cause the sound doesn't work.
Is it possible to turn off the feature whereby OSX presents me with a play button in the middle of a sound file? Everytime I want to select a sound file to move or delete it, I move the mouse over the file, click, and the silly thing starts to play. Okay, I know I can click outside the play button, but it is an extra bother to have to precisely position my mouse to avoid playing the file, a bother I can do without.
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy mac os x output sound doesn't work when i skype someone, they only can hear me type and make thumping sounds on the table but they cant hear me speak and when i speak she can't hear me?
Mac OS X (10.6)
I watched a video and it was very loud so I went to System Preferences and turned the sound down.But now I can't mute by clicking the F9 button as I normally can. I can mute by going to System Preferences but I don't want to do this.Before I changed the volume in System Preferences, the keyboard keys worked fine for volume adjustment. I could make it quieter, louder or mute.I have tried with checking and not checking the option to display volume on the screen (in System Preferences).
Info:MBA v 3.2, 256GB SSD, 2.13GHz, 4GB, Other OS, 10.6.8
the new messages sound doesn't play in my Apple Mail v.4.5
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have an IMac. When I am in mail and type a word incorrect I get an alert sound. I do not get the red dashed line. I have looked all over Preferences. What am I missing? This is annoying. If I do a manual spell check of a document then it still does not underline misspelled words. I tested it in Textedit as well. No red line under the words.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want to find the sound files because I want to convert them to wav to use as mail alert sounds for Thunderbird which I use instead of Mail, and don't know where to find the files. Â
MBA v 3.2, 256GB SSD, 2.13GHz, 4GB, Other OS, 10.6.8
last night I had to reinstall my OS due to a major screw up on my part. When I bought the system it had 10.5.1 installed on it I believe however; my install disks are for 10.4.11. I did the previous hard drive and now I can't for the life of me upgrade back to 10.5.Is there a way to do this through the actual computer? I can see everything from my previous hard drive however; now I'm stuck at 10.4.11.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI was trying to get Diablo 2 to work on my map so I following the following guide [URL]and downgraded my 10.5.6 mac to the 10.5.2 graphics driver despite the clear warning. I thought it only applied to 10.5.5 macs and not 10.5.6so now my macbook wont boot!when I turn it on there is the grey start screen and it eventually turns blue, then grey again and freezes. all I can do is scroll my mouse aroundI KNOW I am an idiot but how can I fix this now???It wont boot any of the install CDs.. ive tried everything I can think of.
I am still under apple care coverage. will this require a hardware fix. am I royally screwed or can I fix this myself by opening terminal or something. the problem is the screen refuses to display my desktop. its probably still there in the background since i can scroll my mouse around but it wont display it
I have an iMac running on snow leopard and am thinking of getting a macbook air running on lion. Does anyone know if I can use the optical drive on my iMac to install software on the macbook air?
MacBook Air
I am running Snow Leopard on mac book pro and have seen a lots of bad comments about upgrading.
Is LION still not worth upgrading to?
mac book, Mac OS X (10.5.2)
My Laptop is MacBook white. I am trying to update my MAC system to OX lion, but every time I download it. It stack in the middle of downloading then it stops.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am looking to go back to Snow Leopard from Lion, does anyone have any suggestions were to start??
I bought a new MacBook Pro, which has Lion. My old MacBook Pro has Snow Leopard. Last night I used migration assistant to move everything from my old computer to my new computer. My instincts told me not to do it, because my old computer is 6 yrs old and has so much stuff on it. I was thinking it might be better to just go on an as needed basis, however, there is so much I need, I decided to do it.Â
Problem one, CS5 will not work. Maybe I need to do a clean install?Â
Are there any other issues I should be aware of? I see I need to re-enter my license info for Word ...Â
Have I messed up my new machine? Should I start over and wipe the new one clean and use another method?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I have two Macbook Pro's; one with OS X Lion, the other with Snow Leopard. Can I transfer Lion to the Macbook with Snow Leopard?
View 2 Replies View Relatedhow to downgrade Lion to Snow Leopard? Trying to install SL disc but it always prompts 'Cannot install disc on this OS version'. Most of my softwares can't be installed in Lion.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)