I've had my macbook for almost a month now (late 2011 model) and it started a few days ago where when im playing music or watching tv shows online, my speakers start crackling or skipping a little bit. I'm worried something is wrong with the computer because i don't play my volume loud at all, and i tried plugginf in earphones and it was still doing it. It doesn't do it all the time, it'll start up and stop after a few minutes and do it again.
Whenever I wake my computer from sleep, there is a crackling sound that comes from the hard drive. After that, every five minutes or so, the crackling sound continues. It's like the sound of some crinkling a plastic sheet/static-y sound. I can hear the hard drive whirring and the crackling sound coming from that.
Is this normal? I have a 2.4 ghz Macbook aluminum, bought in Oct 2008. I'm hesitant to bring it in right now because I have finals coming up in 2 weeks and I need my laptop for it. I've already brought my Macbook in and had it sent in two times due to issues w/ the keyboard (keys not working or falling off), and each time it took about a week to get it back.
I have been getting a crackling or clicking sound from headphones and speakers of my macbook pro. It not even a year old.. I use this for music production. I have an external sound card which plays fine but when I use the internal sound devices I get this strange sound. Nothing plays correctly on it.
My MBP (2007 intel) freezes or spontaneously shuts down and crackling comes from the speakers. Sometimes this happens together all at once? It happens with and without peripherals.It does not seem to be linked to a specific program or peripheral use.
I have iTunes 10.6.1 (7) an Airport Extream Version 6.0 Airport Utility (600.92) That I use with two airport express stations, an Apple TV 2nd Generation with latest software up date. Also have Ipad 3rd Generation and two I phone 4's. Issue: After installing the latest Airport Utility software update I'm unable to connect to my remote speakers in iTunes. The speakers are visible in the pop up menu but iTunes times out when trying to connect. If I use remote to select Apple TV and then via Apple TV select my Computers Library I'm able to play music on the Apple TV / Home Speakers... but still not the Airport Express Stations.
When using remote on the iPhone or iPad the speakers are visible as well but I'm unable to select them... iTunes times out. I can steam music from that is on my iPhone or iPad to each individual speaker, but multiple speaker control is not available and the music from my library is not available. I believe the problem is in the Airplay feature of iTunes and I believe the problems arise when you install the latest version of Airport Utility. You can play on remote speakers, only one at a time, and only if you have the music on a stand alone device (iPhone or iPad)... in summary, bypass iTunes and you can be successful... marginally successful.
I've got a i5 MacBook Air 13", and for some weeks now I can hear a strange crackling noise when I took it by the thinest side.I'm very worried about it, cause on my friend's mba, that noise is non-existent. Is this the aluminium, is this normal ? I'm under warranty, should I take it back to Apple
I bought a MB Air 3 weeks ago. After a few hours the aluminium housing started to make some strange crackling noises.Mostly on the front right side, but meanwhile it's allover the housing and it gets more worse every day. Is anybody outside with similiar experencience
Funny that most complaints about this issue are from people running ITunes through their PC's. I have the same problem through ITunes on my Mac. Play music through VLC player and it plays perfectly!!
I've had a late 2010 Macbook Air for over 3 years (February 2011). About a week or two ago I started hearing a strange popping noise every now and then while I was using headphones. I thought it was a problem with the headphones but then discovered the same thing when I used different external speakers. Almost simultaneously the internal speakers started periodically having no sound at all, even though it wasn't on mute. This was previously fixed by restarting the computer, but now the problem is permanent. The popping noise when using headphones has also rapidly worsened, and now crackles constantly and sometimes there is even very loud white noise. This occurs with any program on my computer - web browsers, spotify, itunes etc. I'm using Mavericks but the problem started some time after I installed it. After doing some googling to try to fix it I've tried:
- Turning it off and on again
- Installing AntiPop
- PRAM reset
- SMC reset
- Disabling and reinstalling Adobe on google chrome
Situation: no sound out from speakers in admin and user account and newly created account. Headphones work, startup chimes work on speakers.
Go to Sound in Preferences and only shows Digital Out for output. Should show Internal Speakers. Ran Diskwarrior and Applejack and zapped pram. Took mac apart and confirmed speakers wired correctly which is verified by the start up chimes being audible on the internal speakers. tested all accounts and created new account all with the same results. Did search of Google and MacRumor. Found one unaswered post indicating same problem. Had same problem with another macbook pro, ran same steps, take apart, confirm wiring setup, Diskwarriored, applejacked and zapped pram and it fixed the problem. I'm not sure what else to try. Did check Audio Midi Setup util and it also did not see the internal speakers.
My macbook pro just started making a crackling noise from the hard drive when waking up. What does this mean? It happens every time now, including when starting up the machine.
My mac book pro is making a strange crackling noise, coming from the right side, at first it was occasional now it's constant. It doesn't matter if the volumes on or off.
When watching hulu even with a great connection speed the video will drop frames and skip but the audio will not. It's weird that the audio doesn't skip also.When watching videos in itunes the video catches or the audio gets repeated like a record going back 2 secs.
when I was browsing the BBC website . I happened upon the front page and could hear a crackling sound, eventually after looking round the room for about 5 minutes I realized it was the macbook.
When the news page 'scroller' at the top types its news story out in a tika tape kinda way that is when the crackling noise happens .
does this make sense ? is my macbook faulty ? ..does it take soo much power to perform this function as to make my macbookCPU crackle ?
the noise is coming from approx the center of the notebook and is quiet(ish) but audible enough
anyone have any ideas ?
link to the site is below , you'll see the words scrolling across the screen at the top which then creates a clickable link to a news story : URL
Just noticed that when I'm lying on the bed with my MBA on my legs, watching so [URL]videos....it starts skipping in about 10-15 minutes.
I don't see core shutdowns.....but actually the video/audio is going to desync and starts skipping....is this normal? Do I have to get a MB/MBP just to watch Hulu and flash videos?
I think this may be related to the temperature, but usually it's not that hot.
So this is a problem that's been bugging me for half a year or so. Usually, I start up a video on Youtube or the like and for about 2-3 minutes it runs smoothly, but after that, the audio skips a bit (kind of like a record skipping) and the RAM spikes. After the hiccup, it tends to run normally, but after a few seconds, it'll skip again and occasionally, the audio will degrade and all audio played back through the browser sounds heavily distorted until I restart.
I used to run Firefox, but when this problem popped up, I would get this:
so I switched to Opera, which worked for a little while, but the problem came back. I tried Safari and Chrome, but it's still there.
I left my MBA over at my girlfriends house the past couple days so she could use it for some miscellaneous stuff. Well after renting a movie on Itunes last night, it started out fine and dandy but then started freezing and skipping. I tried most everything I could think of to no avail.
The movies will play fine for about 10 to 15 minutes at max and then will continue to start freezing and skipping again, everything else also runs pretty slow in general. I'm not sure if there is a heat problem as the AC at her place is on the crapper and she uses it mostly on her bed, though it looks like the CPU temp never really gets much hotter than 160F.
Im thinking about just doing a clean sweep and reinstalling OS X, I never know what she does sometimes and you never know if there is a hidden problem. Any other ideas? I'm very new to Macs in general and am not sure what the common problems are with MBAs
Whenever I log on to Youtube or ABC for example to watch TV Shows, the audio is fine but the video seems to play every 3 frames or so. Is there a reason why this is? I have broadband internet and other parts of web-surfing go smoothly. Is my laptop too outdated to play online video?
Lately I have been having trouble when playing some DVDs and other videos on my laptop (MBP 17" 2.93 Intel Core 2 Duo, 8GB RAM, Mac OS X 10.6.2).
It seems it's skipping frames: it is especially clear on side camera movements such as pans, but it happens all throughout the DVD or video I'm playing. The movements are as if some frames were taken out, resulting in a "jumpy" image.
Besides the obvious fact that it's extremely annoying, I am very puzzled because it happens with all sorts of original DVDs, and also with some online videos (such as this one: [URL], which I also highly recommend, if you'll allow me), but not with all. It doesn't matter whether I play the DVD with Apple's DVD Player or with VLC, the skipping happens anyway. It doesn't affect audio or any other application.
.mpg, .avi and other video formats seem not to be affected. Only VIDEO_TS folders or original DVDs seem to have this problem, as well as the above mentioned Vimeo video (which suggests it could happen with other streaming videos, but I haven't had that problem yet - Youtube seems to work just fine).
I wouldn't be able to specify when it started happening (probably about a month or two ago) but it hasn't been like this always, so I don't have a lot of info on any updates that may have caused the problem.
My newest discovery is that when my computer freezes up what ever sound is playing makes a skipping noise and then I have to kill power to shut off what is the cause or how can I find out is there any log I can run or check to see the last action process that went on?
While listening to audio through iTunes, switching between the internal speakers or headphones via removing or inserting a headphone jack, often results in a loud buzzing noise. Pausing iTunes eliminates the sound, but it sometimes comes back when I press play once again. It also sometimes results in the audio skipping, and the entire computer freezing, while the sudio skips.Do I need a new sound card?
I've had my MacBook Pro for a couple months, and everything works perfectly fine with it, except the DVD drive. Whenever I try watching movies on it, it always keeps skipping over nonexistent "damaged areas", even though nothing is wrong with the actual movie DVD. I watch the movies on my TV, and they still work fine, so the problem has to be something with the Mac laptop.
After I pulled out the jack for my speakers the volume icon was greyed out [URL]and soon I realized that internal speakers as such have been disabled from the system [URL]When I restart the startup chime is played as usual.Is it a hardware or software thing?
I just bought the 2.0 ghz 2 gb ram aluminum mac book.
When I video chat, its always skipping and very pixalated. Also, the volume is very low even though all volume meters is as loud as possible. This is only for video chat, for all other sound its great.
My question is, is this a ram thing? Should I buy for ram, will it fix it?
Is this something I should bring into Apple about?
I just got my motherboard on my MBP because I had the black screen problem due to the graphics card. Now I have problems w/ my sound. It keeps skipping after once in awhile for some reason. I installed the latest Realtek sound drivers. This happened with the original driver too. It plays music fine but every minute, it skips like a bad CD player. What's going on here?
My new 25" HP 2510i monitor arrived today, all is good except from the speaker system, I can either have the iMac's built in speakers used or the built in monitor speakers used. Is it possible to combine them both and use both?
The monitor's audio interface connects to my iMac via the headphone jack on the back of the system.