MacBook Pro :: Monitor Laggy At 1920x1200 Resolutions?
Jul 19, 2009
i have the computer in my sig. i am a graphic design student and will be using this for that. can my computer handle 1920x1200. will it be laggy at such resolutions? and does anyone have any experience with this monitor or suggestions for other good ones which are around 350.
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Jun 26, 2009
Just got a 17" unibody to replace my 15" Classic. It appears that the 17" can't output 1920x1200 over the mini DisplayPort to DVI connection, rather displaying 1920x1080. The 15" Classic has no problem outputting 1920x1200 which is the native resolution of this display (an LG L246WP).
What can I do? I tried downloading SwitchResX and fiddling around with that to no avail.
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Aug 2, 2010
I ordered the new 27" i7 and shoulder be here this week. I'm looking to make my samsung SyncMaster T260hd my second monitor, it supports all connections, dvi-d, hdmi, vga.
I'm wondering which "mini display port - to -xxxx" should I get. Does HDMI go higher then 1080p? Is the DVI-D my best option?, I've read that they both have the same "video quality" but was wondering if HDMI offers the same resolutions as DVI, and which will be better for the future as well. I still hope/plan to buy a mac pro in 2-3 years.
I use my computer for light video editing (after effects), lightroom, and photoshop.
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Sep 16, 2009
After taking advice here and there, I have decided to go for a dual monitor set up on my late 2006 iMac 24inch. I want to use the Eizo S2242W monitor which is a 22inch widescreen model with a resolution of 1920x1200. I will use this for photoshop work and I want the set up to allow me to use my internal iMac screen to display photoshop controls and the picture I am editing to appear on the properly calibrated Eizo. I believe this is called extended mode or some such. I need to know if this is possible with the mac I own and if there are any additional connections I will need to buy to make it work. The screen has a DV input and I believe my mac has a mini dv output but I'm not sure what this means for me.
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Jul 2, 2010
I know that you'd need at least 2 graphics cards to run the 3 monitors. Is there a way to play games using all 3 monitors (if the game supports it). I know that with Windows, you would just use software supplied with the video card and make the computer "think" that it's 1 big display. With OS X, is there any way I can play games at triple monitor resolutions? I am also open to Bootcamp ideas, but then don't you have the same problem again because you have multiple video cards instead of just one?
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Feb 28, 2009
Having found this 46 page macrumors thread about fitting a 1920x1200 display in 15" Macbook Pros, I decided to do my best to summarise the thread and then try and write a step-by-step guide to upgrading your screen.
I've posted up my first-draft write-up and detailed instructions list from this thread wiki: installing a high res display on a Macbook ProThe edited highlights from this entire thread can also be found wiki: WUXGA conversion research pageHope this all helps someone, and a huge amount of thanks goes to baxterbrittle for starting the thread and noetus for writing up an excellent guide.
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Oct 1, 2009
im currently using a black macbook [URL: ...] and wanted to run 2 monitors at 1920x1200 resolutions on each. i am looking to use these Samsung monitors [URL:...] What kind of setup would i have to run to get this to work?
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Jun 3, 2014
I have an LG W2442 24" external monitor that is capable of a resolution of 1920x1200. It is connected to my Macbook Pro with Retina using an HDMI cable and I am running Windows 7 & using Bootcamp. The laptop only recognizes a possible choice of 1920x1080 resolution instead of 1920x1200. How do I make it output the proper resolution?
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Apr 2, 2012
My Mac book pro has turned very laggy.Here's the details:
System Software Overview:System Version: Mac OS X 10.6.8 (10K549) Kernel Version: Darwin 10.8.0 Boot Volume: Jr Machintosh HD Boot Mode: Normal User Name: *********************(personal) Secure Virtual Memory: Enabled 64-bit Kernel and Extensions: No Time since boot: 1 day4:40 Hardware Overview: Model Name: MacBook Pro Model Identifier:
The mac was working fine though we heard the fan was broken. It was making a loud noise but worked fine. It use to over-heat very bad. So we decided to get the fan replaced. After 2 days we got it back. Then we tryed playing on it a games. It was laggy. Even after a certain amount of windows it would lag. Then we erased all the junk, and games and tryed to have multiple windows opened. It was bad. The fan didn't make noise but over heated very hot I installed an app and found out it would get so warm to about 219 degrees. We tryed backing it up and then reinstall another mac backup. The same result happened. We tryed again and still no change happend. We tryed all those cleaning programs clean my mac,mackeeper,antivirus,and some others. We erased them off to in the end.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jul 3, 2010
I had a 2.4G MBP with 4G ram that I used for about a year. I bought an Intel 128GB SSD and used the optibay to install. I'm using the HD to store the home folder, and all applications and OSX on the SSD. The MBP started getting really laggy here lately, I see a pinwheel for about 60 seconds when I use "Save as" or try and print something. So I bought a 2.8G 17" MBP with 4G ram, hoping it was a hardware issue. I swapped both drives into the new MBP, but am having the same issues. I use a lot of different softwares (office '08, xcode, parallels, quickbooks, etc...) so its hard to pinpoint it down to a specific application. I am going to wipe the MBP clean and start over, but what is the best route? Should I just backup the home folder, reinstall all software then put back the home folder? I want to avoid copying the problem, but can't afford to lose all of my application data.
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May 28, 2012
I just got a MacBook Pro two days ago. It's been working fine except for one small problem - the track-pad sometimes lags.The problem occurs mainly on the user logon page when you start up the page, and sometimes on Safari, etc. It doesn't occur too often to be a distraction. Should the lagginess be a concern, and does it happen on all MacBook Pros?
MacBook Pro
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Jun 4, 2012
my macbook pro 2010 is really laggy and slow
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jul 11, 2010
I have one of the first MBP uni's with a removable battery. I recently upgraded to time warner wideband 50 down 5 up and i can dl and ul fast but the internet gets laggy some times tacking 30 + seconds to load pages they came and swapped the modem again today no fix its a ubee docsis 3.0 one. Its fine on all other networks. Tried open dns and some other work arounds but no luck, other pcs on my network are fine.
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Dec 12, 2010
Is there any reason why I can't have my macs background change every 5 seconds without it affecting what I'm doing on the screen at the time? It makes the computer slow while it's happening I really wanted to be able to have it rotate but not if it's going to choke the computer up. The mac is the current 2.4ghz 4gb model
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May 2, 2009
If you go to: [URL] or any HD youtube,... the video is laggy on my 2.0 MB unibody. I know it's not my internet connection problem as my MBP 2.4 Unibody is playing fine. Should I download firefox? Does anyone out there with the same laptop has the same problem?
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Sep 10, 2014
Just recently my macbook has began to lag when I swipe three fingers left or right to get to another desktop. I believe it happened after I used VMWare Fusion 5 but I do not believe that is the problem because I have used it before without any issues. I also tried reinstalling Mavericks OS X but that did nothing. The transition is just not a clean and pleasant transition from one desktop to the other.
MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Early 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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May 15, 2008
I have the setup in my sig and I'm running one Dell 24" at 1920x1200. The thing is that I'm considering getting another monitor exactly the same so I can run dual monitors, but I've read that some people have had some lock-up issues while attempting this. My question is who wide spread is this before I go and drop $600 on another monitor?
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Jul 10, 2010
Could someone please tell me what resolutions the High Res screen on the 15" supports?
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Jul 30, 2010
I have a MacBook Pro 13" purchased in 2009, and I'd like to be able to use it as my main computer, which would mean plugging it into my monitors. I currently have two DVI monitors, of different sizes and resolutions (one 24" running at 1920x1080 and one 19" running at 1440x900). Is there any way to use both of these with my MacBook Pro?
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Oct 23, 2010
This question might be a bit premature, however, given the 11.6 resolution, and Office 2011 system requirements (res req. is: 1280 x 800), do you think Office 2011 will install and run on the 11.6 Air?
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May 5, 2012
How might I connect two Dell U3011 displays at resolutions each of 2560 x 1600 to a recent Macbook Pro?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 19, 2008
Alright so I bought the Logitech V470 Bluetooth mouse for my MB. It's kind of small but I like it.
Anyways, I had the Logitech drivers and everything was going decent, but the mouse was still kind of laggy. Now after reading a thread on a Logitech mouse, everyone said Logitech's drivers were horrible. So I uninstalled everything that said Logitech Control Center. I didn't get everything though, because it still says Logitech Control Center connected whenever I connect my mouse. Is there anyway to get rid of it? I can't find anything about Logitech anywhere on my system.
Now to my second problem, the mouse pointer lags! I go and try to click the back button and it takes me a couple tries every now and then because it over shoots it and then lags back. It's really annoying.
Is there anything I can do about that?I might add that I'm using an external monitor.I'm thinking of just buying a new mouse, but that's another $50...
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Mar 5, 2009
For about a month now I noticed that whenever I'm watching a video on YouTube in HD or when I'm watching a movie trailer on Quicktime at 1080p, the playback lags. Prior to this everything worked well. All the videos I watched played smoothly at any resolution at any quality. I have an iMac with the following specs:
2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
ATI Radeon HD2600 Graphics Card with 256 VRAM
Also, I do not have many windows or applications open when I watch these videos. I have also close to 21GB of hard disk space used up out of about 280.
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Jul 8, 2008
My computer crashed yesterday, and when I reboot, it took forever to restart, then crashed a couple more times. I tried a disk repair from the install CD disk utilities, but after an hour or so, it said disk couldn't repair (I think it repaired things like the B-tree and directories). Now it takes 10mins+ to boot, and apps that used to launch right away, take a long time. There's a lag as I type this in now. It's a dual 2ghz PowerPC G5, 3gigs of ram, running on tiger 10.4.11.
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May 29, 2009
im running my macbook through a server running osx 10.5.7. The server has dual ethernet cards, one to connect into the external network and one for my own little network, which just has my macbook on it.ive noticed a very long delay in loading pages on the macbook, it takes about 6 seconds before anything happens and then its good and fast. Happens on every page which isnt cached.
the internet connection is capable of 60Mbps each way so its not the cause of the delay.On the server the internet is 'snappy' and everything is near instant so i belive that the delay occurs in the networkThe transfer speeds between computers are fine and pinging the server from the macbook gets speeds of around 0.2 ms. so i guess the problem lies in how the server handles the internet passthrough
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Jul 13, 2010
I've owned my iMac for nearly 3 years now and it has never failed me, it's honestly the best computer I've ever owned, it simply works all the time. However flash seems to run quite laggy on it, especially in firefox. When watching HD videos on Vimeo it stutters quite a bit. I've made sure I'm running the newest version of flash. Does anyone else have this issue? I tried searching but not much came up.
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Oct 30, 2007
I just upgraded to leopard on my MacBook Pro (2.4ghz Duo & 2GB ram) and have been messing around in Photo Booth, I noticed when I record a video with a video backdrop the process turns out sluggish and jerky. It only seems to be the backdrop that is quite laggy so I was wondering if this is just a case of there not being enough ram to handle it or is something else up.
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Sep 27, 2009
Is anybody else experiencing some horrible performance when running iTunes? I know it's an resource hog, but it's really laggy and unresponsive.. and using more than 100% cpu ....? (I'm running it on a 2009 octo-core MP)
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May 14, 2009
I just noticed that all of my 16:9 resolutions have just disappeared from my available resolutions list in system preferences. They were there before. This is true for the resolutions of my 24" external monitor as well. What can I do? I need to have the 720p and 1080p resolutions available. But they're just gone. Every other resolution is there.
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Jun 28, 2009
I am getting a Macbook Pro where the native resolution will be 1440 x 900 (I think).
Some older games (that I like to still play) do not support wide screen resolutions. On my PC this isn't an issue because under the nvidia control panel there is an option to tell the resolution not to scale. You get a black border around your screen if you do this, but at least it doesn't stretch it which looks awful.
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