MacBook :: Unable To Fix Blackbook Heat & Freezing

Aug 4, 2009

Hey, have searched mroogle already but it didnt come up with exactly what i was looking for. I have a Blackbook purchased in sept 07 2.16ghz C2D. In the last few months i have been having heat issues and also the os seems to freeze quite abit and not respond at all and i have to hold the power button to reset it.

It also seems to have trouble waking from sleep sometimes where it will open and just stay on a black screen with no password box so i have to close it and reopen it and it will appear. Also i have been having the heat problem, attached is a screenshot from istat after about 3-4 mins after the computer being turned on and only firefox loaded.

Does it seem like the logic board could be dying. i have had these issues for a while, my HDD was replaced after the issues started with a clean install and they seem to persist.

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MacBook :: Upgrade LCD In BlackBook?

Sep 12, 2010

Like to the newer MacBook LCD? It's rather poor quality.

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OS X :: Blackbook 2.4 V New Macbook Pro 13"

Jun 10, 2009

I love my 2.4 Macbook, but I'm unable to play xplane9 on it.. Is the new base model Macbook Pro 13" a huge improvement over my Macbook..

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MacBook Air :: Keeps Freezing - Unable To Open And Close Programs?

May 29, 2012

I have a macbook air and everything was working fine until all of a sudden my computer froze.  I then rebooted my computer by holding down the power key because it would not allow me to open or close any programs.  After i rebooted whenever i open safari, itunes, or ichat the computer freezes.  i don't know what is going on because firefox and other programs seem to be working fine but certrain programs i open freezes up the computer. the dock stops working and the clock does not even run.  i am able to move the mouse around but i can not click and open or close anything.

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook :: CD / DVD Not Fitting In BlackBook Drive?

Oct 4, 2009

I have a black macbook with 120GB HD and 2GB of RAM running 10.5. My problem is that a little while ago my blackbook dropped about half a foot and I immediately opened it to check if it was okay, as I was scared to death. Until recently everything was working fine...until I decided to put in a DVD. I tried putting it in and it only goes in about 1/3 of the way. Something in the front of the drive is blocking it, which is a problem because I can't push it in all the way. I have applecare until January, but I'm currently residing in Germany for a year, so shipping it to Apple might be a little bit of a problem. I'm including a pic so you can see how far it goes in before it stops.

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MacBook :: Will Opening Up Blackbook Void Warranty

Mar 2, 2009

OK, I know, its a stupid question and I'm pretty sure I know the answer. But if I were to take the bottom off to clean out dust would I lose the year of Applecare I have left?

Recently my fans rev up to 4500rpm when doing simple browsing. They never used to so I'm thinking that almost 2 years of use has caused a buildup of dust... I really don't like unnecessary fan noise...

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MacBook :: Cleaning The Trackpad And Keys On BlackBook?

Jul 12, 2009

I bought a early 2006 black MacBook off a family friend awhile back and it was practically brand new. Since I have been using it I noticed the keys and the trackpad on it are starting to get a weird feeling. The feeling is sort of like grease or something on the trackpad and keys. I wash my hands before using it, but I guess just from the oils on my hands have caused this. I have included pictures below trying to show what I am talking about. I have read around online on ways to clean it and everyone has suggested many different things and I've tried a few and nothing has worked. I used water and windex mixed with water and that cleaned it up a little bit, but didn't help much. I was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions so to a method that works for cleaning the trackpad and keys to remove whatever it is on there.

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MacBook :: Swap Hard Drive From UMB To Old Blackbook?

Mar 6, 2010

My wife uses our old intel blackbook from 3 � yrs ago, still running Tiger with a 120GB HDD and 2GB RAM. I'm upgrading her to snow leopard, and I am wondering if I can swap my 250GB HDD in my unibody macbook into her blackbook, and buy a 320GB 7200 rpm drive for my UMB. I use more memory than she does, and I would love a snappier drive in the 7200. Both of our current macbooks are 13" and both drives are 5400 rpm drives. This is the best deal I've found on the drive I want.

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MacBook :: Strange Residue Found In An Otherwise Clean 'BlackBook'?

Jan 10, 2011

A black MacBook that I recently worked on had the most bizarre thing about it.

One of the memory SIMM's had soem residue on the underside of it. It didn't look like water and the system ran fine with it. I used some contact cleaner to get most of it off. I thought that the system perhaps had something spilled on it but the most puzzling thing is that there was zero residue anywhere else in the system. None. Not under the keyboard, not on the top of the board directly under the memory, nothing... Most peculiar sight.

Could it have come from the factory like that? It seems hard to believe. From what I could tell, the system hadn't been messed with at all, from what I could see.

The issue that brought it to me was the Airport Card was just dropping the network. It's on another part of the board...

Anyone else seen anything like this? It's got me stumped..

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MacBook :: Cleaning Motherboard In BlackBook / No Longer Works Properly?

Jul 27, 2010

So a co-worker has a black MacBook that his family managed to spill some liquid on. It no longer works properly, of course. He just wants to get a new computer, so he's giving it to me. I'll get all of his data off the HDD for him and then I can keep the MacBook. It's definitely a big step up from my PowerBook in terms of speed and performance (I'll miss the dedicated card and FW800, though).

I figure it can't hurt to try to clean the motherboard/logic board in the computer to see if I can get it running. Worse comes to worst, I can buy a new logic board for the computer and put it in and be set. Some questions:- What's the best way to clean a motherboard? I've seen everything from isopropyl alcohol to distilled water to just a gentle detergent and warm tap water.

- What's a good way to tell what model the computer is from the serial number? I will get the actual computer tomorrow, but my co-worker can't remember which model it is.From my research it could be anywhere between the 2 GHz and the 2.4 GHz, though he bought it refurbished from Apple last year so I'm guessing it's the 2.4 GHz model.- If the logic board is shot, and it's not the 2.4 GHz model, does anyone know if the 2.4 GHz board can be put in a non-2.4 GHz machine?

It's not every day one comes across a free Mac, so it's definitely something to put some effort into. Once I max out the RAM and put a new drive in (maybe even an SSD in an optibay) the computer should be quite capable.

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MacBook :: Which Macbook Install Disks For Blackbook 2.4ghz?

Feb 25, 2009

I have a macbook black 2.4ghz 2gb ram, 250gb hard drive and I want to replace the install disks and they cost an arm and a leg from apple. I saw some for sale on ebay, but I don't know which ones are right for my computer.A few months ago I found a site that gave you the exact disk #'s that you needed for your mac and I can't find it anywhere. Can someone on MR help me out? I really would like to have a set.

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OS X :: Unable To Repair My Permissions / Hanging And Freezing My Mac

May 14, 2009

i need help with my macbook. I just updated the Leopard 10.5.7 and something is up with my machine.It has randomly been hanging and freeze my mac by telling me i have to restart the computer. Its happened about 5 times now!

I tried repairing permissions but everytime it does i have something that cannot be repaired for some reason. Could someone tell me what is happening and why my permissions arn't being repaired...

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OS X :: BlackBook Needs A Speed Boost?

Feb 15, 2009

So my BlackBook is horribly slow. I reformatted it, and I swear, it's actually slower now than it was before I reformatted. My RAM is maxed out. I'm not replacing my computer until MacBooks with USB are released. Is there anything else in the interim I could do that would boost my computer's speed? Would upgrading the HDD

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OS X :: Installation Of Onto Blackbook With No Disc Drive?

Jul 3, 2010

I've got a blackbook which I've replaced the super drive with an hard drive (giving me two hard drives in total).

The primary hard drive is blank and I want to install Snow Leopard. My first thought was to use Remote Disc from my Windows 7 machine, but I'm not sure if this will work? I presume I need to connect to my windows 7 via ethernet cable, turn on the blackbook and hold control which gives me access to the remote disc?

Will this work or am I better copying OS X onto a bootable usb stick?

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PowerPC :: Powerbook Freezing During Startup / Unable To Eject Inserted Cd

Nov 6, 2010

Hi, just wondering if anyone could give me some diagnostic tips with a very unhappy powerbook. I�ve tried the Apple support pages, but they didn�t do the job so I thought I�d look for some helpful experts � I will be immensely grateful if you could help me figure out what�s wrong.

It�s a G4 Power book, running OS 10.4. It suddenly froze on me one day, so I held down the power button to reboot and it hasn�t worked since. One thing that I guess could be relevant is that it was pretty much out of disc space � it had flashed up the warning a few times in recent days and I was in progress of doing a clean up when it went.

What I�ve tried so far:

Normal power up:

Result: Chime, apple logo and spinning logo appear. Stays that way for 4 mins, until screen goes darker grey and �You need to restart your computer. Hold down the power button for several seconds or press the Restart button.� message appears.

Safe boot (with progress status) � power up holding shift-command-v:

Result: Chime, apple logo appears, nothing else. Stays like this for ~30 mins until I give up and power down.Reseting PRAM and NVRAM � power up holding command-option-p-r

Result: Chime, then restarts and second chime, then does exactly the same as the normal power up.

Next step recommended by the Apple Support site is to start directly from the OSX installation disc � but my powerbook already has a CD inserted which I am unable to eject.

Any tips � how can I eject? Could the safe reboot take more than 30 mins (bearing in mind it didn�t give me any progress indication)? Anything else I should try?

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ITunes :: Tunes Keeps Freezing Unable To Sych Music To Ipod?

Mar 10, 2012

Since yesterday mourning my I-tunes keeps freezing...I tought it was my i-pod so i restore it n now i cant sync the song back to it...I try re downloding i-tunes, but was in now I dont know how ot reput my song back to my ipod, since itunes keeps freezing every time I try!


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OS X :: Setting Up And External Display BlackBook - Best Option?

Mar 1, 2009

I have an "old" BlackBook, how do I set it up to an external display. Also, what display do you recommend, which one is the best?

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MacBook Air :: Migrating Bootcamp Image / Blackbook Bootcamp Partition Having Windows

Jan 30, 2009

Used migration assistant to move my Blackbook apps and settings to the Air using a Time Machine backup from my Time Capsule - wirelessly. Two hours later (not terrible) and I'm using my Air with all my apps and setting - fantastic.

Question: My Blackbook also has a Bootcamp partition running Windows - is there a way to take that image and migrate it to my MB Air? I'd rather not have to purchase the Superdrive and re-install/setup the Windows OS on my Air....

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PowerPC :: Unable To Start Powerbook / Freezing And Strange Clicking Noises

Oct 5, 2007

So I've got my mothers aluminium 12" Powerbook here because there were some troubles with it, it was freezing, made strange clicking noises on the left side (like 20 times every time she tried to restart) and eventually wouldn't start up anymore. So I guess there must be something wrong with the harddrive .

What is the best strategy to try to save as much data as possible? I have the original OS X 10.3.4 installation disks, I have an external hard drive to write the users data folder to. Do I just slide in the install disk while starting up (I mean I can't slide in the disk while it's off can I?) and will I be able to attach the external drive in order to copy the files?

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MacBook :: Getting Heat Up?

Aug 26, 2010

i think my macbook is running rather hot lately as I have the fan set at 6200(max) and it seems to idle at 50C and I had skype running with a few people and it was reaching 80C! It never used to get that high before! It is a Dec31st 06 (lol 1 day from 07) model and I do have the ability to open these models and apply the thermal paste again as I have done plenty times before and also fit Mac Pro serviceable options such as BT and AP

I know how to open it and clean it but theres no dust in it to make it that hot I might have to try max load and see if it overheats

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Mac :: Using My Macbook Air In The Sun, It Gets Heat Up?

May 16, 2009

Bought a macbook air recently and enjoy using it to listen to music and work while laying in the sunshine, only i have noticed it gets increadibly hot and when watching a movie cant quite play it smoothly as it seems to be affected by the heat. The aluminium obviously heats up easilyShould I avoid using it in the sunlight? Are there any addons i can get to keep it cool? Anyone know anything?Temperatures here in southern Spain now in the summer tend to be around 30?c (air temperature) but more in direct sunlight.

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MacBook Air :: Heat/fan Performance?

Oct 24, 2010

How is the heat/fan performance on your new MBA?

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MacBook Pro :: Where Does The Heat Disburse

Jan 13, 2011

I am designing a stand that will allow me to slide my Mac underneath my Dell U2410 basically. It will be made of wood, and the mac portion will be raised ~1" from the desk. The front and back will be open, and I'm also going to make slots for the optical drive as well as a hole in the left side for I/O. However I also want to make sure it doesn't get too hot. So basically I'm wondering if there is a central place where the heat essentially "exits?" I was thinking of putting a few holes into the board so that the heat could leave the stand that way...but any other ideas?

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MacBook Air :: Fan Is Not Reducing Heat?

Apr 11, 2008

I left my mba open, with the screen saver on, not running any programs for about 2 hours. Came back and the fan is at 6200rpm and the CPU temp is 180 degrees. It hasnt been doing anything at all. I dont understand why it is working so hard. What should I do?

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MacBook Air :: New MBA And Heat Fixing?

Oct 14, 2008

Once anyone gets to test the new MBA out (next month?), if you can please post the results on heat issues. Eg the initial MBA in many cases was only usable at 50% CPU/GPU (for more than a few minutes) due to heat issues. Does the new one fix it? If so, it is effectively more than double the speed.. more like 3-4x faster if that makes sense. If GPU is much faster AND heat issues are fixed, this could be a huge performance boost..

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MacBook Air :: Heat Difference Between HDD And SSD?

Jan 20, 2009

I am 99% going for the MBA. Now the question is HDD or SSD?!I have read all comments about speed difference but I would like to know the difference in heat between the two. Really dislikes heat in a laptop and hence if there is a difference between the two

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MacBook :: Heat Cause Damage?

Apr 22, 2009

i left my macbook running while i was installing windows had an error and had to leave in a hurry didn't know it was not in sleep and it was left on in a incase for around 20 minutes, will the safe shutoff kick even if its not booted up. it should be fine right? it felt very hot to the touch but was only around 77c on boot up.

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MacBook Pro :: Too Much Heat On My I7 MBP 15"?

May 14, 2010

I went in to the Apple Store yesterday to buy a MacBook pro 15". I currently have a 2009 13" MacBook Pro. I decided to go top of the line with the i7 even though the Apple Sale Person said I didn't need the speed. I wanted to not look back later and say I should have gotten the best. What I noticed last night was I had it on my lap on battery power doing my normal surfing. On flash sites it got a bit uncomfortable on my lap. About 70 degrees C. I have never noticed it before on my 13". Should I take it back for an i5 and would that make any difference or is all of this just normal for this type of computer?

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MacBook Pro :: MBP Keeps Shutting Down By Itself Due To Heat?

Jun 6, 2010

I use my MBP (Unibody, 2.8Ghz, 4GB RAM, running 10.6) in clamshell mode connected to an Apple Cinema Display ... Been doing that for a year and a half now and never had any problems.Now, since a week or so, my MBP keeps shutting down randomly, probably due to heat issues.So I installed SMCFanControl and run it at max RPM. Still no help.My system reaches over 90?C before it shuts down.Now I disconnected my MBP from everything (ACD, speakers, external HD, iPhone dock, Ethernet cable) and when running on its own off battery power, the temperature has already dropped down to 60?C and it stopped shutting down.

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Heat Of New MacBook Vs MBP 13 And 15 Models?

Jun 8, 2010

I am looking at a new MB or MBP and since I prefer the screen on the MB my other concern would be heat generation.How is the new MB vs the MBP 13 and 15 versions?I want to be able to use it on my lap...!

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