MacBook Pro :: Take More Than 90 Seconds To Boot And Be Usable
Aug 26, 2014
MBP 13" 2011, OS 10.9.4, 4G RAM . The boot time from press start to when I can use my MAC is excruciating, at least 90 seconds.
I have created a Guest Account and the 'start/to use time is 1/3.
I have NO 3rd party software, all Apple, My iPhono Library is only? 10.5G
I have reset the SMC-Shift/Control/Option-hold- start
Once the Mac is up and running it seems to run ok with Safari, Mail running, but add to that NUMBERS or Garage Band 10, (fagedabowdit).
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), Garage Band, Numbers, Pages, Mail
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May 21, 2010
It seems like this is taking too long. Should I be concerned? I've only had the computer for a month but start up seems slower.
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Nov 26, 2009
My boot time is over a minute,but all the other macs have boot time like 30s or 40sec.Is there anyway I can improve it?
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Apr 28, 2008
I have a brand new MacBook Air which currently has a Superdrive attached to the USB port. I'd like to get a mac compatible digi camera and my wife wants an ipod. Can I simply disconnect the drive and connect the camera/ipod at will or do I have to buy a hub? On my old XP machine it seemed to me the ports were dedicated to their peripherals.
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Jun 29, 2012
I am using a Mac Mini with a Realtek USB wireless dongle to connect to the internet. The software and drivers appear connected perfectly and i see the wireless utility and I can access my wireless network, which says signal strength 100%. I connect to it and it accepts the wireless key. Says connected. Then after a few seconds the connection is lost and it says 'Disconnected'. A few seconds later it connects then disconnects and this continues indefinitely but Safari never allows me to access any webpages.
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.5.6), USB Wireless Dongle
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Apr 16, 2009
I've installed a 250gb WD hdd in my G4 AGP/ Graphics as a second drive. I didn't know the hdd limitations would affect a slave . Which is not a problem, what I need to know is if the half of the drive that doesn't mount will just be a waste of space. Or can it be formatted and if so, how?
500mhz, 27gb WD master hdd, 1gb pc133 ram, 250gb WD slave hdd. [URL]
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Nov 20, 2008
Are there any xml editors out there for mac? I know about text editors like bbedit and textmate etc., but then I would have to surround text with tags by typing them. I have a long list of addresses and it would be much simpler if I could e.g. select the address text, click on the 'address' button in the window with the available xml tags and the text would automatically be surrounded with the tags. Are there any programs which could do that?
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Apr 15, 2008
I installed a hard drive to a new Mac Pro, the physical install went fine. When I booted the computer, it said the drive was not readable or usable or something along that lines so I went to disk utility and erased the hard drive with the Mac OS Extended (Journaled) setting selected. Now the drive seems to work fine but I haven't tested it much. Is everything ok with this drive now? Is Journaled the best setting? Is there a better setting to use for video editing. The drive is: WD Caviar GP 500 GB SATA
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Jun 30, 2008
so I'm thinking of upgrading to 4GB RAM for my Penryn MBP....and I'm wondering if i can swap my current two 1GB sticks in a 1.25GHz Powerbook G4 that my friend has? I double-checked and found out that the Powerbook G4 could take in 2GB of RAM max.
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Jun 22, 2007
For the past week I have been having a lot of problems with iCal and Syncserver. .Mac syncing has been hit and miss. Syncserver continually takes up 99% of the CPU and iCal hangs and is very slow. The computer is still (somehow) usable but overall very slow.
I have tried the following:
1. Restarts
2. Dump iCal plist files.
3. Turned off .Mac syncing
4. Trashed all calendars
5. Used syncrospector to reset syncservices.
6. Dumped syncservices folder.
Does anybody have an idea of what is going on, and what I can do?
Macbook Pro 15" CD 2.16ghz 2gb RAM
Mac OS 10.4.10
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Jun 8, 2008
Anyone have experience with the above configuration? I am still running 10.3.9 and have waited on upgrading to get some input on 10.4 vs 10.5.
I understand that this is the minimum configuration for 10.5, and "minimum configuration" can translate into "barely useable".
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Jun 2, 2010
basically I am looking to use an original eMac 700mhz with 768MB RAM in my living room to stream itunes from our other computers. Only reason i am even considering it is because eMacs are way cheap on eBay, less than an airport express for use with airtunes, plus i could check email etc on it.
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Dec 19, 2010
I am running Windows XP on my desktop. I have been using Itunes for years and it has worked fine till about two weeks ago. I had been having issues with my computer being very slow so I began using several freeware programs to clean up my computer. I used Repair Doctor, AVG PC Analyzer, PC Pitstop, Glary Utilities, and Advanced System Care. I discovered that ITunes was no longer usable after using AVG PC Analyzer. I have gone back and reversed all the changes that I made using PC Analyzer and have also used Windows System Restore to go back to a time previous to most of the clean up activities. I have uninstalled ITunes several times and then reinstalled using various combination of installing ITunes and QuickTime. QuickTime is working fine, but ITunes is not working. I click on the ITunes icon and nothing happens.
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Aug 1, 2009
I'm reorganising my home office, and as a result trying to get rid of as many wires as possible due to the change in desk space. I'm already going to swap my Logitech MX518 mouse for an MX Revolution, but I'm looking for a keyboard.
I love the Apple keyboards, but the bluetooth version is no good as it doesn't have the numeric keypad. I used this heavily for my job.
I was recommended the Logitech diNovo Edge Mac edition, which looks awesome, but again, no numeric keypad.
Anybody got any recommendations for a fast, slimline wireless keyboards (eg, not one of those hulking clacky multimedia keyboards) that has the numeric pad?
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Apr 5, 2012
My external hard drive format has changed to Mac OS extended and I am unable to use it with windows PC.
Info:MacBook Air (11-inch Late 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Aug 31, 2014
I have been trying to get my Fraps video files on my Windows 7 machine compressed into a format that will allow them to work with Final Cut Pro X on my mac.
Here is some information about the file I am trying to compress (acquired using MediaInfo):
Complete name : E:Fraps Raw FootageX-Plane 2014-08-30 11-01-45-21.avi
Format : AVI
Format/Info : Audio Video Interleave
Format profile : OpenDML
File size : 154 GiB
[Code] .....
I have tried using MPEG Streamclip on my Windows machine to convert it to an .mp4 file, but that just gave me an audio file with no video. I then tried using Handbreak on my Windows 7 machine to do the same thing, but the resulting file was not even recognized by Final Cut Pro X.
Final Cut Pro X, iOS 7.1.2, Final Cut Pro X 10.1.3
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Oct 1, 2009
I've had my iMac for just under a week now, and I wanted to play some games, so I did a Time Machine backup, and ran BootCamp. Vista install disk wouldnt work, so I used my copy of the Windows 7 RC1 32bit. That worked fine, its installed and working just fine, but when I went to check what it would show under "System" in the control panel, it shows my memory as 4.00GB and says 2.73GB useable. Is this normal? I know that 32 bit cuts off memory at around 3.23GB, and I was under the impression with Windows 7 and Vista SP1 the limitation was supposed to be moved to 4GB. Is this something I should be worried about? Also, I get some really bad lag spikes on Windows.
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Feb 22, 2012
After upgrading to Lion my Imac is considerably slow to the point where some apps are not usable. Several seconds of latency for some commands where I did not notice anything before
iMac (27-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3), Upgrade from Apps store
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Jun 24, 2009
how do you convert the video file that screen flow produces to a usable format? is there some software or something? and dont say put it in imovie because you cant put that format into imovie.
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Oct 20, 2009
I'm an IMac newbie, so please excuse me if this is "old" information. However, I've done a lot of searching and can't find a "simple" solution. Maybe there isn't one. Again, please excuse me if this is dumb...Just got a new 27" IMac. I have a Dell AIO 966. I know now there is no OEM driver. But, I thought there was a Lexmark driver model (that might show up in the OX 10 install process I could substitute, or a Generic driver. So far, no luck. And frankly, some of the things I am reading when I search are either old, old posts or too complex for me.
Is the simple answer, "get a new printer?" Or, is there a usable driver loaded into OS X? Is there a thread or post that I am missing?
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Apr 4, 2010
I was importing some photos into Aperture when my battery unexpectedly died (that's a separate issue). I started the computer (a black MacBook) up again and opened Aperture only to have it be momentarily unresponsive followed endlessly by the rainbow spinning ball. Force quitting and restarting gives more of the same.
Any ideas on how I can make Aperture usable again? It's quite important to me.
For what it's worth, I'm running Aperture 2.1.4
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May 9, 2012
What is the max "addressable and usable" DDR3 1333 memory that can be installed in a Mac Mini i7 running Lion Server?The Apple Store will install up to 8GB but I have seen 3rd party 2x8GB SO-DIMM 1333MHz "Apple memory" available that will allow 16GB. Does anyone know what is the real usable limit is? I can't find specifics in the docs and I don't want to install 16 if the bus can truly only address 8.
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Sep 2, 2009
I'm having trouble connecting to the internet. (had no problems before).
It started last week, but a day before was fine.
the problem is that I log in to my macbook... it gets connected to the wireless, but after 10 seconds it turns off.. then on again in 10 seconds.. and so off again... and so on..
I tried to configure the internet connection... but doesn't give me any errors...
what can it be?
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Feb 6, 2012
I wonder if it is something to do with gmail. as gmail has been asking to store emails on my local drive and I have been saying no as I was worried it might be a virus or something - maybe I have too many emails on the system. I just dont know. I am using Firefox in the meantime but feel frustrated as I dont know my way around as well and I have work to get on with!
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.2), SAFARI
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Mar 30, 2012
Two days ago, I pluged in a Maxor hard drive that loaded some softwear onto my computer. I reformatted the drive because it did not work. Shortly after this I started reciving this message:
"You can't open the application NotificationExec because Power PC applications are no longer supported."
I cannot type for more than seconds before any program kicks my out to the message again. It has taken 15 minutes just to type this post.
MacBook Pro
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Sep 17, 2009
I just got a new macbook pro. I am trying to blue tooth my music and album artwork over to it from my old macbook. When the Artwork was transferring, it transferred before the music, it stopped right before it got done and I got the beach ball. Bluetooth file exchange turned off, so I thought maybe it just got hung up and tried the transfer again. Again Bluetooth file exchange quit right before completing the transfer of album artwork and a message popped up saying I had low memory on my hard drive. I started the process with about 24GB free on the HD, I watched it go from about 5MB yes MB down to 2MB within seconds. I restarted the computer and it went back up to 3.7 and I watched it drop to 3.5MB. All of this fluctuation continued even after the transfer quit and bluetooth file exchange closed. I don't think any other programs were open.
What just happened? Is my new computer in any kind danger since I was transferring files from the old which had the problem?
How can I tell where all this space was taken up so I can delete whatever is taking it up?
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Mar 9, 2010
Can anyone tell me what's going on? My MacBook gets a kernel panic every time I boot it up. Should I reinstall the OS?
I just repaired disk permissions and that did nothing.
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Jul 3, 2010
I had a 2.4G MBP with 4G ram that I used for about a year. I bought an Intel 128GB SSD and used the optibay to install. I'm using the HD to store the home folder, and all applications and OSX on the SSD. The MBP started getting really laggy here lately, I see a pinwheel for about 60 seconds when I use "Save as" or try and print something. So I bought a 2.8G 17" MBP with 4G ram, hoping it was a hardware issue. I swapped both drives into the new MBP, but am having the same issues. I use a lot of different softwares (office '08, xcode, parallels, quickbooks, etc...) so its hard to pinpoint it down to a specific application. I am going to wipe the MBP clean and start over, but what is the best route? Should I just backup the home folder, reinstall all software then put back the home folder? I want to avoid copying the problem, but can't afford to lose all of my application data.
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Jul 15, 2010
my screen keeps blinking on and off every 10 seconds or so and if I let it rest for a while it settles down but everything is missing from the screen except my screen saver photo.
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Apr 17, 2012
My safari started quitting unexpectedly after about 5 seconds of opening last night. It works when I hook up my phones internet, or use the university internet but not my BigAir connection at home. Have tried various troubleshooting ideas from other posts - including deleting caches and repair disk permissions but haven't helped. Have called my internet provider and they swear the connection is working fine.
Process: Safari [248]
Path: /Applications/
Version: 5.0.5 (6533.21.1)
Build Info: WebBrowser-75332101~1
MacBook Pro (17-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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