Applications :: ITunes 9 Slow - Resource Laggy And Unresponsive
Sep 27, 2009
Is anybody else experiencing some horrible performance when running iTunes? I know it's an resource hog, but it's really laggy and unresponsive.. and using more than 100% cpu ....? (I'm running it on a 2009 octo-core MP)
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Jul 8, 2008
My computer crashed yesterday, and when I reboot, it took forever to restart, then crashed a couple more times. I tried a disk repair from the install CD disk utilities, but after an hour or so, it said disk couldn't repair (I think it repaired things like the B-tree and directories). Now it takes 10mins+ to boot, and apps that used to launch right away, take a long time. There's a lag as I type this in now. It's a dual 2ghz PowerPC G5, 3gigs of ram, running on tiger 10.4.11.
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Jun 4, 2012
my macbook pro 2010 is really laggy and slow
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Aug 28, 2014
I have seen people saying go into Library-Launch daemons etc. I find Library but no launch daemons or daemons or anything like that. I am using Lion. I have sorted the problem before by uninstalling iTunes then reinstalling but as soon as I restart I have the same problem again. Now Lion won't even let me uninstall it.
I do have the wifi sync symbol sitting in the taskbar but can't seem to do anything with that.
iPhone 5, iOS 7.1.2
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Mar 23, 2012
safari is slow and unresponsive
Info:MacBook, Mac OS X(10.4.2)
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May 3, 2012
My MacBook pro is running very slow and unresponsive.I have mid 2010 model running on lion. Past few days it looks very unresponsive. Tried to reinstall lion as clean copy. Still no luck.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Sep 8, 2009
Background info:
A few weeks ago I upgraded from a regular macbook to a brand new macbook pro 2.66 ghz. I replaced the hard drive right away with a 500gb one (had it done by apple). So my machine runs snow leopard now, I used the data transfer mode to basicly copy the data and apps from my old macbook to the new MBP.
The "problem"
It all worked fine and smooth until a week ago ...For a week now I have a problem that really concerns me. Whenever I open my laptop from a sleep mode he gets really slow and unresponsive to my commands. Its like its crashing, all I can do to get out of this is a hard reboot.
However .. during a reboot OR a cold bootup the MBP gets stuck in the grey screen with only the apple logo .. after a minute or 3 it will start loading but it will never reach the login screen... The strange thing is that when I do reboot it over and over again .. it eventually will boot normally and when it does the MBP runs fine .. until I turn it off or put it in sleep mode .. then the nightmare will start again.
What I have done
I personally suspects the Hard Drive to be the culprit, I get the feeling that the Hard Drive is having trouble starting up or getting out of sleep mode. I am not sure tough.
I have done the following:
- Disc Utility (gives no errors)
- Booting up in terminal and run Disc Utility there (repaired a volume issue)
Could this be a leopard issue? I actually can't remember if this issue happened after the last macOS update or not ..I never had a problem with my iBook and Macbook so I have little experience on troubleshooting. So I hope you more technical experienced users can give me some tips on what to do here.
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Jun 3, 2012
My mouse pad is unresponsive or extremely slow in responding. Very herky jerky. Same problem with the key board.
MacBook pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Mar 11, 2012
I stopped by a friends house to try and help them with an early 2009 20" iMac that started stalling on startup (sometimes before their login screen, and sometimes after). The computer didn't exhibit this behaviour at all, then overnight, it behaved as stated and never once allowed them to get far enough to launch an application or open the Finder.
When I arrived, rebooted and held down Command + Option + P + R, but it had no effect on the problem. I then booted off the original OSX discs and ran Disk Utility. At first it seemed slow to complete, but before long (a few minutes) the Verify Disk finished without any errors. Next, I attempted "Repair Disk Permissions" and noticed that this was taking a very long time, +10 minutes. That said, it did complete without any problems, albiet slowly.
Unfortunately, this did not allow me to login, and I never made it to the login screen. Being a close friend, I offered to take the computer home and try to copy as much data as I could through Target Disk Mode over Firewire.
My first attempt to copy her Home directory got 25% of the way through the roughly 4 GB of data, then stopped. I rebooted and tried again, with even less success than before (I could barely access Folders let alone copy after the reboot). I attempted to recreate the "successful" attempt by unplugging the computer and letting it sit for a few hours. Sure enough, I was able to copy data from the Target Disk Mode mounted drive, but after about 1 GB of copying the access to the hard slowed to a crawl (a few kilobytes per minute) then halted completely.
I've repeated the above process to slowly but surely copy the entire 4 GB of home directory data, and am about to call it quits after salvaging what was important to her.
Question: Is this the sign of a failing hard drive close to the end of its life, or is this something potentially more serious with the logic board? I've only come across a stubborn drive like this with an external drive that was close to failure, and assume this is the case.
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Jun 14, 2012
Recently, iTunes has started to become completely unresponsive while it downloads things such as music, podcasts, etc. It doesn't freeze. the downloads still download, and then iTunes becomes responsive again once the downloads have finished. Not the end of the world, but I do subscribe to a lot of podcasts, so having iTunes constantly become unresponsive on me is a huge pain in the neck. Possibly relevant?: My iTunes library is on an external RAID array. But I don't think it's a problem with the array, since everything else I use it for seems to be working just fine. And I don't see why downloading data to the array should cause iTunes to lock up, in any case.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Apr 5, 2010
I have a 2.4 gig intel core 2 duo imac running S.L., with all the software updated.
Quite often, mail and itunes just freeze up and I get the spinning rainbow colored wheel.
It happened before my clean install of S.L. also.
Ive deleted pretty much all of non-essential files and programs, but still cant resolve this.
Could this be a hardware based issue, or could it still be something I am running on here ?
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Aug 22, 2014
last week I have begun getting problems whenever I attempt to add folders of music to my iTunes library. Until now, I have been able to add large folders of music to iTunes, no problem. Now it seems that no matter what the size of the folder, it goes to the rainbow color wheel as if it is loading, and ultimately freezes without adding anything to iTunes.
I have made sure I have the most recently updated version of iTunes, and that there are no random files within the folder (i.e. .dat's or .m3u's, etc.), just mp3's. But it still continues to freeze and become unresponsive every time.
iMac (21.5-inch Late 2009), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Feb 15, 2009
For the past 2/3 weeks the itunes store has become extremely slow and to load a page on it takes 2-3 minutes! It also has loads of missing images/links and when buffering a preview track it takes up to 30 seconds to play a few seconds of the track. It is defiantly not a problem my end with internet and it is over 2MB. I have just read on the Apple Discussions that this is happening to other people with the latest update. [URL].
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Apr 20, 2009
Does anyone notice it takes a few seconds longer for iTunes 8 to load, or am I the only one with this issue, it seems to take forever.
Does anyone know a way to fix this?
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Oct 15, 2009
I was wondering for any of you in the US if the iTunes store has been acting very slow (for about the past day)? It takes forever to load pages and it takes 3 hours to download an HD show when it should be taking 10 minutes tops. I know my internet connection is fine because everything else is working at its normal pace, but for some reason, navigating the iTunes store and downloading has been quite sluggish.
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Feb 5, 2009
I am about to order a 1 TB external hard drive to store my photos and iTunes library on.
It will have Firewire 800, so will my iTunes access files on the external drive as fast if they were the internal drive? ( and will iPhoto do the same? )
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Nov 27, 2009
I have my iTunes library on my 1TB external, and recently I have noticed that when I do stuff like changing the genre on songs that it takes a while to process. Anyone else having this problem? I have contacted WD and they said to try a new USB cable and then if that didn't work, to reformat it. So right now I am in the process of moving the 700gb to my imac so that i can try to reformat.
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Dec 31, 2010
I love chrome but when am unresponsive page happens this comes up. Is there any way to get rid of this and make it just got straight to click for full size.
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Mar 10, 2009
I had originally put this in the Mac OS forum, which did not garner a response. Perhaps I should have place this question in the Windows on a Mac forum. I am trying to figure out how to connect to a network resource through a mac. With my windows pc, I can simply open up windows explorer and type in the path to the resource (e.g. //shared_drive). How can I do this with a Mac?
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May 24, 2009
I am trying to change the default blue apple icon on my menu bar to a flowery apple. I followed a procedure online and have saved my Extras.rsrc and Extras2.rsrc files to the desktop, the first in PPC and the second in Intel, yet I cannot seem to move these files back into the Resources Folder. When I try to copy and paste them or insert them into the folder I get an error with a number and the message "this folder is not modifiable". Does anyone know where I can go from here to change my apple icon?
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Nov 10, 2007
I'm trying to restore an old Hard Drive image OS.dmg to a usb hard drive that I have. I'm using the command: dd if=/Users/Shared/OS.dmg of=/dev/disk5 bs=1m. And I'm getting, dd: /dev/disk5: Resource busy. What would cause this error? I'm not sure why it's "busy". I get the exact same thing when I try to do it in Disk Utility.
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Mar 19, 2008
Alright so I bought the Logitech V470 Bluetooth mouse for my MB. It's kind of small but I like it.
Anyways, I had the Logitech drivers and everything was going decent, but the mouse was still kind of laggy. Now after reading a thread on a Logitech mouse, everyone said Logitech's drivers were horrible. So I uninstalled everything that said Logitech Control Center. I didn't get everything though, because it still says Logitech Control Center connected whenever I connect my mouse. Is there anyway to get rid of it? I can't find anything about Logitech anywhere on my system.
Now to my second problem, the mouse pointer lags! I go and try to click the back button and it takes me a couple tries every now and then because it over shoots it and then lags back. It's really annoying.
Is there anything I can do about that?I might add that I'm using an external monitor.I'm thinking of just buying a new mouse, but that's another $50...
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Mar 5, 2009
For about a month now I noticed that whenever I'm watching a video on YouTube in HD or when I'm watching a movie trailer on Quicktime at 1080p, the playback lags. Prior to this everything worked well. All the videos I watched played smoothly at any resolution at any quality. I have an iMac with the following specs:
2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
ATI Radeon HD2600 Graphics Card with 256 VRAM
Also, I do not have many windows or applications open when I watch these videos. I have also close to 21GB of hard disk space used up out of about 280.
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Apr 2, 2012
My Mac book pro has turned very laggy.Here's the details:
System Software Overview:System Version: Mac OS X 10.6.8 (10K549) Kernel Version: Darwin 10.8.0 Boot Volume: Jr Machintosh HD Boot Mode: Normal User Name: *********************(personal) Secure Virtual Memory: Enabled 64-bit Kernel and Extensions: No Time since boot: 1 day4:40 Hardware Overview: Model Name: MacBook Pro Model Identifier:
The mac was working fine though we heard the fan was broken. It was making a loud noise but worked fine. It use to over-heat very bad. So we decided to get the fan replaced. After 2 days we got it back. Then we tryed playing on it a games. It was laggy. Even after a certain amount of windows it would lag. Then we erased all the junk, and games and tryed to have multiple windows opened. It was bad. The fan didn't make noise but over heated very hot I installed an app and found out it would get so warm to about 219 degrees. We tryed backing it up and then reinstall another mac backup. The same result happened. We tryed again and still no change happend. We tryed all those cleaning programs clean my mac,mackeeper,antivirus,and some others. We erased them off to in the end.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Feb 11, 2010
I'm trying to download a WMA file from a server. I can connect to the server, the passwords work okay and I can see the file, but when I try to download I get one of two messages, either 'can't connect to host' or 'resource unavailable'.
I'm using an iMac 10.4.11 and I believe I have my firewall set correctly. I've also tried to download via an ftp manager (actually I've tried about 3) with the same results. Can anyone help with some advice? I've recently returned to mac after using a pc for years and I'm not the most technical person. The server host doesn't think there are problems their end.
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Feb 7, 2009
I can not send or receive e-mail using Entourage with Hotmail. When sending e-mail, I receive an error message as follows: HTTP error. Access to the resource is forbidden. The Hotmail folder list could not be received.
Account name: "hotmail"
Error 18597
I am using Entourage 2004 on my MacBook ver 10.4.11. I have a good internet connection. There is no problem with the hotmail account or password as I can access it on my PC but not using my Mac with Entourage. I called Cox Cable but they didn't have a solution or explanation why I was not able to use Entourage with hotmail.
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Dec 4, 2014
I keep getting this message when attempting ton restore my Samsung SSD on my 2012 MBP. I've got a .dmg image its all my data on it and I'm just trying to get it from my external hardrive to my internal 3rd party SSD.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.5), Samsung SSD 850 Pro w/ 2 OWC 4GBram
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Nov 10, 2009
I had a very important file witch I had a password on. A .dmg file with password made in disk utility. Then i did manage to delete it from my Mac. I used Data Rescue 2 and got the .dmg file back.. But it had changed the name to D-00005.dmg istead of Private.dmg ( can not remember exactly what the file was named first )
The number one reason I know this must be the file is that it was 100mb. I only made one file with dmg file with 100mb. I remember the password, but it never ask for it when i try to open it. I`ll just get a message that it cant be open. If someone has a answere for me that can help me get what is in that .dmg file back I will transfer 50 usd on your fulltilt poker account.
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Jun 12, 2012
how to save an image as a PICT resource file? I'd like to make ikons in Photoshop and save them in this format, but I 'm not finding any leads.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Sep 10, 2014
I am uploading a 2 gb file into my application using chrome in my MacBook Pro, i keep getting an error (FAILED to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET) when the file is 100% uploaded and the file starts uploading from the beginning (1%... and so on). This issue is not happening when i am doing the file upload using chrome in my windows 7 machine. I Also noticed in the same MacBook if i upload through Safari i get the same error (failed to load resource the network connection was lost).
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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