MacBook Pro :: 2009 Aluminum MacBook Pro Makes Weird Sound When I Move It?
Sep 22, 2010
Just noticed a problem with my 2009 Aluminum MacBook Pro. Whenever i move my MacBook Pro it makes a weird creak dull ringing sort of sound. I also hear this sound when I press on the underside or grip tightly to it.
What could this be?
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Mar 16, 2010
it only sounds like the machinery inside getting into gear, and it doesn't sound like anything's broken, but i wanted to make sure nonetheless instead of whining about it to apple and have them look at me like i'm crazy.
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Nov 17, 2009
I just noticed, that my MBP (mid 09) is making a very high pitched noise when it is turned off and the MagSafe connector is NOT plugged in.
I can only hear the noise when I put the computer close to my ear. The noise definitely comes from the MagSafe area.
It goes away when I click the battery indicator button on the side but returns shortly after the batteryindicator lights go out again.
Also, there is a ticking/clicking noise that I can hear when my Macbook is fully charged, turned off and the MagSafe is plugged in.
The noise is only there when the battery is at 100% (MagSafe light is green) the MagSafe light also seems to flicker very slightly but that's hardly visible (but definitly there)
both noises go away when the computer is turned on or in sleep.
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Jun 13, 2009
When surfing the net (like right now) or just letting it idle, my hard drive makes a slight "clunk" sound like the HD arm is hitting the edge of the case (or maybe starting up and shutting down?). There seems to be no loss of performance. I did a disk verify and everything is OK. Should I be concerned?
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Sep 1, 2009
I have a person that sent along this video and it concerns me that a hard drive would make such a noise. It's unlike anything I've heard in a drive. He claims the original owner installed a new Seagate 7200rpm in the book, and that it mostly happens when loading a web-page on Safari.
Every time I look up "hard drive click" I get the SMS triggered "tink" but this notebook is not in motion and instead makes a "ca-chink".
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Feb 19, 2010
I have a Dual 1.8 G5 and my hard drive has started to make a clicking sound every now and then. I believe it may be on the verge of dying anyday. Since i have space to put in another internal hard drive i am planning to get a WD Black Caviar 1TB and put it in.
Now my question is how do i move all my application from the old internal drive to the new internal drive.From what i have researched it seems that using a enclosure is the way to go but all the info i have seen is referring to replacing the drive rather adding a new one.I would like to move everything to the new drive and make that a master.What is the best way to perform this task?
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Oct 20, 2009
My brand new MBP 13" (Mid 2009) makes a high pitched whiny sound that appears to come from the upper left corner ( where the MagSafe connector is). It is not caused by the display because even when I turn it off (the display) the sound is still there. It goes away when I turn off the computer, tougth. Also it's not caused by the MagSafe because when I disconnect it the noise doesn't stop. I have used gogle and the forum search and found people with the same problem. Those people could fix it by starting photobooth. Same works for me. So I guess it's the processor. What I want to know is: is this normal? Because most of the other people who I found who have this problem had a 2006 MBP not a 2009 like me.
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Aug 5, 2009
I don't know how to describe it. It's almost like the pop sound you get when you raise/lower the volume, but it happens when you're doing nothing. Like the MBP is hiccuping. A very slight quiet noise, but it's strange and disturbing nonetheless. It's not a mechanical clink, like the HD or something, but a little 'pop'.
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Oct 1, 2010
When I pick it up, or when I move is suddenly (even just slightly), I get a horrible sound from the back right hand side. It sounds like a someone is putting a piece of plastic into a spinning fan. It also kinda sounds like the hard drive head hitting the disk (scratching sound). I know that these things are meant to have a movement sensor which actually takes the head OFF the disk, but this sounds like its doing the opposite (scratching the moving disk). If I do it while watching a movie, the film freezes for a second at the same time the sound can be heard - so it's definately something to do with the hard drive.
I have done some research but everyone talking about the sudden movement sensor has described the sound as a "click", not a scratch. Can someone confirm this is normal, or abnormal? It's happening quite a lot - e.g. if I just pick it up it occurs. I've had loads of laptops and this is the first that seems to make a sound whenever I move it...
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Feb 21, 2009
when i use expose or open dashboard or any other screen for that matter that opens up, i always get a high pitched "grinding" noise coming from my display. It wasnt there before and all of a sudden it starts doing this? im very confused about this as i have no idea what it could be
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Sep 11, 2009
Ok, this is kind of hard to describe without a recording of it but my MacBook has this frustrating fault where it beachball's without warning and produces a really hard to describe sound every few seconds. The best I can come with to describe it is an "uh-oh" sound from around the keyboard area. It hangs like this for anything from 2-10 mins and will be pretty much unusable in that time.
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Nov 12, 2009
For the past few days my MBP has been slow. Ridiculously slow. Beachballing to open safari etc. I have just noticed that as it tries to load things it makes a weird sound. A short burring sounds followed by a long one then a short one. Don't know if that is relevant. Earlier today it froze so i had to do a hard shutdown (hold down the power button) and then it wouldn't boot. I ended up booting it off the snow leopard disc. This problem seemed to start when i started playing wow again but i had it installed for a long time. Could this be heat related?
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Nov 14, 2010
What makes this ping sound. [URL] It sound like electric when goes wrong! Not rely sure if its ventilator!
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Dec 18, 2008
I just bought a MacBook Pro and a Weird sound such as a disc scratching is coming from it seems my Disc drive. This only happens when I start the computer up or wake it after the HD goes to sleep. The notebook is brand new and not sure if this is normal.
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Mar 11, 2009
ive had the unibody macbook 13" since dec and its been running smoothly. the other night i shut the lid and put the comp to sleep just like every other night, i put the computer on the floor gently and woke up about 6/7 hours later. when i turned it on, i hear this weird buzzing...purring....ticking? i guess i dont know how to describe it. im sure its not the fan cuz i have istat and it would tlel me if the fans going crazy fast...which it isnt, so yea what do i this a serious problem? can i get this fixed?
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Nov 15, 2009
So my MacBook has recently lost it's ability to output audio through the built-in speakers or another device. I'm quite frustrated as I watch and listen to tons of multimedia, and not being to hear a thing is quite sad. When I hit the volume up/down keys, all I get is the on screen audio level indicator and thats it. I've restarted a few times already, resetted the PRAM as well as the SMC and nothing improved. I want to try avoid taking it to the Genius Bar as I'm really not going to have the time to do so this week, and I believe there is a simpler solution.
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Oct 26, 2009
I've had my 13inch MBP for almost 3 months now. I love it. However within the past month and a half the hard drive on when I press the button for the laptop to turn on makes a horrible sound. A mechanical sound of the hard drive..turning on or starting up or something. It's like, kinda embarrassing to turn it on in public cause it sounds like a disabled electronic robot baby yelling for help. When I first got my MBP when it turned on it did not make a noise at all. at all. but now all of a sudden it does? And let me tell you, when I had my original white macbook from 2006-early 2009 it began making the same noise in like mid-07. Therefore I know I'm not the only one to have ever heard this noise before.
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Dec 30, 2009
I recently bought a Macbook Pro and it starts worrying me that it makes a 'click' sound.
It's done it all the time but now I start worrying whether or not it's normal. It doesn't do it all the time. It comes now and then. It's not loud.
I've tried to record it and you can hear it by clicking here.
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Jun 9, 2010
I'm having this problem with my touchpad, which is really hard to explain in words, so I made this quick vid with my iPhone: As you can see, my touchpad "clicks" before I actually click. It makes the sound twice before the computer registers a click. My warranty has expired.
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Jan 14, 2009
my macbook has been making a noise lately! the noise it makes is the same noise (sound) it makes when you remove a program off the dock! the "Swoosh" sound...! why does it make that noise!? it ussually makes it every 30 minutes! it never made that noise b4 it just started a few days ago! after i installed adobe photoshop cs4! (which i finnally got by mail! >) anywho at first i thought it was deleting something but nope nothing! then today i did check the trash bin and i found 2 folders both were named "backup" one was named backup the other backup#1 i opened up the folders and i just found a flash file! yes i do have adobe flash cs as well, but i hardly use it so i am not sure if i some how put a setting that makes something get deleted...! is this a flash software setting? or a mac. setting that i have on? if so how can i make it stop? im not even removing a thing from my dock! there it goes again it made that noise just now! aghhh! oh and if it is a flash problem then why does it make that dock noise shouldn't it make a trash bin noise....?
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Aug 10, 2009
My late 2008 macbook intermittently makes a gentle "ding" sound. By gentle I mean it's a sound effect, not the kind of beep you get from about to die hardware. I cannot work out at all what is causing it.
Sometimes it doesn't happen for weeks then will happen several times in a single day. It happens when I am not doing anything at all (ie. not even pressing keys).
I've checked all the sound effects that you can choose in system preferences and it's not the same sound as any of them. I don't use Mail or any other email clients but just in case I checked once when I heard the ding - and I didn't have any new mail. I've also checked my dashboard, and as far as I can see the calendar, clock, weather and calculator widgets don't seem to be set up to make some random alarm sound.
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Aug 20, 2010
Today I just noticed that my MBP makes a very slight sound once in a while. I'm thinking it's just the hard drive working slightly harder. Is this normal?
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Jul 13, 2010
I don't know what I have done but recently after copying text, The computer makes a sound everytime I paste? Like an error sound. Before I would copy and paste without any sound now everytime I paste a sound follows.
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Sep 4, 2014
The screen to my MacBook Pro screen wont turn on and when I push the power button it just makes a 3 beep sound repeatedly. Is there any way t. Fix this or should I go to the store?
MacBook Pro
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Apr 6, 2009
Whenever I wake my computer from sleep, there is a crackling sound that comes from the hard drive. After that, every five minutes or so, the crackling sound continues. It's like the sound of some crinkling a plastic sheet/static-y sound. I can hear the hard drive whirring and the crackling sound coming from that.
Is this normal? I have a 2.4 ghz Macbook aluminum, bought in Oct 2008. I'm hesitant to bring it in right now because I have finals coming up in 2 weeks and I need my laptop for it. I've already brought my Macbook in and had it sent in two times due to issues w/ the keyboard (keys not working or falling off), and each time it took about a week to get it back.
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Jul 13, 2009
Has anyone else with the Alum MacBook loaded Vista and experienced sound glitches when playing any sounds? My machine will have sound stuttering lasting 3-5 sec occuring every 2-3 min. Works fine in OS_X but never in Vista. I,m trying to decide if I need to return or exchange the machine. AppleCare is clueless on the problem other than blaming the drivers. I have reloaded Vista Home prem 32bit, BootCamp 2.0, Updated 2.1 BootCamp drivers, changed the realtek driver in Vista, updated to 1 month old realtek new driver, and lastly disabled the onboard audio and installed a new Creative external USB sound card ALL to NO Avail. I have 5 days left to return the notebook, but otherwise I love the new MacBook.
MacBook Alum
Mac OS X (10.5.5)
OS X/Vista
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Sep 9, 2009
I have been having this issue forever and want to do something about it now. Whenever the sound is mute on my notebook, and there should be sound playing (Ex.: Startup Chime), instead I get a LOUD pop noise. I understand the whole thing with the sound chip powering down to save battery life, but that requires the speakers to be un-muted. In my case, they are mute, and never get un-muted. What do you guys think. Logic Board/Speaker System Replacement?
Aluminum Unibody 2.4GHz MacBook (10.5.8)
Mac OS X (10.5.8)
2nd Gen. iPod touch (8 GB) with 3.0
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Sep 7, 2009
It happens when the MBP wakes up from sleep. The longer it sleeps, the louder it's. Listen for it after the 1st 10 second.
MBP Whine.m4a
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Dec 12, 2009
Every once in a while my Mac Mini will start to chirp/squeak. It almost sounds like crickets. It started doing it again about 5-10 minutes ago and just stopped as I began typing this post. Does that sound like it could be the fan making the noise or the hard drive? I would think that if it were the drive I would here it MUCH more often.
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Oct 6, 2010
I finally put my hands on a brand new MacBook Pro 15" (base model) with Hi-Def Glossy Screen...I'm playing with it since a couple of days and I wonder if it is somehow defective...I've already passed through the following thread but I haven't found the answers I'm looking for....URL
I've also searched trough the forum, found a couple of related threads but no conclusive answers were given, so that's why I'm posting my doubts and asking for you to comment or give your personal experiences or advices...
1) Power dazzle (sorry I don't know how to better express it)
When I plug the cable to recharge the battery and the battery gets finally completely recharged, I feel a sort of low voltage through my hands when I touch the aluminum unibody... I was used to feel the same thing on the touchpad of my former pc when its logic board started to break... (that's why I'm so worried about this potential issue)Is it normal? Do you experience the same thing? Is it to notify the battery is fully charged? I don't think so: a pop-up message would be much more effective...
2) Clinging sound
When I use the MBP in a quiet room, I often hear a clinging sound from the touchpad... I suspect it is the HDD's head that moves to perform an operation... or is it something completely different? In any case, it is very annoying: when I hear it, I immediately start to search myself for any tab of a zipper that may produce it...Again, is it normal? Does your MBP is the same? Does it annoy you? Am I simply paranoid? Did you do something to effectively reduce it (SSD)?
3) Battery life
I tried to calibrate the battery properly, nevertheless I didn't experienced the advertized battery life... I think it depends on the fact I have the Hi-Def screen that is more power demanding than the default one...
Is this the effective reason? How long does your battery last? (I cannot post my value because I just discovered the option to show time besides battery icon...) Any suggestion to make the battery last longer? (I already use cable rather than wi-fi and Intel graphic card rather than Nvidia one)
4) If I move my finger tips on the bottom of the unibody enclosure, I can feel a small step between the enclosure and the cover (something less than 1/3 of a mm) in the area below the touchpad that progressively disappear toward the hinge area...
Does your cover integrate seamlessly into your unibody enclosure or not?Is it an indication of some sort of refurbished intervention or is it normal this way? How can I understand if it is a refurbished MBP or a brand new one? (It's been bought by my university, so I don't know exactly what has been ordered... there is something I have to look for to understand the case? A particular notice, booklet or something like that?)
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