MacBook :: Which Macbook Install Disks For Blackbook 2.4ghz?
Feb 25, 2009
I have a macbook black 2.4ghz 2gb ram, 250gb hard drive and I want to replace the install disks and they cost an arm and a leg from apple. I saw some for sale on ebay, but I don't know which ones are right for my computer.A few months ago I found a site that gave you the exact disk #'s that you needed for your mac and I can't find it anywhere. Can someone on MR help me out? I really would like to have a set.
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Nov 27, 2010
I have a Macbook Pro Intel Core Duo (first generation of MacBook Pro released). I run OSX 10.6.5. My disk utility has detected a problem and says I need the install disks that came with the computer. Called apple and they said I could reboot from snow leopard or the upgrade.** Problem is that I don't have any disks with me except those that came with my brand new iMac. Can I use those to reinstall the system? Is there any other way?
**They also said that after 2007, the install disks that come with computers are keyed to that specific computer so I "might" not be able to use the disk to repair.
Additionally, and I don't know if this makes a difference but I have the airport/time capsule which backs up my computer for easy restore.
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Apr 24, 2012
My HD has a total capacity of 228 GB of which 30 GB is used but info indicates only 1.97 GB left. How can I correct unused capacity?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Jul 3, 2012
Can I install an OCZ 120GB Agility 3 SSD in my 2.4GHz Macbook 4,1?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Nov 28, 2010
i just bought a macbook pro and i want to do a clean install but it didn't come with the install disks. is there a way to do it without buying new disks?
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Aug 10, 2008
Each time I put in the installation disk for Office Mac 2008, my Macbook tries to read it, but will eject it within 15 seconds without allowing me to download. Is something wrong with my DVD drive? My Macbook is less than 1 year old. Not getting this at all!!
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Dec 29, 2008
I purchased my MacBook in August 2006 and it came with 10.4.X and I have been fine with using that OS. However, just recently (august 08) my sister purchased another Macbook. Her Macbook came with the 10.5.4 install disks. I tried to put these into my macbook just to see if for some reason apple was nice enough to allow people who purchased new macbooks to update all other macbooks they owned. However, it does not appear to work that way. Is there any way I can get the 10.5.4 Install disks to work on my macbook (purchased august 06) that is currently running 10.4.11?
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Apr 14, 2009
I recently purchased a new Mac Pro which came with iLife 09.My MBA came with iLife 08.I'd like to do a clean reinstall on my MBA and add the 09 apps.
First, what's on what DVD? Is the OS on one DVD and all the bundled apps on the other or is there a mix of apps on both DVD's?One potential snag is that I recall reading somewhere that the MP install of OSX includes optimizations/support for Nehalem... would this screw up my MBA or would it ignore that stuff?
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Aug 18, 2009
I installed a new hdd and I lost install disk #1. I have 2 but not 1. Can I borrow my friends disk to install my os?
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May 15, 2010
So after getting my new Macbook Pro 15 inch, I am giving my 3 year old black book to my brother and I wiped the HD for him. Just wondering if I can use the install disks from my new 15'' MBP to put leopard on his computer? The old disks contain tiger.
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May 31, 2012
I have had problems with my macbook grey screening and having to shut down by holding down the power button (I get the screen with the instructions how to reboot in 5 different languages). When I start it up again I get the panic report from the shut down.In Utilities, Disk Utility I ran the Repair Disk and received the message that the disk was damaged and I had to do the reapir from the install disk.
So I put the install disk in (came with the laptop, 10.6) and I tried to repair the disk using the disk utility from the install disk. Two problems: when I insert the disk, restart while holding down the 'C' key, nothing happens (stays at the grey screen) until I let go of the 'C' key and then I get another Panic and have to reboot manually. So I tried inserting the install disk with the laptop already on and clicking on the disk to hopefully get to the disk utility or at least reinstall the OS, which leads to problem two: I receive the message 'Mac OS X 10.6 cannot be installed on this computer.' My laptop is currently running Snow Leopard 10.6.8.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Sep 7, 2010
Would anyone with the Aluminum MacBook 08 install disks be willing to upload an ISO copy for me?
Obviously I am NOT trying to pirate anything, as I obviously own this machine (or else it wouldn't work) and just want to install iLife etc from it (I'm running Snow Leopard that I bought now). Apple wants $32 to replace these disks -- more than Snow Leopard costs. Apple replaced my MacBook before and I accidentally kept the wrong DVDs. Just trying to save a few bucks.
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Jul 30, 2010
So I'm trying to upgrade an older MacBook from an 80GB hard drive to a 250 GB hard drive and from 1 to 2GB of RAM. Easy things to upgrade, done it dozens of times before.Here's the catch; I don't have the original install disks in my possession and need to upgrade this by next week. Also, the optical drive is totally fried but I don't want to replace it. So, is it possible to do this without having to buy an external optical drive/without the original install disks?
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May 26, 2012
I purchased my MacBook Pro in 2010 and it came with 10.6. Several months ago I upgraded via app store download to 10.7.2. My computer is starting up pretty slow and a little sludgy right now and I need to do a disk repair but am not sure how. Before I would just boot from the CD, but I only have the 10.6 CD that came with my computer, I don't have the 10.7 CD.
MacBook Pro
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Sep 12, 2010
Like to the newer MacBook LCD? It's rather poor quality.
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Jun 10, 2009
I love my 2.4 Macbook, but I'm unable to play xplane9 on it.. Is the new base model Macbook Pro 13" a huge improvement over my Macbook..
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Oct 4, 2009
I have a black macbook with 120GB HD and 2GB of RAM running 10.5. My problem is that a little while ago my blackbook dropped about half a foot and I immediately opened it to check if it was okay, as I was scared to death. Until recently everything was working fine...until I decided to put in a DVD. I tried putting it in and it only goes in about 1/3 of the way. Something in the front of the drive is blocking it, which is a problem because I can't push it in all the way. I have applecare until January, but I'm currently residing in Germany for a year, so shipping it to Apple might be a little bit of a problem. I'm including a pic so you can see how far it goes in before it stops.
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Mar 2, 2009
OK, I know, its a stupid question and I'm pretty sure I know the answer. But if I were to take the bottom off to clean out dust would I lose the year of Applecare I have left?
Recently my fans rev up to 4500rpm when doing simple browsing. They never used to so I'm thinking that almost 2 years of use has caused a buildup of dust... I really don't like unnecessary fan noise...
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Jul 12, 2009
I bought a early 2006 black MacBook off a family friend awhile back and it was practically brand new. Since I have been using it I noticed the keys and the trackpad on it are starting to get a weird feeling. The feeling is sort of like grease or something on the trackpad and keys. I wash my hands before using it, but I guess just from the oils on my hands have caused this. I have included pictures below trying to show what I am talking about. I have read around online on ways to clean it and everyone has suggested many different things and I've tried a few and nothing has worked. I used water and windex mixed with water and that cleaned it up a little bit, but didn't help much. I was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions so to a method that works for cleaning the trackpad and keys to remove whatever it is on there.
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Aug 4, 2009
Hey, have searched mroogle already but it didnt come up with exactly what i was looking for. I have a Blackbook purchased in sept 07 2.16ghz C2D. In the last few months i have been having heat issues and also the os seems to freeze quite abit and not respond at all and i have to hold the power button to reset it.
It also seems to have trouble waking from sleep sometimes where it will open and just stay on a black screen with no password box so i have to close it and reopen it and it will appear. Also i have been having the heat problem, attached is a screenshot from istat after about 3-4 mins after the computer being turned on and only firefox loaded.
Does it seem like the logic board could be dying. i have had these issues for a while, my HDD was replaced after the issues started with a clean install and they seem to persist.
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Mar 6, 2010
My wife uses our old intel blackbook from 3 � yrs ago, still running Tiger with a 120GB HDD and 2GB RAM. I'm upgrading her to snow leopard, and I am wondering if I can swap my 250GB HDD in my unibody macbook into her blackbook, and buy a 320GB 7200 rpm drive for my UMB. I use more memory than she does, and I would love a snappier drive in the 7200. Both of our current macbooks are 13" and both drives are 5400 rpm drives. This is the best deal I've found on the drive I want.
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Jan 10, 2011
A black MacBook that I recently worked on had the most bizarre thing about it.
One of the memory SIMM's had soem residue on the underside of it. It didn't look like water and the system ran fine with it. I used some contact cleaner to get most of it off. I thought that the system perhaps had something spilled on it but the most puzzling thing is that there was zero residue anywhere else in the system. None. Not under the keyboard, not on the top of the board directly under the memory, nothing... Most peculiar sight.
Could it have come from the factory like that? It seems hard to believe. From what I could tell, the system hadn't been messed with at all, from what I could see.
The issue that brought it to me was the Airport Card was just dropping the network. It's on another part of the board...
Anyone else seen anything like this? It's got me stumped..
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Jul 27, 2010
So a co-worker has a black MacBook that his family managed to spill some liquid on. It no longer works properly, of course. He just wants to get a new computer, so he's giving it to me. I'll get all of his data off the HDD for him and then I can keep the MacBook. It's definitely a big step up from my PowerBook in terms of speed and performance (I'll miss the dedicated card and FW800, though).
I figure it can't hurt to try to clean the motherboard/logic board in the computer to see if I can get it running. Worse comes to worst, I can buy a new logic board for the computer and put it in and be set. Some questions:- What's the best way to clean a motherboard? I've seen everything from isopropyl alcohol to distilled water to just a gentle detergent and warm tap water.
- What's a good way to tell what model the computer is from the serial number? I will get the actual computer tomorrow, but my co-worker can't remember which model it is.From my research it could be anywhere between the 2 GHz and the 2.4 GHz, though he bought it refurbished from Apple last year so I'm guessing it's the 2.4 GHz model.- If the logic board is shot, and it's not the 2.4 GHz model, does anyone know if the 2.4 GHz board can be put in a non-2.4 GHz machine?
It's not every day one comes across a free Mac, so it's definitely something to put some effort into. Once I max out the RAM and put a new drive in (maybe even an SSD in an optibay) the computer should be quite capable.
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Jan 17, 2009
Just heard that Mac's Install disks are machine specific. Is that really the case? If so, why? Coming from the PC world, I'm used to just putting the OS disk in the CD/DVD drive and take it from there. So, if I want to install a Mac OS on my machine not only do I have to obtain the OS, I also have to get the proper Install CD�s/DVD's or what? Please clear up the fog Mac experts.
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Jun 21, 2009
my brother got a new macbook and im running a powerbook g4 still on tiger can i use his os install discs to upgrade to leopard? or will it wipe my computer clean and install it on a clean slate?
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Jan 30, 2010
I'm trying to reinstall Mac OS X on my MBP using the original install disks. OS X was replaced by Ubuntu and now I'm trying to replace Ubuntu with OS X. When I insert the OS X CDs and try to boot from them, either by holding down the 'C' key or the option key and choosing the Mac OS X CD, the CD simply ejects, and then the computer proceeds to boot from the HD and into Ubuntu.
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Jul 15, 2010
My current MBP I bought new earlier in the year so has both software disks etc. Now, I bought an IMac second hand this week and I find the install disks are missing. I have bought a new copy of snow leopard but I am wondering if theres a way of installing just the iLife apps from the MBP disks onto my IMac?
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Sep 5, 2010
I have a summer 2005 14" iBook G4 that I'd like to wipe and give to a friend, but I seem to have lost my install disks somewhere in one of my moves in the last 5 years. The Apple Store employee I talked to said I should make an appointment at the Genius Bar and they'll do a wipe and reinstall for me, but I'm not interested in putting much more money into this since I'm giving it to a friend as a favor (hers just died). Any suggestions for how to get a copy of the right OS and all the iLife software, too? It has Tiger, but I could put Leopard on it, if that's easier to get a hold of.
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Jan 12, 2008
I have an intel mac (macbook) with a fresh (not upgraded) copy of Leo. Apparently this does matter, as Tiger would have been able to mount the disk with no problem so I suspect that ability remains in the computer when upgraded (only a suspicion). I have been trying for 3 days to get my Canon solutions disk (14.3) to mount in Leopard. When I insert it, it just spits back out after spinning up.
Canon support had no idea what to do, and apple wasn't giving me any help since it is a third party app, they simply sent me the direction of canon for a fix.
Thankfully I figured out a solution. This should work for all who have disks that will not mount and spit back out. As a last resort right before I pulled my hair out I decided to try and force the disk to mount by holding the shift key while inserting the Canon Solutions disk. IT WORKED!
Do not let go of that shift key until the disk is mounted completely and the installer icon is on the desktop. Once it is mounted you are good to go and it installs with no problem.
I hope this information can help some of you having this issue.
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Sep 2, 2009
I got my Mac Mini from my moms friend (for free) so I don't have the disks that came with the computer, but I do have the Snow Leopard upgrade disk and the disks that came with the new MacBook Pro's if that helps. How would I go about doing a clean install on my Mac Mini?
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