OS X :: Sound Output Missing In Snow Leopard 10.6.2?
Nov 10, 2009
I just installed the newest update to snow leopard (10.6.2). I have now discovered that the sound output in programs such as iTunes, Front Row, VLC and Firefox is gone along with the little sound it makes when turning up and down the volume. The same thing is the case when plugging in a mini-jack. Program sounds (in front row or in mail, when sending and receiving a mail) is still present.
2009 iMac, external speakers connected to analog audio out. No longer work. System Preferences - Sound - Sound Output only shows built-in speakers. Tried zapping PRAM, tried deleting com.apple.sound.plist from /Library/Preferences. Doesn't show in Audio MIDI Setup either.
My mac os x output sound doesn't work when i skype someone, they only can hear me type and make thumping sounds on the table but they cant hear me speak and when i speak she can't hear me?
My sound keeps turning off. When I check the settings, the output device switches randomly between Internal and Digital output. I have no idea where the Digitial Output is coming from and this started about a month again. It switches randomly and then I loose all sound for a few seconds. Sometimes it happens once then stops for a few days, other times it switches back and forth for 5 min. No idea!!!Â
This started happening randomly earlier tonight, and I haven't managed to find a fix just yet.I was encoding a video file for quite awhile (I don't think that parts important, but I thought I'd include it anyway) and then I tried to play a youtube video. I noticed there was no sound, so I tried to up the volume using the Volume Up key on the keyboard. The volume visualisation appeared on the screen like normal (albeit a bit laggy), but the sound still didn't change, neither did I get the usual 'click' noise you get when you change the volume.I went looking into the sound options in the system prefs. only to find that the Output Sound device was headphones. For a test I plugged in some headphones to see what happened and, low and behold, the Output Sound device changed to the Internal Sound and my speakers were working again, but only with the headphones plugged in.
I have the latest and greatest Mac Mini. 2.26 with 4 g of ram. I update to Snow Leopard, and now it will not recognize that it has Digital Audio Output via a mini to a Toslink connection. Heck. I am running it through a Classe' Processor with B&W 804s Speakers and it previously worked with the previous Leopard.
I woke up this morning and tried to watch a linked video on a webpage. I saw the video, but there was no sound (this had not been a problem the evening before). I am using USB soundsticks, so I checked to make sure that they were plugged in, and they were. I opened iTunes and sound came through the Soundsticks; I switched to the internal speaker and it worked there as well. When I tried the same with another embedded video, however, I only got sound from the internal speaker.
Has anyone had a similar problem or does anyone know how to fix this?
I did a quick search of the forums and didn't see anything - but after installing Snow Leopard there are some gaps in my Applications folder, however I don't have one of the "Incompatible Applications" folders on my hard drive so I'm curious as to which applications have gone missing, and why?
I have run into after installing Snow Leopard on my machine. It is really the first complaint I have since I put the OS in on the 28th and I am just having time to sit down and toy around with it and I discovered this issue.
When I was playing around in a few Adobe applications, specifically Flash, it warned me when opening a project that I was missing a few fonts form the project and that they would be substituted.
Going into my font Library I looked for the fonts that it said were missing and confirmed that they STILL EXISTED in the folder. After double checking, I realized that a lot of my fonts were missing from the application.
After opening Word 2008, I noticed that a lot of my fonts missing from Word as well. I shut down Word and tried rebuilding the Font Cache by dragging the Word font cache file out to the desktop but Word did not rebuild it's font menu with the missing fonts.
Here's where it gets interesting. When opening an Apple application like Mail, all of my fonts that are present in the font folder show up. This is INCLUDING all of the fonts that are missing in Adobe and Word. Opening a program like Adium also shows that all of the fonts are there.
Assign applications to spaces. Assign an application to any space from its icon in the Dock with a click. Quickly spread your work out in different spaces by assigning an application to a space right from the Dock. Just right-click the Dock icon and select a space for the application. I cannot find this feature in the latest build.
The search integration of Spotlight with TextEdit: Typing in a search term in Spotlight, then opening one of the resulting files in TextEdit, then choosing Find in TextEdit used to immediately bring up the very same search term from Spotlight, so that you wouldn't have to type the very same (potentially very long) term all over again to go straight to the spot in the file.
This started about a month ago, the icons on my doc started disappearing and appearing rotating between apps. Then it finally stopped on Firefox IMovie Terminal System Preferences and text edit. Then the apps started disappearing Ones I have found missing so far are dictionary and calculator.
I am a reasonably experienced iMac user but can anybody tell me please why the (grey) sidebar in Finder has gone missing and tell me how to get it back? I have never seen this happen before.
I am running Snow Leopard on an iMac (intel). Obvious things like preferences/Sidebar checked (all items in there ticked including Devices, Shared, Places, etc).
Our work email recently migrated over to Google apps. I still I access it via Mail like I always have. There's an email that I get every week from a coworker with a .png attachment. All of a sudden, I can't see the attachment and it says "missing plug-in". When I log-in through Google Apps, it's there. Any idea what's going on?Â
Please take a quick look at the attached screenshots.
One screenshot shows the contextual menu (Ctrl-click or Right-clik) of the selected png image file on my desktop.
The other screenshot shows the "services" menu (Finder—>Services) for the same file.
I believe that normally the two screenshots should show the exact same set of services available for that file. However, as you can see, the contextual menu is missing one service, namely the mail.app service that attaches the selected file to a new mail message.
How come? This is driving me crazy because the missing service is one I use regularly, and I hate having to dig into the menu structure to find it every time. Right-clicking is just so much faster.
I just got my computer reformatted, and lost all icon customization. I went to change them and did all successfully (most in Candybar), but the Finder has been a problem. I initially forgot how to do it, so some research said I could do it if I simply replaced the file in the System/Library/CoreServices/Dock.app/Contents/Resources (Finder.png) path with my own of the same name. I did, but it didn't take - still blue. So then I did it through Candybar and it just disappeared from the dock. I've tried reverting the Finder.png file and nothing, as well as restoring the original icon through Candybar.
I saw one answer about booting a clone, so I researched how to do that, and can't do it on my internal for some reason. I tried an external, but it said it'd have to wipe all files first, which I won't.I should add that an archive and install isn't an option - I JUST got this fixed by Apple yesterday since I had lost my install disks, so I certainly can't do it myself.
I cannot find the Menu that will allow me to start a new backup plan. When I access TM thru Preferences, System, TM - I get the TM Icon with ON-Off/Select/Options. When I access thru Appliations, I get the black screen history selection display. Where's the Menu everyone is talking about? How to start a new TM Backup from scratch?
Info: MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), iLife '11; Microsoft Office fo MAC
I was trying to install some services that I created using applescripts and ThisService. The problem I'm having is that Services is not available in the menu when I right click on a folder or file. Looking under Keyboard in the system preferences, I can see all of the different services that are availible. I have the ones I'd like to use checked but no services appear in the menu when I right click. I've tried resetting defaults in the preferences, logging in and out, restarting and nothing helps. I found another post that said open terminal and run this /System/Library/CoreServices/pbs. When I enter that in the terminal, I get this message "No languages specified - assuming English" and nothing changes. I'm running 10.6.8 and I know that Services used to be avalible in the menu.
I performed a fresh install of OSX with my Snow Leopard upgrade disc, and now I'm missing iLife. I don't have a copy of the OSX version that came with my Macbook Pro. Is there a way for me to retreive iLife without having to shell out more cash? I would think I could request a copy of my original OS from Apple, as I've done in the past with other companies.
Just noticed that the parental controls is missing. The tab is there in system prefs and I've tried 2 different admin accounts but when selected all I get is a blank area with Parental Controls across the top, no tabs nothing. I'm using 10.6.8 on a 2 yr old IMac.
I had to restore my PowerbookPro from a back up, and my personal folder is missing favorits bar in finder. I can find my docs via the all my file option, but in previous mac OS personal folder option was easier.
Ever since installing Snow Leopard, whenever I create a new image in Photoshop and save it to a file, and then I go into that file to look for it, it is missing. The only way I can find the file is if I enter the name of the image in the finder window and do a search - then it says that the image is in the image folder - where I put it - but when I go there, it isn't there. So the only way to find and then open that newly created image, is to remember what I called it, and then enter it's name in the finder serach window. The other problem that I notice with Snow Leopard is that the newly created icon images in finder are all blurry. The blurriness seems to be random. Some are, some are not.
My user fonts suddenly don't show up in font book. I've tried all the standard fixes.- restarted in SAFE mode. - cleared the font cache- verified the disc- repaired permissions- reinstalled both font book and the user font folder from an older version in Time Machine- Verified all the fonts.
I haven't tried tossing them in another user account yet because I find the idea of having to reset up the entire user account alarming. Is there anything else I can try? These fonts all worked just days ago. Â
If I click on the fonts in the user folder they come up 'installed' and reappear. But as soon as I close and reopen fontbook they disappear again. Here's the general console readout (the short version, there is a lot more of the same.)   5/8/12 9:58:58 PM-Mac-JuniorFont Book[591]Warning##### ERROR: Could not get CTFontRef for file:///Users/terri2/Library/Fonts/Edward.ttf#postscript-name=Besafe; resyncing Font Book and XType 5/8/12 9:58:58 PM-Mac-JuniorFont Book[591]Warning##### ERROR: file:///Users/terri2/Library/Fonts/Edward.ttf#postscript-name=Besafe has no family name 5/8/12 9:58:58 PM-Mac-JuniorFont Book[591]Warning##### ERROR: Could not get CTFontRef for file:///Users/terri2/Library/Fonts/Jagged%20dreams.ttf#postscript-name=JaggedDr eams; resyncing Font Book and XType
My time machine was working perfectly with Snow Lepoard and prior to my upgrade to Lion I turned off the time machine located on an external drive.Â
After my successful upgrade to Lion including all my files and applications I wanted to use the Snow Leopard backup but it was no longer showing in time machine at all.Â
Is my Snow Leopard backup gone forever? I would like to have it back.Â
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 13-inch, Mid 2009 - 2.53 C2D 4GB
Other mail programmes like Thunderbird allow me to request a read receipt so that I know the email has been received and read. I connot find this useful function in Apple's Mail. Am I just missing it?