MacBook :: When Press The Power Button On MB It Goes To The Loading Screen And Stays There?
Apr 21, 2012
When I press the power button on my macbook it goes to the loading screen and stays there. It don't freeze it just keeps loading. I dropped it on the floor today but it worked after that.
When I was working on my MBP last night I noticed the computer slowing down, then a sheer black wash went over the screen and a prompt saying I need to manually power off and then power on the computer with several different languages below. When I did that the computer made the on sound, opened up to the apple logo in the center and the spinning gear below. But its stuck there! I can definitely hear the laptop running but it hasnt budged for the last 12 hours.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.0.x)
my brother is having a problem with his unibody MacBook that he bought just a few months ago. It won't start when the power button is pressed, the sleep indicator light turns on and that's all. There's no start up tune, and nothing appears on screen. I had a similar problem with my MacBook Pro. I was told that the logic board needed to be replaced due to too much dust or moisture. Could this be the same problem? and has anyone else here ever had the same problem?
I just got my MBP logic board replaced by Apple, and now it works fine, but when I press the power button, my computer freezes and this happens:
I'm probably bringing it to an Apple certified repair center, but I don't trust them as much as I do the Genius Bar, plus I'm pretty good at DIY stuff, so is it possible to fix this by myself?
I have macbook Pro running OS X 10.9.4 purchased in 2012 times. For past few days, I've noticed this problem- I have to long press the power button to switch on the device. Normally, the devices switches on with a simple press on the power button. But for the recent days, when I do a simple press of the power button, I think it switches on and goes off instantly. I had to long press (for around 5-8 seconds) to switch it on. After the device is on, there is no problem at all...
macbook air 2013 needs power button pressed for 10 seconds before it turns on? also I've tried resting PRAM but when i press the 4 buttons before the start up screen it never restarts again?
I have a iBook G4 laptop and there seems to be something very wrong with it. It started a few days ago just randomly. I was reading something on the internet and the screen went black on me, but the power was still on (I clicked CAPS LOCK to see if there was power). I then proceeded to push the power button and the power went off. When I pressed the power button again to turn it on, it made that internal noise it always makes and then the fan came on, and wouldn't turn off. There was no picture on the screen at all. Completely dead. But there was power, because when I clicked on the CAPS LOCK, the light came on). I tried pressing on the power button for at least 15 seconds and even went as long as a minute, and the power didn't go off.
is there a way to setup my MBP's Power Button to make the laptop directly and without opening additional windows enter sleep mode?Closing the lid to enter sleep mode is no solution
I have just shipped my Mac Mini to its new home and I've had reports that the panic error is appearing on boot up: "You need to restart your computer. Hold down the power button for several seconds or press the Restart Button." This screen appears on the blue window just after the grey apple screen has disappeared and does not get as far as the desktop at the same point each time. We have tried to reinstall mac OS from the original install disk but holding the "C" Key or the "Option" Key down on restart doesn't boot from disc. Is there a way you can view the Kernel Panic log before you boot into Mac OS so we can try and pin point the source of this problem. I'm wondering if this could have been the result of the shipping that has caused some hardware to come loose.
MacBookPro15.4 less than a year old keep freezing/locking with black dialog box to press power button until off and restart THEN repeat successive times after restarting it?
My ibook g4 when starting up stays on the grey logo screen with the loading circle , but won't do anything further I left it on for two days straight to see if it needed time to load but still nothing ... What do I do !?
My 2006(ish) Intel core 2duo 2.16 mhz 20" imac wont start up, it only stays at the loading screen, how can I fix this? I have tried:
• safe mode reboot
• restart using p, r , command and option (resetting the pram)
• restart using the original Mac OS 10.4 disc
• restart so I get the image of the HD but I can't click on it to continue and restart again! • single user mode (CMD+s keys at bootup, and then /sbin/fsck -fy)
It just doesn't do anything else than display the grey screen, the apple and the spinning wheel (sometime, I do get a scrolling bar also!). I managed to perform a hardware test from the Mac OS disc and there seems to be no hardware problem. Nothing works.It stays stuck on the grey screen, with the apple and the wheel turning endlessly.
Whenever I open my mac mini it comes up with the same message "You need to restart your computer hold down the power button or press restart" in four different languages.
I was using my macbook pro and the screen went black and when I tried to turn the computer back on with the power button it keeps beeping at me. Is it gone?
In OSX 10.9.2 [mavericks] when I shrink a document [yellow button] where it goes nor how to retrieve it. Sometimes they stay for a while in 'application windows' but then soon disappear. Does they are visible somewhere as thumbnails and can be retrieved as I used to be able to do in snow Leopard?
recently, my mouse has been having a lot of trouble holding its "click". By this I mean when I, for example, attempt to drag a file folder to folder or even drag a window around, it loses the "hold" and usually ends up dropping the file and clicking something else. Oftentimes if i right click hold it will lose the hold and select something else in the menu.Does anyone have any ideas as to what the problem might be? I'm not certain that it is a hardware problem either, if maybe it is something to do with my iMac itself?
I have macmini like mediaserver. But when internet is mising, or error when iTunes can't get album artwork it display dialog window. And i need conect to serve via VNC, and press "OK" Botton. What app can close this widnows avtomaticly? AppleScript?
My iMac all of a sudden started to scroll down gray and then said I needed to restart. When I push the power button the screen lights up but the iMac just beeps. How do I start up?
My HP Photosmart 3210 all-in-one wouldn't initialize and sent error messages after I installed Snow Leopard yesterday. I went on the HP support network, which gave me a solution that sometimes works and sometimes doesn't, plus in the past I never had to take all the extra steps to scan a photo. The HP support site claims that upgrades for HP Printer devices was included with Snow Leopard. So why can't I just press the scan button like I used to?
Mail on my Mac used to check every few minutes automatically. Now it only come sin if i (a) relaunch the mail programme or (b) press get new mail button. Why has this changed and how can I get back to it being done automatically?
First of all, Noob imac owner here. I was just handed down an old imac g3 400mhz desktop that doesn't power at all.When hitting the power button on the unit or keyboard, the units screen makes a noise. No hard drive or green light comes on at all. At dead silence in the room, i can hear the screen flicker, like a tv would come on. I went to go about and read a few problems before, replaced the battery and even tried a new power cord. Any Ideas?
I have a 2008 Macbook and when the power is plugged in, the light is green, however my battery will not charge, and it even says at the top "battery is not charging" If I remove the power cord from the computer it will still run off the remaining % of the battery, but If I reconnect the cord it lights up green and I never see the amber charging color. I traded out my battery as well as a different cord and still the same results. My battery will charge up on a friends macbook, but not on my own. I want to take it to the apple store but I'm at school and there is no store near me.
Im really sorry if this is a silly question. I was playing football manager, then had to dash off somewhere for 15 mins, by the time i got back the screen was black, i just assumed it was on standby, i pressed space bar to carry on playing and NOTHING happened.. i pressed the on|off button and nothing happened.. i pressed and held the button to switch it off.. nothing happened..
It is still running now, but nothing is activating it, i pressed the caps lock button to see if the keyboard was operating and it didnt light up as normal.Im just letting the battery drain on it to see if it does anything on the reboot.. i dont know what else to do.. please advise!!!I only purchased it on Fri.. so its 2 days old i really hope it isnt broken already, there must be a simple answer for this? I look forward to reading any advice,
I think I have found a flaw in OSX 10.6.4 file copying..I normall back up my files, by dragging from a folder on my HD to an identical folder on my external HD.The folder I am copying has 86 files in it, but there are only about two dozen new files added since my last back up.I have been telling it by the dialogue box, not to replace identical files in the back up folder, and clicking the check box to apply to all."but when I press the dont copy button, in the copy progress box it says it is copying 86 files. WTF is going on...!@#$%^&*().