MacBook :: Slow Playback When Importing 1080i Film?
Jul 19, 2010
Ive been searching around in a great lot of forums, but I have not yet find the answer I'm looking for. I have got a Canon Legria HF200 (1080i) videocamera and a MacBook late 2009. When I import the video that i have recorded into iMovie (I don't know any other ways - it's AVCHD format) the MacBook warns me that if I'll import in full resolution (1080i) this will might result slow playback on my computer. Why? When i preview the files before I import them the video plays perfectly fine. If I import them to my laptop and then view them they turn out to be played really slow and unclear. Would this be a problem with the way iMovie imports the file, or my hardware? Could it be that my HDD is to slow? This has annoyed me for months,
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Dec 18, 2008
managing to play 1080i raw AVCHD-format .mts video files on a 2GHz C2D mini, I'd like to hear how.I'm having limited success playing .mts files on a firewire external (FW400) in VLC. I'd like to be able to do it without dropping frames, and thought it was possible. I can play 1080 Quicktime smoothly, but not .mts at the moment.
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May 19, 2010
Can anyone suggest the reason why my powerbook G4 can't playback video smoothly??
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Jul 9, 2006
This question is regarding burning a DVD that I have made in IDVD. I edit my dvds with Final Cut express and then set it all up in idvd. I was wondering why and how I can stop the fact that when I watch the DVD back, if I have used any slow motion in the movie that it goes all shaky and doesn't run smoothly at all. How I can stop it happening and make it so that slow motion runs smoothly once burnt on to the dvd? It plays fine during playback on the computer before I have burnt it on to dvd.
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May 4, 2009
We had a new addition to the family (baby) so I decided to get a videocamera. Wanted something future proof, so got a high definition memory card based camera: Sony CX11 Needed a new computer, had an old PC, but for some reason went to the other side and purchased a Macbook- I heard they were very good at editing video (and it is). Within 2 weeks I had completely filled my 250GB hard drive with all this movie footage! I need to get it off my Macbook and free up my hard drive!
Editing in iMovie... no probs. Burning in i DVD... few glitches, but got there in the end. Cool, no probs you think right... NO I have a 1080p TV screen, and a PS3. So i'm recording in 1080i HD footage, but I'm losing all the HD quality!!! The DVD image quality is so poor in comparison with the quality I get when I plug my camcorder into my TV. Its frustrating...................
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Oct 4, 2009
When i connect my hdtv to my mbp via vga (using mini displayport vga adapter) I am only achieving a 1080i signal. I did some research and I found that there are two 1080 resolution options in leopard, one being 1080i and the other being 1080p, you simply have to turn the display options on in the menu bar and then select the one you wish to use.
With this new found knowledge i found the two resolution options and tried them however, I found that one of the 1080 resolution options outputted 1080i whilst the other outputted 1050, despite clearly saying 1080. This has me baffled! Is this due to me using a vga cable and has anyone had similar issues? Additionally, is it possible to achieve a 1080p signal from a mbp? Mine is the late 08 model if that makes a difference.
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May 25, 2009
So I got 1080p to display on my plasma. The only problem I have is that when I try to run iTunes visualizers (any) it switches to 1080i. When I stop the visualizer the computer goes back to displaying 1080p. Anyone know a way to keep it on 1080p all the time?
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Apr 2, 2012
Can I edit HD 1080i/p video in AVCHD on MacMini - i5 2,3 GHz, 500 GB, 2GB RAM, Intel HD Graphics 3000 in iMovie? Will it be stable and useable? I need it for home use only so do not mind about waiting to render/ compile DVD etc. I might need to upgrade RAM to 4 or 8GB, but is the CPU & GPU good enough?
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 3, 2012
trying to play a tv programme that i have downloaded onto my mac on my tv - the hdmi cable i have will not fit any of the ports on my macbook air what accessory or adaptor do i need to buy?
MacBook Air
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Apr 19, 2010
I recently received my CTO MacBook Pro this afternoon, and I was wondering if Apple has applied an adhesive clear plastic sheet over the new MacBook Pro's display intended to be peeled off. Mine looks as though there may be one to peel off, but I want to make sure before putting too much effort into trying to get it off... Anyone else peel one of these of their new MacBook Pro?
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May 21, 2012
The English dialogues in sound surround 4.0 of a DVD are completely muffled when playing on my MacBookPro. The rest of the same soundtrack is fine (music, etc.). The dialogues in other languages on the same DVD work fine (they are in 2.0 sound surround). My other DVDs are working fine on the same MacBookPro.The problem occurs only with one particular DVD, with the English dialogues. The same DVD plays fine on other computers and DVD equipment. What is the explanation or what could be wrong when playing it on my MacBookPro? I have tried disabling the Dolby dynamic range compression in iDVD Preferences > Disc Setup - but this made no difference at all.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.6)
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Mar 18, 2010
Question, I just got a new Magic Mouse - is there a protective film on the top/touch surface that it ships with? I can't see an obvious layer to peel, but the top surface feels very "sticky" vs slippery as they do in the store, making it difficult to swipe or scroll effectively.I just don't want to pick at the mouse senselessly and scratch it if it really doesn't have a film layer on it.
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Feb 13, 2012
Downloading a film on itunes and it comes up with (err -50) and wont finish downloading?
MacBook Pro
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Mar 27, 2012
How do I upload or submit my film trailer to iTunes and Apple?
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Dec 5, 2014
Final Cut 10.0 won't let me export.
Instead I get a message that says 'The operation couldn't be completed ( error -1.)
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Dec 4, 2010
I'm trying to make a stop motion film where something floats around, so I went to Gimp and did the steps to erase the rig and I saw it was in iPhoto and it showed the floating thing on the thumbnail, but when I double clicked it to enlarge it, the floating thing just disappeared and I was left with just a background and no floating thing.
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Apr 29, 2009
I would like to use Automator to auto transfer files from my film folder to a folder on my externel harddrive. sort of an auto backup system. the problem is, the film titles will always be diffrent when they need to be transfered . I just don't get it to work. any ideas? or better solutions?
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Mar 31, 2010
Just a simple question I can't find an answer to. I have a simple .mov file and I want it to have no sound at all. How can I mute the audio on the file (not just the scrubber bar)?
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Mar 14, 2012
External Hard Drive connected via FireWire 800 or Ethernet (Network) External Hard Drive connected directly to my iMac's Ethernet port? Any Pros? Cons? How would that work? I am in a situation where I can exchange a USB 3.0 external hard drive (I totally didn't know 2011 iMacs didn't have USB 3.0 ports) with an Ethernet equipped (network) external hard drive.
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3), 3.4GHz i7, 16GB RAM, ATI 2GB VRAM
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Apr 14, 2012
How can I play back a film that was worked on VLC (.avi) on my Mac?Someone made a Spanish subtitle on my docu-film and sent it to me from Mexico, so I downloaded VLC free download for Mac, but it's not opening on my computer.
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Sep 15, 2009
Can anyone explain to me why when I burn a full length film on dvd from my PC using DVD Clone, I can rip the dvd and burn it from the hard drive without compressing. A very simple process. But on the mac the dvd has to be ripped with MTR, or similar, then compressed, then burned using Toast or Popcorn or something similar. Why are these added steps not necessary on a PC. I don't understand.
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Dec 25, 2010
As the title states I'm looking for a program that will let me catalog my ripped DVDs and BR films into a database. Ideally it would give a nice long list with columns showing bit rate, resolution, audio bit rate, audio format, video encoding, file type, video length, size, etc. Obviously being able to sort by these different variables would be necessary.
Also excellent would be if the database could somehow sync with the internet and grab information like director, actors, and writers. Does anyone know of something like this? I've got quite a large film collection and it's becoming unwieldy. I'm not looking for things like Delicious Library because those kinds of apps manage physical products not files.
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Jun 18, 2010
I've read quite a lot about the glossy screens on iMacs and advice offered has been to use a 3m matt film product or remove the glass from the front. Is anyone actually using either of those 2 methods successfully with their iMac? The 3m matt film sounds like it might be awkward to fit without airbubbles etc and might affect sharpness/colour etc Removing the glass from the front could make the screen vulnerable when using things like calibrator devices that need to sit on the screen to work, I don't care what it looks like BTW
Power and features wise the i7 iMac is all the computer I need but need a matt screen is no good for me. I will splurge on a macpro and monitor but its just more than I need and so would prefer the saving
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Jun 24, 2014
I am a new user to Final Cut Pro X and am trying to figure out how to add a photo collage 3+ pictures to my edit film?
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May 8, 2012
Nothing appears on the desktop, and the DVD doesn't play (this is the second DVD I've tried). The drive works to download software though. These are commercial DVDs from Lovefilm in the UK - there are bound to be some scratches - does this mean I can only play new DVDs?
Also, if I click Finder to eject the DVD, the command is light gray, meaning the IMAC has not actually registered that there's a DVD in the drive, so I have to log off and on again for the DVD icon to appear on the desktop, at which point I can eject it. However, if I click it, it doesn't play. I'd really like to play films if I can.
I don't know what operating system I have, except that it's MAC OS X. I only just got it new two days ago.
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May 28, 2012
I have a new MacBook Pro with OS X Lion 10.7.4. The DVD player does not have a feature to store film clips. Why? This is useful for my work and I had it on my older computer? Why the loss of capacity?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Apr 26, 2009
First, the machine died - like I dont get a start up disk registering or hear the HD accessing. No apple logo or question mark... Sometimes I just get a black screen and a single tone. I think the hard drive was ok, since it wont even engage nor will a start-up disc - ie. there is something earlier in path thats not working. I dropped the machine a few days ago and I think I broke the fan as it gets really hot. A day or so later it died, making me thing that something in the hardware was fried. So - I am hoping that I can take the harddrive out and just import all of my email, etc. during installation on the new MBP. I haven't checked that the HD is functional, but the computer has been on its last leg for a while (I was actually holding out for the next generation of MBP in spet? or so, but no dice...) and I assume it's too expensive to fix. I assume I would just have to buy an external chassis. Any opnions on what I need to do for this?
Second, I have an old minolta film scanner that I want to be able to use. Supposedly, it only works on tiger (the prior operating system?). Thus I was told if I partition the harddrive of the new computer I can also install tiger and have some space to burning large size scans from 35mm and medium format. Anybody have an idea of how to do this and how much space is recommened? I would just use the scans in the Leopard part of the computer. And do I have any problems if I later upgrade to the next system (ie. can you just do this in the larger, current partitioned area, rather than the small partition establisehd for scanning?).
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May 4, 2012
I am unable to install a software driver for a Canon film scanner FS4000US. I have downloaded it from Canon then open the package click the install and it asks for a location namely the Applications folder. Then it says it has been installed re -start etc, but still no driver.I am using Mac OS 10.6. Any suggestions greatly received. I have repaired/disk and permissions and it still does not work.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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Jun 27, 2012
How can I tell that a film has English sub-titles or close captioning before I purchase and download it. My wife is deaf and we need sub-titling of some description but the film descriptions do not appear to tell you before downloading.
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.0.x)
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Jan 23, 2009
I have Final Cut Express 4 running on an iMac with Leopard 10.3.5. The problem I have is I cannot hear a music track & the sound track on the film clip at the same time when I run the clip. I only hear the clip sound track until it finishes then the music track plays. If I drag the scrubber bar along the time line I can hear both the music & the Clip sound track together. This only happens when I logon to the Mac as an Administrator. (I have never managed to hear both sound tracks together whilst logged on as Administrator.)
In desperation I created a user account on my iMac. If I logon as a user Final Cut Express 4 works ok ? I hear both sound tracks together when I play the clip. Any ideas how I can make the Administrator account work as the User account does? As the iMac is only used by myself I don?t need any user accounts.
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