OS X :: Retrieving Typed Words From My MacBook?
Feb 19, 2010
I was using Safari browser and lost my entire long letter. I tried viewing history & reloading the page.... no luck.
There must be a way of retrieving all the history on one's computer. Maybe not in Safari, but other software loaded in my comp. Syst tools or sys preferences maybe. I just need to know where to look because i'm pretty clueless.
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Apr 10, 2009
When typing text it often skips the first character typed. This happens in URL address bars, searches, web forms etc. which can be really annoying.
The only 3rd party software installed is Firefox 3, which is the application that has this problem the most, but then it is also by far the most used software.
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Nov 21, 2010
The forum has been having issues all day and I didn't think about copying the reply before I clicked submit. Well the website came up with an error and when I hit back the reply was gone.
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May 14, 2010
My wife inserted a small disk into the cd/dvd slot and it will not eject. How do I get it out, short of taking it to a repair shop? It is a MacBook 3.1 Intel Core 2 Duo running OS x 10.6.3
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Mar 3, 2012
the key struck does not produce the proper letter
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Jun 15, 2012
I just lost a whole hours worth of research. I was typing in text edit and then it started making me duplicate the file at every save and then I had to replace the orginal, and I did this several times until I finally decided to close it down (as it's done this before) and when I opened it up again a whole hours worth of research was missing. I clicked on the Restore button but it hadn't saved any of my research for over an hour.
Is there another way to get that restored?
Info:Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 8, 2012
When I am using programs like 'Finder' and I'm trying to select different options, for some reason the words such as, 'Arrange by', 'Date created' etc have all changed to number and letter codes, I don't know how I've done this or how to change it back. They all still work if you select them, I just can't read what I'm selecting.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 8, 2012
I have a MacBook Air and sometimes while I am typing the cursor jumps to other words in the text randomly.
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Sep 6, 2014
Using Safari, Mac Laptop, OS X 10.9.4 .... 2.5 GHz Intel Core i5 ...
I'm noticing every paragraph has a word that has been hyperlinked and if you happen to click on it, its a pop-up ad. This is on every page I browse on MOST websites ...How do I get rid of it...
MacBook, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Apr 24, 2006
Is there an ap out there that will alphabetize items typed into a text doc? I see reference to a devons freeware and that they have an ap for that but i cant seem to get there.
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Apr 14, 2012
How do I place typed documents into an iPad?
iPhone 4, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 6, 2014
I am attempting to acces a website that uses the Java application. I am running the latest version of Java on FireFox and certain fields within the Java application cannot be typed into.
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Jun 2, 2012
When I maximize the screen on my Mac Book Pro it hides the menu bar and the typed tool bar at the top of the screen as well. How do I undo this?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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May 16, 2012
I reported the problem to Apple Support via email. but their responses were unhelpful and had no new information.The suggestion for a fee based call to Apple technical support is insulting. Why would I pay for a call to fix a problem in your portal to sell me software? Also, it is in Apple's best interest to address this; as it stands I can not upgrade to OSX Lion because it is only delivered via the App Store!Am I to throw my Mac Pro out of the window? Is this how Apple provides support to their loyal customers?How long are Apple products supported these days?When I started to use Macs (1991), they had a great reputation, because everything was backward compatible.
The life cycle of Macs has become very short indeed for a very expensive product.After 21 years I may switch to PC (can't believe I am writing this). IF I can not get a Mac that can run processor and graphics intensive tasks anymore, then I have really no choice. I am not buying a two year old Mac Pro at exorbitant prices to run Autodesk Maya (for complex and very high res rendering) when I can run the software on a PC faster and at less than half the cost.Is Apple really abandoning the professional in favor of becoming a consumer electronics company?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 5, 2014
I keep getting loads of words doubled underlined in green in safari. These when hovered over create a pop-up box with an advert.How do I get rid of these?
MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Apr 16, 2010
So I haven't used Pandora in a while, and just started again last week. I figured I would grab one of the third party apps, so I didn't have to use Safari to listen. I tried PandoraJam, PandoraBoy, and PandoraMan, and none of them work right. I can listen to stations that I have already created, but I can not create a new station. Every time I try to type an artist or song in the box, it doubles every letter. For example say I wanted to search for "Train" If I try to type that in the search box it comes out "Ttrraaiinn." I know Pandora recently released their own App, so did they break 3rd Party apps, to promote Pandora ONE?
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Apr 2, 2009
Following an online video to learn the proper directory structure, I saw that the author was not running it through MAMP but the local Sites Directory.
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Jun 4, 2014
I have recently discovered that on safari, on certain websites such as bbc.co.uk, there are words that are highlighted in green and underlined. Everytime i click on a 'green word' it takes me to some kind of pop-up style website that looks pretty dodgy. Also it happens on google chrome. My computer is running a tad slower, but nothing out of the ordinary. I fear something may have downloaded by accident via the internet.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.5), 2.5 years old.
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Jun 30, 2012
How can I get Preview to only initiate a search after I have fully typed in the word or phrase.It immediately jumps into a search when I have not fully typed in the word I am searching on. This bogs down the search and stalls my ability to type the phrase into the search box.
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Jul 1, 2009
I am paranoid about losing data so I have lots of backups on my computer end but today my CF card from my digital camera seems to be failing or have failed ( before I even got a chance to import it into my computer!) I have about 800 shoots taken in Raw format from a vacation that i must retrieve! when I stick the card into the camera the camera can read the card and I can view all the pictures etc just like normal but when I insert it into my computer it shows up as only a 7.5gb drive ( its a 16gb CF card ) and I can access the root directory but if I try to go to any sub dir finder just freezes up and then I have to force restart the computer, I tried on other computers ( win and mac as well as a ps3 ) it wont let me view the files on anything but the camera!
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Aug 6, 2010
My question is pretty straight forward. I have about 50 movies that I've ripped from my DVD collection that are on an external HD. I don't have copies on my main HD because of storage issues. But I recently upgraded my internal to a 1TB disk and would like to move the movies back onto my main HD. The problem is when I try and drag the file from my External onto my Internal I get about half way through and the transfer just stops. I've tried at least 10 different movies and none of them will work.
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Mar 31, 2009
I cannot tell if this question has gone through, so please forgive the repeats. Simply put: I want to retrieve a draft email I had deleted by mistake. Please give me direction as I have tried using a few applications today, such as DevonthinkPro, and could not find any indication of drafts, just sent or inbox emails.
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May 14, 2012
I'm relatively new to the world of Apple. I have an iMac running Mac OS X, version 10.6.8. I stored photos from my PC onto a NexStar CX external HD. A friend told me I should be able to access them from my iMac but when I plugged it in I get this message:
"NTFS-3G: Volume not cleanly unmounted
The NTFS volume that you're trying to mount (/dev/rdisk1s1) has not been unmounted properly. This may mean that the volume is in an inconsistent state, and mounting it with NTFS-3G could lead to data loss. You are recommended to attach the drive to a Windows computer and unmount it properly with the "Safe remove hardware" feature to guarantee the safety of your NTFS volume.
To ignore this warning and attempt to mount the volume anyway, press the "Force" button. To abort the mount process, press "Abort."
Although it's been quite a while, I'm very confident I didn't shut down the EHD improperly the last time I used it. Also... I no longer have a PC to hook it up to. What does this message mean and what can I do to get to my photos?
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Jun 9, 2012
I bought QuickTime Pro and it was delivered to me electronically. I don't remember my key, and I bought a new hard drive and did some other stuff to upgrade my PC, ultimately causing me to lose the setup and program installation files. How can I retrieve my key? I followed the article that said to go to your account and look at your order history, and I can see that my product was purchased but I do not see a key anywhere.
Windows 7
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Feb 26, 2009
Ever since I upgraded to Leopard over a year ago, my Mail.app has been pretty buggy. my mail.app is currently set up to connect to my university IMAP server with SSL and password authentication. Before I upgraded from Tiger to Leopard, mail would always retrieve any new mail on the IMAP server every minute and any time I press get mail. Ever since I upgraded however, the get mail function hasn't worked exactly as it should.
Sometimes get mail would work, sometimes it won't, and sometimes it takes a long time for my computer to automatically retrieve new e-mails. The weird thing is, connection doctor shows no connection abnormality, and if get mail doesn't work, I can get it to work again if I quit and reopen mail, which is always a pain. Mail on my iPhone works perfectly (syncs to my MBP), and I have already tried deleting mail.app, reinstalling from my Leopard DVD and basically resetting all settings.
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May 28, 2009
Today at work I accidently deleted some images from the server/network and they are not in my trash and i can't find them anywhere, does anybody know how to undelete files that were deleted straight from the server?
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Jul 11, 2009
Just recently upgraded from a black MacBook to a MacBook Pro. Transfered the information via firewire so I didn't lose anything. Set up time machine to back up my computer and I only have backups from July 7th (when the time machine start). I have information (media, movies, music, etc) dating all the way back to October 2008. The information is on the time capsule, but I just want to know how to get some info off the from previous backups.
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Mar 29, 2012
Up until a few months ago, my primary desktop computer was an iMac running OSX Snow Leopard. I used Time Capsule for backing up to a 1TB external HD. Unexpectedly (of course), the iMac died beyond repair. I am now, unenthusiastically, using a Dell laptop running Windows 7 until such time as I can replace the iMac. My questions is this: is there a method I can use to access the backup HD to extract files I need from it? I have connected the HD to the laptop and it is “seen” by Windows, but it doesn’t allow me to open it to view files. I am not interested in interacting with the external drive beyond retrieving digital images and document files I desperately need.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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Apr 20, 2012
I've lost my QuickTime Pro registration key(s). What should I do? You can retrieve purchased registration keys this way: Visit the Apple Online Store.Cick "Account" in the upper-right corner.Click "Downloadable Software Purchases".Enter your Apple ID and password.
You should see your QuickTime Pro registration key(s).The enlarge and bolded portion isn't even in Account selection. If I type it in search, all that pop up are items I can purchase. Viewing Purchase History has nothing, having Apple call center call me was useless. Please advise on how else I can retrieve my key. Since regular Apple Support is useless.
Quick Time Pro 7 for Windows, Windows7,
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Aug 25, 2010
Does anyone know how to stop Mail from retrieving all of my emails, basically when I set it up it always starts to retrieve all of my emails from my Gmail account, I probably wouldn't mind but I have about 30,000 emails and that takes up a lot of space.
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