MacBook :: Trying To Install New AirPort Client Update
Aug 12, 2009
I am trying to install the Airport Client update that was released yesterday on my 2.4 GHz Aluminum UniBody 13" MacBook running 10.5.8. However, I get the error message saying that it does not meet system requirements.
I have an early 2008 Macbook Pro 17", and after installing 10.5.8 I am experiencing the widely reported airport issue everyones banging on about! So much so that I've been relegated to trailing an ethernet cable all the way into my front room because it keeps cutting out so much.
The only difference is I am on mains power (with the lid closed) because I use a large external monitor.Anyway long story short, I noticed the Airport update on Apples website after searching:[URL]_MacBook_Prohowever when I try to install it I get this:I have the Macbook Pro 17" Early 2008 model the update lists and I have the problem but it won't install!
My Specs: Model Name:MacBook Pro Model Identifier:MacBookPro3,1 Processor Name:Intel Core 2 Duo Processor Speed:2.4 GHz
I'm trying to update my Macbook Pro to the new 10.7.4 I have downloaded the update twice (no interruptions during download) and when i click to restart the computer to install the update, the update dosent install. I keep getting an error message saying the download is corrupted, when the update tries to unpack to install.
So, first time setting up an Airport Express. I had read that the Airport Express can be used as a range extender so I figure I'd give it a shot. Using the Airport Utility, I followed the directions to set it up to "connect to my current wireless network". It found my SSID and I was able to put my password there too. I had named the Airport Express "iqwertyi Extended". Everything looks fine, now my question is, am I suppose to see this SSID?
Or am I only supposed to see the original router "iqwertyi"? The reason I ask is that I don't see the new "iqwertyi Extended" SSID and connecting to the original "iqwertyi" on the other side of the house doesn't seem to have a better connection. I had plugged in the Airport Express in the middle of the house, but not sure if I set this up properly.
I have been trying to set up an AirPort Express in client mode so I can have some remote speakers to listen too but I have been having problems. I have everything set up and I go into AirPort Utility and choose the Express (at this time I have selected the Express as my network). I am able to choose the option to join an existing network (my AirPort Extreme) and AirPort Utility then shows me my settings and everything looks okay, but when APU restarts the Express I get an error message that says that APU can not find the Express's network. I go to the Express and it is blinking amber (not a good sign). I have the Express' MAC added to the Access Control Pane in the AirPort Extreme's preferences. I have read Apple's support article and followed it to a T and yet I still get the error message.
I would like to add a wireless device that uses WEP to my WPA Airport Extreme Base Station network. Is there any way to use an Airport Express and WDS to allow mixed password protocols? Or will the AE only accept WPA like the base station?
I want to have a torrentclient running 24/7 and still be capable of having my MacBook with me. Still I don't want my old PowerMac running all the time, using a lot of power. So I considered buying an external harddive with a built-in torrentclient. Like the AirLive WMU-6500FS [URL]. I wondered if I could, somehow, turn my Airport Extreme and my external harddrive into something similar. Maybe by installing some software on the disk?
Software Update says that 10.7.4 is available for download. I attempted to install it and type in all my usual password info, but the system says:'The update Mac OS X Update can't be saved. You don't have permission.'I then downloaded the combo client and attempted to run the package. It stated that 'The installation failed. The Installed can't create the folder "/var/folders/z7 etc.'Not exactly sure what is happening. I've tried repairing permissions, and it did not work. I am the only user on the account.
Just received SuperDrive Firmware Update 3.0, MacBook EFI Firmware Update 1.4, and AirPort Client Update 2009-002 1.0 on Software Update for 13" Unibody MacBook.
I interpreted the directions as meaning that I unzip the file in my home directory and tried the make command:
jdd:~ jasondancks$ make -f Makefile.gtk
make: Makefile.gtk: No such file or directory
make: *** No rule to make target `Makefile.gtk'. Stop.
Listen fellas I really don't really know whats going on here I just wanted to download this for easy access to the school server. I'm taking a database class and we use the windows version of this to connect. I'm still going through it all I was just wondering if there is a quick way of doing this.
Would the parts referring to 'classic' mac apply to me?
Does anyone know if the current version of the Cisco VPN Client runs on Leopard? I know when Tiger came out many people had trouble getting it to work, and the Cisco VPN Client always appears as an issue in 10.4.X seeds.
Also, if it does work, would performing an Archive and Install mess it up? I know its install is a little nasty, and I'm just wondering if it installs some files in weird places. Would I be better off doing a clean install figuring I need the VPN Client to work?
I have an old Airport Express (A1088).I am running OSX 10.9.4 - I have downloaded Airport Utility 5.6 and yet cannot install - I am getting "This version of Mac OS X on this volume is not supported".Unfortunately no PC or old Mac available. I used to be able set up on IOS but cannot do that anymore either.Any clues how to re-setup this old airport that works ok.
Info: MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
So last month I kept on getting kicked off of my network. My router is about 15 feet away and my wifes Macbook is 100% fine. I would turn off the Airport and turn it on and nothing. Restarted my Mac and nothing, and just gave up. So I made an appointment at the Apple Store and guess what, it worked 100%. So I came home that day and no problems till now, a month later. I am having the same issues and not sure what to do. I have low signal, and again I am only 15-20 feet away. I am saving up for a Time Machine so I can start backing up my mac, so this way I can take it to Apple and if they need to repair it, I'll have my stuff backed up. I am temped to just buy a hard drive just to get this thing fixed.
I shut off my Macbook yesterday in the morning and started it up when I got home and it was fine for a while.
This morning, Software Update came up and said there was an update for my 2008 MBP, this time something with the CPU or something. Upon restarting, gray screen, fan at high speed, do not interrupt it while doing so etc. This update apparently for older (2008) Macs to be able to use a new type of charger that has come out. Nothing I heard off before? When I did the update, it did come up with that gray screen as advertised, and the progress bar ran for just about one second, then it booted again.
Everything went normal, but upon start I noticed the Airport had wireless turned off. In fact, it says: "Airport: Off". I clicked On, but nothing happened. After reboot, I cannot manage to turn it on, not from the System Preferences screen either. I have now plugged in a network cable straight from the router, since the WiFi does not work, and with the cable attached, no problem. But I want my wireless internet/network back!
Software Update ran yesterday and I installed the AirPort Utility update (version 5.5.2), and now my MBP no longer connects to my home network when the SSID broadcast is disabled. When I enable the broadcast the network shows up in the list of available networks and I can connect to it, then I can disable it again and the MBP stays connected. But if it's disabled to begin with it won't connect.
I never had this problem before the update, and no other devices on the network are having any issues. Has anyone else had this problem yet, or know of a fix?
Late 2008 unibody Macbook Pro running 10.6.5, all software is up-to-date except for the latest update to iTunes.
MacBook Pro EFI Firmware Update 2.8 does not install. I was prompted several times to install and restart (MacBook Pro late 2008) and authorised it each time. In every case, the update was proposed again when Software Update checked. I have OS Lion latest version installed. What to do about this bug?
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2), photos in Sony Cyber-Shot .jpg
When I try to update Mac OS X combined update 10.7.4 on MBP, it downloads but won't install. I get a message that says it couldn't expand and may be corrupted. This has happened multiple times now.I thought it might be due to lack of space on the hard drive so i cleared some space (there's now at least 49GB space) and it still won't work. I also have updates for Motion Supplemental Control and Final Cut Pro X supplemental that do the same. Tried doing it one by one, and tried downloading myself but the problem seems to be the expanding installing not the downloading.
I have downloaded OS X Update 10.9.3 on my MacBook Pro at least six times in the last 30 days. However, it never installs. It just downloads everything, asks for a restart to install, but then never installs. The Update section of the App Store keeps telling me that I need to download this update, but I just end up in a continuous loop. How can I solve this?
Updating lion and the blue installation bar has moved to abou1cm from the right and has reached the "Âoving items into place..." location. The blue color is still flowing like it is installing, but the bar has moved for over an hour. I'm afraid to shut the machine off.
I've tried this software update multiple times and now I find out that I can't extend my AppleCare warranty after it expires. Basically the software update proceeds as usual, the computer restarts and just as you think everything is fine, the message 'There was a problem installing this software update. Quit all open applications and try updating again. If the problem contines, contact Apple support.'
I have a MacBook Pro running 10.6.8 and the latest updates do not want to install. It downloads fine looks like it installs, but end up with a "An Undexpected Error Occurred." I've had this machine for 3 years now and have never encountered an update problem before.
I've run Disk Repair and results were there were no problems.
my mbp 15" won't install FT, kept getting msg saying need security update 2010-005. I did a software update and everything is up to date. and found that 2010-005 was installed a month back. i did a reinstall of that security update via apple site and try FT again. the same thing happen, same msg!