MacBook Pro :: Replicate Sounding From MBP?

Dec 11, 2010

So I was just browsing the internet one day on my MBP. I bought it this summer before school started.

Now, this weird static scratching sound came from the upper left corner when I lifted the computer up. It also happened when it wasn't plugged in and it happened when it was plugged in. It's also happened with minimal movement.

Do you have any ideas what this could be?

I haven't been able to replicate the sound forcefully since it's really random.

What should I do?

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MacBook Pro :: Boot Faliure, Alarm Sounding Constantly?

Jan 10, 2010

MBP 15 inch unibody. Just over 1 year old, has been in for service at least twice.First off, let me say that I am not with the box at the moment. Am not a Mac person and am trouble shooting this for my sis. It is her box and she is in a situation where tech support may be minimal and has no access to net.

So, she's at home and drops a file of papers quite hard on the MBP and it restarts on its own. It appears unharmed, no dings or screen problems. Restart is OK and all proceeds normally, she is able to work for several more hours etc etc. Then she packs it up and flies across 12 time zones.Gets in to hotel, gets MBP out and fires it up. While it is doing that, she unpacks and is *not* watching the screen (so we don't know if there was a mac start up sound or any messages). Coming back to it she sees a blue or grey screen, nothing else.

She reboots and this time she does not get the apple sound but instead she gets a beeping noise which appears to happen in time with a flash on the indicator light (the light which is usually "on" or "breathing"). The beeping is rather a low pitch and it is timed at about a second or so. It does not appear to be in any pattern. I heard it over the phone but did not think to ask from where it was coming.I called my Mac friend and he suggested a number of remedies.

Here is what we have tried:
1. Remove battery, try wall power only.
2. Remove wall power, try battery only.
3. Reset PRAM.
4. Safe boot.

None of the above helped.

Have *not* yet tried resetting PMU / SMC by taking out battery and removing wall power and pressing power button for 5 seconds. Have instructed her to do that next. (Time difference means that she is asleep now)While she can probably survive 1 day without the box, she absolutely needs it for the next two weeks. Is doing important training instruction for ministry of health or university or something.

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OS X :: Finder Bug - How To Replicate

Jan 25, 2009

This has been around for a while, and is something that really irritates me. It happens on odd occasions too, so not sure how to replicate it.

Anyway, this is what happens. Say I'm browsing in Safari, I'll be unable to click on my desktop. Only way to be able to do access Finder is to CMD+Tab to it then it all works fine.

It'll happen in any application and on odd occasions - sometimes I'll open a folder in Finder, then go back to another application and I can't click on that folder or on the desktop. It'll just remain in the application.

This has happened consistently throughout Leopard and isn't specific to me - my previous gen MBP did this, and on a fresh Leopard install it happens randomly.

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Intel Mac :: Harman Kardon Soundsticks Not Sounding With New?

Feb 11, 2012

I have the original Harman Kardon Soundsticks, which have worked beautifully since the early 2000s, till this new iMac - they're not showing up as an output source in Sound Preference.  I've contacted both Applecare Support - no idea - and Harman Kardon - Apple isn't supplying the drivers anymore.  The thing is, they played just fine with the older iMac just replaced, which was running MacOS 10.7.2. Drivers are software, right?  Were they just dropped from the OS with this last update, or is there a hardware issue?  The older iMac was a 24", Intel, that I bought in April, 2007. 

Anyway, this is very disappointing since the Soundsticks have excellent sound and still work. Is there a way to get the drivers, or is there also a hardware component? 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.7 GHZ Intel Core i5

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Applications :: Downloaded Youtube Video From Safari - Can't Replicate

Mar 15, 2010

I was watching some clip in youtube. And a few seconds later I saw a new item in my downloads folder and it was the video in mp4. Any idea how I did it? I can't replicate it

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Replicate Easy Photo View/editing Of Windows?

Jun 25, 2012

I switched a few months ago from a Windows XP machine to a Mac Air running Lion. I've searched for the answers to these questions but they are too general to search for here or in the App Store, so I'll try submitting a big question. 

On my Windows XP laptop, I could insert my camera's SD card, quickly view each photo in a preview pane, rename it quickly in the same window and delete from the same window. This allows you to quickly go through many versions of the same photo, rename the one you want to keep and delete the rest. When finished, you only need to drop and drag the ones you want to keep into whatever folder you want. 

There isn't an easy option with OSX, is there? I want to view and rename them while on the SD card, then transport them where I want. Loading into iPhoto is clunky and I'm losing track of where the different versions are. Opening them in Preview doesn't allow me to quickly and easily rename and delete them (though you can toggle back and forth and eventually do this).

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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MacBook :: Moving A Logic Board From 2008 Black Macbook To 2010 White Macbook

Jun 28, 2010

So last December my laptop got smashed and everything works except for the backlit screen. In fact I can still use this laptop it is just extremely hard since the screen does not light up. The person that smashed it ended up buying me a new laptop so I have this beat up (and I mean the shell is destroyed) laptop with quite a lot of functioning parts.

Now a few weeks ago my girlfriends Grandad spilled a beer on his brand new 2010 Macbook. The logic board is shot so it is almost cheaper for him to buy a brand new laptop.

Would it be possible for me to take the logic board out of my 2008 Black Macbook and put it into his 2010 White Macbook?

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MacBook Air :: Macbook Airs (11 And 13) Both Smoking The 13" 2.4Ghz Macbook Pro In Gaming Benchmarks

Oct 27, 2010

By far the most interesting benchmark trend coming out of the latest Macbook Air tests is that of the 320M GPU - is this thing somehow clocked differently than in the Macbook/Macbook Pro?



The latest Macbook Pro 13" 2.4 Ghz gets 33 FPS in Call of Duty 4, whereas the Macbook Air 13" (using the same 320M GPU) gets 40 FPS. Even the 1.4Ghz 11" gets 37! So obviously we're not talking about a CPU limited game - the only explanation then is that the GPU in the Macbook Air is clocked differently than in the 13" Macbook Pro, no?



Again the Macbook Air clocked at 2.13 ghz is beating the 2.4 Ghz Macbook Pro in World of Warcraft and Portal! And in WOW the 11" 1.4ghz still manages to beat the 2.4 Ghz 13" Macbook Pro.

Anyone have any additional insight into this? Anand did a terrible job of testing these for gaming performance, unfortunately, so he may not have even noticed this trend.

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MacBook :: White Plastic Macbook Same Size As Original Unibody Aluminum Macbook?

Apr 24, 2010

Is the white one the same size as the 13" aluminum that now went pro?Pretty much, I want to know if I buy a case for the original 13" Metal uMB from InCase, will it fit on this plastic one? They don't have blue for this, but they have blue for the original aluminum one.

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MacBook Air :: MacBook Air A Viable Replacement For 2008 White Plastic MacBook?

Nov 20, 2010

I have a 2008 13" white, plastic MacBook. Its a bit slow, but adequate. Thinking of selling it and paying the difference to get the 11" MacBook Air. I've heard it is similar in speed and has the same processor.
The main problem I have with my current MacBook is that its heavy - I need something lightweight to easily carry to school and class for note-taking and such.

How is the Air better or worse, and would I be losing anything significantly by replacing the 08 plastic MB with a MBA?

macbook '08 specs: [URL]

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MacBook Pro :: Doesn't Detect Audio After Cloning MacBook To MacBook Pro?

Jul 11, 2009

I just upgraded my daughter from last year's MacBook to a new 2009 MacBook Pro (my mother will get her old one) by cloning the drive using SuperDuper. Everything works fine except it doesn't detect the audio hardware in the OS. I see that the new macbook pro has different audio hardware according to system profiler. Is there a way to copy the driver off the install DVD or should I just go ahead and reinstall everything.

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MacBook :: Macbook Connected To Tv, Use Other Macbook For Wireless Keyboard/mouse?

Apr 19, 2010

Have searched on Mroogle but couldnt find what i was looking for.

I have my Blackbook connected to my tv via mini dvi to dvi then to hdmi, but i also have another laptop which is the old style Macbook Pro.

I was looking for a piece of software that would let me use the other laptop which isnt connected to the tv as a wireless keyboard and mouse?

Anyone ever tried this before? Any ideas?

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MacBook Pro :: Locate Stolen MacBook Pro Using Find Mac Without ICloud Being On The Macbook Pro?

Apr 23, 2012

My MacBook Pro was stoen this weekend and I need to know if the Find My Mac service can help locate it. Its a summer 2009 model 15" Macbook Pro. I have the computer's serial number, and the computer is registered to my Apple ID.

MacBook Pro (15-inch 2.53 GHz)

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MacBook Air :: Macbook Air Power Adapter With Macbook

Apr 24, 2008

I just bought a macbook as a replace for my five year old iBook. I was planning on purchasing a second power adapter. I like the size and more rugged connector on the Macbook Air power adapter.

I have searched around and it sounds like the Air adapter will work with a MacBook but I am not completely convinced. I understand that this adapter will only charge or power the unit but not both.

Has anyone tried their Air adapter on a MacBook? Could an Air owner tell me the voltage and current rating (outputs) on their adapter?

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MacBook :: Wracraft Better On Latest Macbook Pro Or Macbook?

Feb 14, 2009

I currently play warcraft on my older macbook pro. I am attracted by the latest macbook/macbook pros. But will the latest macbook still play warcraft well, or do I stay with the latest macbook pro?

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MacBook :: Replace Of Core Duo White Macbook With Core 2 Duo Black Macbook?

Nov 18, 2009

I wanted to know if I can replace the upper case of a Core Duo white macbook with that of a Core 2 Duo black macbook? The white one has the distinctive yellowing of the rev A macbooks, so i'd like to make it better whilst making a black/white frankenMac.

If not, can I at least replace the airport card?

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Hardware :: Macbook Vs Mini For Desktop / Macbook Power Usage / Operation Closed

Apr 15, 2009

I'm putting a computer in my kitchen that anybody in the house can use (kids & parents). It will be hooked up to a 24" LCD and also act as a small file server, dvd player and perhaps eyetv dvr.

I like the mini because it is small (can hide in the cabinet where spills won't get it), is cheap and uses only 13W when idle. But when I think down the road, 4 year old laptops seem a lot more useful than 4 year old mac minis. So I'm a bit torn.

So my questions are:

- Does anybody know how much power the macbook uses when "idle" (just running finder).

- Can the macbook be run with the lid closed? (I know old powerbooks used to vent hot air through the keyboard.)

(Then again, I have the computer in the kitchen so I can watch my kids on the computer. In 4 years they'll be 5 years old and probably want a laptop they could have in their own room - exactly what I want to avoid. And I'll probably upgrade my macbook pro by then anyway.)

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MacBook :: Battery Life On Late 2009 White MacBook & Screen Shadow ?

Oct 31, 2010

I have a late 2009, white unibody MacBook which is 7 months old, and I have been noticing that the battery life is getting less and less, and am rather confused.I reset the SMC as per Apple instructions, and then followed the battery calibrating guide to the letter from, and tonight it seems to have lasted... 3.5 hrs! Hardly the quoted 7 hours that Apple spec, and I am simply doing light web browsing, nothing else.Am I doing something wrong? The machine sits connected to magsafe 90% of the time, but I cannot envisage that would cause any problem, as it knows when it is charged, so afaik no more current can get to the battery to damage it

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MacBook Pro :: Word Programs Have Updates But Macbook Keeps Telling Me There's Not Enough Room On The Hard Drive?

Mar 26, 2012

Is this simply because I have too much data on the hard drive, or is there a solution/what is it??

MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Air :: Como Puedo Hacer Para Conectar Mi Guitarra Eléctrica A Mi Macbook Air?

Jun 13, 2012

se nesesita algun adaptador, pero no puedo configurarlo y no me lo reconoce

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MacBook Pro :: How To Connect An Apple 24" Cinema Display To Macbook Pro Retina Laptop

Jun 18, 2012

I'm upgrading my 2009 MacBook Pro to the new MacBook Pro with retina display. How do I connect my 24" Apple cinema display to the new Macbook?

LED Cinema Display (24-inch), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Hardware :: Apple Intros 2.8GHz MacBook Pro MacBook Air And ProKit Updates ?

Oct 20, 2010

Apple on Wednesday introduced a new build-to-order option for MacBook Pros that lets users configure the systems with a faster Core i7 processor and also released software updates for the new MacBook Air, Aperture, Java, and Pro KitBuried by the unveiling of the new 11.6- and 13.3-inch MacBook Airs was a quiet update to Apple's professional notebooks that will let customers custom-configure the machines with even faster Core i7 processors.For an additional $200, customers can upgrade the high-end 15-inch MacBook Pro to a 2.8GHz Intel Core i7 processor from a 2.66GHz Intel Core i7 chip. The same upgrade is also available for the sole 2.53GHz 17-inch model for a $400 premium. An upgrade on that model to a 2.66GHz Core i7 remains,

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Hardware :: Apple Introduces 13-inch MacBook Pro Cheaper MacBook Airs

Jun 8, 2009

Apple at its developers conference Monday unveiled plans to transition its 13-inch unibody MacBooks into a more premium offering by announcing plans to rebrand them as 13-inch MacBook Pros alongside more affordable pricing. MacBook Airs were also updated with cheaper pricing.

Apple said it will retain the "MacBook" moniker for its white $999 MacBook which ships in a polycarbonate enclosure. The new unibody models include a 2.26GHz model for $1199 and a 2.53GHz model for $1499, down from $1299 and $1599.

13-inch MacBook Pros

The new 13-inch MacBook Pro is a significant upgrade at a lower price than the original aluminum MacBook it replaces. With the same unibody design popular with consumers, students and professionals, all 13-inch MacBook Pro models now include a seven hour built-in battery, an SD card slot, a FireWire 800 port, an illuminated keyboard and an improved LED-backlit display with 60 percent greater color gamut.

Also featuring NVIDIA's GeForce 9400M integrated graphics processor, the 13-inch MacBook Pro is available in two models: one with a 2.26 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 2GB of RAM and a 160GB hard drive priced at $1,199, and another with a 2.53 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4GB of RAM and a 250GB hard drive priced at $1,499.

"Across the line, all of our new MacBook Pro models now include Apple's innovative built-in battery for up to seven hours of battery life, while staying just as thin and light as before," said Philip Schiller, Apple's senior vice president of Worldwide Product Marketing. "Starting at just $1,199, the aluminum unibody MacBook Pro is more affordable than ever and sets a new standard for environmentally friendly notebook design."

The 2.26 GHz, 13-inch MacBook Pro, for a suggested retail price of $1,199 (US), includes:

*-- *13.3-inch widescreen LED-backlit 1280 x 800 glossy display;
*-- *2.26 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo with 3MB shared L2 cache;
*-- *1066 MHz front-side bus;
*-- *2GB 1066 MHz DDR3 SDRAM, expandable to 8GB;
*-- *NVIDIA GeForce 9400M integrated graphics;
*-- *160GB serial ATA hard drive running at 5400 rpm, with Sudden Motion Sensor;
*-- *a slot-load 8X SuperDrive(R) with double-layer support (DVD+/-R DL/DVD+/-RW/CD-RW) optical drive;
*-- *Mini DisplayPort for video output (adapters sold separately);
*-- *built-in AirPort Extreme(R) 802.11n wireless networking and Bluetooth 2.1+EDR;
*-- *Gigabit Ethernet port;
*-- *built-in iSight(R) video camera;
*-- *two USB 2.0 ports;
*-- *one FireWire 800 port (FireWire 400 compatible);
*-- *SD card slot;
*-- *one audio line in/out port, supporting both optical digital and analog;
*-- *glass Multi-Touch trackpad and illuminated keyboard;
*-- *built-in, 58WHr lithium polymer battery; and
*-- *60 Watt MagSafe(R) Power Adapter.

The 2.53 GHz, 13-inch MacBook Pro, for a suggested retail price of $1,499 (US), includes:

*-- *13.3-inch widescreen LED-backlit 1280 x 800 glossy display;
*-- *2.53 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo with 3MB shared L2 cache;
*-- *1066 MHz front-side bus;
*-- *4GB 1066 MHz DDR3 SDRAM, expandable to 8GB;
*-- *NVIDIA GeForce 9400M integrated graphics;
*-- *250GB serial ATA hard drive running at 5400 rpm, with Sudden Motion Sensor;
*-- *a slot-load 8X SuperDrive with double-layer support (DVD+/-R DL/DVD+/-RW/CD-RW) optical drive;
*-- *Mini DisplayPort for video output (adapters sold separately);
*-- *built-in AirPort Extreme 802.11n wireless networking and Bluetooth 2.1+EDR;
*-- *Gigabit Ethernet port;
*-- *built-in iSight video camera;
*-- *two USB 2.0 ports;
*-- *one FireWire 800 port (FireWire 400 compatible);
*-- *SD card slot;
*-- *one audio line in/out port, supporting both optical digital and analog;
*-- *glass Multi-Touch trackpad and illuminated keyboard;
*-- *built-in, 58WHr lithium polymer battery; and
*-- *60 Watt MagSafe Power Adapter.

Build-to-order options for the 13-inch MacBook Pro include the ability to upgrade to 8GB 1066 MHz DDR3 SDRAM, a 250GB 5400 rpm, 320GB 5400 rpm or 500GB 5400 rpm hard drive, a 128GB or 256GB solid state drive, Mini DisplayPort to DVI Adapter, Mini DisplayPort to Dual-Link DVI Adapter (for 30-inch DVI display), Mini DisplayPort to VGA Adapter, Apple Remote, Apple MagSafe Airline Adapter and the AppleCare Protection Plan.

MacBook Air

Apple today also updated its thin and light MacBook Air, making it more powerful and more affordable. Measuring just 0.16 to 0.76-inches thin and weighing just three pounds, the MacBook Air is available in two models starting with the new entry price of $1,499 for a 1.86 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo system with a 120GB hard drive and NVIDIA GeForce 9400M graphics, and a 2.13 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo system with a 128GB solid state drive and NVIDIA GeForce 9400M graphics for $1,799.

Every Mac notebook achieves EPEAT Gold status and meets Energy Star 5.0 requirements, setting a new standard for environmentally friendly notebook design. Each unibody enclosure is made of highly recyclable aluminum and comes standard with energy efficient LED-backlit displays that are mercury-free and made with arsenic-free glass. All MacBook Pro and MacBook Air models contain no brominated flame retardants and use internal cables and components that are PVC-free. The built-in battery design results in less waste and depleted batteries can be replaced for $129 or $179, which includes installation and disposal of your old battery in an environmentally responsible manner.

Availability and upgrading to Snow Leopard

The new 13-inch MacBook Pro and MacBook Air are available immediately through the Apple Store, Apple's retail stores and Apple Authorized Resellers.

Mac OS X Snow Leopard will be shipping in September 2009, and any new Mac system purchased without Snow Leopard from Apple or an Apple Authorized Reseller between June 8, 2009 and the end of the program on December 26, 2009, is eligible for the Mac OS X Snow Leopard Up-To-Date upgrade package available for a product plus shipping and handling fee of $9.95 (US). Users must request their Up-To-Date upgrade within 90 days of purchase or by December 26, 2009, or whichever comes first.[ View this article at ]

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MacBook :: MacBook & External Monitor Connection Display Resolution Is Inappropriate?

Sep 7, 2010

I have recently purchased the mini display port to DVI adapter and a Belkin DVI to HDMI cable, to plug into my MacBook & Samsung SyncMaster 2032MW monitor. However when I connect this all up the display resolution is appalling, blurry and doesnt fit the screen. I have tried all the available resolutions turned mirror-mode on & off and its still shockingly bad! Also tried this on my LG TV and still the same. I have a Dell laptop which I connect via HDMI and the resolution is amazing. I thought the MacBook would output the same?

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MacBook Pro :: 2009 Aluminum MacBook Pro Makes Weird Sound When I Move It?

Sep 22, 2010

Just noticed a problem with my 2009 Aluminum MacBook Pro. Whenever i move my MacBook Pro it makes a weird creak dull ringing sort of sound. I also hear this sound when I press on the underside or grip tightly to it.

What could this be?

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MacBook Pro :: Largest Capacity Hard Drive My Macbook Pr 15" I5 Can Support?

Oct 31, 2010

what's the largest capacity hard drive my macbook pr 15" i5 can support ?

could you guys also please get me some links ? preferably from Amazon

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MacBook :: Macbook Wont Connect To The Internet Via Wifi - Getting Message On Icon?

Nov 24, 2010

My macbook connects to my wifi connection which is secured without any issues. However it wont let me connect to the internet. I keep getting a message on the airport icon that has an exclamation point on it that says "no internet connection available." Also, when I open up the network settings under the airport settings, it says self assigned ip address can not connect to internet. I have no idea what is going on because all of my other computers and xbox is connecting to the internet just fine. I already tried to restart the router and the modem and I also emptied the cache on the macbook. I tried to call Comcast but they were not very helpful.

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MacBook Pro :: : Windows 7 Not Realizing Or Loading NVIDIA Drivers (13 Inch Macbook Pro)?

Dec 22, 2010

I recently installed the 64 bit Windows 7 Ultimate operating system onto my MacBook Pro 13 inch. I have the most basic Macbook Pro 13 inch with nothing fancy added.Whenever I load up the Windows 7 OS on my Macbook, it never utilizes or even realizes that I have the NVIDIA graphics card in my laptop. It instead believes I have some integrated graphics card that cannot even run the most basic of PC games.I know my laptop can run these games because on OSX it runs multiple games with higher requirements than these games I am trying to run on Windows.Basic question: How do I get bootcamp or whatever else to make Windows 7 realize I have a NVIDIA card and drivers. Sorry if I am coming off as stupid or confusing.

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MacBook Air :: MacBook Air With Parallels Accessing Virtual Machine Or Boot Camp?

Jul 9, 2008

The MacBook Air video card is very limited to run HD movies, and when you run Parallels accessing a Vm, the video performance is very poor. I would like to know if installing Windows through BootCamp, could increase this performance.
1 - Any one knows if there's some advantage on installing Windows through BootCamp instead of Vm?

Note: One desvantage is that TimeMachine can not auto backup BootCamp partition, but it "yes" do backups the Vm.

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Hardware :: Time Capsule - Works Fine On IMac And Macbook But Not Macbook Pro?

Dec 30, 2008

I got a refurb 500gig Time Capsule for Christmas, and was able to set it up fine with my iMac, but when I tried to set it up with my Macbook Pro that I use through school it wouldn't show up/mount via wifi or USB. When I tried with my moms Macbook just to see, hers sees it fine.

I have a feeling its something to do with the image the school uses on the machines, but when I emailed IT, they said "Typically the images that are set up for each program are just a collaboration of programs required for you to complete course work in your specific program. There are no specific permissions turned on or off that would not allow you to connect to this device."

I had my dad play with the router, but its not the issue because the other two machines can access the Time Capsule with no issues. I can give the Time Capsule its own IP in Airport, and it shows it as connected but still won't show it when it scans to set it up with Time Machine. I can ping the Time Capsule from both the iMac and Macbook Pro. The software has been installed on both machines as well.

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