MacBook Pro :: Locate Stolen MacBook Pro Using Find Mac Without ICloud Being On The Macbook Pro?
Apr 23, 2012
My MacBook Pro was stoen this weekend and I need to know if the Find My Mac service can help locate it. Its a summer 2009 model 15" Macbook Pro. I have the computer's serial number, and the computer is registered to my Apple ID.
My MacBook was stolen so I thought that remote wiping it was a god idea. I didn't realise I would lose the ability to locate it! It has now connected to a WiFi spot and been wiped, but I would really like to locate it so that I can let the police know.
Info: MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.1), find my mac, remote wipe, locate
i have been asked by the police to find out if there any way to find two mac laptops that have been stolen.they have itunes and icloud on them... can we turn them on by remote computer.they also have find my phone app?
I am trying to locate my stolen ipod touch. I still have the case that it came in. Will I be able to locate it using the information on the box, as in serial and model number?
Info: iPod touch, Windows XP, 32GB and model number is A1367
How can I find out if someone else is using my stolen Ipad2. I've had the find my ipad, but it must be disconected and I used the option to wipe everything off of it. But I thought there was a way to see if it is being used because of the serial number.
I can't get Find my iPhone to locate my MBP 7,1, 2.4gHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4GB DDR3 Ram, 500GB hard drive with Lion 10.7.4. I tried turning off and on iCloud's Find my iPhone and re-installed the 10.7.4 service pack again. Both and the app doesn't locate my MBP.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7), 2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4 GB RAM
My Son had his MacBook Pro stolen. He asked if he could track it down through the Internet. I searched online and found some suggestions for tracking software. Not knowing who to trust I thought I would bring this to Discussions: Can it be tracked if no tracking software was installed? What are some preferred tracking programs to install on a new machine to allow this in the future?
Info: MacBook 2.16 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo; MacBook Pro Intel Core Duo 2.53, Mac OS X (10.6.2), OS 10.5.8 on MB
the reason i am here in this one to one conversation its because my ipod got stolen on a Wedsnday; to be exact February 15th. I was in my third period class, which was gym and when i went to go look for my ipod since we had free choice of exercise, i didnt find my ipod but my headphones were in my bag, and my phone was there to. By a suprise where i left my ipod, they took out everything that was covering the ipod and just left my pink headphones. I'm here because i would like to replace my ipod.I know my apple id account, and password. I have the app locate my ipod.Sadly i couldnt locate it because it wasnt turned on.
Info: iPod touch, iOS 5.0.1, black ipod, 4th generation
I have a new MacBook Pro 13'. I already configured Icloud and I can find on maps devices sucha as Ipads, Iphones and Mac´s, but something is happened with my own MacBook Pro, I cant locate it on the Maps, I only see the image of the MacBook Pro and the instruction for locked it or send a message. I did all troubleshooting explained on support web page (location activevated on security, etc) and the problem still remains.Â
MacBookPro is not seen by Find My Mac, in iCloud. Says it is offline. iCloud is established and open.Running OSX 10.7.4. WiFi and ethernet connection to internet, all iCloud Preferences ticked. Â
I have OS 10.7.4 but can't find iCloud on my computer. I am missing something for sure. I'm sure it will be a "DUH" moment, but I really need to get picture off of it from my iPhone.
On linux I use "locate" to find anything via command line. I see that locate is installed on my Mac but invoking it does not always find what I am looking for I thought that maybe I need to update the database but $ sudo slocate -u gives me a command not found error. Is there a cool apple trick to finding files that I know are right in front of my face?
I have installed MacKeeper, and now am in doubt whether I should lock my Macbook Air (but then I can't erase the contents anymore), erase the contents (but then I am afraid MacKeeper, who is supposed to take a picture and send it, will also be disabled), or do nothing and trust MacKeeper
had my black 13 inch mac book stolen while visiting inlaws. we know who took it but need proof. filed a police report and gave serial number but need some way or tracking the computer..dont know what if any tracking capabilities the system had on it. and how can I find the Mac address for the laptop.
Alright, here goes my last two weeks. Two Sundays ago I was playing football with a couple friends. The game ended abruptly when I broke my leg and went to the hospital, but thats not the bad part. I was in the hospital for 6 hours and when I got home I found that someone had broken in and stolen my 32" Vizio flatscreen TV, xbox 360 elite, DVD player, and most importantly my 15" Macbook Pro. I called the police immediately and they came out and did the standard police thing, but as I've been in contact with them lately, they say they have no leads and I'm not going to get my stuff back, bottom line. Now I'm left with no computer to work with and worst of all, I know I'll never get the things back that were important to me on that computer. I had pictures on it from when I was 10 years old and I'll never see them again. I worked really hard to save the money to buy those things and they are all gone in an instant. I just can't believe it. I have no one else to turn to and I just don't know what else I can do. I'm getting married soon and I can't afford to go buy a new laptop, to be honest at this point that's all I care about as far as what was stolen. If anyone knows any way to track a laptop or xbox 360 it would be appreciated. I know its a long shot.
My MacbookPro was recently stolen and I need the serial number to report it. However, I never registered my computer on Apple. Is there any way I can ge the serial number?
I am looking in to getting some protection to recover and make life hard for a thief, if my MBP should get stolen. I found several products doing a search. They are for example: GadgetTrak Laptop Security, Hidden, LoJack for Laptops, Rest safe.with any of these products, or other ones, that you would say is a good investment and worth it. Or possible other ways of doing so that I did not think of. Â
Info: MBP, MM, MBP - 10.6 + Windooz XP on a hard partition
My laptop was stolen last week (I just received my new one not too long ago). I have the IP address of my stolen one. Is there any way I can somehow trace it to where my old laptop is? Or do anything to get any information?